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#redditfurs - who are they?

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Feb 2012 - 19:13

So, a wonderful dragon came up with an idea that all of us who regularly chat on our IRC channel (#redditfurs on should link our channel names to our faces & what species we are, as it were.

So, to get the fuzzy ball rolling:


I'm a wolf! European anthro wolf, I guess, your turn! :3

submitted by MrPete81
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Categories: News

Okay all you furries, I need some artistic advice!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Feb 2012 - 16:46

I am a professional illustrator and animator, with a college degree, a portfolio and a working resume. I am not a furry myself, but I do love to draw anthropomorphic figures and animals in general.

I'm currently between jobs and would thus like to start picking up commission work for my illustrations. Don't worry, I'm not directly asking if anyone here wants a commission, but rather advice on the matter ascertaining directly to the furry community's regular practices and habits. I know from reputation that it's not so much like other more art-led communities, in that many people of all skill levels work for commissions at often very diminished rates to what I'm used to seeing other artists charging.

I'd like to know then, where would be the best place to set up my work for display, to begin building a name, and to be contacted thus about commissioning. Is there almost an accepted overall standard of pay, or does it really depend on the artists and their reputation? Do you have any stories of caution to tell, any personal experiences you would like to share? If you have the time to spare, let me know!

I'm just gonna leave some more examples of work here before I go, but if the self-endorsement is too much then feel free to look away by all means! :)

Examples of quick sketch - and - and

Stylized lineart

Character work


Edit I have finally committed to a Fur Affinity account :P

submitted by Art-Stew-Frou-Frou
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Categories: News

Is this commission worthy and if so, what would you pay for it?

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 21:55

Nobody has really seen my art and I recently drew this and wondered if anyone would pay to have a picture drawn by me. Sorry, but no porn. It would be nice if I could make a little extra money doing this but im no professional so I leave it up to you fellow furries to decide. Thanks!

submitted by mrbodkin
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Categories: News

Furry names Anybody want to share theirs?

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 21:11

Mine is Mr.Wolf if you want to know why PM me

submitted by ShahrozMaster
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Categories: News

Awesome Chinese dragon

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 21:10
Categories: News

Japanese furry culture

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 17:52

I'm trying to learn about the Japanese furry culture and eventually write about it. Some simple searching has gotten me pretty far so far: details on Kemocon, Japanese fursuits, and things like that. From the pictures and information about their furry culture it's very obvious that a difference in all of their culture has made their "furriness" different.

I'm still looking for more resources, such as smaller community websites and things like that. Ideally, I'd love to talk/interview with someone with some experience in the culture over there, but I would need a lot of help to set that up. If anyone here can help me in any way, let me know. If I get something written and put up anywhere I'll be sure to post it here when it is :)

submitted by goa5000
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Categories: News

Harry, Rabbit-Avatar

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 15:48
Categories: News


DailyFurBlog - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 15:11

So every now and then a furry site comes across my eyes leading the way in making all things wonderful and furry. This site turns around Facebook to the furry side check it out @ “Fur Tag“.

Thanks Lascivus_Lutra for the post.

secret one post footer: A furry site will come across everyone’s eyes soon and change the way you look at ____ !!!
Categories: News

Valerie meets a BitShep

DailyFurBlog - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 15:03

Video is pretty self explanatory, BitShep wanted to give a college musical demonstration. Some very decent singing and Bit did some pretty bad ass dancing. The video was filmed by Skroy.

Categories: News

Ponies Come to DVD

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 02:58

At long last the wildly popular series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (from the Hub network of course) comes to DVD thanks to Shout Factory on the 28th of this month.  My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic — The Friendship Express will include five non-sequential episodes from seasons one and two of the series, including the premiere episode parts 1 and 2, “Over a Barrel”, “Hearth’s Warming Eve”, and “The Last Roundup”. You can order a copy on Amazon, and any number of other places too, of course.  If you’ve been on another planet and have no idea what we’re talking about, check out the latest incarnation of My Little Pony on Wikipedia and find out why so many adults have gone crazy for it!

image c. 2012 Hasbro, Inc/The Hub

Categories: News

People doing animal things?

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Feb 2012 - 00:51
Categories: News

This was a gift made for me.

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 Feb 2012 - 21:08
Categories: News