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Yahoo Odd News: Costumed Convention

Furries In The Media - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 15:34

(its the second story in the video, starts around 1:08)

I'm really surprised to see yahoo do furry coverage, have they ever actually done that befoe???. I know this is sorta old, from EF, but I never saw it posted here and I am highly amused and grateful for the sense of total neutrality on the subject of furries the bit seems to take, not making it a spectacle as usual. Its like they announced a comic book convention or something.

"festival of fur" that shit made me loool though, why doesn't everyone get that its about anthro animals, not just fursuits. I mean, furries ain't rocket science people XD

also, on a completely different side note. is there, and if there isn't there should be a furry documentary made in the style of a "day at the convention". I think a furry should film something that shows what a "typical/neutral" furry does at a convention. Like first he'd wait in line, crack jokes about how long it took, get his badge, then he would meet up with friends, socialize, interact with fursuiters, go look around the dealers den and have a talk with an artist or two, buy something cute like a plush or something, then go out to a couple of panels about stuff like art, or spirituality, or fursuiting, or the wild animal panel, something like that. Then they go out to eat come back, go to the dance and then bed down for another day of furry convention fun.
I think the problem with a lot of furry documentary's is they never let it talk for itself. Its always a voice of of someone just listing off facts about furries that are pretty well known by now "they like anthro animals" "some dress in fursuits" "there is art and panels". I wish there could just be a doc that lets the con experience speak for itself in a simple "how to enjoy your first furry con" kind of style.
idk, it would be cool. LOL, sorry about the extreme tangent, someone should just...make that lol. Or I'll try? :p
Categories: News

Good news, you can rip thor to iPod, iPad, avi or mp4 format directly with Ideal DVD Converters. - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 10:45
Just got newsletter from Ideal DVD Software. The following is the
original email. Post it here to share with others so that you can also
rip your thor.

Dear users,

We just got the original DVD thor, by analyzing this DVD, we found the
DVD thor has a special structure which we didn't meet before. Usually

Categories: News

Cool Beach Otter

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 10:28
Categories: News

Relevant for dogs

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 08:43
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 05:08

Just some short fiction I think this subreddit would like. If it's unwelcome, I apologize, and will delete. But, here you go. Should I continue it? I've been thinking of getting into lycanthropic fiction.

But, please enjoy!

The moon alights the sky beyond my window, and beckons me out into the wilderness beyond the deck. The woods are dark, cast in a mighty splendor of shadow and moonlight, and begged me to run beneath green pine and over moss-stained rock. I gaze, and I tremble at the offering that sings in my blood and makes the dark hair over my body lift, tinged with a wild energy that begs to let go, to run, to flee this trapping, this cage of wood and glass and electronics. I pace, wearing a trail into the carpet, and feel the stain of sweat cross my underarms and throat and back and groin, and yet I know I need to stop, to pause, to breath. I breath, a cool breath that fogs out. I am steaming. The windows are open. Breathe in. I taste the cold air that stings my nostrils and burns down my throat like fire, making me gasp for another breath. The scent beyond tells me of prey, a doe rabbit that would taste good, and the sweet copper beneath her breast. The scent whispers the stories of the small pack that runs beyond the cabin, drawn to me as I am drawn to them, they knowing my scent, as I know their trails, marked across the whole of the mountain. They are unchallenged, and they are mine. Another breath. Water, melt from the snows a thousand feet higher, wet, some fish and even the musk of a bruin. I breath out and snort, clawing at my arms with nails, and fighting the build of need. I pace, my nails caress the walls, leaving gouges in the wood that would be quite a bitch to cover. I stare at the torn nail, twisted by the force of wood and splintering pine, and then rip it off. The hot flare of pain sends a tingle up my arm, and makes me growl, but it fades, letting me control the need again. Yet again it builds. The pain flows away to the gnawing hunger of the inner self, the instincts that caress up and brush across my face, and the ripple of dark hair that flows up and fades away. I want to scream and claw and tear through the house, but I know not to threaten my domain. I have fought this change for too long, and I have to let go. I do not want to let go, I am afraid to let go, I want to stay a human for a little while longer, but no, I know I cannot hold back. Like the crest of copulation, I feel it well in my gut and slowly tighten, threatening to push me into the oblivion of the run, the chase, the hunt. The pack howls, and they call upon me to join them, to let free what I am and take my place. My head rushes, a throb of blood that threatens a headache, a splitting migraine, the rearranging of my visual cortex making my vision blur, then sharpen. Colors lose definition, others rise up that have no word. I am losing myself again… …I am almost free. I am almost awake. I can run! I can... ...In the fight to be myself |a little longer, my hand shifting into… …clawing the metal why wont it open why wont it let me out trapped in my den… …claws, the knob hard to turn. I snarl, biting at the air as my face begins to contort, twist, bone cracking. I held off too long, and it was going to hurt. Like being denied the touch of a lover, my body twists from the sudden rush, and I throw the door open, enough to twist the hinge. My body rips, as muscle and bone and sinew begin to change. I am a large man, already nearly 130 kilos, and two meters tall, and this translates directly as fur ripples across my body, sending my back twisting. I claw… ...held by restraints must get free tear free of the body the cloth the binding the pack howls I must run… …the shirt off and feel my nails twist. Already the torn nail has reformed, and the nail grows longer, into black claws. My thumb twists, a sharp snap reforming the bone into a better shape. My teeth crack and grow longer, fangs showing… ...runrunrunrunrunrunrunrun… …in the gleam of moonlight. My snout shows as I drop, feeling the earth. I begin… …to howl. I sing, and the pack answers. submitted by GreyArgonian
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

