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One For Sorrow by Sturmschwinge

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 10:59
Categories: News

How do you get better at art? Well, that's what I will be streaming today! Come hang out, ask questions, and even give me your advice! [Art Stream]

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 10:53


PS: Very mild artistic nudity. Nothing you wouldn't learn in a high school art classroom though. I may reference porn randomly, but I will give a very fair and loud warning. Not really that likely today though.

TLDR; I'm showing you guys from the start how I begin, how I warm up, and how I learn. Feel free to watch, ask questions, or suggest other ideas for me to improve! It's hard to learn when all the resources are aimed at creative people, and you are more logical and think like an engineer or an architect. ...not that I'm that smart. :3

Today I'm in a very good mood and I'm really excited to try and motivate people into starting, getting better, or even helping me improve my routine.

I've always drawn rather sporadically, even though I put in more than an 8 hour-per-day average when you spread it out over the last 6 months. Even so, I still have a method that I use to learn stuff, and though it may not be perfect, it seems to be gravitating towards a few things. I'd also like to stream these things so that other people can see what I'm doing, and maybe even help me out!

And if you're new, or even considering starting to get into art (especially seriously, like I intend), it may show you the kind of work involved in actually trying to improve, rather than just arbitrarily drawing what you really like.

That being said, the bulk of the first 3 months was time spent learning anatomy, and drawing really, really, REALLY rough sketches and the like. As such, I promised a few people that I would post some of the very first sketches that I did in the first 36 hours I spent when I started all the way back on May 27th of this year.

Here's an album of all the sketches I did. I did them by hand before, even though 99% of my work now is all through a tablet because it's quicker and easier to practice with for me personally.

Link to the album!

submitted by Essjay-C
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Categories: News

Furfunding Highlights 11.14.15

FurStarter - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 10:27

OctaviusbarIllustration from The Octavius Bear series, now on Kickstarter

So, it’s always been my intent to keep Furstarter weekly-ish, and over the last few months a combination of work/life balance and somewhat slower trickle of exciting projects has kept me a bit off my posting schedule.

So…this one’s really late!

I’d like to put in a quick call-out for two portfolios now on Kickstarter. One that’s an artist I happen to be a fan of, one for a sense of history of the pornfunding platform, Offbeatr (NSFW).

First first, second second.


Fans of were and therian art might be aware of the artist Wolfskulljack, AKA Karzrave on Furaffinity. Her work is beautiful, savage, and so very detailed, mostly intricate linked lineart and a lot of werewolves (and a lot of eerie necrotic imagery).

wolfskulljack2Personally, I think she’s a compelling artist to watch. She may have flown under the furry radar because, like a lot of the amazing artists in the were community, she aims for realistic over cute. So there’s lots of drama and rage in her work, not a lot of smiling dog boys (and her content’s only “adult” in the “contains violent and disturbing imagery” sense of the word, not to stereotype our community but pornographic work seems to to be a big way to break out in the furry fandom.)

But! The necrowolf fandom has spoken, and the Wolfskulljack Portfolio Kickstarter is currently very successful, crossing the $10K mark. This is an 80-page portfolio of Karzrave’s work, dark and beautiful and a little bloody. As I’m writing this there are two days left to get in on the action and support this artist—although in fairness she’s also on Patreon, so if you’ve missed your chance because of a slacking blogger, there’s always that.

tojo1Turning to an ENTIRELY different artist, fans of, well, porn, might be interested in the Impulse erotica collection. Gotta say, the project page on this one isn’t particularly compelling, as it’s almost entirely image-free, and that may be hurting his backer numbers. The artist is Tojo the Thief, and you can see his cuter stuff on Deviantart, or his adult work on Furaffinity. It’s:

  • Mostly guys
  • Mostly dragons
  • Mostly spooge

But it’s not like any of that ever hurt an artists’ fan base.

My interest in Tojo’s work is purely platonic, I promise. When I started working on my article, Crowdfunding for Adult ProjectsI researched Offbeatr pretty heavily (no jokes, please, totally research.) Tojo was the only furry artist that seemed to use Offbeatr as a selling platform. Since one of my occasional theses on Furstarter is “Offbeatr: Why furries (used to) love it and why it’s dead,” seeing Tojo launch his collection on Kickstarter is substantial proof that it’s not a competitive pornfunding platform. But i think he played this one too safe. Sex sells, presumably Tojo sells sex, and this blog post has more erotic dragon content than his project page does. Not sure that was the right way to go, but I think people are reluctant to put too much sex on Kickstarter. With good reason.

Tojo’s also on Patreon, you can share the love there, too, so to speak.

culturallyfd1Reviews this week—a quick write-up of Culturally F’d, a fun and well-produced video podcast, now on Patreon.

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page!



