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How do you incorporate your furry side into your daily lifestyle?

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 20:56

Hey there fellow furs!

In what ways do you express your furry side in daily life? Whether that be school, work, or out and about?

Personally, I have a large collection of wolf shirts I wear almost daily. Most of my passwords (even reddit, good luck getting it) are based around wolves. My phone lockscreen looks like ears, even.

Other than that, I often play video games with a "clan" tag of wolf.

The list of little things goes on and on. ** What do you do?**

submitted by nf22
[link] [71 comments]
Categories: News

Time to represent over at r/gaming!

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 20:35
Categories: News

FC 2012

DailyFurBlog - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 17:05

Well we have two big cons ahead of us this year Further Confusion and Furry Weekend Atlanta. With the first up being FC in the wonderful Califurnia (yeh I made it say that) Jan. 12 – 16th . Check out the fully active site now if you’re going things check the site often for details.

Post expires at 10:00pm on Thursday January 12th, 2012

Categories: News

Missed it… Talking Animals Christmas Song!

DailyFurBlog - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 16:56

Yeh sometimes videos get missed when I’m posting, but here is it and Happy Belated Christmas!

Categories: News

FWA 2012 is coming!

DailyFurBlog - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 16:45

With FWA only a few months away it’s time to gear up! The site came online and is ready to be sniffed all over. Looks like $45 for pre-reg and a $55 smackers if you wait to long (after Feb. 26th) …. waiting to long will result in…” DERP!” .   So head over and check out the site, reg and learn!

Categories: News

Layers of Fantasy

[adjective][species] - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 14:00

I found out recently that there’s a name for the concept behind the movie Inception: mise en abîme.  It’s a French phrase which means “placed into abyss”, and refers not only to the sort of dream-within-a-dream concept so heavily pounded upon in Inception, but also the concept of any thing within itself, such as a representation of the painting within a painting, or the feeling of standing between two mirrors and seeing the infinite representation of self receding into the distance.  It also has to do with different layers of representation and meaning in art, and, even though I’ve mentioned before that it’s surprising how mundane much of our interaction is, that’s what strikes me about the prevalence of fantasy and science fiction within the furry fandom’s artistic output.  It is a sort of stacking of different layers of fantasy, with our focus on anthropomorphic animals being layered atop science fiction or fantasy elements.

I suspect that a lot of why this weird dichotomy of mundane and fantastic trends within the fandom is so striking to me is due to the different avenues into the fandom that we’ve taken.  Speaking for myself, I found the fandom along a decidedly mundane path –  Even though I’d read all the Redwall books at the time, had watched Disney’s Robin Hood over and over, and spent much of my time in elementary school role-playing scenes from The Phantom of the Opera with a friend wherein everyone was a cat, none of those actually struck the furry chord, as it were.  It was finding PacRat’s art on, images of furries in more mundane settings, that got me into things.  I liked the fact that species became more an aspect of self rather than some fantastical attribute about some fictional character.

That is, of course, not the only route into the community: several people I know have talked about their entry into the fandom being based around some of those things that I already mentioned, such as Redwall.  In fact, a good majority of my friends found their way into furry through the more fantasy-oriented routes, and that struck me as interesting, as here we were, already pretending to be animal people.  It was intriguing to think of layering fantasy atop fantasy like that.  It’s difficult, of course, to draw a hard and fast line between these two routes, as there are several people who are content living in a mostly mundane world set perhaps a few years forward or backward in time, or even a mundane life in the far future or distant past, yet I do feel that there is a difference in mindset between the more and less fantasy oriented furs.

I suppose that the difference between these two views of the fandom isn’t so much that we’re applying our culture to a fantasy setting versus a mundane setting, so much as how we view our focus on our characters.  If one views one’s character as some sort of fantastic being, some concept of self with additional elements which extend beyond the norm, it’s easier to place oneself in a fantastic setting.  From the other point of view, if one views one’s character as one’s self, simply expressed differently, or as something one possesses rather than one is, then it might feel more comfortable to exist in a setting closer to the one inhabited by the player – that is, a more mundane set of circumstances.  The difference there being that there is a bit of a divide, no matter how vague, between two sides of looking at one’s character – as fantasy, or as mere re-representation of self.

This sort of thinking struck me as interesting back when I was first getting into the fandom, on one of my first sojourns onto a MUCK.  When you describe your player using Triggur’s seemingly omnipresent editplayer command, you are given the opportunity to set a bit, or attribute, on your character to say whether or not you can fly.  I had personally thought this rather strange: I was just a teenage fox guy, living in a teenage fox guy world, where I had surrounded myself with several other teenage fox, cat, or what-have-you friends living in the same world.  What use did I have for flying?  I set the bit in order to more thoroughly explore the MUCK that I had wound up on (Zorin’s FluffMUCK), as it was needed to do things such as go up, instead of just north, south, east, or west.  Every now and then, I would play around with it, flying up above the park, the main location on the server, where I could joke around with friends or get away from the inane chatter below, but I never really thought of it as flying, per se.

