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What Is Your New Year Resolution?

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 14:05

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope you all had time to form up your New Year's resolution for 2016. :)

submitted by Verok_the_Dragon
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Categories: News

"Whaaat!? Seriously?"

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 13:50
Categories: News

Since I'm stuck at work, what are you/your 'sona eating for lunch?

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 12:54

I'm having me a salad with egg! My 'sona is having a chef salad, sitting in his cruiser while at a DUI Checkpoint

submitted by AkiraFireheart
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Categories: News

Beach Party [RP]

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 09:18

I figured a RP would be fun, so here we are!

It's set at a beach house/beach party, reserved for us, and so we may do as we wish! Keep it clean, and don't get TOO rowdy! This is just a RP around Summer, because I figured, why not heat up, instead of cool down?

submitted by That_Australian_Guy_
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Categories: News

Zootopia Official US Trailer #2

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 09:10
Categories: News

Happy 2016!

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 07:05

Hey everyone! As there's only hours left for the new year to arrive, I just wanted to wish you all a happy 2016. May luck, happiness and success be with you in your job, studies/exams etc. :)

submitted by CAN-X2002
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Categories: News

Tired of those Undertale or Holiday/Snow icons? Have no fear; a bored furry icon artist is here!

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 06:50

I'm open for icon commissions! They're in a geometric style, transparent, animated, 100x100 + full res!

Commission; 5.50$ via paypal (sometimes accepting trades)

Help me get through this boring new year's eve by letting me draw you character/fursona!

info; examples; my twitter;

submitted by TheSunWatcher
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Categories: News

Utopia~ Part 3 ~ New Faces

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 06:22

Part 1

Part 2

The Alliance hospital Year 2149 Month July ~3 hours later

For Horace, everything was hurting. His limbs were in pain and were twitching. His muzzle was on fire. Worst of all, his neck had the worst explosions happening in it. Then it was over.

He gasped and opened his eyes. He felt a dull ache all over his body. The wolf was lying on a table in a hospital gown. This helped him figure out he was in some kind of a hospital. He saw one side of the room was a mirror. Little did he know, Steven and Adric were on the other side.

"Will he be alright?" The dingo asked nervous.

"He has to be. He sacrificed himself to save me. Adric," he turned the the dingo, "Go get his girlfriend. I think she's a lynx. Horace shouldn't die alone." Adric agreed and went off. Steven turned to face the fennec behind him. "Go inside and give him the pill, Abby. Explain what's going to happen, please." The fennec nodded and she went off.

The wolf moaned a little from the pain. He jumped as a fennec entered his room.

"I'm Abby. Take this pill." She commanded

"Why?" Horace asked, his voice quiet.

"Because you're dying. Any minute now, you'll regenerate. The pill will supposedly help with the pain, if there is any, and it'll upgrade you." Abby explained.

"What do you mean by upgrade?"

"You'll get a bigger brain. You'll need one to make room for the new personality to enter your system." The fennec gasped in shock as Horace began to double over. "Are you ok?"

"I'm... dying. Tell... Lisa... Ah, I hope she already knows." The wolf collapsed on the table.

"Take the pill, quick!" Abby put the pill into the wolf's mouth and forced some water from a bottle into it. Afterwards, she made him swallow it. Horace started to shake violently, then laid still.

He knew the time was coming. Horace hoped the new Horace would be kind to Lisa. "I don't want to go..." The wolf mumbled. Then he stopped breathing.

Lisa was sitting among the renegade furries, wondering where Horace was. She barely noticed the white dingo until he tapped her shoulder.

"What?" She asked. "Are you Lisa?" The dingo asked back. She nodded. "Ah, thank the Lord. You're the third lynx I've surprised today. Come with me. Horace needs you." Surprised, the lynx followed the dingo to the hospital. What was wrong with Horace?

Abby stepped back as she shielded her eyes from the change that was taking place. Horace's body was emitting a bright light, a shadow of his skeleton being the source. The skull drew smaller, and the limbs became different proportions. His spine got more vertebrae while his rib cage shrunk. The light faded, showing new muscles and veins being rebuilt.

Finally, it disappeared altogether, revealing red fur. Horace's tail was now red and bushy with a white tip on the top. He opened his eyes in surprise, revealing a set of dark brown eyes, a dramatic change from the previous blue eyes. The tip of his wiggling ears were white as he sat himself up.

"Whoo! Slower, slower, focus on one constant thing, one constant thing." Horace jumped off the table. "Now then I'm here. Ooh! I'm a fox now! Large tail, rather bushy. Bit of higher voice. Ah! Ooh! It'll take some getting used to. Wow! Got a lot of stuff going through my mind right now. Your upgrade worked."

The fox looked over himself until he noticed Abby. He grew serious and started to walk slowly to her, his ears flattened back, his face making a small scowl. The fennec stared as well, bewildered.

"You look familiar to me. Are you Lisa?" Horace asked, dreadfully confused. The fennec shook her head. "Well, of course. I'm pretty sure she's a feline. Or a chipmunk for all I know." Suddenly, he doubled over in anguish.

