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Welcome to Gaming Furever! Again!

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Sat 30 Sep 2023 - 01:35

Welcome one and all to the newly relaunched Gaming Furever!

Some of you may remember GF! We first launched in 2011 as a place where furries and anthro video game enthusiasts could come together to discuss current happenings, get the latest gaming news for games featuring furries of all sorts, and to host a database of every type of game featuring animal anthros (or games where you play as an animal.) We grew over the next 10 years to host an incredibly talented group of volunteer staff and writers who streamed a bevy of games, published quality editorials and reviews only found on GF, and facilitated many new friendships for visitors to the site and community. 

In the late 2010s, life for me, as the head of the site, was in flux and busier than ever. It became hard to put as much of a focus on GF as it truly deserved, and maintaining the website in a secure manner became too much of a responsibility to keep it going. To top it off, 2020 was what it was for everyone, and it felt like a good time to go on a bit of a hiatus. Important word: hiatus!

Turning the page to 2022, and things started to steady out, in a good way for me IRL. I got a job that has me traveling a lot, but also kept sparking those treasured gaming memories from the times spent with GF members and staff. My wife and I moved to Texas and settled down, and we really bonded over the ability to play games together while apart, and enjoyed discussing and playing those games over voice with friends new and old. Something about those shared experiences over the past two years drove me to start developing Gaming Furever anew.

Now, we’ve arrived here, at a brand new, yet familiar place. We’ve slimmed down what GF was to these four focuses: Furry Game News, Furry Game Archive, Community, and Streaming. We want to be able to stick to weekly schedules that you can come to expect quality content from, while adding in an extra helping of fun on top of a welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, we want to be a site with a heart that beats to video gaming and all of its aspects that is accessible to those who consider themselves fully “furry” or those who just want to know what “we” think of games that feature our favorite anthros and animals. We hope to review, stream, and discuss all kinds of games that allow us to discover new ways of portraying furries and anthros and everything in-between! It’s an exciting prospect that we loved delivering on for all those years and can’t wait to do so again.

So! We hope you’ll join us here by registering for an account and getting involved, following us on our social media channels (links at the top and bottom of all pages), and by following our three stream team members for Uncivil Gamers. We will post all of our news articles, weekly furry game archive additions, and upcoming giveaways through streams on our Twitter/X and Facebook pages. If you find a bug or have a concern, please email us at gamingfurever(at)

Happy Gaming, and welcome back to Gaming Furever, “A Different Breed of Gamers!”


Categories: News

Stream Replay: A Short Hike (Daxel The Deer)

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Sat 30 Sep 2023 - 01:32

There's nothing like "A Short Hike!" This could be said about the act and of the game. With a wonderfully vibin' soundtrack and a perfectly compact slice of gaming, A Short Hike was a joy to play through. Take in the entirety of the game with DaxelTheDeer's stream replay, and be sure to follow on Twitch to watch these type of games live!

Categories: News

Uncivil Gamers - The Official Stream Team of GF

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 29 Sep 2023 - 05:46

Announcing the Official Stream Team of Gaming Furever, "Uncivil Gamers"

This will be the calling card for all things GF Streaming! Featuring a team of streamers who get together often to play games, have a good time, and interact with the GF community. They'll be hosting giveaways, events, and more throughout the year. We have lots of big things planned for the future, including 24-hour streams, charity events, podcasts, and new furry-centric game release parties. If you're interested in participating in some of our streams, be sure to join the Uncivil Gamers Discord by clicking here!

The Team:

DaxelTheDeer - Streams primarily party games, Rocket League, single player adventure games, and other furry games.

The_Valraven - Streams mainly cooperative horror, survival, and first-person shooters.

MentrumGaming - Streams mostly first-person shooters and driving/automotive games.

Also join us over on to follow/subscribe to the madness!

Like the logo? Check out some merch for it by clicking here!

Categories: News

Zoologist Adam Britton convicted for dog torture crimes that connect to furry fandom.

Dogpatch Press - Fri 29 Sep 2023 - 03:42

Content warning for discussing animal and child abuse.

Adam Britton was once an internationally respected animal expert, a go-to guy for crocodile research. He worked for Charles Darwin University in Australia, National Geographic, and the BBC with famed nature documentarian David Attenborough. Then in 2022, Britton was caught for secret crime. Due to high profile, the legal process kept him anonymous to avoid undermining his trial until he pled guilty this week.

