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People Are Strange, When You’re A Vixen

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 4 Dec 2015 - 02:58

According to Cartoon Brew, Yoyotoki is a young vixen who “…was raised with cell phones, computers, and all of the other gadgets and trappings of modern life, but her parents soon got tired of the rat race and decided to move to the countryside, where they encountered a tornado and found themselves in a strange land called Mytholopia, a beautiful world filled with waterfall farms, rainbow forests, and desert canyons.” So says Niki Yang, creator of Yoyotoki: Happy Ears!, a new proposed animated TV series. Ms. Yang is known in animation circles for her work on shows like Fanboy and Chum Chum, Family Guy, Gravity Falls, Clarence, and Adventure Time. Now she’s brought us the adventures of Yoyotoki (and her friends, “…a fantastically elastic gummy bear named Steak and a sloppy pig named Hotwings…”) as her bid to be the next pilot show that’s picked up for production by Amazon Studios. Check out the Cartoon Brew article to find out more about the show and how to vote for it. You can also check out the pilot itself over at Sidereel and see for yourself.

Image c. 2015 Titmouse

Image c. 2015 Titmouse

Categories: News

Pretty Little Lady Fox

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Dec 2015 - 01:41
Categories: News

sculpture of a sergal

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Dec 2015 - 01:19
Categories: News

Art Improvement By Three Years

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Dec 2015 - 00:29
Categories: News

Hello, I guess. Not technically new here but I should do an intro.

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 22:22

Ok so all my life I've loved furry stuff. I remember reading this book like 6 times over the course of 2nd grade (which was a lot for me at the time) which involved an anthro dragon that went to school with humans. It seemed awesome to me at the time but of course I didn't know what furries were back then. I really only learned about furries about a year ago, and I quickly hopped onto the fandom hype train. I've been a lurker for a long time (friends/family know my main account) so I've never commented here, but I've been here a lot. One day I would like to go to a fur con but I plan on waiting til college for that as I'd rather not have my family/current friends know. Anyway, I'm a deer and I just want to say hi and meet some of you guys :) Also I know you guys get a ton of these posts, so I will delete this if needed

submitted by AndreTheDeer
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Categories: News

So when did you realize?

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 22:06

Brace yourself, a somewhat long read. When did you realize you were a furry? What made the realization click? And what, I guess classification as a furry would you put yourself in? I am slowly but surely, I guess if you will " coming to terms" with it (not that its anything negative.) I've always been curious about it ever since I was 15, I'm 21 right now, probably the only one of my friends that are into this. Not really sure what sparked it other than playing star Fox adventure. (Ayyy, krystal am I right? Lol) I don't see myself as a person that would be into dressing in the fursuits or believe that I am a animal in a humans body. It's just, the whole subject makes me curious. However, they are absolutely adorable and I love seeing them and I want to hug one. I don't have anyone else to converse about this so I thought I'd turn to you guys. (I'm drunk as shit right now and playing some fallout 4 (ps4) so this is probably a longer thread than necessary.) Are there any conventions in the San antonio or Austin area? I'd love to attend and meet some of you guys. This is a friendly discussion thread so anything negative will be deleted. Don't be dicks.

submitted by 08SiK20z3
[link] [23 comments]
Categories: News

Aww, they're in the closet.

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 19:48
Categories: News

Skunk styles (by Jeff Laclede)

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 18:49
Categories: News

Dance ~ TotesFleisch8

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 18:14
Categories: News

The realm of the calm [Artist: Ishton]

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 17:49
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 16:53
Categories: News

Merchandise no more --- by Nomax

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 16:44
Categories: News