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Furry convention scam: Furry Beach

Furry News Network - Wed 27 Jul 2011 - 09:25

Author: Rakuen Growlithe

In a recent journal Dragoneer reported the ‘new’ furry convention, Furry Beach, to be a scam. Its advertising movie was made using clips from a variety of furcons and furmeets.

Since the announcement the convention’s website has gone offline and the fkandfriend’s deviantART account, linked to the convention’s PayPal account, has been deactivated.

13TheFurry also posted on YouTube that she had tried to find Furry Beach but had been unable and was reporting it as a possible scam and naming Thelpsgirl on YouTube and fkandfriends on deviantART as the scammers. Thelpsgirl, or someone claiming to be her, replied on Dragoneer’s journal that she was only passing on information of the con that she had got from YouTube user Sophiasummer16.

The convention – claimed to be in its third year – was said to be held in Oceanside, California, but included photos from Germany’s Eurofurence,AnthroconFurFright and private meets. The website also provided a list of registered attendees, all of whom were had fursuits. At real furry conventions, most attendees do not bring a fursuit; at large events, the proportion of fursuiters is around one in five.

Categories: News

The Pitch Party 2011

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 27 Jul 2011 - 02:52

Once again Animation Magazine released a special issue at Comic Con, and once again the issue (July/August) included the results of the annual Animation Magazine Pitch Party. Here new and upcoming animators are given a chance to “pitch” their ideas for a new animated TV series to a select group of industry executives from places like Adult Swim, The Hub, Cartoon Network, The Disney Channel, and so forth. They do so by creating a single panel comic that explains the concept of the show. Now some folks (like Cartoon Brew) have been questioning the value of the Pitch Party — as in, do folks actually get a real chance to have their shows produced in exchange for their entry fee?  Well, it must be popular to try, because people keep on submitting their entries every year. This time around, entries that furry fans might find interesting included Marco and Polo by Samantha Wheeldon (her web site is here), VA Team by Melissa Delamar (her web site), Duck & Monster by Base 14 (their blog), Kiko the Brave Little Bat (who has his own web site), Fireflyz by Don and Julie Farmer, A Cock Tale by Greg Bro (no, seriously — check out the web site), Yugo & Lala, Hydro Bull, Plunger Pup by Michael Grassia (yes, he has a web site too), Iron Bugs, and Spiny Life by Days View Animation.

Categories: News

Devastated Cats

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 27 Jul 2011 - 01:40

The first of several discoveries at this year’s San Diego Comic Con: The Devastator is a digest-sized quarterly magazine of comedy and satire (for humans! they insist) whose writers and artists include folks who’ve worked on The Simpsons, The Daily Show, the Onion, and more. Every issue revolves around a theme, and the subject of issue #3 — just released — is cats. Good cats, bad cats, evil cats, romantic cats… and even cats served up as dinner for aliens. Seriously. The creators have uploaded a preview video to YouTube, or you can visit their web site to find out more. Flip the current zine over and you have the first few pages of a book called 400 Reasons to Get Married… To Your Cat!

Categories: News

R.I.P. Gene Colan and Peter Falk, 2 very talented (and tangentially-furry) people - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 22:45
Gene Colan (1926-2011) -- classic, longtime comicbook artist whose
chiaroscuro style favoured horror and noir more than superheroics,
though he still drew plenty of them, for both DC and Marvel, as well
as Howard the Duck.
Peter Falk (1927-2011) -- played the indefatigable, long-running TV
detective Columbo, an avuncular angel-turned-human-being in the art-
Categories: News

Upcoming furry comics for August 2011 (Previews only) - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 22:45
This month makes up for the last two: lots of interesting stuff, and,
furry aside, a lot of new publishers showing up. I hope both trends
hold up. There are still way too many zombies, though. Like Zombies
vs. Cheerleaders #4, 'Easily the greatest 21 letter titled comic in
history- that has zombies and cheerleaders!'
Categories: News

"Kinectimals Now With Bears!" Announced

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 20:54


Bears. Stephen Colbert warned us about them, and now they are here. Invading our consoles. 

Microsoft has announced that "Kinectimals Now With Bears!" will be available this fall as a full disc release, and as DLC for existing game owners for $15.

The game will feature a brand new island to explore, a new host, and a ton of fuzzy bears to play with!

