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Review: “Bitter Lake” By Skippyfox

Furry News Network - Sat 29 Oct 2011 - 12:25

Author: skippyfox

Bitter Lake, a movie created by furries in association with Eurofurence, was fairly well-hyped before it was finally screened at the convention and distributed on DVD.

Unfortunately it seems that hype was poorly founded. The movie is disappointingly short, especially at $ 20, but by the end I was thankful it wasn’t any longer.

SPOILER WARNING: Don’t read any further if you want to give this movie a chance.

read more

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

Categories: News

Thought I'd share my adorable fursuit story <3

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Oct 2011 - 10:26

So last night, I went to a halloween party that the local country music radio station was holding. There was food, cake, and dancing (line dancing to be exact) I went in my fursuit. There was a costume contest....we had to parade around, while wearing numbers and the other guests voted on who should win. After the parade we did the hokey pokey. XD

I won first place, winning me 5 CDs, tickets to a Sara Evans concert (I might sell those), and one of those new ipod nano's with the touch screen.

But the best part of the entire night was one little girl (maybe 5 years old?) who was dressed as Tinkerbell and looking at me from across the room when I first walked in. I waved, and she giggled and hid her face. I went on with my chatting and hanging around, and then I saw her again near the bathroom, where she stared at me, grinning, again. I knelt down and reached my arms out for a hug, and she ran up and hugged me. I waved to her again as she left the room, and when i went back to the main room as well, found out that her and her parents sat at the table next to me and my aunt (and my aunts friends). She was always looking at me and smiling. when the music started to play, I offered for her to dance with me, but she grinned and hid her face. Her father looked at me and shrugged, then said "She's a little shy." I nodded and went up to dance by myself. When it was time for us to learn a line dance, she came up and danced next to me. She eventually warmed up to me,and started to give me high fives, pretending to "steal" my nose, and asked me to play hide and seek with her.

We played around for a while, and she tried to feed me Skittles. Later, she even asked me to dance, to one of the slow songs. XD We played tag and follow the leader, and she even made up a little game for us to play in an open area of the room, and we played for a while. When we both were tired of playing around, she and I sat and talked about random things, like our cats, and our favorite colors, and what our favorite food was.

I hung around with her for 3 hours, only taking off my suit once, for 5 minutes, in a bathroom stall. Before it was time for me to go, someone came around and asked if anyone had any music requests. She requested justin beiber, and proceeded to tell me that she will marry him someday, when she is 19 years old.

As we were about to leave, and my aunt was talking and saying goodbye to some of her friends, I stood there, waiting to leave. The DJ then said "Okay, we are going to play something special, for the little one!" At this point, I had already told her I was leaving and gave her a hug goodbye, but she thought I had already left, since I was on the other side of the room now, and out of her view.

She ran up onto the dance floor, and started to dance around with someone dressed like she was in Gryffindor. (Harry Potter.) That was when I ran up to her again, and her face lit up and we danced to....Justin Beiber...

Then I really did have to leave, and I promised the family I would email them the few pictures I took of her and I. She was the cutest little girl, and I'm sure I made her night 10 times better. She was the only one there her age, so I was happy to keep her entertained and happy :)

Times like this are what I absolutely love about fursuiting, and for me, its easy to ignore the hot, hard-to-breathe moments and limited vision.

TL;DR: i went to a halloween party and won awesome prizes for the costume contest, but my favorite part was playing with a little girl, who absolutely loved me, and we danced to Justin Beiber, who she claims she will marry someday. <3

ALSO, She won 2nd place in the costume contest, winning tickets to Six Flags. :)

**EDIT:! Heres a picture of her and I, and heres a few pictures of my suit.

submitted by theblueroanfilly
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Categories: News

So I made the jump today...

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Oct 2011 - 04:43

I made a furry account after being a lurker of r/furry for some time. I was a little apprehensive for many reasons, but I finally did it. I don't know if it's strange to post this or not, but I've seen several posts like this one so I thought I'd start here.

submitted by toribue
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Categories: News

What do you think a rabbit-dragon hybrid would look like?

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Oct 2011 - 01:20

My girlfriend is a european dragon and I am a lop eared rabbit. We were trying to decide what our hypothetical offspring would look like. Strange idea. But it seemed like an unavoidable topic. xD

submitted by The_Babe
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Categories: News

Five FurAffinity Admins, Four From Furocity, Resign in One Day

Furry News Network - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 21:07

By: Alstor

Fender FA ThumbnailToday, five FurAffinity admins, Photografuher, Luftwooffe, WriterWren, Grammatist, and Silver R. Wolfe, have stepped down from their administrative positions on the furry art site. The four Furocity admins, coming to the site’s administration after the much talked about FurAffinity/Furocity merger in July, resigned within minutes of each other, claiming a “badly broken” work force and a recent information “leak” as their reasons of resignation.