The Art of Wolfskulljack (Ends: 11/16/2015)
Art portfolio by Wolfskulljack, aka Karzrave on FA. Intricate, dark and savage line art with a lot of love for wolves and werewolves.

Children’s Products

The Octavius Bear Series (Ends: 11/22/2015)
“Imagine if Sherlock Holmes was a bear.” Anthropathic animals solve crimes in a furrier version of the modern world.

lemureJust One More (Ends: 11/26/2015)
This lemur-themed kids’ book may be the cutest kid’s book of the year.

Above the Clouds (Ends: 12/10/2015)
A colorful and so-very-detailed journey to a world of magical flying fluffballs. Children’s book.
Reminds me of the old Serendipity books from my personal childhood, which overlapped the 1970s more than some of yours did.


Tell a Tale Faces and Feathers (Ends: 11/25/2015)
Animal-themed jewelry and accessories, carved and decorated wood. Artsy and subdued.

skyheartComics/Graphic Novels

The Battle for Bedtime (Ends: 12/1/2015)
YA action/fantasy series about stuffed animals waging war for a child’s dreamland.
Did you know that ‘Stuffed animals waging war for a child’s dreamland’ is its own legitimate subgenre in graphic novels? It is, absolutely.

SkyHeart (Ends: 12/3/2015)
A surreal fantasy young adult graphic novel with a lot of furry elements, including a foxy main character and a flying pig.
Oh. And a skywhale. I shouldn’t leave off the skywhale. Close to its $78000 (!) goal!

Katia Managan/Prequel (Ends: 12/11/2015)
A faintly baffling project page–webcomic about a sad yellow cat, with lots of spinoff merchandise.


Werewolf MuzzleMasks (Ends: 11/26/2015)
ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING masks fo dogs that will turn your dog into a slavering monster.

Video Games

Angels with Scaly Wings (Ends: 11/27/2015)
A dragon dating sim and virtual novel. You are a human swept away into a world of dragons, and need to date one.
I was going to say “I’m not sure how a human dating a dragon would work,” but I’ve spent enough time on FA to get an idea. Over goal :)

majorminorMajor/Minor (Ends: 11/27/2015)
A furry sci-fi virtual graphic novel with a very pretty hyena.
I have some reservations about this project–very little information on the page or about the author.

Shepdoog (Ends: 11/27/2015)
Silly little first-person puzzly game where you take the role of Shepdoog, a time-travelling genetically modified sheepdog, trying to find your chronologically scattered flock.

Catamancer (Ends: 11/29/2015)
So many cats! It’s an entirely cat-themed online CCG-themed video game :) Wide variety of art styles!


Impulse: An Art Collection (Ends: 11/27/2015)
Colorful 100+ page art/erotica collection by Tojo the Thief, dragon/erotica artist.
I first encountered Tojo’s work on Offbeatr, the only furry artist using that platform for ongoing sales. He’s pulled his work from the site, but glad to see him using Kickstarter.

Knotcast (Patreon Ongoing Funding)
Now funding on Patreon, Knotcast is a sex/relationship advice podcast with a seven year history, only recently on Patreon. Yay!

Categories: News

lets try this again, Opening commissions for the holidays :)

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 10:17

I'll be opening commissions for the holidays for character turn-arounds, renders or just illustrations.

Anyone interested message me here or PM me.

Character turnarounds/flats and linework link 30$

Fully rendered full body characters link 40$

scenes link $100

if you are interested in something else you can view most of what I do here at or


submitted by sagex90
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Categories: News

Alittle late but, Fursuit Friday! This time I bought my tail.

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 09:39

So happy I got this new suit, but I wish I didn't have to make my own tail holes TwT I'm pretty sure I did it wrong too.

submitted by Phoxxy
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Categories: News

Furry magic users, what's your specialty?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 09:30

If your fursona can use magic, what can they do with it? Sufficiently advanced technology is allowed as well.

Ps: Any dueling you wish to do as demonstration is encouraged...

submitted by hjake123
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 08:26
Categories: News

I've never, really, introduced myself or rather made a serious post here... But anyways, here it goes!

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 07:56

Well... I've known about this Furry stuff for like some weeks now. I forgot about when I got interested but anyways:

  • Singaporean born Javanese Male bi
  • My age is somewhere 15-22. Not giving any further age info!
  • My hobbies include drawing, cycling, gaming
  • Interests include Aviation War History, Computer Hardware, some other boy-ish stuff idk...
  • Best Anthros are Foxes/Canines, followed by Felines! Sometimes Equines too

So... yeah... Here I am... meows

submitted by Fatal_Taco
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Categories: News

What your fandom based pet peeve?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 07:27
Categories: News

So I have roles to fill in for a big story. Do you all want to try to be in it?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 06:54

In history, I learned about the Crusades. Christians and Muslims fighting together over a city they could've shared, which they did at the end of the fourth but war began on the fifth. I'd always wanted to try to do a historical epic and I thought this would be it.

