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Pin-up - Holding a plushie

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 15:42
Categories: News

Wrote a novella a few years ago...

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 15:08

... and I forgot about it, until now! This is just a chunk of a fantasy book I wrote way back when, I posted it to FN because they have their own text editor. And It was easy to re-format it! Let me know what you think!

The story itself may not be furry related, but i still want to know what you furs think. :3

submitted by Zekodon
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Categories: News

Questions for your Sona #61

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 15:05

Hey busybodies! Today's question:

What is on your sonas to-do list?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

New to the world of furries... how(l)s and whats?

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 13:36

Hi guys and girls I am new to furry life. I just found this place after browsing some... eh questionable you-named pages x)

school is pretty Rough and I'm looking to make friends that don't judge me.

I have been long known myself I like wolves and foxes but I think I am a Ferret. Is this normal? I like ferrets they are like snake cats _^

How do I get a avatar for my Persona? Do I pay someone? I have many ideas, like colour and outfit.

Is it important to have some kink for others to sexually attract too?


submitted by furcotton
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Categories: News

Call for Submissions! Looking for short fiction writers for a Video Game!

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 13:23

X-posted from

Hi all,

We're looking for volunteer writers to help us promote SpaceCats. We'd like to expand the lore of our setting by putting out stories and poems.

We are primarily looking for short stories, poems or other short form writing dealing with our existing characters and organizations. A character/setting bible will be sent to you after you contact us.

Selected stories will be

  • Included in the Space Cats Canon! (Say that five times fast)
  • Promoted across our social media sites and published on our website
  • Published in an anthology PDF distributed with the final version of the game
  • Writers of selected stories will be listed in our credits and receive a free copy of the final game.

Please PM me if you're interested!

Space Cats In Space!

Space combat with claws!

An advanced twin-stick shooter space epic, SpaceCats In Space! Follows the kingdom of Meowfyre’s rebellion against the dogs of the Grolich Empire. Bomber strikes, wingman assistance and RPG-like leveling are all tools at your disposal in the battle to stop OberLuft Kommandant Arnuld Von Schloss and the vast Grolich war machine.

Featuring “Screen Shake” feedback and full voiceover and dialog to immerse you in a World War II inspired space battle of cats versus dogs.


Space Cats In Space! will be available late next year for PC, OSX and Xbox/Wii/PS4.

We love feedback! Please leave a comment, or post a topic on our reddit at r/roboticpotato!

submitted by RoboticPotatoGames
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Categories: News

Just a little issue I've been seeing since I've joined this subreddit.

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 11:45

Okay, so awhile back people were complaining about how there aren't enough text posts or there isn't enough art and someone even made a survey to see who thought what. The problem I see is that there is a decent balance between text and art posts, but the problem is nobody upvotes them.

The problem here is unless it's a famous artist then you're probably only going to get away with 100 or less upvotes. Now sure you may be asking "well fox they're just useless internet points why should we care?" Well that's exactly it. They're not just useless internet points, they decide what content is seen and what is left unseen. Upvotes push things to the top of the sub and I think it's always worked like that.

Now I've posted a fair share of my own art and text posts and there's something else I don't understand. There always seems to be more comments than upvotes in text posts. I'm not talking about replys but main comments. Try not to forget to vote! There's a surprising amount of content you guys are missing because they arnt being pushed up to the top! You have all the right to decide if something deserves a downvote though and if you really feel it does then go ahead.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do just trying to explain why I think we "seem" so low on certain content. Just because the artist isn't Falvie or Kenket (love them both) doesn't mean they don't deserve your love. People tend to draw really really good art here but it just gets left in the dust and can't compete with well known artists. That's about all I'm going to say to keep this short, but yeah that's my take on the situation.

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Some of my drawings!

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 11:15
Categories: News

Hi! Allow me to introduce myself.

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 11:03

I have been lurking on this community for about five years, so I figure it's best to introdce myself. My sona is Lyle, a lunatic wolf who is an accomplished bomb maker and moonlights as an ice cream man. I am English, have an identical twin brother and just like acting crazy over the Internet.

submitted by Kibbly
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Categories: News

The Cat, by Pat Gray – Book Review By Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 10:38

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

“Here is another of my reviews that was published ten years ago, edited in a manner that I didn’t like.  This is my original review, so it’s a bit different from the printed version.”

USThe Cat, by Pat Gray.
Sawtry, Cambridgeshire, UK, Dedalus Ltd., March 1997, trade paperback £6.99 (124 pages).
U.S. edition: Hopewell, NJ, The Ecco Press, November 1998, hardcover $19.00 (124 + 1 pages).

“A dark comedy with universal appeal, The Cat is the Animal Farm of the post-communist 1990s,” says the American dust-jacket blurb, while a Scottish review of the original British edition says that, “Gray’s reworking of the Animal Farm concept brings in a post-Thatcherite twist.” Animal Farm may live forever, but is The Cat really a modernization of Animal Farm for Britain of the 1990s?

