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Starving Dogs Survived On Owners' Remains - Sun 24 Jul 2011 - 16:45
The Saskatoon SPCA is wrestling with the fate of seven dogs rescued from a rural home near Yorkton after the animals ate the remains of their deceased owners.

RCMP last week found the couple -- a man, 67, and woman, 57 -- who had died on a rural property near Springside. Police do not suspect foul play, but the matter is being investigated by the coroner.

Police concluded that for more than a week the dogs -- five Shelties and two mixed breeds -- survived by eating the remains of the couple.

The question now is whether the dogs should be put down or given a new home.

Neighbour Margaret-Ann Irving, who knew the dogs' owners, said the animals cannot now be adopted.

"Those dogs need to be put down," she said. "You can't place a dog that's been eating on human flesh for two or three weeks and put it in a home where there might be a child."

Saskatoon SPCA spokeswoman Tiffiny Koback said it was not an automatic conclusion that the animals should be euthanized.

"They're simply doing what it takes to survive, given the circumstances," said Koback. "So we're not concerned that they're going to go out there and start looking at someone and equating it as a meal."

The dogs are being assessed by a local animal rescue organization to determine whether they are adoptable. Potential owners would be told of their background.

The provincial SPCA said the fate of the dogs in cases like this rests with the local shelter, in this case, the Saskatoon agency.
Categories: News

ScotiaCon draws fifty furs to Scottish Highlands in first year

Furry News Network - Sun 24 Jul 2011 - 01:25

Author: GreenReaper

ScotiaCon bannerLast weekend saw ScotiaCon draw about 50 furs, guests and staff to the Ramada Jarvis Hotel in Inverness. Around a dozen fursuits were seen during the three-day event.

Scotland’s first furry convention was in planning for over two years. Fursuit builder Fatkraken and local composer Fox Amoore were the guests of honour.

Learn more: ScotiaCon 2011 trailer and outtakesEquium’s con report

See also: ScotiaCon 2011 trailer and outtakes – con reports: Equium, Awkore

A fursuit trip to Inverness ended in downpour, but the auction was a success, with a 30-year-old bottle of Famous Grouse going for £450. Attendees were also invited to sample local delicacies, such as Cullen Sinkhaggis and deep-fried Mars bar.

Hotel staff got into the spirit, wearing tails and singing along. There’s plenty of room for expansion, with space for at least 200 attendees.

The launch of this new event came just two months after ConFuzzled in Manchester, now the only other British convention after the suspension of London’s RBW in February.

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

Categories: News

So I wrote some fiction... r/furry's opinion?

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jul 2011 - 22:31

Please read my furry fiction:

It may be very slightly NSFW, depending on your sensitivities. Please read for literary comprehension, share your thoughts, and critique!

submitted by Fenno
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Categories: News

Depression: Not just for humans

Furry News Network - Sat 23 Jul 2011 - 17:25

Author: RingtailedFox

We’ve known for ages that animals are sentient beings, albeit on a lower level than humans. These stories provide insight into animals’ thought processes and emotions, how they cope with sadness and disappointment, and how they can recover when conditions improve.

Our first story is about Gigi, a Doberman Pinscher, who became depressed after losing her litter of two puppies following birth complications.

The second is a modern take on The Lion KingAgence France-Presse and Brazilian media report that a pair of lion partners were reunited at a zoo in Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, after the male became so depressed by their separation that he stopped eating.

Puppy love

Gigi’s owner, Lynn White, noted that she had become despondent, stopped eating, and had to be force-fed. “She was very depressed. She loved her babies,” White said. [CBWT-TV (CBC Winnipeg)]

At the same time, Lynn’s friend Bev had puppy troubles of her own: Taylor, her Boxer, had a difficult pregnancy, and died two hours after giving birth to six healthy Boxer puppies. They agreed that they would try to pair up Taylor’s now-motherless foster puppies with Gigi.

White described the arrangement as perfect:

It worked out fabulously. She took to the puppies right way and it was like a match made in heaven.

The six boxer puppies have been living with Gigi for four days now. Gigi has suddenly perked up — almost as if she had a reason to live again, according to White. The Doberman immediately took to cleaning the Boxer puppies and feeding them, although White had to help Gigi with nursing the puppies, to ensure the pups could continue to feed.

It’s so important the puppies have the interaction with the mom. It doesn’t always work out. Sometimes the mom just refuses,

For the next few weeks, the puppies and their new mom will be living at Bev’s house, an hour outside of Brandon, Manitoba. All are doing well.

Lonely lion

Dengo the lion was sedated for his transfer from Niterói‘s ZooNit – which lost its license due to non-compliance issues – to a facility in Brasilia. The herculean effort included eight men loading the tranquilized lion out of his cage, and flying him from Niterói to Brasilia via a Brazilian Air Forceplane (as reported by O Globo).

The eleven-year-old feline, and his friend, ten-year-old Elza the lioness shared a cage in Niterói for eight years, before they were seperated. After Elza was transfered, Dengo spent most of his days lying down, without an appetite. However, things are looking up, as Dengo and Elza will share a large open space with several other lions and Bengal tigers.

The reunion was undertaken by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, as part of a larger animal relocation from ZooNit on Thursday. Some 490 animals are due to be transferred this month. [The Calgary Herald]

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

Categories: News

‘Star Fox’ and ‘Zelda’: a future of uncertainty?

Furry News Network - Sat 23 Jul 2011 - 14:26

Author: RingtailedFox

This year’s E3 presentation was one that many will not forget, as it contained the unveiling of the new “Wii U” video game console. It also had a rather interesting Question and Answer session where series creator Shigeru Miyamoto warned developers (hopefully jokingly) that if Star Fox 64 3D (home) and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (home) were not the best video games in their respective series, both series would be cancelled — permanently.