Full press release below.

Categories: News

Book Review: Cruelty by Rukis

Furry News Network - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 20:32

Cruelty is a comic released by Rukis via Furplanet in June of 2010.  Centered around two life-long friends Reis and Marcus, it details their lives when it all becomes complicated, both for them as friends and in their own lives.  It should be noted that this comic has similarities to Dog Days of Summer by Blotch; it started out as an online comic updated helter-skelter on FurAffinity that eventually ended things on a cliffhanger to be determined by your own choice via links before being put up to buy on FurPlanet.  Akin to those old chose-your-own-adventure books, you had the decision of committing Reis and Marcus to a chance of a more intimate relationship or having them stay as friends.

The first facet I want to discuss is that plot point; Rukis has pre-stated that the overall outcome of this (major) plot point will not affect the already planned sequel Unconditional since, to quote the author, “… because ultimately, how something sexual affects the way you all see the characters. . . is derived by YOU. . . not me.”  Which is something I have disagree with, in fact, I have a big beef when it comes to how the choice system was handled here.  It’s convenient to have both choices within the same book but the lack of consequence from making a choice and sticking with it deadens the impact of a plot point that is the objective of the comic’s entirety.  A crucial moment in each character’s life and it can switch back and forth to suit your choosing.  My decision of the choices had no bias in terms of sex or anything base but instead was centered on the hints and clues I had picked up on from, up till this point, an albeit simplistic but well-done story of two people showing signs of a possible next step in a relationship.  Cheapening such a big decision cheapens the whole experience; you feel short-changed on a story that steeped itself in some pretty serious life issues for the first book and further so it can only cause more conflict later down the road in the sequel.

How she handled this means she already has the plot for the second book fixed down before these choices were presented, it means the sheer choice of Reis and Marcus to take their friendships to a personal and intimate level is wholly existential and secondary in terms of the plot.  This makes this whole point somewhat redundant if the choice itself, the plot decision the book builds up to is redundant.  And this sort of story, dealing with high school pressures and real life issues is very relatable and negating something as relatable as realizing your gay or the choice to be in a gay relationship such that both of them are going through is such wasted potential.

The quirks of the art direction are thankfully much more minimal, simple beginner mistakes are all to be found; the paneling layout needs refinement in its placement.  I found myself several times mislead by the panel’s angels and placement and the words hinting at a wrong panel.  However, this is her first attempt at comics, so beginner mistakes are to be expected to a reasonable degree and she already has incorporated a few fixes into other projects that are still ongoing.  Furthermore, the issues never deliver any sort of whiplash in terms of severity, it breaks the immersion at times, but it leaves itself as a minor frustration at worst.  The part I find more off-putting is the use of monochromatic penciling for the interior of the comic.  While I admit it’s based more so from preference, I just find the shades too light and flat to effectively work, it only seems to come together when she brings in darker tonal ranges for a few rare pages.  Her current project Red Lantern has each page colored along with the pencil foundation and this is much more pleasing and effective colored than left this in a pencil form, but again, preference.  It’s done well enough for the first foray into graphic form and such a effect is ultimately left to the whims of the reader.

The story breaks down into a familiar retread of high school pressures but takes a nicely set-up adult route, involving drugs and abuse not used cheaply and with respect to the material. While these are nothing new and original, she sticks by the plot points, offering no quick short-cuts for a happy ending nor down-playing elements of danger for the sake of plot or convenience.  A lot of the elements play into ‘wait till the next book’ shortcoming but not without enough resolution that you’re not obliged to wait impatiently for the sequel to discover vital plot points just left up in the air.  There is intrigue for the next book.  It peaks  at 43 pages, so about average and has a small book feel to it so you don’t finish expecting more, surprised by its shortness.

Is it worth a buy?  Its a $14.00 price tag that depends on your fancies.  It reads like a decently constructed romance novel without most of the clichés and there is promise for the second book, so you could do a whole lot worse.  You could also do better though becasue the flaws will irk you at times; the style narrows its respective audeince and it is an imperfect work, something you’ll just need to weigh as a consideration, so if this is an iffy buy for you than I would read the pages on FA first and make a decision based off those.  Its flaws keep it from being great and the mistakes one makes entering comics for the first time are apparent in some facets of the book, but it still reads well, the characters have certain amount of life to them and fans of romance will enjoy overall.

