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Fursonas, fursonas everywhere!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Oct 2011 - 11:39

Alright, so here it is! Feel free to leave your answers down below, so we can all get to know your fursona!

1: If your character was in a Gladiator's Duel, which weapon would he choose? Note, this can be any weapon, so be creative!

2: If your character where to be in a group of spies, which role would he play? I.E: Scout, Stealth-Ninja-Guy, Leader, Support, Sniper, Brute, and so on.

3: Your fursona is laid with four options: Steal the cookies from some old ladies house, this old lady used to hit you with an umbrella every time she saw you, yelling "You're all the same! Back in my day, we used to have to climb up both ways to get to school!" Option 2: Your fursona has just baked/bough a new tray of cookies, you've eaten so many, and you're all stuffed. You see the old lady, and you offer her some of your leftover cookies, this is a chance for forgiveness. Option 3: You see a poor little rabbit, scrounging for money on the street, they are obviously starving, but have nothing in return to give you. Option 4: You see your best friend, who just failed a test and is really bummed out, and offer him/her some cookies to make them happy again. Choose wisely. Note The options do not correlate, other than the old ladies personally, and insanely senile, anger towards you.

4: Your character has an opportunity to get his or her dream job, which job? Optional: How would they dress for this job?

Now that I think about it, all of these questions are optional XD

5: Your fursona is about to get the last taxi of the day, it's also the one with the really nice cab driver that you're friends with Or you just use him to get what you want. When you go to get in the cab, an obviously poor woman pushes you violently out of the way, holding a small, jumbled, and messy wad of miscellaneous dollars and coins. What do you do? Note, You're on the ground at this point, and the lady is about to open the door to get in the cab.

Alright, so there it was! I hope you guys liked it, and if not, please tell me that you didn't like it! I'd rather have feedback than wondering what I did wrong. But this isn't about me! This is about all of Your Fursonas!

submitted by TheNarwhalBacons1232
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Categories: News

Stray :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Oct 2011 - 06:22
Categories: News

Being a furry on Second Life...

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Oct 2011 - 04:51
Categories: News

More Art Instruction

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 9 Oct 2011 - 01:58

There never seems to be enough of these, and frankly that’s just fine with us! The Explorer’s Guide to Drawing Fantasy Creatures is a new hardcover art instruction book, written and illustrated by Emily Fiegenschuh. She holds a degree from Ringling College of Art & Design, and in the past she’s illustrated numerous Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks for Wizards of the Coast. Now her new book (published by F + W Media) guides the would-be fantasy artist through not only rendering fantastic creatures of myth, legend, and nightmare, but also breathing life into the finished pictures. According to the publisher’s notes, the book includes: “25 step-by-step demonstrations for creating a bevy of beasts that roam air, land and sea; important basics of drawing, proportion and perspective to help you bring believability to your creatures; instruction for adding living, breating color to finished sketches; and expert tips on finding inspiration, developing personalities, designing costumes and more”. It’s on the shelves now.

image c. 2011 Emily Fiegenschuh

Categories: News

Adorable fursuit battle

Furry Reddit - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 23:21
Categories: News

FC-56 One Of Those Days - *sighs* It's just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won't be a show... but Paradox will

FurCast - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 22:59

*sighs* It’s just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won’t be a show… but Paradox will be there! ????

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Renabu Michi – “Annoying friends”
  • Dashofweak – “One last question”
  • MyHeadisFullofFuck – “My fucked up life”
  • Skyler – “Curiosity questions”
  • HybridFox – “Clan madness!!!”
  • Verlis – “Ironic isnt it?”
  • Anonymous – “Simple question”
  • Arufa – “A question for each of you”
  • Wolfe Masters – “An E-mail That Doesn’t Suck This Week”
  • Volk, Folf- “(no subject)”
  • Brandon – “Background research? Question for the show”
  • Brandon – “Yo fuzzbutts!”
  • Marco Wolf – “coming out of the closet, so to speak.”
FC-56 One Of Those Days - *sighs* It's just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won't be a show... but Paradox will be there! :D
Categories: Podcasts

