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Must He Break Up with Furry Girlfriend If He Is Not into Furries?

Ask Papabear - Mon 1 Aug 2016 - 18:26

I'm not a Furry but I don't know anyone else I could ask. (Besides people on FA but I don't want to make an account since I would only use it once). She's 16 I'm about 15.

About 4 months ago I met Angelina. Her parents are furries, and she got her first suit, and it's not too ackward, because she doesn't wear it in public around me, so props for that, But she asked me to go to a furcon, and to go with her to furry meets, and trying to introduce me to the fandom, and I don't want to... But should I? I don't want to break up with her.

Eric (15)

* * *

​Hi, Eric,

Thanks for your question. You don't have to be a furry to have a furry girlfriend. My late husband was not a furry, but he was very supportive of me. I would suggest you join her at a furcon or furmeet for the one reason that you should probably get a better idea about what furries are before you make further judgments about them. You will see that we are just normal people with an unconventional interest that's really no stranger than, say, being a Trekkie or being obsessed with World of Warcraft. We're just people--like your girlfriend :-)

She obviously has qualities about her that you like a lot and you want to continue the relationship. Be supportive, just like--I would hope--she would be supportive of you if you were interested in something even if she wasn't.

Make sense?

Good luck!

Ep 68 – ACSWS - Ocean runs off to AC 2016 and ends the con in a hotel room sitting around with other authors, editors and publishers. The gloves are off, the drinks are out and we’re ready to unwind and shoot the breeze. As usual, there’s an explicit advi

Fangs and Fonts - Mon 1 Aug 2016 - 13:38

Ocean runs off to AC 2016 and ends the con in a hotel room sitting around with other authors, editors and publishers. The gloves are off, the drinks are out and we’re ready to unwind and shoot the breeze. As usual, there’s an explicit advisory warning with our SWS shows. Otherwise, enjoy!

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Fangs and Fonts

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Ep 68 – ACSWS - Ocean runs off to AC 2016 and ends the con in a hotel room sitting around with other authors, editors and publishers. The gloves are off, the drinks are out and we’re ready to unwind and shoot the breeze. As usual, there’s an explicit advisory [...]
Categories: Podcasts

Professional mascots and furries – Q&A with Uncle Kage and Kodi of Midwest Furfest.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 1 Aug 2016 - 10:53

The National Mascot Hall of Fame is coming in 2017.  This mainstream event might deserve furry attention. It’s a series here:

1) The beginning of mascots and fursuiting.
2) Fursuiting crossover with pro sports.
3) The National Mascot Hall of Fame.

Could a full time mascot-based tourist attraction include furries somehow?  Maybe they will indirectly benefit.  Imagine an exhibit dedicated to hobbyist costuming, and how it’s an institution in places like Pittsburgh.  If that happened, Uncle Kage would surely be one of the first asked to help connect furries and pro mascots. And it’s interesting that the NMHOF is close to Midwest Furfest (imagine an exhibit coordinated with the con.)

I contacted Kage and MFF about this. Here’s followup to the stories above.

From Raymond Entertainment Group

From Raymond Entertainment Group

Mascot Boot Camp is run by NMHOF founder Dave Raymond (the original “Philly Phanatic”).   It’s in Kutztown PA- 3 days for $399.  Fursuiters, check that out.  And you can hire it to come to you (wouldn’t it be amazing to have such a workshop hosted by a con? Although cost per person would be huge.)  Check Dave Raymond’s group of companies for a look at professional mascot building and more – Raymond Entertainment Group.

Furry sports fans on national TV – have you seen this going around as a popular meme? (Tip: Chakat Shorttail.)


Here’s the story from 2014: Dallas Stars Fans Dress Up as Furries, Taunt Bruce Boudreau With Taco Sign. Hockey fans loved it on Reddit’s r/hockey. And here’s some reaction from Reddit’s r/furry. Find Vermy Fox and Dario Mouse on FurAffinity.

Uncle Kage answers a few questions about The Mascot Hall of Fame.

(Patch:) Do you think there will be any outreach to furries, directly or subtly?

(Kage:) I have no way of knowing. It would be nice if someone out there recognized that there is a fandom built up around anthropomorphic animals, and that mascotting is a perfect example of the genre.

