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Ask Papabear - Sun 21 Feb 2016 - 13:43
I got this in my email today from Missile Master Joe. This is too hilarious not to share. I don't intend to reply, of course, because this is either a joke or written by someone who is insane. I'll take it as a joke and share it accordingly. Oh, and whoever put me in charge of whatever the AAAC is, thanks for the promotion and your vote of confidence!

Ultimatum··21/02/2016··New Slavic Front

As instructed by our minister of foreign affairs and with the approval of the head of the state,we send you a ultimatum that you, as the main in charge of the Anthropomorphic Animal Appreciation Community (aka, the furry fandom),you are to accept and approve of all our following demands:

·The AAAC is required to stop all military acts against the NSF immediately
·The AAAC is required to obliterate and subdue all current organs responsible for ostracism,discrimination and propaganda towards our faction
·The AAAC needs to stop supporting aggressive acts towards normal and Slavic societies
·AAAC has to dismantle and demilitarize FDF (Furry Defence Force), the one mainly responsible for the conflict
·The AAAC is required to choose a side, neutral is not an option

As a leader of the AAAC,you have time until 26/02/2016 to either accept or decline.Declining will ultimately result in conflict between AAAC and NSF.

We hope you answer well.

Taking Your Parents to a Furcon Is the Best Way to Convert Them :-)

Ask Papabear - Sun 21 Feb 2016 - 13:20
Dear Papabear,

I've just stumbled upon your website, and boy am I happy to find some advice about being a furry! So thank you for all this.

I'm 16, and would love to go to a Furcon. It would be most reasonable to wait until I'm 18, but I've been waiting for so long as it is, and I'm super eager to see some real life fursuits and talk to real life furries! I don't know any other furries, and I guess you have to have a guardian if you are a minor to attend a con. 

My parents know that I'm a furry, but are not entirely supportive. They don't hate it, but they sure don't like it. As much as I attempt to educate them, they still think its weird, and my mom keeps trying to talk me out of it.
It might be putting my parents in a really weird position to be with me at a furcon. I'd hate to make other furries uncomfortable by the looks they'd get from my parents. 

What do you think Papa Bear? Any possible solutions to this problem, or wait till 18?

Thanks a ton!


* * *

Hi, Ampersand,

Now, how cute is that name you picked? :) I think the solution to your problem IS to take your parents to a furcon. The reason many adults fear or dislike furries is because they are ignorant of who we really are or get misinformation. Many parents who actually get to know us change their minds and really think it is a fun thing to do. 

Ninety-nine percent of a con is G-rated. In case you don't know, at the Dealers' Den and at the art show there IS some adult stuff, but the art shows always keep the adult stuff in a restricted area. Art books at the Dealers' Den are clearly marked and are kept in binders that are closed. Avoid them. Sometimes at some cons there is a booth for Bad Dragon. That is the one thing to keep well away from. That is a company that deals with sexual devices. That said, they are actually a very responsible company that always goes out of its way to talk about the importance of safe sex; however, you're too young for that. If you want to be extra cautious, just don't go into the Dealer's Den at all, but it would be a shame because there's a lot of neat stuff there.

Anyway, there are many MANY things to do at a furcon, including forums, activities, the fursuit parade, and so on. All of these are great fun and family friendly. Before going to a con, you can usually check out the website and see what activities and forums are available. Sit together with your parents and talk about the things you would like to do.

That's the best way to get over this hurdle with your parents: actually Experience a furcon!

Hope you do!


The Brave and the Chicken

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 21 Feb 2016 - 02:58

So we were introduced to Clucked, a new full-color on-line comic created by Joie Brown and Joel Foster. “When a chicken lands on Earth in search of kin, he discovers that not only is his kind considered the tastiest thing in the universe… he’s also the only one left. Can he survive the hungering hordes, cosmic chases, and the entirety of the Galactic Federation long enough to save his homeworld?” Well if you want to help the creators bring us more of the trials and tribulations of Major Sanders (yes…), they have a Patreon link on their web site at

image c. 2016 by Brown & Foster

image c. 2016 by Joie Brown & Joel Foster

Categories: News

Confessing Sexual Kinks Could Improve the Relationship

Ask Papabear - Sat 20 Feb 2016 - 14:28
Papabear, why do emotions gotta be so stupid?

I would love it if you could help me understand my biology and why I'm feeling so bleh about it. I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and a half and as far as emotional support, romantic interest, and communication go we are doing pretty swell. The part that's been driving me crazy is the sex ... or lack thereof. Everyone saw that line coming.