The leak of most of the administrators’ personal information that surfaced on yesterday is in question. FurAffinity admin Summercat explained that the information “was gathered by spending time with google, browsing publicly posted information, and free DNS/whois lookups.” The leaked information included, but was not limited to phone numbers, personal addresses, and places of work. Some of the “leaked” information was either already given on the internet for anyone to see, but it was more than enough for the four Furocity admins to resign.

Photografuher also mentioned a lack of admins following set rules, citing “…from day-one, some of the original FA administrators have blatantly ignored the Admin Code Of Conduct…”. He would later say, “These issues have made it impossible for me to perform my duties and serve FA’s users in a way that I feel is effective and beneficial.”

Luftwooffe had something similar to say in his announcement journal: “… with the weak, unprofessional, childish original staff this proved to be to great a challenge. Being met with endless bickering… a simple job of helping users on an community art website is impossible.”

WriterWren focused more on the security leak in his journal, stating “I could deal with hostile admins, but the security issues force me to be realistic about everything.”

Grammatist left with few words to say. “I do not wish to be a target for anyone with sinister goals and as such, I’ve issued my resignation,” he said in his resignation journal. He is the only one of the four to provide a positive experience on the job, saying it was “…a pretty good, if short, run.”

Meanwhile, long-time admin Silver R. Wolfe did not leave with a bitter taste in his mouth, explaining that his job got in the way with his work on the site. “Unfortunately as my day job became more prominent and demanding as my living situation became more frantic and equally demanding, my time to commit to FA dwindled,” he stated in his journal. “…since I couldn’t fulfill the requirements I wanted to fulfill, I decided the best step was to step down.”

Some current FurAffinity administrators have spoken publicly on the matter. “I rather like Grammatist and will miss him – he was a very reasonable admin. I’m sad to see him leave. His input was very valuable.” Arshes Nei said in a post on the FurAffinity Forums.

Summercat had something different to say in the same forum thread: “Personally, I feel the assertions made are unfair (at the very least), and only show one viewpoint of a situation. “

Trpdwarf denied any wrongdoings and mishaps on the administration’s behalf. “I will say that there is no corruption going on behind the scenes that I know of,” she said in the thread. “There are no leaks of information so to speak that I’ve heard of. I cannot for the life of me understand why some people have said some things that they have and so we will have to take some time to fully understand what charges are being lobbed against us and why.”

According to FurAffinity co-owner Dragoneer, him and the other co-owner Daemonshyai have been “blindsided by it,” and the two are supposedly gathering as much information from the departed admins as possible. The two must also find replacements for those positions, as no admins specified for written work and photography are available.

Current discussion on the FurAffinity Forums starts here.

Five FurAffinity Admins, Four From Furocity, Resign in One Day by Alstor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Categories: News

Not a fursuit

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 20:30
Categories: News

In time for halloween?

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 20:22

Hi there. I have absolutely no experience with sewing or costume-making. I'm wondering if I could possibly start and finish a fursuit tail in time for halloween. I have ears from another costume, and I'd like paws too but that would probably be stretching it. Anyway, is it easy enough for me to attempt in such a short time or should I wait until next year? Any tips/ tutorials are appreciated. It's going to be a black cat tail btw, and decently long.

submitted by alwaysdreaming
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Categories: News

Sabrina strips are up - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 18:45
Strip #600 has been reached.
...and there was much rejoicing.
Categories: News

We're a culture, not a costume.

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 15:25
Categories: News

FBOTM November: Stuffed Panda Studios

Furry News Network - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 13:12

By: Trashville

Corgi inspired by "Ein"November 2011

As I was observing the work of the literally hundreds for fursuit builders in this fandom, I came across a photograph that really caught my eye: an amazingly realistic Pembroke Welsh Corgi inspired by “Ein” from Cowboy Bebop. Suddenly, in a flash, all of my awesome memories connected to Cowboy Bebop came rushing back and I knew then that I had to interview this builder. The creator of this charming costume is “Panda” of Stuffed Panda Studios. Panda’s ability to create both realistic and toony costumes is what drew me to her work.

Describe your history in the furry fandom.