“Chez Maupassant” is the typical British suburban home of the Professor and Mrs. Professor, their pet the Cat, and the presumably unnoticed Rat and Mouse. All live very comfortably, since the Professor is a gluttonous slob who leaves rich food everywhere.

“The cheesecake seemed to glow, luminous and fantastic, as the Professor skillfully slid it off its plate and cradled it in his large hand to prevent it breaking apart as his mouth closed in upon it. A look of childish pleasure crossed the Professor’s face, then a look of guilt, then he rammed the entire cheesecake into his mouth and began to eat.” (pg. 11)

The pampered Cat, the brash Rat, and the peevishly ineffectual Mouse (the latter two living under the house or within its walls) are best friends. Unfortunately, the Professor dies of a coronary three pages into the story (though leaving the fridge open). The animals are mildly distressed, but see no reason to fear a change in their lavish lifestyle — until Mrs. Professor moves to Brighton, leaving the Cat behind.

“‘Moved out, eh!’ said the Rat, drying his paws, and replacing the towel in its pouch. ‘Lock, stock and biscuit barrel. Just like that. I knew she would. Cat! What are you doing here anyway? Mouse said you were in Brighton.’

The Mouse saw the Rat appraise the Cat’s downtrodden air in one swift glance, and saw him note the slight dusty pallor that now clung to the Cat’s normally glistening coat.

‘Cat’s been told he’s got to f…f…f…end for himself,’ said the Mouse significantly, regaining his voice.

‘Fend for myself,’ repeated the Cat. His eyes were veiled and hurt. ‘I mean I don’t know on what.’ The Cat shrugged expressively at the spot where the fridge had stood, its position marked by an oblong scatter of sticky crumbs and bright-coloured linoleum.” (pg. 36)

As the animals realize that they must fend for themselves, their friendship is strained by basic instincts:

“Some memory of upbringing stirred in the Cat’s mind: rats were dirty, rats were diseased. Although the Rat wore a waistcoat, the Cat believed he could still smell the drain and the outfall. The Cat began to wash himself very slowly. The wind strengthened, whistling in the silent telephone lines that reached from beneath the eaves of ‘Chez Maupassant’, making them sing.

‘Now see here Cat,’ began the Rat, edging himself closer, his tail nonchalantly laid out behind him in a perfect, motionless line.

‘I don’t have to talk to you,’ said the Cat jumpily. The nerves in his forepaws twitched uneasily, making the fur flex as if a fist were being clenched inside a warm winter mitten.

‘We need an understanding,’ said the Rat.” (pgs. 28-29)

The three tacitly agree on a personal nonaggression pact. Instead, each tries to win the support of the animals in the nearby houses and fields. The Cat appeals to their self-interest in a Capitalistic manner, selling them individual portions of ‘Chez Maupassant’’s garden (which he has no rights to), while the Rat (with the intellectual Mouse in tow) harangues them about animal solidarity like a Labour leader:

“The Mouse busied himself setting up a small card table while the Rat paced to and fro, folding the notes for his speech into various shapes […]

‘There’s a few of them here, at least,’ said the Mouse. The animals stood, stamping their feet, and coughing in the cold; a few Moles, a gang of field-voles, the Mouse family from the house next door, and some creatures from the meadow beyond the fence that the Mouse took for squirrels.” (pg. 47)

The Cat decides that since humans have all the benefits, he will impersonate them. He learns to speak English by imitating radio broadcasts, and charms Mrs. Digby, the next-door neighbour. He orders new furnishings for ‘Chez Maupassant’ over the telephone using the Professor’s credit card:

‘Where’s he getting it all from?’ whispered the Mouse.

‘This is fraud. Classic short-termism. It won’t last. We’ll be back to square one in no time at all,’ said the Rat grimly, his eyes following each new item as it appeared, and was tallied by the Cat (who would remark from time to time that this or that item might have been slightly marked in transit, or be worth a few bob, or perhaps be needed in a different shade of beige or pink.)” (pg. 84)

But it does last. Eventually the Cat carries his faux humanism too far, trying to drive a car and getting smashed up. The book ends with the Cat having returned to cattitude as Mrs. Digby’s pampered pet, while the Rat with the Mouse as his secretary take over running the run-down, unsaleable ‘Chez Maupassant’:

“The Rat yawned. The Mouse poked the fire by his feet. The Rat sighed. It had been another very tiring day, he thought.   The Rat sighed again. As time went on, he was finding the administration of the garden harder; the constant rows and arguments which seemed to erupt about the exact needs of field voles, or the special requirements of pregnant moles, arguments which were not only dull, but exhausting to resolve. He would try to make fair decisions, but everyone would complain, and then he would change his mind, and then …” (pg. 123)

A British Animal Farm for the 1990s? Well, the easy life under the Professor can be taken as the strong economy of the 1980s under Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government. But Thatcher was succeeded in 1990 by John Major, also a Conservative, until 1997, the year that The Cat was published. The economy may have gradually declined, but there was no big disaster that caused a dramatic capitalist/labour split. So where is the Orwellian parallel? In any case, The Cat is undeniably a sophisticated talking-animal fantasy, and an exceedingly British one, at that.