Though there's a snag that I'm having trouble finding info on. We are an open couple online. We allow each other sexually interact through role play, under a few rules. I know he still gets aroused but he seems content to idly tease himself online than come seek me out. I asked him if I can be a part of that and he said he didn't want our relationship to be brought down to trivial levels like that. It was almost as if he were embarrassed by it but he does it a majority of evenings.

Then on the other side is my own biology. I have never been so pent up in my entire life. We have been open online since the beginning. only when we moved in together did it start being a problem. I feel starved for intimacy. I'm the one who goes to him for 80% of sexual interaction. I'm the one whose always complementing him and flirting. And it's starting hurt more when he rejects and satisfy less when we do do the nasty. What the heck is wrong with my brain chemistry?

I love this man. I haven't connected with someone like this before. And I'm too stubborn to let something like this ruin what I have that's wonderful. You are the wise guru of furries. Any advice? 

Anonymous (age 24)
* * *

Dear Furiend,
Why “do emotions gotta be so stupid?” Well, because they are not connected to the brain, but to the heart, which contains no grey matter. But to the point: this is another case of online porn getting in the way of real-life sex. I had a letter similar to yours last year in which the couple had a loving relationship, but the man was having some difficulties. In that case, it helped the woman a lot to change her strategy by approaching her husband in a low-pressure way. Sometimes, believe it or not, a guy feels a bit intimidated by a mate who aggressively approaches him for sex (other men love that, but it varies). That might be the case here.

The other thing you mentioned was how he wouldn’t let you participate in his online role playing. He said he felt it would trivialize your relationship; you said it seemed more like he was embarassed. My sense is that you are probably correct. He’s somehow ashamed of whatever fantasy(ies) he’s indulging in online. What you need to do in this case is get him to open up about his fantasies to you in a frank discussion of your sexual preferences. You might need to be the one to break the ice here by “confessing” to him some of your kinkier preferences (works best if he doesn’t know one or two of them), and then invite him to do the same, telling him that you accept him and love him for who he is and that everyone has a kink or two that might be considered outrageous in “normal” society. Jim and I had this frank discussion years back, and the result was he had a much happier time in bed (no, I won’t tell you what his kink was, but it was “unconventional,” though hardly rare).

There is nothing wrong with your brain chemistry. You’re fine and you deserve a satisfying sexual relationship. (Oh, and just a note: sex is not “nasty”; it’s a beautfiul thing, a bonding thing, a natural thing. Remember, language is powerful, and the subtleties of using negative language in any discussion can lead to someone misinterpreting your attitudes and opinions). If you can afford it, you might try some sex counseling. So many people go it alone and end up not being able to communicate their needs properly, and the result can be the breakdown of the relationship. I know it’s hard to do at times, and it might seem trite, but talking is the best thing the two of you can do. If you want to someday take this relationship to the next level, you’ll need to resolve your sexual complications, obviously.

Hope that helps, at least a little. Write again any time if you need more input or have more information to offer.


Guest post: “The Critique Masochist” by Frances Pauli

Furry Writers' Guild - Sat 20 Feb 2016 - 11:13
The Critique Masochist

by Frances Pauli


As an art school veteran, I am no stranger to criticism. When I create something, I not only expect critique, I immediately crave it. Critique is necessary, it’s useful, it is required. And the more brutal the better. In essence, I have become a critique masochist. How could this have happened? Let me explain.

Art majors at the college level spend their week something like this… Monday through Thursday are filled with studio classes–three hour sessions of drawing and/or painting in the classroom. Sometimes, it’s a clever arrangement of old knickknacks, vases, and Styrofoam balls and sometimes an assortment of nude models which is not nearly as exciting as you might imagine when you’re trying to get the lines right.

Friday, however, is critique day. On Friday, you gather your week’s work, tack it to a wall, and wait for the guns to start firing at you. You learn to love Fridays or you aren’t going to be in art school very long. Freshmen feared the week’s end. Those with tenuous egos invented reasons to be ill on Friday. You could try to dodge, but no matter how clever you were, eventually, it was your work on the wall.

There were only two rules in a peer critique and they are very good ones. First, you must remain absolutely silent while your work is being trashed–er, examined. Second, a critic may not say “I like it” or “I don’t like it” unless the statement is immediately followed by a detailed explanation of “WHY”.

Fridays were fun days in the school of art. If someone wasn’t crying in the halls between classes, it wasn’t Friday. I’m serious. People fled critique day, people sobbed. Some stomped straight to administration and switched majors. But, no matter how you look at it, Friday was a good day. It was Friday that turned me into a critique masochist.

