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Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 10:23
Categories: News

Guild News: January 2016

Furry Writers' Guild - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 10:21
New Members

No new members this month, but if you’re interested in joining, you can find all the info here.

Member News

In book release news, the furry poetry anthology Civilized Beasts is now available in print and ebook formats, including poems from Renee Carter Hall, Huskyteer, and many more. The erotic anthology Will of the Alpha 3, edited by Rechan, has also been released, featuring fiction from Laura “Munchkin” Lewis, Ocean Tigrox, Dark End, and others. (It’s also available as an ebook from Bad Dog Books.) Renee Carter Hall’s holiday story collection Wishing Season has been released in paperback for the first time, and Phil Geusz’s novella Cheetah’s Win (first published in ROAR) is now available as a standalone ebook. Finally, Searska GreyRaven’s story “Reynard and the Dragon” (also first published in ROAR) has been reprinted in the mainstream anthology Swords of Darkness, available now for pre-order.

In periodicals, the new magazine A Glimpse of Anthropomorphic Literature made its debut last month, with the first issue available to read free until February 15, featuring stories from Ocean Tigrox and Amy Fontaine as well as reviews of several furry books. Mary E. Lowd has started a new ezine, Deep Sky Anchor, to feature her short fiction, and Dark End has now completed his murder mystery “The Missing Motive,” with the full story now up on FurAffinity.

In nonfiction, associate member Madison “Makyo” Scott-Clary’s article “On Postfurry” was featured in an episode of Culturally F’d.

Finally, in other member news, Fred Patten celebrated his 75th birthday last month. If you missed Phil Geusz’s interview with him, you can check it out here.

(Members: Want your news here? Start a thread in our Member News forum!)

Market News

Upcoming deadlines: ROAR #7 closes on February 1, and the second issue of A Glimpse of Anthropomorphic Literature is reading through February 15. (More info on both on our Paying Markets page.)

For conbooks, Fur the ‘More is seeking “Cubicle Jungle” submissions until February 15 (maximum 2000 words, full info here).

Remember to keep an eye on our Calls for Submissions thread and our Publishing and Marketing forum for all the latest news and openings!

Guild News

Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us in the forum shoutbox for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern and Thursdays at 12 p.m. Eastern. More info on the Coffeehouse Chats is here. (Remember, our forums are open to everyone, not just FWG members. Come register and join the conversation!)

We’re always open for guest blog post submissions from members — good exposure and a great way to help out fellow writers. See our guidelines for details.

Elsewhere on the Internet, we have a Goodreads group with a bookshelf featuring books by our members. Feel free to add any members’ books we’ve missed so far (see the instructions here on how to do that). We also have a Telegram group, and you can find more info on that and a link in this thread.

Have a happy and creative 2016! If you have news, suggestions, or other feedback to share, send an email to furwritersguild (at) or leave a comment below.


Categories: News

Uhhhh, doubt I'll get a yes.... but any furs in Alaska of all places?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 07:08

I know there is a few, but I don't really know any....

submitted by LordTacoSauce
[link] [15 comments]
Categories: News

The Curse of Merlin ~Part 1

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 07:04

Here it is! The Travelers is back! I will attempt to do a part a week but it may be crazy the first couple parts due to upcoming finals. Sky is the fursona of /u/scamer38. Lucario is the fursona of /u/Lucario117.

It was close to dawn at a lone shack, near the town. The shack was that of hardened mud bricks with a wood and hay roof. Square holes made the windows, allowing the house to be cool on this summer night.

In one of its rooms was a young female pangolin, preparing herself to sneak out of the house. On a stool in her room was a pile of papers, each one having been delivered weekly until the last month. As she put on the tunic and trousers to disguise her gender, Mel looked at a letter that had been delivered a month before. At the bottom was the signature of her long-lost brother, Wilfr, who had gone missing in the king’s army. Mel, against all warnings her parents had given, vowed to find out what had happened to her brother.

After making sure she had her dagger and letter in her bag, Mel put it on her shoulder, then climbed through the window. After landing softly on the grass, she looked around, waiting for any sound that warned any observers. When she found the rosy part of the sky foreshadowing the sun, she moved on into the direction of the sun, walking to the castle five miles from there.

Clang! The sound of sword clashes filled the arena. Lucario, holding a half-eaten piece of bread, looked in suspense at the battle happening between Sky and his foe. After parrying off a thrust, the cheetah twirled around the big knight and managed to hit his shoulder with the blunt edge of his sword. The knight began to stumble but he still turned around, pulling his heavy mace.

Sky ducked and headed between the knight’s legs, managing to use his red scarf to tangle up his footsteps. With that tangled and standing up again, he pulled and brought the knight down with a mighty clash. The cheetah put the point of his sword on the knight’s chest, breathing heavily.

“The winner is Sky!” A coyote announced of the arena. The cheetah reluctantly pulled his sword off the chest and let the knight go. “He has yet to be defeated!” The announcer continued.

