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Graphic Novel Discussions?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 14:15

I realize this gets brought up a lot, but I'm a huge graphic novel fan (both furry and non furry) and I want to know what you fuzzbutts read.

Some furry stuff I've already read:


We3: Great yet depressing Grant Morrision book about feral animals being used as government weapons

Gear: Cats Vs Dogs with giant robots.

Beasts of Burden: feral dogs investigating supernatural occurrences.

Non-furry stuff I love includes:

Various Superman and Batman stories (Killing Joke is one of the best Joker stories, Red Son is my favourite Superman story, even though it is an elseworlds tale)

Assorted Alan Moore stories (League of extraordinary gentlemen, Watchmen)

The Mask (Yes, it was a comic, extremely violent)

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (Speaking of violent. This was created by Jhonen Vasquez, the Invader Zim guy)

Chew (Cops, superpowers and food, actually has a few small furry references)

Edit: Also Punk Rock Jesus (the title alone should be enough to be interesting)

And the Scott Pilgrim series

There are, of course way more because I have a bit of an addiction, but you all probably hate me for rambling.

TL:DR tell me about some good graphic novels, furry or not, or discuss the one's I've talked about.

submitted by CantonSkunkwolf
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Categories: News

This is the future!

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 13:53
Categories: News

Anyone Else Play Mario Maker?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 11:55

Hiya there /r/Furry, anyone out there play Mario Maker on the Wii U?

I'd love to play your guy's levels! Please feel free to share them with us. My Miiverse is the same as here, and I'll try to poke around yours as well!

/r/Mariomaker is the subreddit for the game. There are plenty of user made levels out there to play, so even if you can make levels, just play those!

submitted by Supahvaporeon
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Categories: News

Comm thread #16!

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 11:33
submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News

French poster for Disney's 'Zootopia'

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 11:31
Categories: News

The geometric works of Bablog

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 11:05
Categories: News

For your health

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 10:58
Categories: News

R/furry, tell me about your first furry con

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 10:48

I am curious to know of y'alls experience at a furry con. I'm going to my first furry con (MFF) this December. Tell me your experiences!

What's the best part about going to a furry con? What is there to do? This won't be my first convention I've been to (I've been to MAGfest, lots of videogames and music to be had).

submitted by marshykip
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Categories: News

Solitary ~ SalKitten

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 10:15
Categories: News

Bad news for fans who plan to see highly anticipated movies in costume.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 10:13
In March, Zootopia is going to bring all the furries! Everywhere furries are, they’re talking about meets for Zootopia’s opening week.  My area has a proposed meet (without even a location) and already 44 are signed up. At this rate, they’ll pack a whole theater of their own (and it’s being arranged.)  Mention the idea, and without fail everyone […]
Categories: News

FARR for u/whyamistillhere (OC) art

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 10:07
Categories: News

Skeletons Under the Snow

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 09:38
Categories: News

If your 'sona had $10M, what would he/she do with it?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 09:28

If your 'sona had $10M (or the equivalence of your local currency), what would he/she do with it? Tenebris would invest it all in discussion questions to ask this subreddit.

Nah in all seriousness he'd probably invest in a ship to go traveling around the galaxy with.

submitted by hyphens-suck
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Categories: News

Fur the New World

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 07:37

FOREWORD Hi everyone, I apologize for the long post I do hope you'll do me a small favor and read all of what I have to say. Thank you in advance. _^

BODY Imagine a world filled with furries (furs). Walking around town, hanging out at school or at home playing games together. Really take a second to really imagine it. Furs everywhere. It's nice, isn't it?

Now picture yourself in that world, maybe sitting on a bench at a park. Trees scattered around providing some refreshing shade. A nice calm, cool breeze carrying the scent of wild flowers wafts by. The warm sun sits high in the sky as you watch and listen to the scenes around you. Maybe across the park you see a couple of dog furs playing catch, or on a hill two cat furs relax in the sun. Or to your side, breathing in a steady rhythm, a cheetah and equine fur jog by. It's a nice picture, right?

Would you enjoy living in a world like that? If you were given the chance to live in this world would you take it? If you could live there and be your fursona in that world, no strings attached would you go for it? Again imagine yourself relaxing on that bench, seeing your body as your fursona. Feels good doesn't it?

That is the world I want to make. Unfortunately, I do not have the technology to splice genes or preform some other crazy sci-fi miricle. Instead I am offering the you a real solution that can achieve that world. Hypnosis. You've probably heard about it. Maybe from a tv show or stage act. You might remember something like a swinging pocket watch taking people deeper and turning them into chickens. Well, I want to do something similar to that, but instead of being a chicken, you are your fursona, and on top of that you can see the world around you as furries. Isn't that the world we pictured at the start?

Are you interested in joining this world? That is the world I am making, and I am looking for a community who want to experience being an actual fur. A community of people who want to live in a furry world. If this sounds like something you want to experience then leave a message below or PM me. If intrest is high enough, I'll post a more detailed version of what I want to do next week.

Are you ready fur the new world?

submitted by MonolithCORE
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Categories: News

Black's Hill by BubbleWolf

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 07:33
Categories: News

Anthros with feral mascots

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 06:45

What if your 'sona had a pet? How would it be like?

submitted by LelisThePie
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Categories: News

Looking for volunteers

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 04:52

I need inspiration! Show me your characters and I may draw you something! If you're new and don't have a ref you can discribe your character for me and I'll do my best.

submitted by CrimsonFoxGirl
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Categories: News

Wearing tails and ears to school?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Nov 2015 - 02:27

Do you think it's okay? Why or why not?

submitted by Fennex_
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Categories: News