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French commercials : bank Caisse dEpargne september 2010

Furries In The Media - Sun 5 Sep 2010 - 14:36
lj-embed id=325 /br /br /lj-embed id=326 /
Categories: News

FC-6 Pixies Up The Nose - Some furries did some kind of radio or something. They answered a lot of emails. OH, and since a bunch of people donated, they snorted Pixie Sticks live. So, anyway, where am I?.... Who am I? What is this little grey box? WHY AM

FurCast - Sat 4 Sep 2010 - 03:17

Some furries did some kind of radio or something. They answered a lot of emails. OH, and since a bunch of people donated, they snorted Pixie Sticks live. So, anyway, where am I?…. Who am I? What is this little grey box? WHY AM I STUCK IN HERE? HELP! I’M TRAPPED IN A PODCAST FEED!!

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)

[See post to watch Flash video]

FC-6 Pixies Up The Nose - Some furries did some kind of radio or something. They answered a lot of emails. OH, and since a bunch of people donated, they snorted Pixie Sticks live. So, anyway, where am I?.... Who am I? What is this little grey box? WHY AM I STUCK IN HERE? HELP!
Categories: Podcasts

DVD Commentary of the Damned: 'Furry Vengeance' - Fri 3 Sep 2010 - 16:03
quot;[Director Roger] Kumble and [actor Brendan] Fraser are very open br about the cheapness of 'Furry Vengeance', pointing out the scenes br where the animals attacking Fraser are actually puppets that Fraser br himself is controlling (“You can see my hand!” Fraser squeals), and br admitting that one scene with Fraser and a live turkey is the only
Categories: News

If the wifi hold up this afternoon, A

Furries In The Media - Fri 3 Sep 2010 - 10:54
If the wifi hold up this afternoon, A live stream from MFM opening will be at a href= MFM 14 opening starts at 4:30pm Central time I will try to have the stream up by 4:00pm CST
Categories: News

Art materials FAQ - Thu 2 Sep 2010 - 23:04
Archive-name: art-materials br Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 10th and 23rd of each month. br Last-Modified: January 22, 2001 br Version: 1.42 br ART MATERIALS FAQ - Version 1.42 br Last updated: January 22, 2001 br Written and maintained by R'ykandar Korra'ti lt;rayek AT murkworks.netgt; br Sourced from a message in reply to Tygger lt;graf AT primenet.comgt;
Categories: News

Furries on the Radio?

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 2 Sep 2010 - 19:49

In Southern California there is a mixed-format radio station, 93.1 FM, which is part of the Jack FM franchise. It’s an automatic station with no DJ’s that plays no requests. The station’s official slogan is “Playing What We Want”. Recently, this bumper appeared between songs on the station: “Just like being a Furry or canning your own tomatoes, playing what we want is a way of life”. Wow.

Categories: News

[HYPE] Sunnyville Stories - Thu 2 Sep 2010 - 09:47
For immediate release br For further info, contact Max West, br SMALL PRESS COMIC, BIG WORLD br New creator debuts a well-written comics series br Comics writer-creator Max West announced today the debut of a comics br series well in development for nearly two years, Sunnyville Stories. br Sunnyville Stories is a slice-of-life comic centered around the small
Categories: News

Kids toys I find disturbing - Thu 2 Sep 2010 - 09:47
Sing-A-Ma-Jigs. They have that quot;Betty dollquot; surprised look about them. br a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a
Categories: News

Where Cute Things Go

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 1 Sep 2010 - 17:21, in their own words, “features one-of-a-kind original designs and character merchandise inspired by life, laughter, and the pursuit of cuteness. There is a story behind every character — a life of whimsy and simplicity sure to set a smile on your face”.Though characters like Fat Cat, The Evil Landlord (a chibi raccoon fem), Pudge the Pug, and Kyoot Bear look like they stepped right out of Japanese culture, Bekyoot is actually based in Houston, Texas. Besides their web site they have an on-line comic strip (Where Cute Things Go) and of course a store full of merchandise featuring their characters.