Certainly, such a severe warning would be meant to push the developers to make the best games they can. However, gaming website IGN interviewed Katsuya Eguchi, a Nintendo software producer and director, who revealed that Nintendo may already be considering a new Star Fox game for the Wii U, to make up for the flying fox’s no-show on the Wii.

Only time will tell if Fox McCloud and his friends return in a game of their own.

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

Categories: News

So I want to write a story.

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jul 2011 - 12:26

So I haven't written anything in a long time and I want to get back into it. There is one problem though, I have no idea what to write about. I want to keep the story PG-13 and have no idea for a plot or anything. All I have is the characters in my head. So I come to you r/furry to help me out. What kind of story would you like to see written and read.

submitted by riyor
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Categories: News

The "Button Proposal"

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jul 2011 - 00:45

If you were presented with a button that would turn all of the people in the world into anthropomorphic animals, would you press it? Of course, each person's animal would be based on their own choice...

This got quite a bit of debate over on FAF, so I was wondering if Reddit would like to give their opinion.

submitted by Fenno
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Categories: News

Boston Furry convention?

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 22:24

Just want to get impressions because I'm a Boston area furry and there's already multiple supporters of the idea. There's a growing furry population in Massachusetts. One of the latest meets had an excess of 50 people, and there have been more and more furmeets in the Boston area as of late. I missed most of them because they were either on the cape or were at the same time as my work hours. But I was wondering, for people who enjoy small conventions or those who go to Fur Fright merely because it's the closest one (For any new England furs). How interested would any of you be in a Boston furry convention? I've always thought it would be great. PAX East was moved to Boston in 2010 and turned out to be a surprising success, so it's staying here. Could a furry convention have a surprisingly massive turnout as well?

submitted by Likonium
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Categories: News

Who were the first furries?

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 22:22

Sure, humans have loved to play anthropomorphic animals forever, and they made their gods in the image of animals... But who were the first furries? We know egyptians had gods like [url=]this[/URL], and their priests were much like fursuiters (but more reverent; that's no fun), but when did people first start lovin' the fur for things other than religion?

This includes art, sexual attraction, literature, etc.

submitted by Fenno
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Categories: News

‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ coming August 5

Furry News Network - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 15:25

Author: Equivamp

Rise of the Planet of the ApesRise of the Planet of the Apes hits theaters in the U.S. and Canada on August 5, rejuvenating the earlier series.

The plot centers around James Franco as Will Rodman, a scientist developing a cure for Alzheimer’s by running tests on apes. The first test subject, a chimpanzee named Caesar, is genetically modified by the cure into a new breed — one gifted with greater sentience.

While Caesar’s cognitive abilities grow to surpass his human counterparts, he is still viewed by most as an animal, and is treated like Rodman’s pet. In retaliation, Caesar spreads the cure to millions of other apes, who rally to plot a revolution. Rodman must stop the war before apes overthrow man as top of the food chain.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is meant to be a platform to build future movies on. Director Rupert Wyatt said:

To me, I can think of all sorts of sequels to this film, but this is just the beginning.

This movie is no mere remake of the older series, but a new conceptualization of the same idea. Special effects in film-making have also made immense progress since the originals; instead of plastic-looking men and women with prosthetic make-up plastered to their face, the viewer will be able to experience more aesthetically-pleasing and realistic CGI effects.

Categories: News

Google+ massively deleting furry accounts for not using "real" names

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 15:02

If you're a furry and the whole fandom and even your friends in RL know you by a nickname that doesn't sound real enough for the G+ staff chances are that your account is going to get suspended.

Many people are protesting and others are completely leaving the new social network.

To know who of your friends has been suspended visited the CIRCLES tab. And where it lists the people you have in your circles, look for those who had an account but now have an envelope in their name box.

Google has not yet issued any statement or announcement while massive account deletion continues.

Tried to bring this over as objective as possible. Obviously my position is very clear and against that rule. I'll rather close my account instead of writing a name that I don't want.

Also, people are starting to share this image as much as possible to bring awareness to other users and the google team:

Edit: A blog entry with more information and quotes:

submitted by DanielTaylor
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Categories: News

?FurCast Live Nuka Interview (AnthroCon 2011)?? - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 13:40
Clip of FurCast's live interview with Nuka-Kitty, a well known furry researcher, and director of the International Anthropomorphic Research Project.
Categories: News

Interview with Blotch at Anthrocon on Nordguard: Across Thin Ice - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 13:38
"This AnthroCon I was able to touch base with Blotch, the duo team of BlackTeegan and KenKet abit at the con’s end for a few minutes and ask some questions about their latest release; NordGuard: Across Thin Ice, which debuts at AC ’11 via Sofawolf Press and can be found on the Sofawolf Press website. Blotch is already famous in the fandom for their cover work on Kyell Gold’s books (Out of Position, Isolation Play) as well as winning multiple awards for their cover work on conbooks and for their first graphic novel, Dog Day’s of Summer, also available via Sofawolf press."
Categories: News

SoFurry 2.0 beta is live! - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 13:35
The SoFurry 2.0 beta is live. Go and check it out and report any bug to Toumal.
Categories: News

Paralyzed Lion Receives an Outpouring of Support - Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 13:33
In 2008, at a wildlife center in Brazil, a healthy and playful lion cub named Ariel was born. Nowadays, he spends his days in a house in Sao Paulo, unable to move limbs. Ariel suffers from a debilitating autoimmune disease that has rendered him quadriplegic, and requiring of round-the-clock care from his trainers. Although it might seem like a lonely, hopeless life for the paralyzed lion, his story has won the hearts of thousands -- and thanks to their outpouring of support, he's getting the care he needs.
Categories: News