Sky took off his chest armor, the only piece he had worn throughout the battle, and sat next to his companion, Lucario. The two of them had arrived at Welsborg, a town near the Welsh, in the 1300’s to meet a friend of Sky’s and to join the Olivian festival. The festival was dedicated to the Olivian shooting stars that would happen that very night.

“Why do you keep that scarf on?” The pokemon asked his friend.

“Because I’m wearing a short sleeved tunic,” the cheetah replied back as he turned his head to greet a lion in armor. This was Knight Luric, the very friend Sky was visiting at this place. The Lord of the town was away helping his king so he had appointed Luric as the leader while he was gone.

The lion slapped Sky’s back hard, making him shift forward a little. “Well done out there Sky! I was sure you weren’t going to make it out!”

“You know me long enough to know I’m tough.” The cheetah replied back.

“How do you two know each other again?” Lucario asked curiously.

“I helped him with some sirens that were killing his people a while ago.” Sky leaned into Lucario’s ear, “Between you and me, I tried to drown them in the sea but they evolved into whales.”

“Well Sky. Shall I see you at the festival tonight?” Luric asked.

“Yes. Then me and Lucario will be going the next morning.” The cheetah replied and the lion accepted it.

Later on that night, Mel was going around, taking care of food for her knight. When the pangolin had gotten there and given the name Melgriff, a boy’s name, she had been assigned as a page to a knight. Soon, she would be a squire, than a full knight and able to find her brother.

Right now, she was carrying dishes from her knight’s table, careful to not let anyone see her feminine figure. If she wanted to stay here, the pangolin would have to wear slightly baggy clothes and a small hat.

As she turned the corner, she clanged into a Lucario and they both fell down. The stranger looked up at her and tried to mutter his apology.

“No, it’s all right.” Mel picked up the tray and bowls and headed back.

Lucario followed her with his eyes. He didn’t know why but, there was something… really nice about that boy. He shook his head. Now wasn’t really the time to start trying to figure that out. He had to find Sky.

Eventually, the pokemon found him standing by a goat, the two of them looking at the stars and the Olivian comets.

“So you are saying they are simply ice?” The goat asked Sky.

“Yes, basically meteors but made of ice.” The cheetah looked down at the goat. This person had been trying to predict Sky’s future with the heavens.

The goat laughed, rubbing his goatee. “That’s impossible. There is no way the ice in the heavens came from the north.”

“Suit yourself, Bradby.” Sky said as he looked up. A big comet came rushing down and landed somewhere upon the horizon.

“It looks like one of those comets have landed nearby.” Bradby observed.

“They always look like that.” The cheetah said endearingly. He was becoming bored at this.

“No no, I already know that. But its tail, it became a bit bigger at the end. Perhaps it really did land nearby.” Sky ignored the goat and turned around to see Lucario.

“I’m going to my room if you need me.” The cheetah walked off. The goat stared into the horizon.

The goat had been right. A couple miles from the castle, a large crater was in the ground. At the center was a clear sphere the size of a golf ball. It glowed brightly and fizzled as it rested and waited.

In a cave several miles from the comet and the castle, a dark figure looked at a drawing on the window. It was wearing a crown that shined the meager light that entered the cavern around the room, showing skeletons and stalactites.

“It has come.” The figure whispered. It turned to the skeletons. “Just as it was prophesied. Rise, and go. Destroy any obstacles and animals in your way. But bring me one for the sacrifice.” The skeletons around the room began to take shape, their bones bonding together with some unknown force. Afterwards, they walked through the wall of the cave like ghosts to do their mission.

A guard sat on a tower, eating a piece of bread in the bright early morning. The lynx heard someone come behind him and turned around. It was Luric’s guest. What was his name again? Ah yes, Sky.

“Good morning sir.” The guard bowed to the cheetah.

“Hello Phil. Tell Luric me and Lucario are going now.” Sky told him.

“But he will want to see you before you depart!” The lynx explained.

“Pity for him.” Just as Sky turned around, he caught a glimpse of something below him. “Quick Phil, look down here. What do you see?”

The guard looked down. “Why, there’s plenty of white figures coming up! But how are they doing it?”

“No need to worry about that now. Sound the alarm.” Phil took this order and rushed over to the side of the rower where there was a big bell. He pulled the rope several times, prompting the bell to ring loudly across the town and get back-up for the coming battle. Afterwards, he joined Sky who was making the skeletons let go of the wall with his scarf.

A skeleton, just as it was about to come off, suddenly grabbed the cheetah’s scarf and began dragging him down. Phil went to hold onto Sky but more skeletons kept grabbing the scarf. Eventually, the two furries got dragged down and fell off the tower.

submitted by topaz-colite
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Categories: News

How to tell a fellow fur that you are romantically into them.

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 04:58

So, I have a friend, we know eachother very well, and I believe both of us are into one another, but I don't know how I can express my interest in him...