Fred Patten

Categories: News

Alien Surveyor

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 10:09
Categories: News

Hello! May as well introduce myself.

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 09:44

Hey there son, i'm Lunar4. I've been lurking here and with the fandom in general for a long time, at least 4-5 years. Thought i may as well say hi.

My main sona's a fox called Dex, he's a mechanic that moonlights as a vigilante. I'm English, and trying to keep the well-spoken englishman trope alive and well. Things have been going pretty good for me, and yeah.

submitted by Lunar4
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Categories: News

Help cheering up

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 09:38

I just utterly ruined the next couple months via forgetting something really important. Consiquences are gunna hit me tonight.

How do i stop being utterly ticked off at myself and being depressed today

submitted by TwistTheCat
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Categories: News

Member Spotlight: John Van Stry

Furry Writers' Guild - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 08:09

1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

The ‘Portals of Infinity’ series is my most recent project. It’s about a guy who discovers these portals that link all of these different realities together and his adventures as he deals with different realities, gods, goddesses, and champions. Book six just came out in October.

I can’t point to any one thing that inspired it, as it was actually inspired by a lot of different things. Mainly I was looking for a story that could be serialized and this was what I came up with after a lot of thought. I’ve been rather surprised by how well it has been received.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

I guess something in between; when I start a story I usually have the beginning, the end, and a scene or two written down. But somewhere around the second or third chapter, once I have a feeling for the story, I’ll sit down and write a full outline. However, I do update the outline if necessary. Only the original plot points I started with don’t change.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

I actually prefer to write first person singular (and yes, that probably wasn’t what you meant when you asked that, right?) I guess I prefer stories with action and adventure, but it’s really hard for me to narrow it down, because many of my stories rarely have a single ‘kind’ to them, I tend to mix it up. I write SciFi or Fantasy predominately, but I’ve written Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and even a few odder things.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why?

This is actually a tough question, partially because I’ve got a lot of stuff out there now, as I have a few pen names. I guess I identify a little with Raj, from my book Children of Steel, because we’re both pilots, and we’re both martial artists (though I don’t teach or fight anymore), but I also identify a bit with Mark from The Hammer Commission as that story did come from a dream I had many years ago.

5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

That’s a very long list. Roger Zelazny definitely influenced my writing style; Robert Heinlein influenced my love of science fiction and the idea of capable heroes. But also Tolkien, Asimov, Roger Sterling, Lackey, Webber, Dickson, Capote, Zahn, Norman (Lisanne, not the Gor guy), McCaffrey, Correia, and the list goes on. I used to read a lot and I had a lot of authors who I really liked.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved?

I guess the last one I read that I really loved was Off Leash by Daniel Potter. It was a ‘Rollicking good yarn’ (sorry, but how often do you get to use the word ‘rollicking’ these days? Couldn’t pass it up). I write full time now, so I don’t get to read as much as I used to, but I came across this book via the board here after talking to Daniel, and I really had a great time reading it.

7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?

Right now? Fallout 4. Though I do wrench on my motorcycles and ride them whenever I can. I also play bass guitar, pretty much every day. I keep a couple set up next to my writing desk with a practice amp for when I take breaks.

8. Advice for other writers?

STORY! Always put the story first. People want to read a good story; they don’t want to be preached at. This isn’t to say you can’t have a viewpoint, or a ‘message’ you want to convey, but the story must always come first. If you don’t have a good story, you won’t sell any copies. The next piece of advice? GET PAID. As Larry Correia says, make that the first line in your business plan.

Another thing I would say is don’t overprice your work. No one is going to pay bookstore prices for an unknown ebook author, especially a self-published or micro-press one. 5.99 is too much, you should all be looking at 2.99 to start. Yes, you make more money on a 5.99 book, but 70 percent of 1 or 2 sales is a lot less at 5.99 than 70 percent of a thousand sales at 2.99.

Last of all, SciFi is not a big market; it’s actually a tiny market. Fantasy is bigger, but Romance is the biggest. If you like writing Romance, then you should write in that market, as you’ll find success a lot easier than in the other markets, and you can charge higher prices for your work. Furry is a very tiny, microscopic market, so it’s no wonder that the only authors doing well in it are writing Romance. There is also a huge prejudice against anything remotely furry in mainstream fiction, except for Paranormal Romance, which if it isn’t vampires, it’s pretty furry.

9. Where can readers find your work?

Amazon. I went exclusive with Amazon last year, because being in the Kindle Unlimited program was a good financial decision for me. I may start going ‘wide’ in 2016, depending on what Amazon does with that program going forward, but right now Amazon is THE place to buy and sell books. The other booksellers out there on line don’t understand the business, and are failing at it.

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

The friendships mainly. Back when I first got started in the fandom and was more active I made a lot of friends with a lot of the other creative folks. I still know quite a few writers and artists and talk to them occasionally. These days I’m not very active in the fandom anymore, I show up at a con or two, maybe log into a muck for a few minutes to check my mail, and that’s about it.


Categories: News

I can show you the world

Furry Reddit - Tue 15 Dec 2015 - 07:17
Categories: News