(Patch:) The San Diego Chicken made a fantastic Guest Of Honor at Anthrocon, can we look forward to more?

(Kage:) It’d be lovely if he would return to join us. Perhaps in 2017, when we are planning a baseball theme.

(Patch:) Is this part of mainstreaming furries, with stuff like Disney’s Zootopia?

(Kage:) Furries are already mainstream. The rest of the world just hasn’t caught on yet.


I met the chicken!

Q&A with Kodi, MFF media contact and Director of Programming & Marketing.

(Patch:) Have you guys heard of the National Mascot Hall of Fame opening nearby in the Chicago area? Would you have anything to do with it?

(Kodi:) I was aware of the hall of fame opening, though we didn’t have anything to do with it – such a small percentage of our attendees perform in costume (it’s a large number, but not normally more than 25% of con attendees)

(Patch:) Do you think it will bring interest in what furries do, or even involve them?

(Kodi:) I think it could certainly interest some of our attendees, though I don’t expect they would ever formally involve us – their hall of fame seems to be more tailored to sports mascots, not amateurs.

(Patch:) Anthrocon’s GOH was the San Diego Chicken who is credited as making sports mascots popular.  Has MFF had anyone similar, or will you?

(Kodi:) We were thrilled to see that Anthrocon was recognizing the San Diego chicken! I think he’s a stellar example of true professionalism! Midwest Furfest prides itself on first and foremost, recognizing the achievements and leadership within our community directly – I would never say never, but at least right now, our focus is more directed at recognizing achievement within the fandom

(Patch:) Would you agree crossover of furry and mainstream stuff seems to be growing? Have any other comment about that?

(Kodi:) I think there are certainly parts of the mainstream world that seem to recognize the fandom, and a lot of the hard work our performers, artists and businesses do (perhaps more now, than in previous years). However, I also think that’s a consequence of the growth of the fandom as a whole – we are becoming a larger entity, which invites more opportunity for ‘cross over’. Ultimately, Midwest Furfest’s goal is to continue providing education, fun and a really great event for our attendees. We aren’t directly focused on our growth, nor do we really spend a lot of time looking at how other fandoms or other parts of the community may choose to portray us. We truly believe that we have an exceptional group of staff and attendees that’s helped make our events a lot of fun, and we couldn’t be more appreciative!

Tomorrow: Cornbread Wolf talks about his hobby of fursuiting at sports games.

Categories: News

S6 Episode 1 – I’m on FIRE! - Roo and Tugs re-arranged the studio and put on their asbestos suits to prepare for this episode and preserve the history of the fandom - Burned Furries! We are joined by first hand witness to the events, Sophianna Katana,

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 31 Jul 2016 - 20:36
Roo and Tugs re-arranged the studio and put on their asbestos suits to prepare for this episode and preserve the history of the fandom - Burned Furries! We are joined by first hand witness to the events, Sophianna Katana, who joined the furry fandom in 1991. While she's no longer part of the furry fandom, it doesn't mean she doesn't have mesmerizing stories to tell. This is the story of the Burned Furries like you've never heard before. We also have a NEW segment, Space News, and Get Psyched!

Programming note: Due to the studio re-arrangement, we do have some small audio hiccups in this episode. We're sorry!


Show Notes

Special Thanks

Alix Dialca
Bluue Husky
Dronon, for taking it upon himself to prepare some notes for this episode to guide us.
Sophianna Katan, our guest! If you want to support Sophie in her efforts, consider attending the Bay Area Brony Spectacular (BABSCon).


Opening Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Some music was provided by Kevin MacLeod at We used the following pieces: Inspired . Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Get Psyched! Music: Fredrik Miller – Universe. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Headnodic Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Next episode: What got you into the fandom? This is a listener suggested topic and we can't believe we haven't done it yet! So send us what got you into the fandom by August 9, 2016! S6 Episode 1 – I’m on FIRE! - Roo and Tugs re-arranged the studio and put on their asbestos suits to prepare for this episode and preserve the history of the fandom - Burned Furries! We are joined by first hand witness to the events, Sophianna Katana,
Categories: Podcasts