Roles are underneath. I need two roles for each as it does cover a huhdred years or so. Admirals can be either gender.


A sergal king of the Ankhs

A sergal admiral of the Ankhs

A canine king of the Durnams

A vulpine admiral of the Durnams

An avian king of the Vetedins

An avian admiral of the Vetedins

An equine king of Frun

An equine soldier of Frun

A feline queen of Merftin

A feline admiral of Merftin

A rodent king of Wors

A rodent admiral of Wors

So I need two of every role above since this will be spanning over about a thousand years. Comment/PM me why you should get your role and what it is. As soon as the post becomes 24 hrs old, the auditions will stop. I will update and show who got in within the hour after that.

Description: The Crusades is known as the one of the most famous series of wars in Calisade history. Calisade is mass of land with a huge sea in the middle for trading. The entire area has been influenced by religion, allowing religion to be the cause of everything they did so that they might go to heaven.

Durnam is located in the northwestern part and is know for it’s religion, Plentius. Long time ago, a strange man, Basil, from the heavens came before them and gave them the soul, which they valued and kept righteous with heavy-set morals. This country is made of canines and vulpines.

Elypt is on the other side, located in the north east. Its religious people, the Ankhs acknowledged the existence of Basil but they thought their own Nercom was the man from the heavens who brought them their soul. In the end, both religions still believed in The Great One, or simply One. This country is made of sergals.

Frun is located next to Durnam while Merftin is near Elypt. These two countries left a sliver of free land for trade along the sea upon which an armies marched. The countries had their own trouble of land and money but they would be involved soon. Frun was made of equines while Merfdin had felines.

Upon that strip of land, was a port city by the name of Veted. It was so powerful it was considered the capital of the Trading Land and had its own government to manage the trade. However, it also had ambitions to expand the Trading Land into other enemy countries. It would involve itself with the Crusades soon enough. This country is populated by avians.

Wors is located to the right of the Ankhs. They’ve been having an alliance with the country for a long time so they do trade though Elypt. The Wors are awesome warriors and are known for winning battles from strategy. This country is populated by rodents.

But what are the Crusades fight over? A city located between the Trading Land and Elypt, Lassinus. This city was the city where both Basil and Nercom grew up in and preached, albeit at different times of about a century. The Ankhs have taken over the religious city and the Durnams want it back.

So what do you guys think?

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

I hand a question for you all.

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 03:32

So if I were to make furry coloring books for the holiday season, how many of you think you would buy one for a reasonable price?

It would probably be about 100 pages of line art of various furries that volunteered their image. Bound with a cardstock cover.

submitted by CrimsonFoxGirl
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Categories: News

Longest Tail you've seen on a fursona? How long is yours?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 01:24

Like the title says, how long is your tail, and who has the longest tail you've seen?

Yes, random topic..... I blame my lack of sleep.... but I'm just so filled with determination to do stuff right now. =p


The reason I made this topic was because I'm attempting to draw my fursona for the hundredth time (I get discouraged easy when it comes to art because I'm garbage at it, and don't have a lot of time to practice). So I opened up some drawing tutorials, but this time I had a picture talking about center of gravity with digitigrade legs. So I got curious and looking up how long the tails are on most animals with long tails are, and if their posture changes because of it and how flexible/strong they might be. Saw the long-tailed lizard, and I thought "That looks more like a snake, with legs". I like the idea of making the tail on my fursona crazy long, but not that much, it's a little too silly for me. So I figured I'd come here and find out how crazy people get with their tails in this reddit, and perhaps if there was a reason for someone making a certain length on their tail.

submitted by Keeshu
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Categories: News

Happy birthday to me!!

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 00:53

So, today/yesterday (11/13/2015) is/was my birthday! On a Friday 13, and I became 18 years old!! That looks like a perfect prophesy of the chosen one, or how to become a creature of the darkness and other mythical things like that... So as a celebration, I want YOU to tell/come up with a prophesy and leave it on the comments! It can be anything, from the guy who will become the next king/president to the werelionwolf ultra buffed bisexual beast that will save the multi multiverse!! You decide!! epic rap battles of history!!! And bring a birthday party cake! Preference is that it contains as many different fruits as possible!!! Thanks you all furs, scalies, birdies and all the many, many, MANY more that exist and are all awesome just by doing so!!

submitted by Argarath
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Categories: News

To our French friends

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 00:36

Here's hoping none of you or your loved ones were caught in tonight's violence.

submitted by athramir78
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Categories: News

Benjamin Matthews WIP

Furry Reddit - Fri 13 Nov 2015 - 23:44
Categories: News