Australian news led the coverage. This is disturbing to read, and doesn’t even tell the graphic details.

Beginning in 2014, Britton became a sadistic rapist and killer of more than 42 dogs. He made videos of their torture to secretly share with an underground of fellow consumers on the internet. He also traded child abuse media, raising the level of his charges and showing the severity of animal exploitation.

“Prosecutors told the court Britton owned a shipping container on his property equipped with filming equipment and used the space “to torture, sexually exploit and kill dogs”.

Last year, police seized 44 items including computers, mobile telephones, cameras, external hard drives, tools, weapons, dog paraphernalia and sex toys.

Mr Aust [prosecutor] told the court that Britton operated a Telegram account which was used for the sole purpose of engaging in conversations with “like-minded people”, and that he used another account to upload and disseminate images and recordings of his crimes.

“Using these applications, the offender discussed his ‘kill count’ … and described the shipping container on his property as his ‘torture room’,” Mr Aust said.”

Sentencing is scheduled for December for 56 charges related to animal sex abuse (zoosadism), each with a maximum penalty of 3 years of jail. There were also 4 charges for accessing and sharing child abuse media. A close professional source told Dogpatch Press “it’s likely he’ll get the max sentence because of the egregious nature of his crimes.”

The crimes were calculated. Britton conned people who placed online ads hoping to find good homes for dogs they couldn’t keep, and led them to believe their dogs were getting good care after he killed them. He told an associate: “I can’t stop. I don’t want to” while feeding the demand of his audience.

Connection to furry fandom.

Before Britton’s trial, there was public news about the crimes that didn’t name him. The news circulated quietly among investigators and media professionals who had known him. People in both groups contacted Dogpatch Press. This led to a furry news article that connects some of this information, and adds parts only reported here so far.

During the investigation of Britton, Australian authorities tipped American law enforcement that one of his fellow traders was creating similar zoosadist videos. Ohio and Michigan resident Lucas Vanwoert faces charges on 4 counts. 

Lucas Vanwoert’s connection to Britton was reported by mainstream news, but they didn’t report that Vanwoert was active in furry fandom as “Graves.” Thanks to @keroarchive for reading legal documents and making this clear. 

Vanwoert’s photo from court documents and his tweet

Vanwoert exchanged over 700 files of animal abuse with Britton, and also killed dogs and traded child abuse files. The high amount of files indicates that these people were part of an underground trading network that intersects with furry fandom. Vanwoert hid in furry groups and made connections to like-minded people until his crimes became known. 

Heather Vanwoert, his wife, was also charged for 12 counts of crime to animals. This reporter hasn’t learned if she was active in furry fandom with him.

These weren’t lone actors. They were feeding demand of a sub-subculture of zoophiles. Vanwoert’s X/Twitter profile is still active (NSFW content). You can see furry zoophiles following his account. It shows zero follows by him, because he deleted them around when he was arrested. But he was too slow. This reporter was tipped fast enough to view Vanwoert’s pre-established, mutual zoophile connections that he wanted to hide.

They included familiar long-time members of furry groups who use fandom to secretly meet each other, and even openly argue that animals can consent and animal abusers deserve acceptance. These zoophiles use the zeta (ζ) symbol and hashtags like #zoopride to engage with their network.

It's sad that this crime came into furry fandom, and can not be ignored, because Vanwoert wasn't alone. He wasn't just networking with Adam Britton, but also with a sub-subculture of zoophiles. Vanwoert's profile is still active and you can see some following him.

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) September 26, 2023

Three problems of zoophile infiltration.

All communities have some crime and abuse. The important part is how to respond. A substantial response starts with naming problems and saying what the community is for, not hiding things with denial about what it isn’t. Many furries are there for art, and say animals can’t consent and they don’t tolerate zoophiles. But that alone doesn’t stop zoophiles from riding their (coat) tails and reaching for acceptance.

This leads to…

PROBLEM 1: Size and network effect. This zoophile furry group on Telegram has 1000+ members, and they have had a group that large since at least 2017. It justifies itself by claiming to oppose abuse, while splitting hairs about different kinds of abuse and redefining some as consent. Arguing that animals can consent inherently enables abuse, when there are no zoophile networks that don’t make demand for it between members.