An Astronomical Animation Company

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 31 Jul 2016 - 01:36

This we got from Deadline: “Former ToonBox exec Jay Ahn [The Nut Job] and animation industry veteran Chris Henderson [Disney’s 101 Dalmatians TV series] have launched Astro-Nomical Entertainment, a development and production company aiming to make high-quality independent animated family films. Its first project in the works is the feature film Mean Margaret, based on the children’s book by Tor Seidler [A Rat’s Tale, The Wainscot Weasel]. Mulan co-director Barry Cook is in talks to direct… The Mean Margaret books center on a cranky toddler from a family of nine who is taken in by two woodchucks and raised as their own among a community of wacky animal characters.”

image c. 2016 Astro-Nomical Entertainment

image c. 2016 Astro-Nomical Entertainment


Categories: News

Cartoons in Clay

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 30 Jul 2016 - 01:59

Amy Wascher is a sculptor and mold-maker who works extensively with Super-Sculpey. Of late her subjects have been leaning towards pop culture in general, and cartoons in particular. And yes, that means funny animals too. Visit her web site,, to see her current stuff plus what she’s working on now.

image c. 2016 by Amy Wascher

image c. 2016 by Amy Wascher




Categories: News

ep. 128 - Patreon Guest, Tobe! - Reminder: We're on Patreon! If you could kick us …

The Dragget Show - Sat 30 Jul 2016 - 00:04

Reminder: We're on Patreon! If you could kick us a buck or two, we'd greatly appreciate it. ALSO, we're not just on SoundCloud, you can also subscribe to this on most podcast services like iTunes! It's a show with Patreon sponsor, Tobe the Otter! We talk about all sorts of crap. Don't forget to hang out in our telegram chat, now w/ over 100 members! Lastly, don't forget to check out our YouTube, where we have many extra vids, like a fireside chat. ep. 128 - Patreon Guest, Tobe! - Reminder: We're on Patreon! If you could kick us …
Categories: Podcasts


Dogpatch Press - Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 15:55

heat-5_coverWe are in the heart of summer. The pools are open, the grills are cooking, and for us writers, Sofawolf’s long running anthology Heat is OPEN FOR SUBMISSION for their fourteenth volume. One of, if not the longest, and the most prominent, anthology in the fandom; Heat is once again open for all of your erotic encounters. But outside of being an erotic anthology, Heat never does a yearly theme like its contemporaries like Roar, Fang, or Trick or Treat.

Heat does not, and has never had, a theme beyond “furry erotica.” Heat occasionally develops themes post hoc, like the Americana theme running through Heat 13. We didn’t choose those stories for being related to Americana: we chose stories because they were good and it turned out that the stories we chose had a lot to do with Americana.

Write the hot and sweaty or sweet and sensual furry story that you want to write. It doesn’t need to–and shouldn’t and can’t–be tailored to what we want.

There is only one thing the people on Heat want?

In brief: short, well-written furry erotica of all orientations with an emphasis on good story.

That is what we want to see in general, but there are certain things we want to see more of. A lot of the stories we get are straight or gay, have a male protagonist, have a young protagonist, have a canine protagonist, are set somewhere in contemporary America, or are fairly straight-forward romance story. Anything that moves away from this would stands out among our submissions.

We’d love to see more stories with a lesbian or bisexual focus. We’d love to see more transgender characters. We’d love to see more female protagonists. We’d love to see middle-aged or older characters. We’d love to see ourselves visiting different time periods or different locales or transported to whole other worlds. And we always love when our writers can mash together erotica with an unexpected genre. (I still think one of my favorites for this is Tempe O’Kun’s “The Case of the Gelatinous Gemstone,” which mixed erotica, comedy, and mystery.)

While kinks are allowable, remember that most of our audience is not likely to share that particular kink and therefore it should not be the primary focus of the story.

However, the editor of Heat, Dark End, points out that there are many common mistakes made when people submit to Heat. He recently posted a detailed blog about it on SoFurry, but if you choose to write for Heat, keep these things in mind to avoid these common mistakes. One of the biggest being, don’t make your erotic story just about the sex.

Failing to proofread is a surprisingly frequent mistake. We’ve seen some pretty egregious typos on the first page that make us really worried about a story.

A lot of the issues we see are related to story structure: stories that wait to get the conflict going until half-way through or that resolve the conflict on page two, stories that try to cram too much in eight thousand words, stories that are confusing, stories where the stakes are so low that we say “What, that’s it?”