So, back to writing…and critique. Critique is a good thing. It is the single most vital tool to becoming the best at any creative endeavor. We cannot be our own critic. We can try, and please do try. It’s required, you HAVE to learn to look at your work objectively. On the flip side, you will never, ever be as objective as your reader in Connecticut who’s never met you. Seek out the guns. Please. As you do, remember a few things to nurse a happy relationship with criticism. It will find you eventually anyway. If not before publication, then after.

DETACH: Your work may be your baby, but it’s not your baby. Any discussion of your work is not a personal attack. It is not your job to protect it. It is your job to let it be ripped to shreds and reassembled into something better, and golden, and closer to perfect.

EGO AWAY: Put it in a box, lock it in its room, whatever. Your ego will be needed later (when the rejections roll in and make you want to quit) but while receiving and giving criticism, it’s dead weight and will only botch up the whole process.

LISTEN: With both ears and the whole mind. Listen and consider the slim possibility that the critic may be right. Don’t waste time disagreeing or mentally arguing, listen. Listen and pretend they’re a genius–just for now.

SALT: When you have listened, considered and absorbed, THEN remember the grain of salt. This is an opinion–one person’s opinion or a whole class’ opinion, but still an opinion. Do you agree with it? Try. If not, stick to your guns and trust that you know your own goals. Don’t ever think that a suggestion is a rule, that you must change and adapt to every criticism or you will never stop fixing and changing things back and forth. Do change what you agree with. Do give serious thought to any suggestion that comes up more than once, or over and over again from different sources. But in the end, you decide.

Remember the two rules–they are good ones. Don’t interrupt. Never argue during the critique. If anyone ever says, “I like it” or “I don’t like it” insist on a detailed “why.” Embrace the horror–that is, the process– and learn to love it. Laugh at your mistakes and yourself often. Eventually, you might find yourself craving it, needing it. Personally, I’m suspicious of anyone who reads my work and doesn’t pick it apart, at least a little. Don’t trust the “I loved it” or the “It’s great” without further discussion! With a little practice, you too can be a critique masochist.


This post first appeared on Speculative Friction.

Categories: News

Shadow Walkers – Book Review by Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Sat 20 Feb 2016 - 10:34

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

Shadow WalkerShadow Walkers, by Russ Chenoweth.
NYC, Charles Scribner’s Sons, April 1993, hardcover $13.95 (153 pages).

Shadow Walkers is one of those unillustrated novels that make it very difficult for the reader to decide whether the talking animals are supposed to be natural, unclothed quadrupedal animals or bipedal, clothes-wearing funny animals. Set on Cape Cod during winter, and featuring two rat children, Sara and her brother Peter, the different scenes imply both situations. Cover artist Gregory Manchess has prudently avoided depicting any of the characters.

“Rats are good climbers, but rats are good at many things that they are ordinarily too sensible to do. If Sara had told her parents what she planned, they would have asked her not to do it because it was dangerous and unnecessary. So she hadn’t told them, and that troubled her. […]

The trunk rose above her like a wall for thirty feet before the first great limb jutted out, as large itself as a good-sized tree. […] Sara climbed, carefully and surely, stopping every few feet to listen. She was exposed here and nearly defenseless, but still nothing moved in the woods. She felt safer when she had reached the limb and could stretch out for a moment on the rough bark and look and listen. […]

Two feet below the highest leaf, she had to stop. The branch had shrunk to less than half an inch and bowed slightly with her weight. It was high enough. […]

She never knew what made her glance down in time to see the shadow glide among the dim trunks with the silence of a moth and settle on a limb below her. It was an owl, a very big one, and he had decided for some idiotic reason to change his daytime perch and come to join her in her tree. […]

He couldn’t see her against the light – he or she. It didn’t matter – she’d get no concession either way. Owls had little sense of smell, but they could hear a seed drop on the forest floor. She’d better not shake off any acorns. He would hear her move or cough. […] He might wait all day, knowing she was there, and then in darkness come and pick her off the branch like a ripened peach.” (pgs. 2 and 4)

That certainly sounds like a natural rat and owl in a tree. But then:

“Peter watched from an opening in the tall grass as the large tiger cat progressed down the back steps of the library building and stood at the top of the path, only its whiskers showing any interest in the scene below. […]

‘Melvil,’ Peter called softly.

‘Peter? I thought I smelled a rat.’

Peter laughed politely and came up the path to where the big cat waited.

‘It’s good to see you, Peter. Will you come in for coffee?’

‘Thank you. I’d like that.’ The pleasure in the old animal’s voice had startled him. He hadn’t realized that his visits were important to the library cat. He followed Melvil up the stairs and through the flap into the workroom and then down the dark corridor to the kitchenette. […]

‘Is this a social visit, Peter, or would you like to use the collection?’