Nuance: The size is significant, but this isn’t ammunition against furries itself, because it doesn’t prove there is higher frequency of this in fandom compared to the population outside. Reliable data must be hard to get, but it could be equal to latent frequency anywhere. Look at the classic 1948 book by Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Research found that between 8-50 percent of all American men in their sample groups claimed to have crossed the species line at some point (depending on farm proximity). Of course, latency is not openly organized with network effect.

If a 1000+ member “zoofur” group doesn’t prove frequency, and furry fans can deny guilt by association — what does the size show?

Opportunity. Try to name another group that 1000+ zoophiles use as cover to organize inside for acceptance, whether the cover group approves or not. has survey data from conventions, i would venture to say it must be hard to measure objectively but there may not be incidence different from the general pop. Maybe the issue isn't frequency but ability to organize by internet, using shelter of subculture.

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) September 27, 2023

PROBLEM 2: Corruption. Abuse scandals, like in the Catholic Church or Boy Scouts, happen when abusers bounce from place to place and keep abusing. Close watchers inside furry fandom can see problem people bounce from group to group with little organized opposition.

That isn’t just enabled by internet platforms and weak security when it also has permission from high places:

How high does corruption go? Look no higher than the longest existing furry convention, Eurofurence in Germany, and its single chairman since 1997. This person of social influence uses it to defend zoophilia by attacking “bigots” with whataboutism rhetoric — as if a vegan diet is required to oppose animal sex abuse — or as if they are a vegan convention with purity and superiority to backlash at concerns about abuse. Meanwhile…

Eurofurence chair’s belief since at least 2003: “many zoos are furries… I don’t find zoophilia reprehensible at all.”

Tweet from Eurofurence head of security in 2012. Note tiger userpic and a community habit of using separate “after dark” and main accounts.

PROBLEM 3: Limited power and consequences. Convictions of offenders as extreme as Britton and Vanwoert are rare. For animal crimes, victims can’t tell, human ones get priority, and local police are too busy or can’t go out of jurisdiction for internet crime. Charges are commonly dropped. State laws are “often poorly equipped to accomplish meaningful convictions” according to The Animal Legal Defense Fund, while for federal authorities, it’s often beneath their radar and left to states. This is slowly changing but it’s a big loophole where animal abuse networks stay outside justice.

As a result, saying “call the police” can be no better than punting the ball to nowhere. Sometimes it’s deliberate. “We can’t judge before a conviction” — gets flipped after a conviction to — “we can’t judge someone who paid the price”, meaning organizers are sitting on their hands. Even if the price paid was a tiny slap on the wrist for a repeat offender who did far more crime and the issue isn’t about banning but about extending privileges.

Nuance: Legal liability limits how conventions can ban people, because it sets a precedent that can get them sued for not banning someone else they aren’t aware of. Read that again until it makes sense. General screening or banning by conventions is not the point.

The points are:

  • Zoophile network members are all complicit with raising demand for abuse.
  • This abuse is unlikely to get solved by police, or it will just get weak consequences on single members.
  • The issue isn’t about catching single members, but undoing networks.


  • We don’t own most internet platforms that let abusers bounce from group to group.
  • That’s not just a problem for one weekend conventions, but for 365 days a year.
  • Even with these limits, police don’t run groups, YOU run them and can do something inside.

It can come down to choices of who and how you pay, trust, support, or make people aware. That can mean choosing who gets privileges of being a con dealer, guest of honor, accepted on staff, or simply who is welcome to be friends. None of those are asking cons to ban people. Opposing abuser networks can start personally and locally, and the next Britton and Vanwoert can have one less place to meet.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)

Categories: News

Kickstarter: Garbage & Glory TTRPG

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 28 Sep 2023 - 20:28

Fans of raccoons, shiny trash, and grabby paws will surely be interested this upcoming tabletop role-playing game from Wet Ink Games that has already passed its funding goal over on Kickstarter. Check out the details below:

"Garbage & Glory is a tabletop role-playing game about friendship, adventure, and dumpster diving. You play as a raccoon adventurer searching through the alleyways and forgotten lots of human civilization in a constant pursuit for the best trash and the fame it brings. Enter the unseen world of the raccoons and the other animal ruffians who share our urban environment. To human eyes, raccoons are just pawing through the things we want to get rid of. From their point of view, they are discovering the valuable raw materials that make their lives possible and rescuing it from the huge monsters who clearly don't want this great stuff, but paradoxically don't want anyone else to have it either. Join the quest for the greatest Garbage and all the Glory."

We'll keep an eye on the production of this colorful foray into the world of adventuring raccoons.

Categories: News

Grovel Reports 4th Anniversary Statement

Grovel Reports - Thu 28 Sep 2023 - 12:24

Its been four years already?! This is likely a good time to talk a little about the future of the network. Main Telegram Channel Grovel Reports 4th Anniversary Statement #furryfandom #furry #furries
Categories: Podcasts

Young Furry Wants to Be a Light in the Fandom

Ask Papabear - Thu 28 Sep 2023 - 10:45
Dear Papabear,

I am a bit new to the fandom (I joined the fandom two years ago but not until recently have I gotten into the community) and I was wondering how I can make a positive impact within the furry community. The fandom is often looked down upon and I want to do something to showcase the friendliness and helpful side that brought me into it. Your articles remind me of this and shed a good light on the community, so do you have any advice on how to highlight the fandom on a community level?

Sol the Naga (age 18, Texas)

* * *

Dear Sol the Naga,

Welcome to the fandom :3 It's nice to see a young furry with a good, positive attitude, and thank you for your question!

The ABSOLUTE NUMBER ONE THING YOU CAN DO to shed a positive light on the fandom is to be a good example to other furries. Don't be a troll. Don't be a drama queen. Definitely do not join the Furry Raiders LOL. Just be a good furry. A great way to do this is to volunteer at furcons. You're in Texas, so perhaps you could attend Texas Furry Fiesta in Dallas next March or Furry Siesta in August and help out. Or, in Houston, there's StratosFur, and in San Antonio, there is the Alamo City Furry Invasion. The people who run cons are just amazing givers of their time and hard work and they are always in need of more paws behind the scenes.

You can also volunteer at charities. Many furries support wildlife and pet charities, for example, as well as other worthy causes such as raising money for ALS research through the Walk to Defeat ALS that many furries have participated in after the death of Tony "Dogbomb" Barrett from this tragic disease. The local chapter for you can be found here ( I can ask my friend Joe Bear if there is a furry contact in Texas.

If you haven't already done so, see if you can get involved in your local furry community. There are groups on social media you can join, such as on Discord. Start a chat there and find out what Texas furs are up to and raise your paw to help out.

The more you get involved in your local community of furs doing positive things for people--furry or not--the more light you will shed onto the fandom. Be a good furry, think globally, and act locally, and you will be accomplishing a lot toward your praiseworthy goal.

Bear Hugs,

You Forgot Your Childhood, but…

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 28 Sep 2023 - 01:48

Another cool thing we’ve been missing all year, but we’re happy to find out about it now. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Invader Comics released the Back To Fairtaylia comic series, written by Jorg Alberts and Roland Heep, with artwork by P.R. Dedelis. “Once upon a time, childhood friends found a magical doorway to Fairtaylia, an enchanted realm full of wizardry and wonder. 20 years later they are a bunch of self-absorbed adults who don’t believe in fairy-tales anymore… until a talking squirrel and a chainsaw-wielding fairy show up on their doorsteps. In a fast-paced quest to save Fairtaylia from an unspeakable evil, the gang has to evade wicked witches, battle orcs and ogres, and break into Cinderella’s castle while suffering through fairy farts, skimpy outfits, and several musical numbers. Good luck with happily ever after…” Issues are available now.

image c. 2023 Invader Comics

Categories: News

S10 Episode 14 – Furry Feud: Kink Edition - How well do YOU know the kinks and fetishes common in the furry fandom? Join the cast and viewers as they try to guess some of Nuka's recently collected data, Family Feud style! This is the audio from our YouTub

Fur What It's Worth - Tue 26 Sep 2023 - 20:19
How well do YOU know the kinks and fetishes common in the furry fandom? Join the cast and viewers as they try to guess some of Nuka's recently collected data, Family Feud style! This is the audio from our YouTube livestream.

Thank you!
To everyone that was able to join us on the livestream!
The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!

Uber Supporter Tier


Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters

Ashton Sergal, Nuka

Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka the San Francisco Treat, Baldrik, Lufis (Pic Pending)

Deluxe Supporters Tier

Guardian Lion, Plug (pic pending), Tenax (pic pending)

Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat

McRib Tier Supporters

Victor Mutt
Ichigo Ookami


Intro: Orgy for One - Ninja Sex Party, Cool Patrol 2018
Patreon: The Tudor Consort, Inflammatus, Creative Commons, 2010
Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 Episode 14 – Furry Feud: Kink Edition - How well do YOU know the kinks and fetishes common in the furry fandom? Join the cast and viewers as they try to guess some of Nuka's recently collected data, Family Feud style! This is the audio from our YouTub
Categories: Podcasts

He is the Screeching Fingernail on the Chalkboard of Justice

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 24 Sep 2023 - 01:10

More Disney daring-do from Dynamite Entertainment: The new Negaduck spin-off comic series, written by Jeff Parker and illustrated by Ciro Cangialosi. “He’s the exact opposite of Darkwing Duck in every way… Evil, nefarious, dedicated to stealing lollipops from kids and not helping grandmas across the street! And now, he’s ready to begin a reign of crime and terror the likes of which St. Canard has never seen — except, dang it, all of the other villains are ripping off his ideas! What’s a criminal mastermind to do when the city’s thick with other criminals, stealing his shine? Why, take his villainy on the road, of course!” The first issue hit the shelves this month, with a variety of covers.

image c. 2023 Dynamite Entertainment

Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting S4E21 - That New Taebyn Smell

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 23 Sep 2023 - 05:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Moobarkfwuff! Taebyn has been replaced. Be sure to turn in to hear his replacement. Can you put cheese on chocolate? Bearly gives us some very strange words. Rayne and Taebyn2 go over their movie quotes from last week and fill us in on the answers. Taebyn tries to make jokes and doesn't quite succeed. We do some This or That, and learn about some math things.

 Moobarkfwuff all you furs!


Taebyn YouTube

Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall


Wild Bills Soda

Merch at Redbubble

Merch at Bonfire

Merch at Fourthwall

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S4E21 - That New Taebyn Smell
Categories: Podcasts

The “Godmother of Cards” - Araya the Ink Artist [FABP E36]

Fox and Burger - Fri 22 Sep 2023 - 23:00

Dubbed “the godmother of cards” by her classmates in school, Araya is a furry artist specializing in ink-based art. From her rural upbringing to building the furry brand “Omicrono,” join us as we explore ink, art, and Thailand! ---- Timestamps: 00:00 Teaser 00:35 Intro 01:22 Guest Intro 03:24 Inspire by a card game 05:31 All about Omicrono and Ricki 08:38 Bloody Roar and Kemono Dungeon 12:37 Growing up in Saraburi 15:19 Summoner Master Godmother 18:18 Studying architecture 19:54 Family business 22:45 How manga inspired Araya 24:22 Ink vs Digital Art 28:18 Inspiring manga artists 31:35 Making art with ink pens and markers 35:41 Inktober and ink challenges 40:49 Other furry traditional artists 43:20 Future art projects 46:00 How Thai people see artists 50:00 International art career 52:40 Future family plans 54:33 A Omicrono and Ricki comic? 57:34 Social media shoutout 58:22 Outro ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger: Araya: ---- Footage Credit: Other pictures and video provided by Pixabay, and guest’s and host’s personal footage. Intro/Outro Music: Drown Me Out - YVEN ---- The Fox and Burger Podcast is one segment of our production house, Fox and Burger Productions. The podcast’s goal is twofold: 1, to know more about the Asian furry fandom; and 2, compare and contrast the Asian fandom with the Western one. If you have a guest that you would like to see on the show, please PM us! We will also take questions for our guests, so don’t miss this opportunity to know some amazing furs. Tags: Fox and Burger Productions, Fox and Burger Podcast, Podcast, Furry,
Categories: Podcasts

Your Mentor is Evil. But Soft.

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 22 Sep 2023 - 01:58

We talked before about author John Scalzi’s recent book The Kaiju Preservation Society. Well the prolific author is back with another interesting take on science fiction tropes with Starter Villain. “Inheriting your mysterious uncle’s supervillain business is more complicated than you might imagine. Sure, there are the things you’d expect. The undersea volcano lairs. The minions. The plots to take over the world. The international networks of rivals who want you dead. Much harder to get used to… are the the sentient, language-using, computer-savvy cats. And the fact that in the overall organization, they’re management.” The book just hit the shelves this week, from Tor, in hardcover.

image c. 2023 Tor Books

Categories: News


In-Fur-Nation - Wed 20 Sep 2023 - 01:57

The takeover of Planet Earth by one little Australian blue heeler dog continues unabated. We just got this announcement: “The first ever Bluey video game is releasing on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC on November 17. Outright Games, in partnership with BBC Studios, is opening up the world of the beloved animated preschool series and inviting you to join Bluey and her buddies in an all-new interactive sandbox adventure, aptly titled Bluey: The Videogame, that will give players free rein to explore Bluey’s house and several other iconic locations.” Based on the celebrated and Ursa Major Award-winning TV series, of course. Coming this fall!

image c. 2023 Outright Games

Categories: News

Have you been approached by media producers about making a “dark” furry docu-series?