By far and away, the most common issue is with writers not knowing how to write a story that makes use of sex but isn’t just about the sex. This is a big one. If I can remove the sex scene and nothing about the story really changes, then the sex isn’t as important to the story as it should be. To borrow a cooking metaphor, in a good story for Heat, the sex should be like a perfect sauce that brings together the rest of the meal together: it shouldn’t try to be the meat, and the potatoes, and the drink, and the dessert.

dark-endDark End would know since he’s been working on Heat in some way since volume 10. Dark End has been apart of the Furry Fandom for over a decade, but only in recent years started writing his own stories and getting some of his shorts in Hot Dish and Heat, plus a host of hypnosis stories on his FA and SoFurry, which in this writers opinion is awesome. I have a thing for hypnosis. Don’t judge. His main work though is editing the various books Sofawolf makes.

I first started working as a story and copy editor on Heat with Heat 10, published in 2013. My duties started expanding, and by Heat 12 in 2015, I was the managing editor. These days my duties include reviewing submitted stories, choosing our final slate of stories, doing full editing work on around three of the stories, and doing a proofreading of the entire final volume.

That hard work has paid off since Heat Vol. 12 just won the Ursa Major for Best Magazine this year. Heat is a major work within the Furry writing community. As far as I can tell, it’s the one all writers want to be accepted in. It helped pave the way for other anthologies and opening the door for many Furry writers. Kyell Gold’s first published story was in Heat Vol. 1. There is a history Heat carries and Dark End couldn’t believe he’s the one in charged of it.

Gobsmacked. Thunderstruck. If you’d told me five or six years ago that I’d be doing this, I might have laughed. At that time, I was a guy with a couple of barely read stories on FA, and now there’s an Ursa Major Award with my name next to it. How did this happen?

I’ve seen how many readers, writers, and editors look up to Heat and, by association, me, so I’m surprised, but I’m also very honored. People trust me to do an important job and do it well. I don’t want to let them down.

At the same time, I am–perhaps surprisingly–not that stressed by the work on Heat. It’s an important work to the fandom and it has major status, yes, but we have a big team so that no one feels like they are the linchpin holding everything together. We also don’t feel the pressure to top what we did last year. We’re not competing with our past selves. We just want to put out a great book every year that shows off the talent of the fandom, and I think we’ve done that fairly well for the decade-and-a-half Heat has been in print.

So now you want to try your hand at writing for Heat. What are the basic rules to know?

Stories should be furry, erotic, and between 4 and 8 thousand words. There is some leeway on the word count, but don’t push it far.

DO: give us your whole story.

DO: edit it several times before sending it to us. Use spellchecker.

DON’T: expect to catch every mistake and typo. We know there will be some.

DO: use a standard font (Courier New or Times New Roman work best) and font size (12 pt is quite standard). Feel free to make use of the standard manuscript format, which you can find examples of by googling, but it’s not a necessity.

DON’T: overexert yourself on formatting. It will all be reformatted if accepted anyway.

DO: Be prepared to work with us on your story, including on possible major rewrites.

DON’T: simultaneous submission. If you submit it to us, don’t have it submitted anywhere else while we are considering it.

DO: feel free to use a pseudonym on your submission (although if we accept it, we will need to know your full name eventually).

DO: use your cover letter space to tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’ve done writing- and publication-wise, especially if you have never published with Sofawolf before.

The deadline this year is September 19th and is planned for release by next years Anthrocon. Payment will be at the rate of $0.01/ per word. You can learn more about the Do’s and Don’ts of Sofawolf’s submission page. But like I said, this is the anthology not only for stories, but poems and comics as well with their own requirements. There will be a lot of competition, but if you want to have a fighting chance, Dark End recommends this.

Pick up a volume of Heat and read through it. See the kind of stories we like to publish. A lot of eager writers don’t realize quite what we mean when we say, “We want a story, not just sex,” until they have read through an issue.

Talk with other writers. Share ideas. Ask for help beta-reading your story and offer to help beta-read other submissions. Visit the Furry Writer’s Guild; even I’m there… sometimes.

Good luck to all the writers and creators, old and new, who are submitting to Heat. May the best erotica win.