It wasn’t until I started to explore further on other MUCKs such as SPR and FurryMUCK where role-play was taken more seriously than it was on my original hang-out of choice, that I found out that it really did matter to people less mundane than I whether or not the flying bit was set.  Although in the long run, I wound up simply finding another, older crowd of more mundane fox, cat, and wolf people to hang out with, it always stuck with me that here I was, a fox guy that could fly for, in my case, no real reason.  I never flew (I rarely do much more than hang out in one room, to be honest), and even to this day, never really consider it flying.  However, having seen and, once or twice, taken part in more serious role-play in a more fantastic setting than what amounts to a glorified chat room most days, I can say that this is likely due to me just not being a very fantasy-oriented person, and perhaps there’s a personality trait that helps determine whether or not one feels more comfortable interacting in a fantastic or mundane setting.

The downside to all of this, of course, is that it becomes difficult to maintain without potentially losing some aspect of the fantasy.  A furry story set in a fantasy setting runs the risk of being a fantasy story wherein all the characters are animal people for no discernible reason, or perhaps a furry story in which fantastical things keep happening with little explanation.  Perhaps that’s the sign of a really good furry role-player or writer, though, being able to maintain a level of coherence within all the separate layers of fantasy.  The requirements for a furry fantasy to be pulled off well require miscibility: the risk is great of having a fantasy that happens to be furry or vice versa, and so it seems to be important that furry be either a strong part of the fantasy or at least part of the plot in order for everything to work out well.

Another downside to these different routes into the fandom is the segregation that is built into that fact.  That western society views role-playing of most types as a geeky pursuit and geeks as a frowned-upon minority, it’s no surprise that the same outlook can carry over into furry pretty easily, given how much of the fandom is based in western society.  Perhaps that’s a big claim for me to make, but having seen the way that the issue of “RP” can polarize furries, I’m not sure of what other explanation there might be.  There are those who totally buy into their character, and especially into the fantastic aspects of them, and there are those who are in the fandom for some other reason, perhaps more of an affinity than an identity.  The two groups occasionally have their clashes, with arguments being based around the one group “powergaming” the other, or the other group being too serious or roleplaying in comments.  As yet, at least, the clashes seem to mostly involve the two groups poking fun at each other.

Furry is a fantasy, there’s no way around it – at the very least, it is a hobby that revolves around what could basically be explained as fantastic creatures with human attributes (or vice versa, of course), and on the other end of the spectrum, it can be seen as a set of people with identities that more closely match that of some other species besides their own, those who are perfectly willing to buy into the fantasy.  Adding additional fantasy on top doesn’t always work out quite as expected, but seems to be the natural course of events in that it’s so easy to extend furry beyond its roots and into such realms.  Some just like their animal people to be pretty normal, though, and that’s okay, too.  It’s long since gotten to the point where the fandom is big enough to hold all of us.

Looking for Associated Student Bodies or Circles?

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 10:08

I got suggested I check these comics out (More Circles than ASB, I heard ASB is a little full-on), but I've no idea where to find them online. Is there an archive of either one somewhere I could check out? Or is this something I'd have to try pirating if I ever wanted to read them...?

submitted by obeymeornot
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

[Question] Furry wardrobe ideas that are actually wearable in real life.

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 05:12

I'm a closet fur, but I still want to show my furry (fox) side.. without raising too many questions..

I already have these gloves and these shoes

I own a hat with fox ears, but it's not something I feel comfortable wearing in public, same goes for a collar.

I saw this ring, which I like, but I'd want a little more manly version..

What are some wardrobe accessories ideas that you have had?


I'm from 1977, so hoodies and ear-stretching is out.. -_-

I do Systems/Software Development in "real-life" and have to look "representative"...

submitted by Foxie_k
[link] [64 comments]
Categories: News

Offering free membership to Further Confusion 2012

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 04:50


Apparently my roommates need a break from me, so I've been told I need to go or else certain bodily harm will occur. I'm sorry folks.

I won't be able to go. But at least someone else can take my place. Not sure how many responses I'll get. I'll probably end up assigning numbers to potential transfers and then select randomly.

Only step forward if you know for sure can get there.

submitted by siskmarek
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

NatGeo Channel Taboo Furries

Furries In The Media - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 04:27
The low quality video is due to the Sandisk Vmate being about as cheap as a DVR can be. I'm hoping that the low quality will make NatGeo less likely to complain to have it deleted.

In case the vid gets removed from YouTube, you can download the edited avi here

Categories: News

Butt on Fire

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Jan 2012 - 02:46
Categories: News

Shit's going down at 9.

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jan 2012 - 20:52
Categories: News

Dust: An Elysian Tail coming 2012...Promise!

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 3 Jan 2012 - 19:15


Ever since Dust: An Elsyian Tail won Microsoft’s 2009 Dream.Build.Play competition, we've been waiting with baited breath for the anthropomorphic character centralized XBLA game. We finally have an update, even if it's just a small one, in the form of a 'Noogy' post on the NeoGAF forums. Noogy is the creator of the game's alias, and he had this to say in reply to a forum post by a user about the game:

"Man, I have to play that every day.. Oh, wait, I mean it's great :) It's coming out in 2012, promise."


Here's hoping this promise comes true! 

Link to: Elysian Tail website | Source

Categories: News

For the mad stylin facebook profile

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jan 2012 - 19:03
Categories: News

For fellows furs :3

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jan 2012 - 10:37
Categories: News