Categories: News

POGO GAMES - Wed 1 Sep 2010 - 02:17
. br Click Here to Enter: br gt;gt;gt; a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a lt;lt;lt; br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br . br pogo games br free pogo games br bots for pogo games bingo luau br games cheat pogo br pogo games cheat br pogo free games br play online games pogo
Categories: News

Bears on Mars

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 18:06

Here’s the description of The Martian Confederacy, a new series of full-color graphic novels published by Girl Twirl Comics: “Toxic air. Bloodthirsty politicians. Drinking bears. Welcome to Mars in the year 3535. Stripped of its natural resources and forgotten as a vacation destination, Martians struggle to afford breathable air. Boone, Spinner and Lou were three outlaws looking out for themselves. But when a cure for Mars’s toxic air falls into the wrong hands, thieves are forced to become heroes. And as an entire planet gasps for air, three rednecks will fight for the survival of their planet.” It should be mentioned that the three main characters here are a human male, a female-shaped android, and an 8-foot tall talking bear working to protect his wife and two cubs. The eagerly-awaited second issue of the series is coming out in October. The Martian Confederacy is written by Jason McNamara (First Moon) and illustrated by Paige Braddock (Jane’s World). Visit their web site to see more.

image c. 2008 Girl Twirl Comics

Categories: News

Image gallery e621 is being closed down permanently - Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 10:53
e621 is over. sorry. Thanks to numerous threats to our host, false claims of illegal content, harassment and a few things that are much worse, e621 is being closed down permanently. It's been fun running it. If you're looking for an alternative, try or something. If you want to come in and bitch at us, #e621 on will be a place you can do that. Or you can yell at me on twitter, or just email and scream at me. Whatever. And to all those who have lied and threatened and caused problems, well, congratulations. You go

8 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Exclusive: Microsoft Kinect Supports Furries - Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 08:41
"We know what you're thinking. Will Microsoft's Kinect read your body when fully encased in a fur suit? Direct from Germany, Kotaku has your answer."

3 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Courage on Two Wheels - Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 08:41
"People have commented that they admire my courage for fursuiting in public. I have never felt particularly courageous. If you want a study in real courage, look no further than Sarah."

3 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Season 5 - Show 15

TigerTails Radio - Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 08:00
PS3 hacked? New AudioSurf challenge, and a fully working version of a show that had a skippy live stream.
Categories: Podcasts

The Jeremiads: Why the Geek Hierarchy Has to Go - Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 00:32
"A few years ago, Lore Sjöberg, famous internet humorist, put into flowchart form what has been subconsciously understood among geek culture for as long as I've been a geek. There is an implicit hierarchy of respect among the geek tribes. Producers of paid, commercial content sit at the top of the cultural hierarchy and command respect far and wide. Furries, child gamers, and fan fiction writers rank at the bottom, with some combination of all of the above being the ultimate untouchable caste, and don't command respect from much of anyone. Somewhere in the middle are fans of various geek hob

3 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Science Dog!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 30 Aug 2010 - 20:20

Worlds-within-worlds stuff is always complicated to explain, but here we go… Readers of the Invincible comic book (from Image Comics) will recall that perhaps the favorite comic book character of Mark Grayson (aka Invincible) is named Science Dog — pulp hero of comic books, Saturday morning cartoon shows, and numerous product tie-ins. Well, the creators of Invincible eventually started putting actual Science Dog stories in the Invincible comics as back-ups. Now, Image Comics has collected the original full-color Science Dog stories from Invincible #25, #50, and #75 in Science Dog Special #1, coming this September from writer Robert Kirkman and illustrator Cory Walker. Science Dog! Once an ordinary pet dog living in a brilliant scientist’s lab… but then transformed by a freakish time-travel accident into a super-smart, super-strong humanoid adventurer on a never-ending mission to destroy evil! Got all that? You can find out more about the story at

Categories: News