‘A bit of both,’ Peter answered with a twinge of guilt. ‘I did mean for us to have a talk.’

‘Well then,’ said the cat, ‘it had best be over coffee.’ He flipped on the light and bustled about the pots and pans while they talked of the small doings of the mid-Cape.” (pgs. 8-9)

So: natural animals or funny animals? Or a bit of both? Chenoweth plays it both ways. Cape Cod has its housepet and its wildlife communities, which despise each other.

“The rats, by contrast, were admired and feared, though equally avoided. The fear was unjustified, but fully understandable. Most animals made do. Rats had made their own society. Its outlines were flexible but strong, and their culture was very old and deep. Peter’s own species, the Norway rat, was the largest and most widespread, and they were familiar to their human neighbors by many names: the house rat, the sewer or wharf rat, and, locally, the water rats. The local phrase had stuck and had long ago become a family name.” (pgs. 9-10)

The rats have taken on a social responsibility to both animal communities:

“French’s old hound had an accident, I heard?’ It was clearly a request for information.

‘I’m afraid so,’ Peter answered. ‘An assisted accident, I gather, though I know little of it. They say he’d become a menace.’ To put it mildly.

‘Oh dear,’ was all that Melvil said.” (p. 10)

Peter’s and Sara’s rat home sounds very like the rats’ home in Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH:

“The rough plaster walls of Peter’s room were painted white and hung with drawings, bits of driftwood, and other objects that once had caught his fancy: a barrel stave, a piece of fishing net with colored floats, and Appleton the rattlesnake, the grisly gift of a playmate who’d been ordered to dispose of it. In a place of honor, where he could see it from his bed, was a watercolor of the marsh and dunes and sea and sky as seen from their own porch. His mother had painted it at his innocent request when he was young, and it served him better than a window on the world above.” (p. 18)

“And they talked. What rats do best, Sara thought: talk and eat. They talked about her studies, what all grown-ups asked about, in desperation, perhaps, and hope of some common ground or, as Luc said, genuine interest in her. Luc and Lasa were really interested, it seemed. Sara was learning French this year, from prim old Mademoiselle. She had a name, but she was known to three generations of adoring students as simply Miss. For how long and when the old rat had actually lived in Paris was unclear, but she recreated the experience convincingly for dozens of rat children who dreamed of romantic strolls along the Seine. Sara hoped someday to study Greek literature with Lasa, but not yet. She didn’t dare to mention this.” (p. 51)

“Their music was a shameless and nearly total borrowing from European classical traditions. There was music by Rattish composers, of course. It was interesting and favored the abilities and limitations of rats, but it was rarely adventurous. As with the other arts of life, rats were fine performers and sometimes brilliant in adaptation, but they lacked the demons that drove men to creativity.” (p. 56)

The rats wear backpacks, dig with shovels, have electricity in their burrows, smoke cigars, read humans’ books and write their own in Rattish about rat history, and Peter and his friend Tom are trying to scrounge or build the components to make a radio; but the novel does not contain any descriptions to let the reader know whether they wear clothing or go on two legs or four.

After 68 leisurely pages of building a picture of the peaceful and cultured rat community of Cape Cod, Peter and Tom complete their amateur radio and get into communication with the distant rat community of North Cape. The latter have just had a fire that has destroyed their insulin supply. “There were only about a dozen cases of diabetes at Cape End, Peter remembered. Human insulin would do them no good, of course. The rodent product was made in Bayport, a hundred miles away, but there were supplies here and at several places on the upper Cape.” (p. 69) Peter, Sara, and Tom offer to take the resupply; a journey of a week or more.

It should be safe enough, but the three rats are adventurous adolescents who lose no opportunity to get involved in human affairs. They bring aid to a man having a heart attack; they foil a bank robbery; they discover illegal dumping of prohibited waste. During these mini-adventures, the three young rats debate whether they should follow the age-old rat custom of never getting involved in human affairs, or act for the greater moral good of both species when they discover a crime that should be exposed. The ending leaves their decision still unformed.

Shadow Walkers is a bit frustrating in that there is very little drama. There is no big adventure; the characters are seldom in real danger; and what they decide to make of their adult lives is only implied. But a detailed picture of a peaceful rat society living in the shadow of human civilization is painted. Should this society risk calling itself to the attention of the humans by offering its cooperation for the potential benefit of both? You decide.