Cruelty can be purchased on here; and the pages can be previewed on Rukis’ FA page here;, the sequel, has a tentative date of sometime 2012.

The writer finds time to enjoy the flowers between writing, taking photographs and waking up early to haul party favors to Pennsylvania.  He can be reached at or by phone at (516) 603-6842.  His webpage is here;

Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 148 – Aftermath

Furry News Network - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 15:39

Author: E-Mail Hidden
This week on Knotcast, we read emails, deal with OS updates ruining our recording program, and learn that Savrin is secretly a Sith.

This weeks music is ‘Brohoof’ by Bucktown Tiger

Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great deal.

Episode 148 – Aftermath (AAC; 33.1 MB)
Episode 148 – Aftermath (MP3; 63.5 MB)

Find the full article here: KnotCast News

The contents of this Podcast may have adult language and adult themes. The content is not produced by Furry News Network, but is posted for your convenience.

Categories: News

CONTEST - Daisy's Fan Remix - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 13:52
"Hey, it's a contest! just like it says in the title!

The idea is simple: I've already gone and posted the 22 art pages of the bonus book over on tumblr And I want you (yes YOU) to take those panels and create your own fan comics!"

"Grand Prize is a B&W Badge Commission! One goes to my top pick, and the other goes to a random submission -- so even if you don't think your entry's very good, it can still win something! (and yes, you're allowed to submit multiple entries!)

You have until July 31, 2011, so get cracking!"
Categories: News

Facebook has removed Furry News Network - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 13:50
"Much like many of you, I use a pen name or fursona name on Facebook. I had Furry News Network set up as a community page – we were beginning to build a decent following. The profile and associated Community pages vanished Friday morning with no warning from Facebook. I logged in to find myself redirected to a page on “Harassment”.

After contacting them with all requested information, including my REAL NAME which was the only thing missing from the account, the above letter is what we got back.

To my knowledge we never posted anything harassing ever. We complied with the information they requested. Some times, you can’t win with these people."
Categories: News

?DON GATO Y SU PANDILLA - Trailer final en español?? - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 13:25
Translation thanks to Google: Cat and the gang face a new police chief, who is not at all happy with their poor performance Matute and trying to avoid scams Don Gato.
Buenrostro Lucas, the new police chief, has loads of resources and technology their real intention is to take the city, imposing ridiculous laws. Will test the Don Gato and all members of the gang, as well as the proper officer Matute in a film full of adventure, action and fun.
Categories: News

Human-animal hybrids: Chimeras have scientists calling for new ethical regulations - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 13:23
To many, human-animal chimeras--animals that contain human cells--sound like the stuff of nightmares. If you can picture a frog with a human head, a monkey with human vocal chords or a dog with opposable thumbs, you can see why some people want to put the brakes on any sort of scientific experiment that mixes cells from different species.

The reality of chimeras is much less dramatic: Picture instead a pig that produces human insulin or a mouse getting chemotherapy for its human cancer cells. But inter-species blends still raise concerns, even among scientists. The British Academy of Medical Sciences just released a report calling for new rules to avoid ethical missteps. The report expressed particular concern over several types of research, including anything that would implant human brain cells into animals. During a comment period, some members of the public worried that such experiments could give animals human memories.
Categories: News

Asian Furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 11:53
Categories: News

It's a unique hybrid, that's for sure.

Furry Reddit - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 11:52
Categories: News

Last Resort Contest – Daisy’s Fan Remix

Furry News Network - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 09:40

Note:  This Contest is not sponsored or endorsed by FNN

Author:  LastRes0rt
“Hey, it’s a contest! just like it says in the title!

The idea is simple: I’ve already gone and posted the 22 art pages of the bonus book over on tumblr And I want you (yes YOU) to take those panels and create your own fan comics!”

“Grand Prize is a B&W Badge Commission! One goes to my top pick, and the other goes to a random submission — so even if you don’t think your entry’s very good, it can still win something! (and yes, you’re allowed to submit multiple entries!)

You have until July 31, 2011, so get cracking!”

Find the full article here: | Published News

Categories: News

Rogue kangaroo pepper-sprayed by Aussie police

Furry News Network - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 05:25

Author: RingtailedFox

What do you get when you mix a kangaroo, an elderly woman, and a pair of police officers in a sleepy Outback town? One very interesting story!