I’ve always been interested in animals and anthro art, and drew my fair share of it as a kid. The furry fandom was something I knew existed, but I began to slip out of my anthro drawing stage in high school and never looked into it further. I did continue to draw animals however – just ask my poor dorm-mates freshman year of college. I enjoyed drawing kittens on everyone’s marker boards in the hallway, and it became a game among everyone to find out who was doing it (and I was never caught all year). ;) Along with my mischievous kitten doodles that year, I began attending anime conventions and saw fursuits for the first time. This inspired me to create my first suit (explained in the next question), which led to making more suits, meeting furries, having good times all around, etc. One thing led to another, and I found myself being drawn into the fandom. A couple years ago I started working on my fursona, but she didn’t have a set design until early this year when I started actively using my FurAffinity account. While I have attended over twenty anime conventions in the past five years, I have yet to attend a single furry con. I very much hope to make Anthrocon 2012 my first!

When did you build your first costume and what was it?

I was horribly stubborn and decided a quadsuit of the white wolf pup from Princess Mononoke was the way to go for my first project four years ago. It was quite the frustrating/informative process, and took me all summer to build. It was almost entirely hot glued, made with nasty fun fur from Joann’s, and weighed nearly 15 lbs. It had durability issues, and the head tended to slowly tilt to the right as I walked. Watching video of it now is pretty hilarious. ;) While the result was pretty derpy looking, I had a blast making it (when I wasn’t burning myself with glue). I also got a very good reception from the Anime Iowa attendees and staff during the convention and on stage in the masquerade. The wolf inspired me to build more fursuits and improve my technique over the years.

How many fursuits have you been paid to build?

I have been building fursuits for over four years, but just started taking commissions last year. I was going through a pretty intense college art program and graduated with my B.F.A. in fiber art (aka textiles) last August and began with the completion of Spot the dog in January. Since then, I have made about ten fursuits on commission and will be completing several more by the end of December. I have been trying to take things slow the past year, but now I’m ready to take on a bigger commission load next year. :)

What are your construction methods of choice?

Up until recently, I preferred building all foam heads on balaclava bases. I experimented with a resin base on my latest corgi suit, and love how well the moving jaw works (not to mention how lightweight it is). I can easily foresee myself switching to all resin heads very shortly, or a combination of the two. In terms of outside appearance, I really enjoy working with fleece faces on toony suits. I love the crisp clean look fleece brings and I feel that it really exaggerates that cartoon look.

What is your average price range?

My toony full suits start at $1,300 and realistic suits start at $1,550. A much more detailed list of prices and additional features can be found on my website (link at bottom of page).

Who was your favorite to build?

This is a tough one. *rubs chin* I think I had the most fun making the leg padding for Yumigami the rabbit in May. It was my first time really attempting digitigrade – I had leg padding on my first fursuit/quadsuit, but it didn’t look the best. It took me several attempts to get it right, but I was really excited when I finally got it to work and it made the rest of the suit a lot more fun to build. As a result I really enjoy working with digitigrade and unusual body padding. I’m always up for a new challenge! :)

The Welsh corgi is very much a close second. I wasn’t sure I could pull it off, but I was really happy with those stubby little legs. ;) It was also my first time working with a resin head base and trying full-on realism (I love dry brushing!).

What was your greatest hurdle to get over as a builder?

I would say my biggest hurdle was just learning to make fursuits on my own. While I saw fursuits at conventions, I never got to see any up close or the inner workings. Nearly everything I learned was via tutorials on the fursuit livejournal page, good ol’ ingenuity, and trial and error. It was often a struggle to figure out more complicated mechanics, but it was well worth my patience in the end. Now I hope to start making my own basic tutorials to help other fursuit makers. :) I honestly try and make every new suit I build my best creation yet. I love striving for durability, crisp clean appearance (inside and out), and accuracy. I was very interested in doing fursuit commissions several years ago, but I wanted to make sure my building skills were “up to par” before I did any such thing.

Describe your fursona/s.

My fursona is Panda the pandacat. I started Stuffed Panda Studios my freshman year of college as a painting studio of sorts, and quickly was given the nickname “panda” because of it. When I became more interested in the furry fandom, I wanted to make my own fursona. In order to avoid confusion, I decided she should have the same name.

Panda is a domestic shorthair/persian/giant panda hybrid spliced with firefly D.N.A. (slightly complicated, no?). She’s about the size of a cougar, and is never seen without her paper lantern. Her eyes, paw pads, whiskers, bell, and mouth glow in the dark. Panda is very quiet around those she doesn’t know well, but is friendly and fiercely protective of her friends and family. She is closely associated with the earth element and is quite good at martial arts (that giant lantern isn’t just for show). ;)

What makes you a unique builder and why should people choose you?

I feel there are several points that make me a unique builder. On the “human” side of things, I’m very adamant about good communication between me and the commissioner. I don’t take people’s money, disappear off the planet for a few months, and reappear with a finished product. I like to work with my customers from the very beginning and make sure I fully understand what they are looking for in their finished suit. When I start construction I’ll drop the customer an e-mail, send several in progress photos for approval, and ask for feedback. I know fursuits are a large investment, and truly want the customer to be happy with their finished product.

