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Episode 25 – Popufur - Just like last week, we’ve got two e-mails to read this time around…but at 45 minutes long (give or take), there’s a lot more to be had here! Mention is made of balancing work and life, discussion of Lady Ga[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 9 Dec 2011 - 05:04

Just like last week, we’ve got two e-mails to read this time around…but at 45 minutes long (give or take), there’s a lot more to be had here! Mention is made of balancing work and life, discussion of Lady Gaga’s new video is had, and there’s a sizable rant about the shenanigans that PayPal is pulling! For more information on that, go here to find out what’s happening! One of our e-mails is from our loyal listener Sclariqrevk asking about Kyo and his usual demeanor, and another is about how to get listeners/watchers/fans and the nebulous link between talent and adult art! Kyo is compared to a mountain, Halfwit is compared to Garth Brooks, we debut our Word of the Week, anal dentata, and much more!

Next week’s topic is attraction; we’ve discussed how to make friends and become popular, now we’re going to discuss what to do if you find someone in whom you’re interested in more than a casual way! Are you attracted to someone and you need to figure out how to tell them? Do you think someone’s attracted to you but want to be sure? Write in about these topics or any others with which you want our help, it’s our purpose to answer your e-mails and render whatever assistance we can!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 25 – Popufur
File modified December 9, 2011 – 39.9 MB – downloaded 574 times so far

Episode 25 – Popufur - Just like last week, we’ve got two e-mails to read this time around…but at 45 minutes long (give or take), there’s a lot more to be had here! Mention is made of balancing work and life, discussion of Lady Ga[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Fursuit on firefox download page

Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Dec 2011 - 04:41
Categories: News

Prof. Genki's origins [nsfw]

Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Dec 2011 - 04:13
Categories: News

Nordguard site gets a bath

DailyFurBlog - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 22:00

Nordguard did a overhaul on the website. With the holiday’s coming now is the time to get that smecial person a gift! TAKE A LOOK!

Categories: News

Another one for the furfilms list? - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 20:45
It's A Dog's Life, 1955 MGM
The story of a a bull terrier's rise from the streets of New York,
narrated in part by the dog himself.
Categories: News

Cheetahs will do

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 18:12
Categories: News

A guy's night out

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 17:45
Categories: News

Merry Christmas r/Furry!

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 16:48
Categories: News

Furry Survey 2011

[adjective][species] - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 12:49

Just a reminder to get in on the 2011 Furry Survey before the year’s end! A lot of the information gathered by the survey is really pretty interesting and drives much of the content on this site. It’s a pretty quick survey, and well worth it!

survey banner

I'll just put this here. (x-Skyrim)

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 06:22
Categories: News

A Future of Many Deadly Species

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 02:57

Our thanks to Fred Patten for pointing this out to us: “Death Drop is a science fiction novel by Sean Allen. The last known human was exterminated over 400,000 years ago and the known universe is ruled by the savage race known as the Durax, keeping control with their compelling mind powers. War rages against this vehement race and the free people have two choices: either join the Dissension Army and fight against the Durax or struggle to survive in the cutthroat world of outlaws the war has created. Dezmara Strykar can’t remember anything before the moment 8 years ago when she woke up in a space freighter, abandoned and alone. Since that date she has come to realize three things: she’s the best pilot and smuggler in the universe, she can handle herself in a fight, and she’s Human.” The other notable thing about Mr. Allen’s self-published science fiction novel is the number of anthropomorphic species and characters that make an appearance in it! You can check out the web site for his D-Evolution series to find out more. Also check out the review of his first book at The book is available in several downloadable formats and also on dead trees.

image c. 2011 by Sean Allen

Categories: News

Anyone want a present?

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 02:01
Categories: News

Another wallpaper request :P

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Dec 2011 - 01:22

Not that I'm tired of that wallpaper I already got, I'm just now looking for a Renamon wallpaper that's 1920x1080

Any tips to find one, or a link to one would be great :)

submitted by BadWolf_
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News