Fred Patten

Categories: News

The Good, The Bad, and the Bunny

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 20 Feb 2016 - 02:29

Writer Carlo San Juan and Eisner-Award nominated artist Rod Espinosa have combined their talents to bring us a new 4-issue full-color steam-punk fantasy comic mini-series, Immortal Wings. “Deep in the wild wastelands of the cosmic frontier, bounty hunter Blaze and her draconic partner, Gruffyd, combining fighting prowess and magical might to stay alive as they make a living.  Now they dodge the forces of the Galactic Shogunate, as they have partnered with the greatest threat to the empire’s reign…a bunny named Mortimer. ” We think it makes more sense if you read it. Regardless, it’s on the shelves now from Antarctic Press. There’s an interview with the creators over at Two Geeks Talking.

image c. 2016 Antarctic Press

image c. 2016 Antarctic Press

Categories: News

Episode 305 - Podcasts Du Jour

Southpaws - Fri 19 Feb 2016 - 22:48
This week, Savrin and Fuzz are joined remotely by Emdefmek via the magic of Skype and XSplit. It's a damn shame that Windows 10 hates FireWire. Anyways, in addition to lots of tangents and Fuzz's attempts at pronouncing Scottish place names, we discuss our Podcasts Of The Now. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for some sweet bonuses on your order~ Also, we have a Patreon if you don’t need any dongs- Episode 305 - Podcasts Du Jour
Categories: Podcasts

The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily – Book Review by Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Fri 19 Feb 2016 - 10:31

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

9568681512The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily, by Dino Buzzati. Translated by Frances Lobb. Illustrated by the author.
NYC, Pantheon Books, October 1947, hardcover $2.75 (146 [+1] pages).

The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily, by Dino Buzzati. Translated by Francis Lobb. Illustrated by the author.
NYC, New York Review Children’s Collection, December 2003, hardcover $18.95 (147 pages).

The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily, by Dino Buzzati. Translated by Francis Lobb. With an introduction and reader’s companion by Lemony Snickett. Illustrated by the author.
NYC, HarperCollinsPublishers/Harper Trophy, February 2005, paperback $5.99 (186 pages).

This is a book that I never expected to review. It was one of the first library books that I read, from the Los Angeles Public Library, presumably when I was seven years old since the American edition was published at the end of 1947. I loved it! I read and reread it, and memorized several poems in it. I still remember this, after almost seventy years:

One, two, three, four

These dark thoughts soar

Fear, sorrow, doubt, despair

Hover in the midnight air.

I eventually grew up and forgot about it. I was reminded of it this January when Jim Korkis mentioned in his column on animation history that Heinz Edelmann, the art designer of the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine animated feature (1968), had later seriously tried to produce an animated feature of The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily, but had failed to get financial backing for it.

This led me to see whether Wikipedia had any mention of the book. It does, but the Wikipedia article just says that it was a famous Italian children’s book, La Famosa Invasione degli Orsi in Sicilia, published by Rizzoli in 1945, and “The American hardcover edition was published by HarperCollins in 2003 and the paperback was published in 2005, also by HarperCollins and The New York Review Children’s Collection.” Not only is that slightly inaccurate, there is no mention of the 1947 American edition that I read! This seems unfair to me, and since the LAPL still has that 1947 edition, here is my review of it.

I am also reviewing it because I think that it’s a book that adult furry fans will enjoy, especially those with children.

“Sit still as mice on this occasion

And listen to the Bears’ Invasion

Of Sicily, a long, long while

Ago when beasts were good, men vile.” (p. 21)

The bears live high in the mountains of Sicily, where life is hard and there is little to eat, but they like it. One day the bears’ King Leander (il Re Leonzio) and his little son Tony are searching for food when two human hunters capture Tony and take him away. King Leander is heartbroken, but he accepts this. Years later there is a particularly harsh winter and the bears are all starving. They resolve to go down into the lands of men because they have nothing more to lose.

“But one night in haste a messenger cried

‘A snake has been seen on the mountain side!’

And a serpent appeared, made of little black dots,

He-bears and she-bears and bear tiny tots.

‘Bears?’ laughed the Duke, ‘Just leave them to me,

And soon you will see a great victory!’

And then there was heard a fanfaronade

As the Grand Ducal army came out on parade.

‘Forward, you dogs! Quick march, you cattle!