Categories: News

What Were WhyWolf | Episode 32

Culturally F'd - Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 15:18
Categories: Videos


In-Fur-Nation - Fri 29 Jul 2016 - 01:58

A new publication from Create Space: Dinosaur HeRAWRsies — A Coloring Book for Dinosaur Fans of All Ages. “Fun and educational, this pun-filled collection features some popular dinosaurs as well as recent discoveries! Includes familiar favorites such as T. Rex and Triceratops, plus newly discovered dinosaurs like Aquilops, Tarchia, and Prestosuchus. Includes fun facts about each dinosaur, as well as funny visual puns and geeky references.” The title itself is a reference to The Dinosaur Heresies, a famous work of non-fiction by paleontologist and Red Raptor creator Robert T. Bakker. On the other paw, this new coloring book was written and illustrated by Chandra Reyer and Jennifer Nolan — and it’s available now in paperback on Amazon. You can also visit Ms. Reyer’s personal web site to see more of her fanciful illustrations and color works.

image c. 2016 Create Space

image c. 2016 Chandra Reyer / Jennifer Nolan

Categories: News

Mate Is Distrustful and Controlling

Ask Papabear - Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 18:47
Hey there, Papabear,

It's DT here after quite some time!

Anyway, I'm just writing I guess as an update and a further question about what to do.

So... remember that guy I was telling you about who I was into and was into me, but stuck on his ex? Well a lot of time has passed, they broke up again last year and we started talking once again in October. Since then we've been getting closer and closer, seeing each other many times throughout the week.

We're getting closer and closer to a real relationship. He agreed to pick up the "dating" moniker and things have been.... well somewhat smooth.

We started having a few disagreements and he ended up getting angrier and angrier with what I was doing, so he ended up telling me a bunch of rules to follow and, despite me not agreeing with them, I agreed to follow. They were relatively simple, no RPing with my main 'sona (other sona's allowed), no pictures with my main sona with anyone else and not in YCHs unless topping. And no browsing FA without telling him about it or including him in some way. And he stalks my page so he knows if I was like faving something without him.

I don't agree with them, but I understand why he wants them. And they're not really that big a deal. So I agreed to them and have been staying with them, but the arguments keep happening.

Every now and then (about once a week or every two weeks), something will set him off and he'll fly off the handle, going off on me (always over text as well), sometimes insulting me, sometimes just saying I don't care about him or love him. Every now and then he brings up his ex as well. He can be pretty petty at times, and will even admit this. The most recent thing to set him off was during a misunderstanding when I thought he was asking to come over when in reality he was asking if I wanted him to go to Walmart with me. He asked me why I would think that and I mentioned "I dunno. second thoughts?" and he blew up in the course of 3 messages and such. Got him to calm down about an hour later and chill with me.

I always get him to calm down after a lengthy conversation. I'm pretty good at that. I let him know that we should compromise and try talking before letting emotions get out of hand, to call more often if tensions start getting high, etc. But he only seems to partially follow this. Instead he wants me to apologize and change something else about me, which I do. Each time.

I know it feels like I shouldn't be doing that, but it’s what calms him down and it usually is something I should have seen, but I don't like how almost every time is the "last" time and he's always "done" with me. It really is disconcerting. I'm trying my best and working on everything. It doesn't feel like he is, but he insists he is whenever I bring it up.

That's another issue. I want to bring things up with him, but the only time I really can are during these fights wherein he claims I don't stand up for him or care for him or agree with him on things. I feel like if I try to bring up anything, he'll get angry with me, and it’s just not worth it.

I feel like there are things I can't do without upsetting him as well. Like there are a couple parties this weekend I would like to go to and I have invited him. Told him he should come with, but he refuses to go to any furry party and anybody's house. And I know if I go he'll whine and be upset that I went, so I'm probably not going to go. Just chill with him instead I suppose. This has happened before.

I know it sounds bad. It does. But when these things aren't happening he's incredibly sweet, close, talkative. I love it and I feel like I do love him. It's just this is beyond frustrating and it's changing just so slowly. During the fights, he keeps saying he wants to just shut everything down in this un-official relationship, but I always end up talking him out of it, and saying something to try to change, to make it better. And that's pretty much the end of discussion until the next one.

The only other issue is sex I suppose. I mean, the sex is great. He can be a bit too bitey, but most of the time it’s great. I just wish I could penetrate. He likes to say "total top" but I dunno. He's pretty submissive emotionally. Doesn't seem to like things up the rear though, so looks like I'll have to wait.