FC-56 One Of Those Days - *sighs* It's just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won't be a show... but Paradox will

FurCast - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 22:59

*sighs* It’s just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won’t be a show… but Paradox will be there! :D

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Renabu Michi – “Annoying friends”
  • Dashofweak – “One last question”
  • MyHeadisFullofFuck – “My fucked up life”
  • Skyler – “Curiosity questions”
  • HybridFox – “Clan madness!!!”
  • Verlis – “Ironic isnt it?”
  • Anonymous – “Simple question”
  • Arufa – “A question for each of you”
  • Wolfe Masters – “An E-mail That Doesn’t Suck This Week”
  • Volk, Folf- “(no subject)”
  • Brandon – “Background research? Question for the show”
  • Brandon – “Yo fuzzbutts!”
  • Marco Wolf – “coming out of the closet, so to speak.”
FC-56 One Of Those Days - *sighs* It's just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won't be a show... but Paradox will be there! :D
Categories: Podcasts

FC-56 One Of Those Days - *sighs* It's just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won't be a show... but Paradox will

FurCast - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 22:59

*sighs* It’s just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won’t be a show… but Paradox will be there! :D

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)




  • Renabu Michi – “Annoying friends”
  • Dashofweak – “One last question”
  • MyHeadisFullofFuck – “My fucked up life”
  • Skyler – “Curiosity questions”
  • HybridFox – “Clan madness!!!”
  • Verlis – “Ironic isnt it?”
  • Anonymous – “Simple question”
  • Arufa – “A question for each of you”
  • Wolfe Masters – “An E-mail That Doesn’t Suck This Week”
  • Volk, Folf- “(no subject)”
  • Brandon – “Background research? Question for the show”



  • Brandon – “Yo fuzzbutts!”
  • Marco Wolf – “coming out of the closet, so to speak.”

FC-56 One Of Those Days - *sighs* It's just one of those days. A full studio crew tonight, just like FNT was last night. Good for some ADHD style radio show hosting *cringe*. Anyway, FurFright 2011 is next week so there won't be a show... but Paradox will be there! :D
Categories: Podcasts

New to the fandom! Just saying hello!

Furry Reddit - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 22:33

Hello my fellow furs! I've been meaning to do this for the longest time of getting into the fandom because I love anthros and animals soooo this is kinda weird o.o I don't know what I say to any of you other than I'm a guy who is obessed with games comics and movies just like any other nerd. And two last things. I'm not in this for the porn O.o....vore expansions and other stuff like that just freak me out I want to stay SFW in this fandom and then second. I suck at talking to people :( Well I mean new people, people I just only meet so if I annoy you or just act like an idiot just know I can sometimes be a very socially awkward person thanks to my less that great times during my years in school (don't ask >.>) I hope I'll somehow become a valued member of this great community I plan to make lots of that music all you furs love so much on FA once I join. Trance and dubstep. FYI I think I am that good that I promise every time I make a track, it'll be like your ears are having an orgasm :3

(Prepares for trolls if acts like idiot and posts in wrong subreddit or mispelt shyt)

submitted by Blackdragons1234
[link] [19 comments]
Categories: News

Neko Girls (xPost)

Furry Reddit - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 21:50
Categories: News

Affordable fursuit heads?

Furry Reddit - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 18:44

Hey guys, I was recently browsing around websites like Clockwork Creatures and Made Fur You, and I've noticed that for just a head it is normally over 600 dollars, which is kind of high. It's understandable, because of the level of craftsmanship and work that goes into making a fursuit, but I was wondering if there was any reliable fursuit stores, that won't break the bank.

submitted by TheNarwhalBacons1232
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News

Epic picture of me at Anthrocon 2011

Furry Reddit - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 12:58
Categories: News

"The Nut Job" by Tirrel (AKA Cerberus)

Furry Reddit - Sat 8 Oct 2011 - 11:12
Categories: News