EDIT: For clarifications sake, He is a Red Panda, I am a Dragon, I am 21, he is 19.

All answers are appreciated... Thanks...

UPDATE 1: Rejected, but I have another fur helping me through it all... I'm certainly heartbroken, but thats ok, I can get over it...

UPDATE 2: /u/Ezzej is my angel right now, he is helping me through it all, and things are steering better my way... Gotta say, people like these make the world go round IMO.

submitted by That_Australian_Guy_
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Categories: News

Free furry art

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 03:40

I'm hoping to get better at drawing, and thought no better way to practice than to force myself to. I'm doing free art for the first 10 commenters, just post a reference pic of your fursona. Just keep in mind though, I'm a terrible artist.

submitted by chokingonlego
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 03:38

i hope all of yall have an amazing night,have fun be yall

submitted by xxx_omega_xxx
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Categories: News

Female Nevrean

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 03:34
Categories: News

What are your plans/dreams for 2016?

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 03:26

Hi everyone. Since it's 2016 in mostly every part of the world (I'm not really sure but anyway) I wanted to ask you about your plans or dreams for this year. Mine goes on like this: Sadly like a month later or so I'm gonna have to leave reddit for a while again to study for the second part of that "super important exam" I told you all about back in 2015 (like it's been so long lol) Thean after that is done, I'm gonna "properly" come back to reddit, then the schools gonna end, the summer's gonna start along with the Steam summer Sales (praise Lord Gaben XD) and after summer I'm gonna start going to high school. It's gonna be a pretty exciting year for me and I want to know what are your dreams for 2016.

submitted by CAN-X2002
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Categories: News

One Shy Dragon

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 02:54

Shiyoon Kim is a professional character designer working for Walt Disney Animation. Recently though he branched out and created his first illustrated book for children, called Nelbert the Introvert. Nelbert is not your typical fierce fire breathing dragon. No, he’s a fire breathing dragon who likes to play chess. Trouble is, how can he convince people to sit down and play when all they want to do is run away? “Disney character designer Shiyoon Kim’s first self-published book is this children’s picture book with artwork inspired by Bill Peet, Hank Ketcham, and his other biggest influences. The story and art are both charming. A great gift for the introvert in your family.” So says Stuart Ng Books. Head on over and check it out. [And have a happy, safe New Year in 2016!]

image c. 2015 by Shiyoon Kim

image c. 2015 by Shiyoon Kim

Categories: News

New Years

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 01:43

It's a new year, so I present to you a little prayer for everyone.

May all your red lights turn green before you have to come to a stop.

May you stick your arms in big bags of rice and delight in the cool grainy texture.

May your socks stay dry when you step in puddles.

May your coffee stay warm for longer than 6 minutes after you brew it.

May your phone retain more than half its battery after sending a message.

May your Neopets be put out of their misery and die of hunger after not being fed for nine years.

May these e-hugs I send to you appear more sincere than the lame card offers you receive in the mail.

May your enemies find themselves cursed to speak in rhymes.

May your cashier at Sonics have their register break so they can't charge you for your delicious burger.

May you be blessed to meet a wonderful person whose opinions are wildly different from your but their general attitude remains them to you get to exercise your mind on a day-to-day basis.

May your future lover not be a douche in disguise.

And may the wind be on your back until we're together again.

Merry News Years, everybody.

submitted by IWishIWasATurnip
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Categories: News

Happy New Year from Kauwi and co!

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 00:58
Categories: News

Cheers to a Great 2016

Furry Reddit - Fri 1 Jan 2016 - 00:37

Hey all,

Wanted to post a thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome to the sub a few days ago. Seeing the consistent friendliness to redditors new and old has really reinforced my opinion that this community has some great people in it. I may not be as active as many of you but at the same time I feel as though that makes the sub a much more interesting place - lots of interesting people to talk to. I've already had some great conversations with a few of you, and certainly hope to have more in this coming year. Who knows - maybe I'll finally commission that headshot I've been wanting for so long (too poor now you beautiful artistic bastards so you'll have to wait C:)

From myself to you - have an excellent New Year's celebration and an even better 2016.

Cheers, 乾杯, (I'd put more languages but that's all I've got) and Happy New Year.

submitted by TheRealWooper
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Categories: News

I've noticed there's been a few AMA posts recently.

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 23:32

So, just a reminder in case there's nobody that knows, /r/furryAMA exists and it's totally not dead and we have so many subscribers and oh god it's lonely someone visit.


What I mean to say is you can do your AMA stuff there if you'd like. Ignore the rule about it being solely for fursona's if you'd like, it's outdates and I'm too lazy to go to my computer and change it at the moment.

submitted by Red-Fox14
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Categories: News

Tattoo WIP

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 23:13
Categories: News

Meanwhile in Calgary

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 23:12
Categories: News

Happy New Year!

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Dec 2015 - 22:31

Merry Christmas!

submitted by scratch741
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Categories: News