Anyway, I'm just trying to figure out what to do I suppose. I do love him and he says he loves me. Says it and writes it down. I'm just getting really frustrated with this. I'm tired and it feels like I'm getting nowhere. And I've been changing so much. Doing basically everything he asks of me. What do you think I should do?

Thanks and have a great day!


* * *
Hi, DT,
What you’re dealing with here is a very insecure mate. When people are insecure about their relationships, one thing they often do is try to control their partner. They become fearful if they feel they don’t know what their partner is doing all the time, and they quickly become jealous. I don’t think I need to tell you that this is not healthy. You’re giving in to him all the time just encourages the behavior. What you are doing is bending over backwards all the time to make him happy. And how about you? Are your needs being met? They are just as important as his needs. You don’t seem overly happy in the bedroom, and you are restricted in what you are able to do socially, such as what events you are allowed to attend.
If you are truly determined to work on this relationship, then you need to bolster your partner’s self-esteem and trust in you. Some suggestions:
  1. Take pains to give praise and say “thank you” for things he does for you and around the house.
  2. Pick activities to do together to reinforce your bond.
  3. Create friendships with people who are not “your friends” or “his friends” but “our friends.”
  4. Be transparent. He obviously doesn’t trust your Internet activities. I would not hide what you’re doing from him. At the same time, I would not alter my behavior for him. If he doesn’t like what you’re doing online but it’s stuff you want to do, then there is a problem you need to discuss.

In my experience, I’ve seen all too many people compromise when it comes to a partner, often to the point where they have someone in their life who is verbally or even physically abusive. Why do they do this? Usually one of two reasons: 1) they are so afraid of being alone that they will take in anyone willing to be with them, or 2) they have such low self-esteem they feel they are not worthy of a better partner and that “this is the best I can do.” I think you should take a moment and consider if one of these might not be a possible reason you are with this guy. Sure, he can be sweet and loving (if you say so) but he is also controlling and distrustful. If you can’t get these issues resolved with him, then you should seriously consider other options.

Good luck!


The Fuzzy Conundrum, by John F. Carr & Wolfgang Diehr – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 10:06

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

UnknownThe Fuzzy Conundrum, by John F. Carr & Wolfgang Diehr.
Boalsburg, PA, Pequod Press, May 2016, hardcover $32.00 (421 pages), Kindle $7.99.

The Fuzzies’ story goes on! For the record, this is the sixth approved novel in the series. They are: Little Fuzzy (1962), Fuzzy Sapiens (1964), and Fuzzies and Other People (1984), by H. Beam Piper; Fuzzy Ergo Sum (2011), and Caveat Fuzzy (2012), by Wolfgang Dietr; and The Fuzzy Conundrum (2016), by John F. Carr & Wolfgang Diehr. For the full history, read “The Fuzzy Story” by yours truly. Yes, we know about Fuzzy Nation (2011) by John Scalzi, but that is a tribute to Piper’s original novel and not a part of the series.

The copyright on Little Fuzzy has lapsed and the whole novel can be read for free on Project Gutenberg. I must’ve read it a dozen times over the years; it’s one of my favorite s-f novels.

The first three novels tell of the discovery of the Fuzzies on the colony planet Zarathustra, a member of the Terran Federation, by sunstone prospector Jack Holloway; the legal establishment of their childlike human sapience; and their protection by the Zarathustran government. The next two novels, written by a Fuzzy fan with the approval of Piper’s estate administered by John F. Carr, create backstories for Jack Holloway and other established characters, add some new human characters (including strong women; one of Piper’s weaknesses), and expand on the Fuzzy-human relationship.

The Fuzzy Conundrum begins by establishing that the events of the previous two years, including the attempt by the Zarathustran underworld to train kidnapped Fuzzies for crime, were high-profile news throughout the Terran Federation. The Fuzzies have been shown on galaxywide news as so cute and cuddly that, even though their intelligence is emphasized, millions of people just have to have one as a status symbol. Those who study the Fuzzies’ official status, which is as a protected species for their human childlike mental level, apply to adopt one as a legal child. Those who just want to own one and have more money than smarts buy one illegally as a pet. The Zarathustra planetary government finds hundreds of spaceships landing at the Mallorysport terminal filled with applicants to adopt a Fuzzy. At the same time, it becomes aware that new criminals are seeking to kidnap wild Fuzzies from the Beta continent reservation, not to train them for crime but to sell them to those who do not know or care that this is illegal.

