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Rodent vs. Rodent

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 24 Dec 2011 - 02:54

The Nut Job is a new CGI animated feature film that was announced in Animation Magazine’s 2012 calendar. It’s being produced by Toonbox Entertainment and Red Rover International, who are hoping to release it next summer. The director is Peter Lepeniotis, who first introduced his character Surly the Squirrel in a 2005 animated short film titled, appropriately, Surly Squirrel. In this new feature film, Surly and his rat buddy (named Buddy) must contend with a new group of rodents who invade their city park home. Not a lot to go on yet, but the film does have an entry up on IMDB, and Toonbox also has an web page for the project. Word is that The Nut Job may be developed into a TV series also.

image c. 2011 Toonbox Entertainment

Categories: News

ActFur s3 epX - Christmas special

ActFur - Sat 24 Dec 2011 - 02:23
Download Standard Podcasts ActFur s3 epX - Christmas special
Categories: Podcasts

Furry Christmas cat gif

Furry Reddit - Sat 24 Dec 2011 - 02:20
Categories: News

FC-65 Yiffmas Eve Eve - Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can't wait for next week's new year's show! :D

FurCast - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 23:59

Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can’t wait for next week’s new year’s show! ????

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Grenthorn – “A thought provoking question for Mattox the best bad ass bat in the world”
  • Zenwulf – “New Furry Game?”
  • Hemms – “Furry Pride”
  • Pulse The Panther – “A hair-raising dream.”
  • Anonymous – “kiss?”
  • Will – “I have a question”
  • Kamikaze – “Remembering Dreams”
  • 1st Place Winner: RIFT
  • 2nd Place Winner: Zoram
FC-65 Yiffmas Eve Eve - Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can't wait for next week's new year's show! :D
Categories: Podcasts

FC-65 Yiffmas Eve Eve - Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can't wait for next week's new year's show! :D

FurCast - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 23:59

Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can’t wait for next week’s new year’s show! :D

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Grenthorn – “A thought provoking question for Mattox the best bad ass bat in the world”
  • Zenwulf – “New Furry Game?”
  • Hemms – “Furry Pride”
  • Pulse The Panther – “A hair-raising dream.”
  • Anonymous – “kiss?”
  • Will – “I have a question”
  • Kamikaze – “Remembering Dreams”
  • 1st Place Winner: RIFT
  • 2nd Place Winner: Zoram
FC-65 Yiffmas Eve Eve - Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can't wait for next week's new year's show! :D
Categories: Podcasts

FC-65 Yiffmas Eve Eve - Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can't wait for next week's new year's show! :D

FurCast - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 23:59

Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can’t wait for next week’s new year’s show! :D

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Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)




  • Grenthorn – “A thought provoking question for Mattox the best bad ass bat in the world”
  • Zenwulf – “New Furry Game?”
  • Hemms – “Furry Pride”
  • Pulse The Panther – “A hair-raising dream.”
  • Anonymous – “kiss?”
  • Will – “I have a question”
  • Kamikaze – “Remembering Dreams”



  • 1st Place Winner: RIFT
  • 2nd Place Winner: Zoram

FC-65 Yiffmas Eve Eve - Woo! We opened some presents from some awesome donaters, answered some fan emails, played some music, and did a small give-a-way. Can't wait for next week's new year's show! :D
Categories: Podcasts

So I drew some furries... :3

Furry Reddit - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 19:06
Categories: News

What are your thoughts public perceptions?

Furry Reddit - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 17:28

Since watching the National Geographic 'Taboo' preview posted a few days ago, I keep finding myself thinking about the public perception of furries and how much (if at all) furries care about public perceptions.

As of right now, the fandom seems relatively small compared to other fandoms and it seems that most people have either a) never heard of furries or b) have no opinion(s) towards them. That said, I also know of multiple accounts of negative media portrayals and a general concern of additional negative portrayals from multiple furs… However, what if the exact opposite were true?

What if, instead, furries were consistently portrayed in a positive light? What if they became the next 'thing'? What if it went so far that it became commercial? Would this too be discouraged?

TL;DR Do you care about perceptions of the fandom? If so, do you have a preference for what they should be?

submitted by WesternSeabored
[link] [17 comments]
Categories: News

Bouncy Cheetah! Yay! XD

Furry Reddit - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 14:24
Categories: News

Episode 2 - Welcome back for another weekly instalment of the WagzTail Podcast 2.0. This week we're still talking about Christmas: the movies and traditions as well as some awesome folks who are still willing to stand up for the real reason for the season

WagzTail - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 08:06
Welcome back for another weekly instalment of the WagzTail Podcast 2.0. This week we’re still talking about Christmas: the movies and traditions as well as some awesome folks who are still willing to stand up for the real reason for the season. All that in more in this week’s WagzTail. 30min of Christian furry discussion guaranteed not to cause hairballs.

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 2
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Wolfin, Levi, Kail
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2011 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is licensed to CC AT-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 0.02%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 0.02%, 99.96%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Special thanks to stereodivo for additional sound effects.

Episode 2 - Welcome back for another weekly instalment of the WagzTail Podcast 2.0. This week we're still talking about Christmas: the movies and traditions as well as some awesome folks who are still willing to stand up for the real reason for the season.
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 27 – Fuzzy Ogic - This is the first of two episodes wherein we’re missing a Kyo – which may be for the best, since he’s going to KILL US ALL when he gets back – and we’ve got five e-mails to read! Everything from [...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 23 Dec 2011 - 05:35

This is the first of two episodes wherein we’re missing a Kyo – which may be for the best, since he’s going to KILL US ALL when he gets back – and we’ve got five e-mails to read! Everything from relationship woes to health issues, from computer brands to writer’s block, we’ve got your back! This episode opens with a reading from Smokescale of his own original – VERY original – work, and we’ve got Istanbul’s horrible word of the week, the origins of Justin Bieber, Smokescale’s credits as a nerd, and other assorted malarky and nonsense!

Next week’s topic is…open! That’s right, it’s been quite a while since we had an open topic week. Sure, every week is technically open topic week in that we’re here to help you with any problem you may have, but we’re going to see how it goes when we don’t include a topic for one week. Write on in, we want to hear from you!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 27 – Fuzzy Ogic
File modified December 23, 2011 – 46.2 MB – downloaded 698 times so far

Episode 27 – Fuzzy Ogic - This is the first of two episodes wherein we’re missing a Kyo – which may be for the best, since he’s going to KILL US ALL when he gets back – and we’ve got five e-mails to read! Everything from [...]
Categories: Podcasts