Last Sunday, a rogue kangaroo attacked Phyllis Johnson, 94, while she hung laundry in her backyard. Phyllis, who suffered mostly cuts and bruises, told the Courier-Mail from hospital in Charleville, Queensland that she tried to fight the marauding marsupial off with a broom:

I thought it was going to kill me. It was taller than me and it just plowed through the clothes on the washing line straight for me.

After being knocked down she crawled back to her house and her son called the police. Charleville police chief Senior-Sargent Stephen Perkins said his officers were forced to pepper-spray the kangaroo to avoid being injured as well.

The animal jumped away, then saw another officer at the back of the police car and went for that officer, and he also had to deploy his capsicum spray [...]. After that, it hopped away from the scene, but police could still monitor its location – it didn’t go too far.

Fighting red kangaroosSenior-Sgt. Perkins said he had never before heard of police using pepper-spray against a kangaroo.

It did subdue the animal and drew its attention away for the officers, so it worked.

Nearby wildlife rangers were able to trap the creature, which was described as a male red kangaroo, the world’s largest marsupial. Named after their ginger-coloured fur, red kangaroos stand up to two meters tall (six feet), and weigh up to 135 kilograms (300 pounds), although most are smaller and lighter.

Kangaroos rarely attack humans, and government official Mike Devery told the press that the animal will be examined by a veterinarian before a decision is made on its future. Initial observations found some muscle deterioration in one of its hind legs.

Categories: News

The Art of Epic Mickey

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 01:48

Epic Mickey is a a popular video adventure game, developed by Junction Point Studios in Texas last year. It’s popular with furry fans too, having won the 2010 Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic Game. Now the developers are putting out a new book dedicated to the art and artists that went into creating this well-known game. Here’s the blurb from “The Art of Epic Mickey will be a 160-page hardcover landscape coffee table book. It will be written by Epic Mickey co-writer Austin Grossman and will feature a forward by Game Director and New York Times contributor, Warren Spector. The book will journey through the beautifully dark and twisted world known as Cartoon Wasteland touching on the creative process behind developing this once-in-a-lifetime vision. It will include, sketches, concept art, final frames, and stills from the actual game, plus, never-before-used art with quotes from the team that envisioned this epic tale. The physical world of the game is born directly from Disneyland, and accordingly, the book will spotlight the artistic influence that Disneyland, with its iconic qualities and rides, had on the creators of Epic Mickey.” The book is scheduled for release by Disney Editions on September 6th.


image c. 2011 Disney Editions

Categories: News

Facebook has removed Furry News Network

Furry News Network - Mon 25 Jul 2011 - 23:53


Your account has been disabled for violating the Facebook Terms. We have determined that your profile does not authentically represent you, which violates our policies. According to our policies, your profile:

• Must list your real name and date of birth

• Cannot impersonate anyone or anything (for example, profiles created to represent celebrities, pets, ideas, or inanimate objects)

• May not be used to contact strangers for business or dating purposes

Facebook is a community where people connect and share with friends using their real identities. Claiming to be someone else, creating multiple accounts, or falsely representing an organization undermines the trust and safety of the community.

We enforce our policies when we encounter violations on the site or receive reports of violations. If other inauthentic accounts currently exist on the site, it is only because they have not yet been reported and removed.

Unfortunately, we will not reactivate your account for any reason.

For more information about our policies, please read the Facebook Community Standards:


User Operations

Much like many of you, I use a pen name or fursona name on Facebook. I had Furry News Network set up as a community page – we were beginning to build a decent following. The profile and associated Community pages vanished Friday morning with no warning from Facebook. I logged in to find myself redirected to a page on “Harassment”.

After contacting them with all requested information, including my REAL NAME which was the only thing missing from the account, the above letter is what we got back.

To my knowledge we never posted anything harassing ever. We complied with the information they requested. Some times, you can’t win with these people.

FNN has signed up with Google for the business beta – it is more than a month away. We look forward to setting up a profile there for FNN.

As for anything else on Google – you are free to “Circle” my personal account – I have a vanity URL (provided by a 3rd party service, not Google)

There are several thousand active furs on Google Plus so far. If you need an invite, please email me directly at publisher @ – I’ll give out as many invites as I can!

Categories: News