Tomorrow at dawn we go forth to battle!’” (p. 26)

Guns! Battles! Monsters! Wizardry! Crime! Drunken orgies! Ghosts! Treachery! Blood! This was stronger stuff than was in any American children’s book in 1947. Buzzati’s prose is just as good:

“It was in fact the horde of wild boars of Count Molfetta, the Grand Duke’s cousin, coming to the rescue. Instead of soldiers, this important noble had trained an army of huge, savage pigs to war, and these were very wild and extremely brave, and celebrated all over the world. The Count cracked his whip from the hilltop on which he was standing so as to be out of danger. And on came the terrible boars at the gallop, their tusks whistling in the wind!” (p. 37)

An introduction to the 2003 edition says, “If the bears’ famous invasion of Sicily sounds too distressing to read alone, that’s because it is.” Don’t You Believe It! (but Lemony Snickett’s notes to the 2003 edition are worth reading). This is a wonderful book that is really for All Ages (meaning you adult furry fans), and can be read by an older 3- to 7-year-old reader by him- or her-self.

tumblr_mox828duKq1qg0pd1o1_1280The Sicilian bears’ King Leander leads them into the humans’ lowlands during a desperately cold winter, hundreds of years ago. The tyrannical Grand Duke fights them with cannon and evil magic, but the bears are ultimately victorious. The bears settle into the capital city of Sicily, and King Leander tries to establish a peaceful kingdom of bears and humans alike. But the noble bears are corrupted by human vices, and King Leander finds himself having to deal with ursine crime and debauchery. Finally treachery against King Leander himself is discovered! But who among the bears’ royal court can be the villain?

Buzzati has been called by some art critics an amateur or a bad artist, but his own illustrations for The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily are Just Right. As a young child, I was particularly impressed by the corrupt bears’ orgy showing drunkenness, gluttony, gambling, fighting with wine bottles, and (since the now-civilized bears have adopted clothes) nudity. Strong stuff for a seven-year-old. (Much later, I read about how Carl Barks was ordered to redraw a barroom brawl in an Uncle Scrooge comic book because the editor considered Barks’ original too strong for 8-to-12 readers.) Several reviewers dismissed the book as too adult for children; but one pseudonymous reviewer, Anokatony, said, “I suppose the ideal audience would be children of the age of six or seven, maybe just before they are of an age for action movies.”

Dino Buzzati (1906-1972) was an Italian novelist, short story writer, theatrical and radio scripter, opera librettist, poet, and artist, but primarily a newspaperman for Milan’s Corriere della Sera where he was a reporter, essayist, art critic, special correspondent, and editor from 1928 for the rest of his life. During World War II he served in North Africa as a journalist attached to the Royal Italian Navy.

His life was active and colorful. John Bemelmans Marciano, the grandson of Ludwig Bemelmans and the continuer of his Madeleine children’s picture books, said, “Reading The Little Prince [by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry], you may feel like you are in the company of an author who can elevate you to the heavens.  With La famosa invasione, you ride shotgun to a man who would come over to your house, drink all your liquor, burn your house down with his cigarette, and still manage to convince you how lovely a waltz the flames were dancing.” After the publication of Tolkien, La Famosa Invasione was compared to Tolkien “with the addition of a certain satirical edge.” Buzzati himself dramatized La Famosa Invasione for the stage, where it was performed in Milan in 1965.

tumblr_mw7h6sNMDm1s5jtnxo1_1280La Famosa Invasione degli Orsi in Sicilia was his only children’s book. It was first serialized in Milan between January 7 and April 29, 1945 in Corriere dei Piccoli; the final installment appeared the same day that the machine-gunned bodies of Benito Mussolini, his mistress, and 14 of his ministers were hung upside down in a Milan city square by the citizenry. It was published as a children’s book by Rizzoli on December 10, 1945. The story and its reception were heavily influenced by the war that had just ended. A review in Life magazine in August 1948 said, “… the book stirred up protests both before and after publication. Buzzati’s publishers made him delete one illustration showing Russian-looking bears conquering a Nuremberg-like city because it might be offensive to the Germans. A good many Italians thought the bears in the story were Sicily’s U.S. invaders.” The 1947 American edition was in fact printed by Rizzoli, reusing the 1945 Italian dust jacket.

So I’ve reread The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily. Yes, it’s as wonderful for adults as it is for children. Guns! Battles! Monsters! And so on. The 1947 edition is long out-of-print and a valuable collectible today, but fortunately the 2003 hardcover and the 2005 paperback editions, with Lemony Snickett’s commentary, are readily available in cheap used copies at most bookstores. And check your local public libraries.

The 2005 edition adds Lemony Snickett’s reader’s companion analyzing the story, chapter by chapter (there are 12 chapters plus Buzzati’s introduction, a cast of characters, and the scene). Each chapter’s analysis includes a moral lesson, a list of “questions you may find interesting”, and a “suggested activity”. One of the possibly interesting questions: “It is almost impossible to find an interesting story – a true story or an imaginary story – that does not contain violence. Why is that?” (p. 167)

Incidentally, there are no bears in Sicily. Never have been. Or mountains as tall as those in this story, although Sicily does have lower mountains, including Mount Etna, one of Italy’s most active volcanos.