The focus switches back and forth between several stories. Buck Trask, an agent of the Federation Bureau of Criminal Investigation on Terra, is assigned to go to Zarathustra to uncover the criminal organization responsible for trapping and transporting kidnapped Fuzzies to Terra:

“Trask mentally processed the list and stalled on the last item. ‘Wait … Fuzzies? Wasn’t there something in the news about a year and a half ago about some big court battle that proved these …these Fuzzies were sapient beings?’

Springbok nodded. ‘Damned straight. And they were locked up in cages like animals under the casino. Lousy conditions, too. Moreover, they were being used as entertainment; dancing, mock duels, and some acrobatics.’

‘That’s slavery and then some, sir. A bullet in the head for everybody involved.’ Trask read the Colonel’s face and could see there was more to come. ‘What else?’” (p. 19)

The kidnapping and taking Fuzzies offworld seems so well organized that Trask goes to Zarathustra prepared to investigate for corruption in the planetary government – including Jack Holloway, who is now the Commissioner of Native Affairs, and others who have been the cast of earlier novels.

–Jack Holloway and his friends and family, of course. The novels by Diehr establish his son, who comes to Zarathustra. The Fuzzy Conundrum expands the Holloway family in both directions, adding a newborn grandson and Jack’s elder sister.

–The criminals: who the Fuzzy kidnappers are; how and why they’re trapping wild Fuzzies; what Jack Holloway and the Zarathustran government and police are doing about it; and what the wild Fuzzies are doing about it. The first contact that some tribes of Fuzzies have with humans is with their criminals, and the Fuzzies fight back, often with deadly force.

“Darius, the inner moon, hung low in the orange sky as the morning sun cleared the horizon. Little Fuzzy pressed his nose to the shatter-resistant glass as the contra-gravity vehicle made its descent. Once grounded, Jack told everybody to stay close to the aircar.

‘Are you worried about something, Jack?’ Pat asked.

Jack nodded. ‘Like I said before, these Fuzzies are very different from my crowd down south. More advanced in terms of weaponry and social development, and they do not – underlined, italicized and in big red letters – not like Big Ones sticking our oversized noses in their business. They had a very unfortunate first contact with our species and you never get a second chance at a first impression.’” (p. 98)

–A group of six young scientists who come to Zarathustra to investigate the world’s planetary oddities:

“‘Hmm. Oh, I get it,’ Cinda said with a smile. ‘You are all here to figure out why Zarathustra isn’t just a big chunk of ice.’

‘Exactly,’ Dmitri cried. ‘As you must be aware, for a planet this far from its primary to maintain the extant temperatures, it should orbit a G0, or at least a G1 star. Freya, for example, is approximately .61 AU from its K0 primary, and manages a world climate comparable to pre-atomic Terra. Zarathustra defies the very laws of physics by being so hospitable to Terran life forms.’” (p. 60)

One of them is a womanizer. One them is a ringer.

–And the Fuzzies; mainly Little Fuzzy as the head of those who are comfortable around humans, and Red Fur, the Wise One (leader) of the wild and often hostile Fuzzies. This subplot centers around the ominous mystery of Fuzzy sterility. Something about their contact with humans is making the Fuzzies unable to conceive children, potentially threatening the Fuzzies with extinction.


The Fuzzy Conundrum is a s-f novel, not a furry novel. There are more humans in it – a few of whom, fortunately only minor characters, talk mit thick Cherman agzents — than Fuzzies, but there are enough of the latter to keep the interest of most furry fans. The Fuzzy Conundrum (wraparound cover by Alan Gutierrez), and the entire Fuzzy series, is highly recommended.

Full disclosure: I am a rabid Fuzzy fan. My first fanzine book review was of Piper’s Little Fuzzy in January 1962. I helped proofread The Fuzzy Conundrum, and I have a credit in it: “And to Fred Patten for his help in keeping the continuity straight and true to H. Beam Piper’s vision.”

Fred Patten

Categories: News

Furry: The Great Equalizer - This week, we talk about the ways the fandom tears down walls and makes it easy to talk to others furries.