Dogpatch Press - Mon 18 Sep 2023 - 05:29

NOTE: article topic is not to be confused with inside fandom-made documentaries. Please send confidential tips to:

In June, Dogpatch Press was approached by a company “developing a documentary that takes place in the world of furries.” True-crime was mentioned. This is something that Dogpatch Press covers — and isn’t a bad thing to ask, by itself.

Whenever media producers make contact, first they are checked to see if they’re real people with a history of solid work. If they are, they may get cooperation and support. I had already checked this company before they contacted me (with advance notice from others they contacted) and got a middling impression. Making some innocuous airtime filler isn’t so bad, because work is work.

I told them: “One long lasting annoyance about furries as a group is their dogma against “the media,” as if Fox News and PBS are the same thing. Actually I started my news site to push back on that. But I will be picky on what outlets I talk to, and look at their work before considering it.”

Then I gave an opinion that their proposed topic had low chances to get fandom cooperation — and got no further reply.

This September I was surprised to hear about more furries being approached by the same company. Here’s a snippet:

Now the proposal has increased from a single documentary, to a docu-series with “darker stories”. A story per episode might mean approaching many people.

Again it’s not bad to look at true-crime or darker stories — by itself — if the approach is good. But the new approach I was shown? It asks about a specific person, and their story has previously gotten careful consideration and doesn’t meet the standards of Dogpatch Press.

This site won’t blast out a name that isn’t newsworthy for much more than mental illness symptoms. A name whose brief connection to a major news story was cleared by police. If this was a serious approach, producers would already know it’s questionable to connect the name. It also risks some big ethical concerns about putting a private person in a spotlight.

The persistent but questionable approaching now makes me ask:

Has anyone else been approached by a production company? Please tip:

I’m being charitable in not publishing the company, their ideas, or names right now. That’s on the chance that these are innocuous or contracted people — and let’s avoid connecting opportunists to them if the motives aren’t good. (Bad interviews come to mind.)

I’m also keeping this vague in order to point out some possible suspicions, on the chance that they aren’t true.

It hasn’t been very long since another producer wanted to get inside the furry fandom.

Read on, then ask: can you trust ANY producer whose motives aren’t clear?

Suspicions and high alert

In February 2023, Dogpatch Press posted an alert: Furries warn each other about casting call for “Life As a Furry” TV show.

The story featured a separate producer, and pointed out red flags. Most alarmingly, he went on a podcast that hosted Republican strategist, insurrectionist and convicted criminal Roger Stone, AKA Satan. If you don’t live under a rock, you’ll know how right-wing sources (it is ALWAYS right-wing) keep lying about “furry kids demanding litter boxes in schools.” It’s part of a larger wave of bigotry. They refuse to stop spreading the lie because it riles up gullible voters. These liars will exploit without remorse, and must be guarded against if this community claims to care about its members who face the attacks. That’s why even a whiff of being close to Roger Stone puts a media producer under scrutiny. He chose to go on the podcast – his fault.

The producer was upset. Requests to take the story down were refused so the community could decide for itself what to trust.

From the communications I got, I sensed production money was invested by someone who may not give up that easily.

Which brings us to the current producer approaches.

Hollywood writer’s strike and unscripted programming

The February story Furries warn each other about casting call for “Life As a Furry” TV show concerned a proposed reality show. It has no obvious connection to the producers who approached me in June… However, their company social media posted a video of them attending a Netflix reality show exhibition a week before June. The writer’s strike in Hollywood made reality and unscripted programming much more in demand, while getting work has been hard. Hmm.

In an older interview, the February producer claimed he was behind 30-40 shows in production, but oddly almost none were publicly credited. Huh.

Put this all together and follow the money. Are there bad intentions towards this community following waves of “litter box” fake news?

Or is it just ordinary business, and how trustable is that even if there’s nothing else going on behind this docu-series?