Fred Patten

Categories: News

Humans and Werewolves vs. Vampires

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 19 Feb 2016 - 02:59

Horror writer Steve Niles has a thing for vampires — just not in the usual settings, as he proved with his famous comic book 30 Days of Night. Now, he’s taken them in a more science fiction direction with his latest work: Broken Moon, illustrated by Nat Jones and published by American Gothic Press. Here’s their summary: “After the world’s superpowers go nuclear on one another’s lunar mining colonies, destroying much of the moon, the human population of earth is largely wiped out in the ensuing natural disasters. In the wake of humanity’s near extinction, the monsters that had been banished to the shadows have risen up and seized power. The kingdom of vampires thrives under the cover of nuclear winter on the east coast. The werewolves live like nomad outlaws, prowling the plains of the west. And in the north, Dr. Frankenstein and his army of the re-animated wait. But while an uneasy truce has existed for decades, the clouds are beginning to recede, threatening the vampires and their dominion. War is coming.” The werewolf tribes and the few remaining humans form an uneasy alliance to keep the vampire lords from destroying the world. Want to find out more? Check out the preview over at Comics Alliance. The first volume of Broken Moon is on the shelves now.

image c. 2016 American Gothic Press

image c. 2016 American Gothic Press

Categories: News

Fur-Esports: A Competitive Gaming Team for Furries.

Dogpatch Press - Thu 18 Feb 2016 - 10:31

Dogpatch Press welcomes Smash Capps for his first guest post. He’s an eSports journalist who wrote about getting a warm introduction to furry at Further Confusion 2016.

At the Daily Dot’s “20 Under 20” series, see a profile of Sonic Fox, also appearing below. Their article came out with perfect timing after this one was completed and scheduled. 

Fur-eSports Logo

Fur-eSports logo

Of all the ways to promote the furry community at large, this may be one of the most unique attempts yet: Fur-eSports. This creatively named group looks to be “An eSports team for Furries, by Furries,” according to its Twitter account.

For those who do not know, the term eSports generally refers to competitive gaming. Many furry conventions hold gaming tournaments and some have even been reported on by their communities. eSports however, is something much larger than that. For games like League of Legends, grand finals matches can bring in over 14 Million viewers and fill entire stadiums to watch a match. Even on the smaller end of eSports events can be huge. The tournament Evolution 2016, one of the longest running fighting game tournaments of all time, plans to have its grand finals at the Mandalay Bay Events Center: a 12,000 seat entertainment complex that has hosted Katy Perry, UFC Fights, and even the Latin GRAMMY Awards.

Are there enough furries to support a large team for these kinds of events? 51% of U.S. households own a dedicated game console.  42% play video games at least three hours a week according to the Entertainment Software Association. It should come as no surprise that many of these people would also be among the fandom.

In fact, one of the most prominent Mortal Kombat X players is openly a furry and even wears furry attire while competing at events:

cR | SonicFox has been Evo champion for three games including Injustice: Gods Among Us and Mortal Kombat. He currently boasts 15.k followers on Twitter and is sponsored by Critical Reaction, making it his career to play video games. Last year at Evolution 2015 he competed in front of over 190,000 viewers watching online and thousands more at the event.

With so many viewers tuning in and seeing a furry win an event, could furries in eSports do big things to gain acceptance and respect for the community?

eSports journalist SabreWolf (and recently joined member of Fur-eSports) thinks so. Respect for the orgazination will in turn provide more respect for furries and fur-culture.” he told us. “Even just seeing a bunch of FeS [Fur-eSports] members competing in tournaments will break down the barrier some other people have with their perception of furries.”

It seems not only could it help with outside perspectives, but for those people within the community looking for camaraderie and support. According to the application form to join the team, one of its goals is to be “a group of furries working together as a crew of sorts so we can all meet fellow fuzzy, scaley, feathery, (you get the picture) gamers and improve our skills.”

Wheeler, co-founder of Fur-eSports, discussed the future goals for the team with us. “To start, we are offering furries a place where they can meet others in the fandom and gain promotion and coaching from some professional furries in the field of eSports. In time we hope to help players by keeping their team organized, finding events to enter and teams to practice against, and eventually fully fund players to go to events. The other co-founder wants to see FeS do great things, but in my eyes personally, as long as it’s a safe haven for furry gamers to just be themselves and have fun playing the games they love, I’ve accomplished what I’ve set out to do. “

Sabrewolf confirmed it as a positive place to be. I’ve really enjoyed the friendliness and atmosphere within the server and simply gaining more people to enjoy talking with.” he said. “It also feels lovely to be more open with you know just being a furry and the community aspect almost strengthens your pride with it. FeS definitely offers something different, warmer and more personal than other organizations for us. With time, development and growth we could easily build each other up and become something really big and cool.”