WagzTail - Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 06:00

This week, we talk about the ways the fandom tears down walls and makes it easy to talk to others furries.

Metadata and Credits Furry: The Great Equalizer

Runtime: 31:21m

Cast: KZorroFuego, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 96kbps AAC Copyright: © 2016 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0.

Furry: The Great Equalizer - This week, we talk about the ways the fandom tears down walls and makes it easy to talk to others furries.
Categories: Podcasts

Furry: The Great Equalizer - This week, we talk about the ways the fandom tears down walls and makes it easy to talk to others furries.

WagzTail - Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 06:00

This week, we talk about the ways the fandom tears down walls and makes it easy to talk to others furries.

Metadata and Credits Furry: The Great Equalizer

Runtime: 31:21m

Cast: KZorroFuego, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 96kbps AAC Copyright: © 2016 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0.

Furry: The Great Equalizer - This week, we talk about the ways the fandom tears down walls and makes it easy to talk to others furries.
Categories: Podcasts

Toys From A Scary Attic

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 01:58

Among the many categories of stuff that one will find at San Diego Comic Con are some truly strange toys, models, and action figures. Among those you will find Munky King, a Los Angeles-based company that specializes in toy design and animation production. And yes, several of their designs (but not all, by far!) do in fact deal with monkeys. Not very happy monkeys either, it seems. Not very happy bears and (ahem) very happy cats also come into play. If you’re an adult (seriously!) take a look at their web site for more of their current designs.

image c. 2016 Munky King

image c. 2016 Munky King



Categories: News

FA 029 How to be Single and Happy - Gender-Stereotypes, Being single and happy, roommate romance, why unsound sounding advice is bad! All this and more on tonight's Feral Attraction

Feral Attraction - Wed 27 Jul 2016 - 18:00

Hello Everyone!

On tonight's show we talk about how gender-stereotypical genes might play a large role in your attraction towards others in life. Viro talks about a recent study that might show how the stereotypes of gender affect interpersonal attraction. We also point out the problem areas in the study and why this is not yet a universal truth.

Our main topic is on how to be single and happy. For some, it can be difficult to attain both at the same time. We discuss ways and methods you can employ to achieve both without ignoring the fact that you are, in fact, not currently in a relationship. A lot of the methods can play a part even when you are in a relationship, especially if your partner(s) are long distance or prone to travelling often.

Our question this week is on how to handle your feelings of affection, romance, and sexual desire toward a roommate that may not be reciprocated. If you have had sex before you moved into an apartment with someone as a roommate, how do you handle a potential cooling off that might occur.

We have feedback on sounding advice and why, perhaps, our sound advice was a bit unsound. Confused? Sir Arcane, co-host of A Hairy Prone Companion and the President of the Lansing Pups and Handlers, takes us to school. 

We also would like to remind everyone to check out our appearance on the Alter Ego podcast. We talk with Athena, the host of the show, about fursonas, why we're furries, and what the fandom means to us. It's a great show and you should give it a listen.

For more information, including a list of topics, see our Show Notes for this episode.

Thanks and, as always, be well!

FA 029 How to be Single and Happy - Gender-Stereotypes, Being single and happy, roommate romance, why unsound sounding advice is bad! All this and more on tonight's Feral Attraction
Categories: Podcasts

Episode -29 - Always get your pets excersize...d

Unfurled - Wed 27 Jul 2016 - 14:08
The cast is all back together and discuss a man shot lying on the ground and a special way to treat your pets to a spa trip. Episode -29 - Always get your pets excersize...d
Categories: Podcasts

Episode -30 - The vanishing of Vox

Unfurled - Wed 27 Jul 2016 - 14:03
Vox has flown the coop in tonight's episode. Join the rest of the cast and have a good laugh! Episode -30 - The vanishing of Vox
Categories: Podcasts

Worst Job Stories (Pawsome! #20)

The Raccoon's Den - Wed 27 Jul 2016 - 14:00
Worst Job Stories (Pawsome! #20)
Bandit and Drake share their least favorable experiences from various jobs they've had in the past. ***NEW EPISODES BIWEEKLY ON WEDNESDAYS*** THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! FACEBOOK: http://www.Face... From: The Raccoon's Den Views: 1310 30 ratings Time: 05:55 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts