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'Art of the Carnival' by Noben

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jan 2016 - 07:13
Categories: News

Furries in 3D — Literally!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 2 Jan 2016 - 02:59

Damon Bard is a sculptor, 3D modeler, and character designer with decades of work under his belt. He says it best himself on his web site: “For 28+ years now, Damon Bard has been working as a freelance artist in the entertainment industry primarily as a sculptor but also as a development artist and designer of characters and creatures. Since then, he has contributed to nearly 30 films and other various projects during his career. Damon has also been fortunate enough to have worked along side some of the most talented, acclaimed and awarded artists and directors in the industry and on a few of the most successful films ever made: Kung Fu Panda II, How To Train Your Dragon, Coraline, Kung Fu Panda, Ratatouille, Shrek 2, Star Wars: Episode 3, and Madagascar to name a few. Additionally, Damon works on his bronze figurative sculpture and oil paintings between and during projects as time allows.” A busy artist. His site also features a link to his demo reel, showing off some of his 3D digital works.


Categories: News

Looks like we've lost the main thing to make people think we're not weird! XD

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jan 2016 - 01:26

Took a survey of redditors passing by... Looks like we can't say yiffers are a minority to make our fandom look less sex-based!

submitted by Better-Than-Nothing
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Categories: News

7 Degrees of Furry Connections

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jan 2016 - 01:17
Categories: News

i had a really strange but cool dream

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jan 2016 - 00:48

okay so last night i got home from a new years party and i went straight to sleep..and i woke up but i wasnt actually awake i was in a dream,it felt so real, anyways i went to go get some breakfast and i look in the fridge there was just a bunch of dog food,so i went to go see my roommate and ask him about it and he was under his blanket,so i yanked it off of him and he wasnt human he was an anthro he looked like a jackal,i freaked out and ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me and then i looked in the mirror and i was also an anthro except i looked like a wolf,so i left the bathroom and walked out my front door and then i woke was such a strange dream..everyone is probably going to think im such a wierdo cause of that dream but oh well..

submitted by xxx_omega_xxx
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Categories: News

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Furry Reddit - Sat 2 Jan 2016 - 00:12

You? Your fursona? Age is not a defining factor in this question.

submitted by Meualivita
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Categories: News

Casual Confursation #1

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 23:20

Hey fellow furs! Having been inspired by /u/The-Woop's Furry Worries Threads and conversations I've had with multiple members of this community, I thought that a thread for conversation based on general topics would be interesting. I've seen some posts recently of individuals looking to chat with other members of the community, as well as AMAs and other community driven posts being shared, and realized that while the sub is overwhelmingly receptive to user content, there isn't a defined place for non-specific furry banter.

All I hope to create with this type of thread is a place for casual furry conversation. Everyone here has different interests and differing levels of activity within the fandom, and that provides a really interesting setting for discussion! I also think that people within our fandom are not only more open to discussion, but also seem to be more welcoming to diverse topics. Certainly there are places both in this sub and throughout reddit where more specific discussion can take place, but a place for redditors of the fandom to discuss those "regular" things we all encounter in our lives with a uniquely furry twist seemed interesting to me, and hopefully you all share that interest!

Answer as yourself, your fursona, or your laptop - just keep in mind both the rules of reddit and the sub - and above all else be casual! Be willing to discuss and learn about others or about new topics - whatever they may be.

While the topics discussed in these threads should absolutely be community driven, I thought since this is not only out of the blue but also the first thread I would provide some topics to hopefully spark some conFURsation! that was horrific

  • How was your New Year's Day/Eve Celebration?

  • What was your favorite memory/moment of 2015?

  • What are you looking forward to most in 2016?

Happy New Year, Happy Discussions, and please forgive my formatting :C

submitted by TheRealWooper
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Categories: News

Looking for ref sheets! :o

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 21:45

Me and a very close buddy want to have ref sheets made! We don't know that many people who do furry art, so hopefully someone here will be interested!

Additionally, we're not sure exactly how much/what type of info is required for an artist to be able to make a ref sheet, so that information would be equally as helpful.

Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit, if this kinda thing doesn't belong here I'll delete it.

submitted by Quinn___
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Categories: News

Axel the Hyena - by Koul

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 21:25
Categories: News

Snail Mail

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 19:24
Categories: News

2015: A Year (of my art) in Review

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 18:49
Categories: News

Any good reference sheet artists?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 18:44

Hello, I am currently looking for an artist to draw a reference sheet of my Fursona. I am fine with any artists taking commissions, and the price being at most, 15-20 dollars. Thanks for the help!

Edit: Thinking about it, any cheap commission will do, no need to be a reference sheet.

submitted by LouisianaFast
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Categories: News

Doggot by OwlVortex on DeviantArt

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 18:42
Categories: News

Steam sale is almost over, get any good furry games?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 18:31

I got UNDERTALE and I'm thinking of getting Lugaru HD.

On the same note, any recommendations for games under 5 bucks?

submitted by CantonSkunkwolf
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Categories: News