Nerd dragon [xpost from /r/gaming]

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 04:24
Categories: News

How to add my tattoo to a fursuit?

Furry Reddit - Sun 13 Nov 2011 - 02:40

I'm starting on a new suit project soon, and part of my fursona is this tattoo (yes that is mine). The fur I'd prefer to use has a variable shag between 2" and 4", and I'd prefer to shave as little as possible. The tattoo is located on my shoulder.

My mate suggested sewing it using black yarn. I'm also toying with the idea of airbrushing or sewing it in. How would you do it?

I do not currently have an airbrush of my own but I have a friend who would let me use his.

Before you ask, this is not going to be a suit with SPH or anything like it.

submitted by MurphyErasmus
[link] [12 comments]
Categories: News

FC-60 Odd Sexual Dice - A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it's perfect to leave you all with, since next week we're in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we'll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some qua

FurCast - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 23:59

A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it’s perfect to leave you all with, since next week we’re in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! ???? After that we’ll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some quality pair-bonding time while they’re there! ;3

Download MP3

News: Emails:
  • Furry Raver – “Furry but not furry…anecdote”
  • Crimson X – “Facebook Furs and Bday”
  • Alan – “thank you + question ( with zero run on sentences )”
  • Arleon – “Mental shift weirdness”
  • Viktor – “Inspiration and art”
  • The NonFurry – “Fur Questions from a Non-Furry”
Notes: FC-60 Odd Sexual Dice - A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it's perfect to leave you all with, since next week we're in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we'll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some quality pair-bonding tim...
Categories: Podcasts

FC-60 Odd Sexual Dice - A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it's perfect to leave you all with, since next week we're in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we'll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some qua

FurCast - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 23:59

A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it’s perfect to leave you all with, since next week we’re in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we’ll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some quality pair-bonding time while they’re there! ;3

Download MP3

News: Emails:
  • Furry Raver – “Furry but not furry…anecdote”
  • Crimson X – “Facebook Furs and Bday”
  • Alan – “thank you + question ( with zero run on sentences )”
  • Arleon – “Mental shift weirdness”
  • Viktor – “Inspiration and art”
  • The NonFurry – “Fur Questions from a Non-Furry”
Notes: FC-60 Odd Sexual Dice - A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it's perfect to leave you all with, since next week we're in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we'll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some quality pair-bonding tim...
Categories: Podcasts

FC-60 Odd Sexual Dice - A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it's perfect to leave you all with, since next week we're in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we'll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some qua

FurCast - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 23:59

A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it’s perfect to leave you all with, since next week we’re in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we’ll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some quality pair-bonding time while they’re there! ;3

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)




  • Furry Raver – “Furry but not furry…anecdote”
  • Crimson X – “Facebook Furs and Bday”
  • Alan – “thank you + question ( with zero run on sentences )”
  • Arleon – “Mental shift weirdness”
  • Viktor – “Inspiration and art”
  • The NonFurry – “Fur Questions from a Non-Furry”




FC-60 Odd Sexual Dice - A slow intro to a fantastic episode. In fact, it's perfect to leave you all with, since next week we're in Chicago for Midwest FurFest 2011! :D After that we'll be back for more shows. Hopefully Paradox and Fayroe will get some quality pair-bonding tim...
Categories: Podcasts

Another furry reference at Cracked

Furries In The Media - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 23:54
Take a look at 21 Awful Comedy Premises We'll Probably See Next on Not one of their funnier features overall in my opinion, but do check out #13.
Categories: News

So, who's going to MFF?

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 20:21
Categories: News

my circlejerks inspired art

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 19:29
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 17:57
Categories: News

hi furry subreddit~

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 17:20
Categories: News

Scaly Circus: 'Totem' - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 08:45
There look to be amphibian / reptilian full-body costumes aplenty in
the touring circus performance 'Totem', courtesy of the famous Cirque
du Soleil:

"TOTEM traces the fascinating journey of the human species from its
original amphibian state to its ultimate desire to fly. The characters
evolve on a stage evoking a giant turtle, the symbol of origin for

Categories: News

Mario outed as a Furry... Again!

Furry Reddit - Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 08:43
Categories: News