In terms of style, people seem to really enjoy the fleece face and anime eyed look of my toony suits because it’s unique. I’ve also gotten comments that people enjoy how I blend “human” or cartoony expressions with realism on my realistic works. Overall I tend to approach designs from a studio art perspective, and execute them from an engineer or costume design perspective (if that makes any sense). I guess what I’m trying to say is this – if you have an odd design or weird body padding, I’m very much willing to figure out how to do it! (I secretly want to build a kangaroo suit that has big leg padding and sits low to the ground.)

My final point is durability. All of my seams are sewn. If it won’t fit under a machine, I’m not afraid to sit down and hand sew. While it may be excessive, all of my bodysuits are sewn with a triple stretch stitch and finished with a serger where possible. I know suits aren’t indestructible (aka don’t go skateboarding through some bramble bushes in the middle of the night while in suit), but I strive to make them as durable as humanly possible. :)

I’m also a deadline nazi. When I give you a date that your suit will be completed, I mean it. Unless I’m attacked by rabid opossums in my backyard, I will make it happen. Nothing drives me battier than hearing about a fursuit maker who’s months or even a year late on a commission (unless something serious has happened). (Official Site)…..dpandastudios/ (FA Page) (Corgi Pics) (Yumigami Pics)

Categories: News

Pinky swear?

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 01:43
Categories: News

Episode 21 – The Future Soon - We’re back in the saddle, so to speak, and we’ve got another new episode for you! This week’s episode is a whopping hour and a half long, due in no small part to the con report from Oklacon. Every cast membe[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 00:47

We’re back in the saddle, so to speak, and we’ve got another new episode for you! This week’s episode is a whopping hour and a half long, due in no small part to the con report from Oklacon. Every cast member attended, and everyone has something to say, including the part where Smokescale almost caught fire – download the episode for more on that! We then go on to an update on our German friend and his efforts to emigrate, a discussion about how the future might be, and one of the most florid and inventive descriptions of Kyo any of the cast has ever heard!

Next week’s episode is all about the holidays. Going to visit family and/or friends? Staying home? Got someone to share the holiday with? Let us know! Need tips on how to survive the upcoming holidays, socially and emotionally and nutritionally and financially? Drop us a line! And don’t forget, we’re always here to help, so hit us up with anything with which you need a hand!

No more conventions until the end of the year means no skipped episodes, so we should be good to go for the next six or seven in a row (until Christmas itself is upon us)! Look forward to getting a regular fix for a while!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 21 – The Future Soon
File modified October 28, 2011 – 84.6 MB – downloaded 339 times so far

Episode 21 – The Future Soon - We’re back in the saddle, so to speak, and we’ve got another new episode for you! This week’s episode is a whopping hour and a half long, due in no small part to the con report from Oklacon. Every cast membe[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Bad Dog Book Club – Vixyy Fox’s “The Onerous One”

Furry News Network - Thu 27 Oct 2011 - 22:28

Howdy folks!

   Sorry for the delay, but I hope you all think that it’s worth it!  We finally have a woman author and a woman reader on the podcast!  This is something that’s been bothering me for a great while now, and I hope it starts a trend. So women listeners, do write and read for us!

    Today’s story comes to us…


Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club

The contents of this Podcast may have adult language and adult themes. The content is not produced by Furry News Network, but is posted for your convenience.

Categories: News

How many furries are there? O_o

Furry Reddit - Thu 27 Oct 2011 - 19:11

I know three people, excluding myself, who are confirmed furries in real life. Two of them watch the porn but deny being a furry, and I know three people who have fursonas but also deny being a furry, and, just today, a girl I know was wearing a tail. (Don't know if she's a furry or not, it'd be awkward as fuck asking). Almost all these people are from my highschool, and none of them were met at any convention or anywhere you'd expect to find furries.

I also know thirteen furries on the internet, and this isn't counting any met from furry sites or chats.

I'm just curious, are there any reliable statistics available on this? I had assumed that, if I had ever met any furries in my lifetime, I'd probably have no idea they were furries. I'm shocked to find them to be so... Abundant. How many furries do you guys know in real life?

EDIT: So, I asked the tail-bearing girl if she was a furry, and she said "Sometimes". I don't understand what that really means, but, I guess that makes nine people I know in real life who are furries.

submitted by FDAL
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Categories: News

Snoop dogg's gone furry

Furry Reddit - Thu 27 Oct 2011 - 17:58
Categories: News