Your history

In the history of furries in the media, some media has a lot of bad behavior to answer for. But don’t get me wrong… this point is coming from someone who made a news site to cover things that deserve more attention. It offers access to good faith media who can apply professional resources and the will to air things the community suppresses. That’s also a big problem. Ignorance and suppression brings private tips here all the time from people who can’t speak openly, for the same reasons whistleblowers are harmed anywhere. Don’t hate “the media”, because knowledge is power.

Public interest reporting is welcome here, bad faith is not.

UPDATE from Gamepopper in the UK – another effort by media producers there.

“Hello Patch,

I saw your recent post and thought I’d share this with you. Back in August, I got a message on my Facebook from a producer/journalist who wanted to do a documentary about “what being a furry really means, dispel any misconceptions, and create an accurate picture about the furry community”.

They didn’t provide any info on who they worked for, and when I sent a text response asking about what misconceptions they intended to discuss, they were insistent on talking over the phone. Was a little suspicious, so I looked them up, and it turns out they work for TalkTV.

TalkTV is a right-wing British free-to-air opinion-orientated television and radio channel owned and operated by News UK, owned/operated by Rupert Murdoch (also behind Fox News, for reference). The channel is currently best known for having Piers Morgan as one of its hosts.

Already made a warning to furmeet organisers in the UK, and although I’ve not heard anything since then, it could be possible they’re still trying to get British furries in particular involved in the project.

Hope this is useful.


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Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting S4E20 - Sunflower Pup

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 16 Sep 2023 - 05:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Moobarkfluff! Taebyn, Rayne and Bearly have pointless conversations about pointless things..Bearly is having pronunciation issues this week.  We highlight upcoming events, play some trivia, and finally have some Odd News, and Furries in the News.Taebyn treads on thin ice and may need to be replaced.  We visit the Transfurmation lab, and mostly have a pretty good time.So come spend some time with us, you will be glad you did. Moobarkfluff all you furs!


Taebyn YouTube

Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall


Wild Bills Soda

Merch at Redbubble

Merch at Bonfire

Merch at Fourthwall

This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S4E20 - Sunflower Pup
Categories: Podcasts

Veterans Who Go to the Vet

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 15 Sep 2023 - 01:55

We’re mostly about anthropomorphic animals around here, obviously, but now and then it’s interesting to find a project about real-life non-humans and their adventures. Such is the case with Four-Fisted Tales: Animals In Combat, a new non-fiction graphic novel by Ben Towle. “In virtually every military conflict in recorded history animals have fought — and often died — alongside their human counterparts. While countless stories of the men and women who’ve served in the trenches, jungles, and deserts of the world’s battlefields have been told, Four-Fisted Tales: Animals in Combat shares the stories of the animals who fought alongside them. From Hannibal’s elephants in ancient Rome to mine-sniffing rats in Vietnam and everything in between, Four-Fisted Tales highlights the real-life contributions of these underappreciated animal warriors. Whether in active combat or simply as companions, these animals served and made their mark on history.” It’s available now from Dead Reckoning.

image c. 2023 Dead Reckoning

Categories: News

Singapore furries brave the heat in fursuit meet at Labrador Nature Reserve

Global Furry Television - Thu 14 Sep 2023 - 23:32

Categories: News

C’mon Now… What Did You Expect?

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 13 Sep 2023 - 00:38

In case you missed it: One of the break-out ‘stars’ of the Loki TV series over on Disney+ was Loki… as an alligator. Yes. Popular enough that now he even has his own comic book! We got this from Previews: “Bow down to the reptile in a helm who has enraptured the Ten Realms…with his cuteness! First Alligator Loki chomped down on Mjolnir, and then he chomped his way into our hearts. Now, the beloved Alligator of Mischief finds – and makes – trouble all across the Marvel Universe in his very own comic! Collecting the hit Infinity Comics series from the Marvel Unlimited app, this one-shot includes a never-before-seen adventure in the life of everyone’s favorite swamp-dwelling scamp!” Wow, we didn’t know that app thing… was a thing. Alligator Loki is on the shelves now!

image c. 2023 Marvel Comics

Categories: News

Vietnamese furries in 3 words w/Kusu and Bio #shorts #snippets

Fox and Burger - Tue 12 Sep 2023 - 23:00

How would you describe Vietnamese furries? Listen to what Kusu has to say. Catch the full episode here: ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger: ---- #foxandburger #shorts #snippet #furry
Categories: Podcasts