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Vincent Price: fursuiter
Bitter Lake: disappointing?
"The clincher that irrevocably destroyed any remaining hope of salvaging the movie is the final 'climactic' death. What makes this one any different from the others? Nothing...except for a particularly trite stock sound effect that many folks ought to recognize by now. That single effect transformed this movie from 'a good concept with potential' into 'a pathetic waste of time.'"
Would that be the Wilhelm scream?
TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 10 - Just Before The NaNo - Part One
"My Little Pony: FiM" - Season Two Starts 9/17
9/17, at 9AM on the Hub.
Here's a sneak preview clip featuring the show's new villain, with a
familiar voice (and persona?) for the trekkers.
Pulp Foreskin
Exquisite Corpse done the Usenet way.
This is the blog--my web site is still under construction :(
Dig up my old Usenet friends/fans and drop by
Fursuiting at work for Halloween was a success!
Penguins vs. Possums
There’s a title you’re gonna notice, right? Penguins vs. Possums is a new black & white comic Sebastian Kadlecik and John Bring, published by JBSK Comics. “Forget all you think you know. Since the dawn of time, a war has been fought in secret; the inter-species Armageddon between Penguins and Possums. A conflict this monumental can only stay in the shadows for so long. Choose a side!” You read it here. You can also find out more about this monumental conflict (including how the creators came up with this!) at their web site, www.epicwebcomic.com/pvp.
I'm having trouble picking a species for my fursona. Please r/furry, can you help me?
As a bit of background, I'm pretty much the classic nerdy girl. I'm a big lover of science (in my third year of a biomedical sciences degree) while at he same time I hold true to my geeky pastimes (the furry fandom being one of them). I'm generally a quiet person, but I have my moments of giddy talkativeness when the opportunity arises.
I've always adored listening and seeing the fursonas that other people have made. However, I've never even come close to finding something that works for me. I can't even get past the "What animal represents you?" stage. So, I figured why not ask the experts?
I know it's a lot r/furry, but is there anyways you can help a girl out? Where do I start? Do you have any tips or tricks for me about how you found your furry spirit? Anything you're willing to share would be amazing. Thank you!
submitted by Stellalune[link] [31 comments]
I am confused.
Sometimes I happen to come across discussion boards in various places on the Internet where furries are trying to defend themselves. The claim I usually witness is that there are "bad" furries who yiff, fuck animals, and draw pornographic artwork, which is said to give the fandom a bad name. I've also heard other "good" ones that just like to dress up and donate money just because they like animals. Is there really discontent among the so-called "good" and "bad" furries (or is there really even such thing as "good" or "bad"), or did I just happen to see one person trying to speak for thousands?
submitted by Nicodimus27[link] [33 comments]
London's 2012 Olympic Lion
When Worlds Collide: Furry and Horror
Author: crossaffliction
To celebrate this month’s most monstrous of holidays, let’s take a look at monstrosity, and how something as seemingly innocuous as furry can have more connection to the horror genre than mere werewolf movies.
Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought
Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
2011 Recommended Anthropomorphics List: October update
Author: Fred
The Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association, which administers the annual Ursa Major Awards, has updated the 2011 Anthropomorphic Reading List to include all of the titles recommended by Furry fans through the end of October. This list is often used by fans to nominate in the next year’s Awards.
There are only two months left to recommend what you think is good this year. The 2011 Anthropomorphic Reading List will close on January 15, 2012, to give fans a couple of weeks to read/see works that came out at the end of December.
Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought
Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.