One of the challenges to face would be finding companies to sponsor the team.

Usually large companies step in and help provide funding for teams so they can fund their players in exchange for advertisement of their brands. Streaming services like Twitch,, and MLG sometimes sponsor teams, so they only stream on their channels while other companies require advertisements for their products or for players to use their products. With the unfortunate stigma surround furries in some circles, it may prove difficult to find similar sponsorships for the team.

However there is always the possibility of finding sponsorship simply within the furry community itself.

Services like FURSTREAM could be used over traditional services as an example. There is also the potential for companies that publish furry fictions to join in with promotion for books they publish, in exchange for sponsorship. Art websites like Weasyl, FurAffinity, or newly growing FurryNetwork could sponsor the team in exchange for featuring art and artists exclusively on their platforms.

There is also the value of WTF to consider. Some companies may dive in to support the team anyways, in order to use “the weird factor” to promote themselves. This must have proven powerful as them team recently acquired its first sponsor in NoScopeGlasses, a company that makes gaming glasses.

The Fur-eSports team itself is already growing quite quickly. The Twitter account was almost at 100 followers less than 24 hours after it existed, and has received over 90 applications for furs wanting to join the team and compete in several titles. Leaders of the Splatoon community have shown support as the team attempts to form a team there.  The Smash 4 team is already sporting at least 20 furs who want to train together and represent the brand.

Know how to #GetWild in #Splatoon? We could use you! Come apply to join us! –

— Fur-eSports (@Fur_eSports) February 8, 2016

I enjoy seeing everyone talk and have fun with each other, and I’m still sort of amazed at how quickly we’ve grown from the small group that started it.” said Wingnut, the artist who drew the Fur-eSports logo. “We already have a lot of skilled people and it’s only going to go up from there. I imagine there will still be a lot of controversy over furries in the community. It would be hard to get rid of that, but I think FeS has the potential to alleviate that.“

“My fellow co-founder and I are both furries and play Smash Bros.” Wheeler told us. “We were just joking around one day and I said ‘a lot of furries play smash/video games, what if there was a group/team just for them?’ The idea just kind-of stuck, and the work began to happen.” So far the team seems off to a good start.

The team is currently recruiting players in an effort to strengthen the team. Could furries potentially dominate in the world of gaming and bring more eyes positively to the scene? Only time will tell, but this effort looks like an interesting place to start.

Categories: News

From Deep in the Disney Vaults

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 18 Feb 2016 - 02:56

IDW Publishing have a new hardcover collection out of truly rare comic strips. From their web site: “After more than 80 years—the complete Silly Symphony newspaper strips are collected in English for the first time ever! The artwork for these rare strips has come straight from the Disney vaults. Each page has been meticulously colored using as a guide the original bound file copies that belonged to Walt Disney himself! This first of four volumes includes all the strips featuring Bucky Bug, the first Disney character to be originated in newspaper comics. The book also includes the very first Donald Duck newspaper strip—an adaptation of The Wise Little Hen. Other classic adaptations are Birds of a Feather, Penguin Isle, The Boarding School Mystery, The Robber Kitten, and Cookieland.” Also, Westfield Comics has an interview with Bruce Canwell, associate editor at IDW.

image c. 2016 IDW Publishing

image c. 2016 IDW Publishing

Categories: News

Episode -49 - Luster is not here

Unfurled - Thu 18 Feb 2016 - 00:36
We lose a dragon bull but find the missing gryphon! Come and enjoy us discussing hidden finnish pizza economies, cops forgetting to share information and the campaign for giving away your ex's stuff. Enjoy the laughs and chatter with us. Episode -49 - Luster is not here
Categories: Podcasts

Episode -50 - Cheesy sexual predators

Unfurled - Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 20:12
Tonight the cast is down a bird! Still they power on to discuss drunk customers, comically named criminals and and a feisty junk food mascot. Come on in and join us in the laughs! Episode -50 - Cheesy sexual predators
Categories: Podcasts

FA 006 Breakups - How do you breakup with grace?

Feral Attraction - Wed 17 Feb 2016 - 18:59

Hello everyone! 

Breakups suck. But how can they suck less? When should you call it quits and how should you breakup without causing drama in the fandom? Also, how do you handle jealousy from a mate that is not in the fandom?

For more information, including a list of topics by timestamp, see our Show Notes for this episode.

Thanks and, as always, be well!

CONTENT WARNING: We discuss abuse and physical assault in this episode. Please see the show notes for time stamps if you would rather avoid those topics!!

FA 006 Breakups - How do you breakup with grace?
Categories: Podcasts