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Fanboy Confessional on Space channel in Canada

Space a Canadian cable channel is doing an episode on furries in their new series Fanboy Confessional
also credit to Green Reaper and Flayrah for the story
Lizard has problem-solving skills
This place needs more activity. How do we get it?
It is quite sad that this place is as inactive as it is. Would it be a bad thing if we went on and sort of made the FA/fchan users aware of our existence, or would that be spamming? Do you guys have any good ideas for attracting more of our friends, or does anyone know of an alternate or more active furry reddit?
submitted by Fenno[link] [68 comments]
Critters Against Cancer
By: Kamden Blackstone
Critters against cancer.
July 9th 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah.
To say that it was going to be a hot day would be an accurate understatement. It’s Summer time in Utah, everything is dry and hot. I was there in Liberty Park in Salt Lake after getting my tiger striped butt out of bed at what many would call the ungodly hour of 6 in the morning, picking up a lynx friend of mine, and a car stall on I-15, no more then a mile away from our exit. We had about 6 liters of water with us, and I had no real expectations about what was going to happen.
I mean, I never handled a fursuit before. Hell, up until recently I didn’t even have something I could call a self respecting tail. So, I honestly was feeling like a fish out of water… well, I suppose a cat in a lake would be a better metaphor. This was something I wasn’t used to. But, I had the day off, and was planning to be in Salt Lake anyway, and the cause was something I could agree to. So, I decided to ally myself to the “Walk for the Cure” along with the other fursuiters and Utah furries that made it.
July 8th, the day before, we were getting a head count into rough ball park of 15 suiters. The organizer of this event, was a Martin, who was turned into Marbled pole cat, by the name of Thay, and to say she was stressed over the fact that she had to get a bunch of furries to handle the fursuiters would be spot on. Hell, I know I would be. Seriously think about it, if you have ever tried to get a bunch of furries organized, it’s like herding cats. Probably because some of us are cats.
She couldn’t back out of it though. She organized a bunch of suiters and furs to participate in the Orem city summerfest in Orem Utah. Where some of the Cure for Cancer folks saw us insanely unique costumers. They asked for us by name, to participate in the Cure for Cancer walk. Probably the whole reason we were asked to participate in this was because it was a cure for juvenile cancer. There were a ton of little children around there. We were a welcome sight to the little children. Honestly, a lot of them came up and hugged the suiters and there were even adults getting into the act. To be dead honest, everyone was having fun.
Hell, I even had fun, after all the nervousness in handling for the first time died away. It brought a smile to my face, and a warm furry feeling to my heart. But, all around there was a great time to be had by all. We got some positive publicity, and we supported a good cause. Honestly folks, cancer is messed up. I have lost people to a ton of things, drunk driving, drugs, ninja cheerleaders from the rival school, and war. But out of all of these things, Cancer is still the worst. Talk to anyone who’s lost anyone close to them about it, and you’ll see them get all teary eyed, or go stoic, if you’re lucky. At times, they’ll collapse to the ground wailing about their loss. Its disgusting sickness, but we are making such huge strides to end it, but until we can get no one up front to release a balloon in the memories of those felled by cancer. We cannot stop. Even if it means donning a silly looking tiger costume in 90+ degree weather and walking about, we must continue this work. For the benefit of all us.
Kamden G. Blackstone.
What about having multiple fursonas?
I've always been interested in creating another one, but never really got around to it because I didn't know whether it was looked down on or not. I saw one user on FA who had 14 of them. I know that's pretty overboard, but if I had just a second one....would it be confusing to people, possibly annoying?
submitted by critrockets[link] [18 comments]
Housepets are Naked!
Housepets! is an on-line full-color comic strip by Rick Griffin. It’s well-known and well-loved… in fact it even won the Ursa Major Award for Best Comic Strip two years running. And now, it’s on dead trees! Housepets! Are Naked All The Time is the first collection of Housepets! strips available in softcover book format. In fact it’s available now from Createspace — and, of course, from Amazon. Follow the daily adventures of the pets of Babylon Gardens, USA. And now you don’t even need a computer!

image c. 2011 Rick Griffin
Fanboy Confessional – Getting Furries In Front Of The Camera
In a recent interview with BradonSun.com, more details came out about the upcoming documentary series highlighting geek culture “Fanboy Confessional”
From the interview:
Getting subjects to agree to go on camera wasn’t easy.
McNamara said some were worried they’d be made fun of and he had to gain their trust. Particularly skeptical were the “furries,” a community of people interested in anthropomorphic art and, in some cases, dressing up in furry costumes.
“A ‘CSI’ episode called ‘Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas’ … portrayed the community as a community of sexual deviants who like to have sex in fur costumes, so they were worried that we were going to keep on pulling on that particular thread, which is a relatively short thread, actually,” said McNamara.
“It winds up giving the whole fandom a bad name, which made them nervous and camera-shy, so it was tricky to get their trust. I hope when they see the episode, they’ll see that we were worthy of their trust.”
Read the full article here: Nerds & Geeks are In Charge
Fanboy Confessional from Markham Street Films on Vimeo.
ActFur OnAir: ActFur s3 ep07 – Mailbag bonanza
Find the full article here: ACTfur On Air
This podcast may contain coarse language and adult themes. It is being provided as a service and is not the property of Furry News Network
www.thePunkyPets.com – They Live to Rock!
Author: Doug
Featured on the Vans Warped Tour:
The Pets have come from around the world to New York City to live their dream, and take a chance at becoming the next “International Icon”. Each one has a unique vision of who they are as artists and their passion and desire for fame drive them towards their goal. They discover that it takes more than raw individual talent to make it in the music Industry. Their performances lack the Magical element that will make them famous.
In the finale group performance the crowds go wild, and although none of the pets are chosen for the individual prize, they are given the opportunity to complete for a spot on the “Warped Tour”. They decide to hit the road and write some music on the way to Los Angeles for the Battle of the Bands competition. They have always been outcasts, rejected by their communities, but now in the band they have found their new and slightly dysfunctional family. The Punky Pets adventure begins as they set out on their American Tour.
Find the full article here: furryne.ws | Published News
Interview with Nuka from the International Furry Survey
Paradox and Fayroe from Furcast interviews Nuka Kitty from the International Furry Survey:
Furcast Episode 46: The Door Slammers
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations)
Back from AnthroCon 2011 and a bit disorganized, we crack down on some interesting news, show off our live interview with Nuka at the con, and have some really fun debates. For two of the hosts being sick not to mention being distracted by the new studio camera system, I think we did a good job in the end. :3
WikiFur Article of the Week:
- Furnetics
- Zachary Pillow – “its been to long”
Topic of the Week:
- Anthrocon
Find the full article here: FurCast
The contents of this Podcast may have adult language and adult themes. The content is not produced by Furry News Network, but is posted for your convenience.
ActFur OnAir: ActFur s3 ep06 – Rockabilly
Find the full article here: ACTfur On Air
This podcast may contain coarse language and adult themes. It is being provided as a service and is not the property of Furry News Network