"Horace! Are you ok?" Abby worried.

"Kidneys. I've got new kidneys. Good grief, how much tea did I drink last night? Where are the restrooms?" Abby pointed to a door in the room. The fox went in to do his business, then came out a couple minutes later.

"You do know you have a toilet that can dispense hot and cold water? Very convenient." It took Abby a couple seconds to realize he was talking about the sink.

"Please tell me you didn't..." She started until Horace interrupted her.

"Hold on. What am I wearing?"

"A hospital gown."

"Really? You have a gown just for the hospital?" The fennec nodded. "Well, it's terribly inefficient, although I do like the draft down there. Is there a closet?"

"It's in the bathroom."

"Really? You put a closet in the bathroom? That's crazy. Although it's very efficient." Horace went into the bathroom/closet. Several minutes later, he came out wearing a plaid shirt with vertical striped pants. Abby giggled a little at the sight of him.


"It's just that... Are you really going to go out like that?" The fennec asked.

"As a matter of fact, I was..." Horace sounded deeply wounded. "Never you mind, I'm still going like this. Now then, I have a bigger brain will most likely help you guys invade the Baltimore group. So I will need your best scientists, your best weapons," The fox started to become light-headed, "and I would also like some cookies. Never mind. I'm pretty tired. Everyone take five..." He said with a slur as he fainted on the floor. Abby stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"Come on." Steven said from behind her. "He's tired. We'd better bring him to his room."

"So what do you mean he's regenerated?" Lisa asked Adric. While walking to Horace's room, the dingo had explained to her the situation. How Horace had died and how he could come back to life.

"Although, his body will look different along with his personality. His brain will have gotten scrambled." Adric explained.

Lisa whimpered. How would her boyfriend be? Would he be the same or different? Would he still love her?

The two of them reached Horace's room. Adric opened the door and the lynx looked inside to see a loudly dressed fox. He was playing some kind of videogame on the screen. Whatever it was, he still kept on playing. It took him a while to notice Adric and Lisa. Horace got off the bed slowly and peered at Lisa carefully.

"Are you Abby? I thought you were a fennec. Then again, I suppose you people have clever disguises." Horace said.

"N- no, it's me. Lisa." The lynx introduced herself, shocked at the fox's apparel.

"Lisa?" A familiar spark appeared Horace's eyes. "Do you recognize me? I know it's been awhile but surely you remember me." Lisa stammered. "Come on. Surely you remember me."

"I-I'm afraid I don't." Lisa replied.

Exasperated, Horace sighed. "Do you know what it's like? To change and then have everyone stare at you? It's hurts my heart."

"I'm sorry," Lisa apologized. "You don't look like the wolf I knew."

"Of course I don't! I'm a bloody fox!" Horace shouted. Then his eyes softened. "Remember our first date?" The lynx looked puzzled. The fox walked to her and placed his hand on her cheek. "We had spaghetti and meatballs. I attempted to do the scene in Lady and the Tramp. Instead, I got a meatball particle up my nose and nearly choked." He giggled at the memory.

"Horace?" Lisa asked in an amazed whisper. "Is that really you?"

"Now you see me! Oh, this is joyous." The fox hugged the lynx tightly. Lisa hugged back, still breathing despite the force of his hug.

"Glad to see you're back." A voice came from behind them. Steven was leaning on the doorway. He straightened and walked to Horace. "I believe you said you wanted to help us?" The fox nodded. "Very well. Come with me."

"Wait!" Lisa exclaimed to Horace. "Don't go so soon! What about us?"

"I'll be back. After I've made the world safer for the both of us." Horace kicked Lisa on the cheek, then exited the the room with Steven.

Feeling awkward, Adric walked up to the lynx. "I'm sure you want to get out of those rags. There's a closet here. You can stay here until Horace comes back." Lisa merely nodded. "I heard about your issues regarding what the Baltimore group did regarding your childbirth. If you like, the Alliance can take care of it..." Adric talked quietly with Lisa.

Hope you enjoed the third part! Happy New Year!

submitted by topaz-colite
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Categories: News

Furries all around the world, what if you howled when the clock hits midnight tonight?

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 06:00

It would be a wave of howls to the moon. Just an idea.

If you're not a fan of howls, hug someone at midnight.

submitted by topaz-colite
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Categories: News

MadMAx inspired furry art

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 04:51
Categories: News

I'm gonna walk all over you~

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 03:08
Categories: News

The Man, The Myths…

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 02:59

We met a lot of cool people at the CTN Animation Expo. (You probably noticed!) Another one to pay attention to: Randy Bishop, a freelance illustrator and character designer. Of both humans and very stylish furries, it should be noted. Recently Randy decided to get serious about his first self-created project called Monomyth. He imagined a world in which all the myths and legends of every culture live together in our world — and how that tends to complicate life for everyone. Take a look over at Randy’s web site to see more about Monomyth as well as lots of his previous color works and sketches.

image c. 2015 by Randy Bishop

image c. 2015 by Randy Bishop

Categories: News