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I'm thinking of a number...

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 00:10

...between 9 and 251. Closest guess gets a free sketch to be completed tonight. Because I'm bored and laid up recovering from surgery, and the creative mojo needs a kickstart. :3

edit: it's 11pm mountain time, I'll announce the winner in ~30 minutes or so.


edit2: Alright, that's it! Tallying, BRB!

And we have a winner! The number spat out was 119, which makes Neko the winner of tonight's round. Thanks for playing! I'll probably do this again soon. Neko you can't win next round, no offense. :D Send me a reference or three and I'll get started.

submitted by pandagron
[link] [41 comments]
Categories: News

So tell me a little about cons

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 20:58

I've never been to a furry con. I've been to anime cons and horror cons, but never furry. My boyfriend and I would probably go together, but he does not identify as furry in any way. Would there be anything there to interest him? What sorts of panels/events could I expect?

Would probably go to Anthrocon since it's closest...

Thanks for any input!

Edit: Also if there are any other (maybe smaller?) conventions in/around Maryland that you would recommend.

submitted by Freyja713
[link] [16 comments]
Categories: News

Yo dawgs I heard u like furries.

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 20:17
Categories: News

Auction you can’t miss!

DailyFurBlog - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 18:08

Rarakie (owner of FurGen Studios) is auctioning off a amazing fursuit (seen above) which is deemed “Khyber” . The suit will be made to fit the winner however, certain parts can not be modded which means head over HERE and take a look at her post. Bidding starts at $400 and is held in the comment section on FA.


Categories: News

Doggy sees sex!

DailyFurBlog - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 17:01

So I guess in the UK they worry about the content of ads for media a lot more now? I came across this blog and video for “Sims 3: Pets” which happens to show a dog in the room while a male and female sim were about to go it on in bed. APPARENTLY this short little scene was raising a big fuss, but doesn’t this come from the same country that allows some of the craziest commercials allowed? I mean if you don’t believe me look at this video for travelocity , so why the bad hype? I’m a husky … maybe it’s a feline thing?

Categories: News

Further Confusion 2012 The Movie

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 14:10
Categories: News

Drawing Advice?

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 03:02

I really want to become good at drawing, I never really was good at it when I was little but I started drawing again a few days ago.

I tried drawing a few furrys but they didnt come out as good as I hoped.

See, Im able to visualize what I am drawing but when I start I screw up somwhere and then everything falls behind it, Really I just need some help getting this skill down.

Any Links to drawing websites will Appreciated and any tips on drawing will allso be Appreciated, Thanks.
~Max (SilverWolf)

submitted by Maxwell0011
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News

Finish it, now.

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 00:45
Categories: News

FC-74 Liquid Gender - A gay straight guy who's a transsexual lesbian. What?

FurCast - Sat 18 Feb 2012 - 23:59

A gay straight guy who’s a transsexual lesbian. What?

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Lumi Kuma – “Collar or no collar? that is the question”
  • Aeowyn – “Don’t have to read this on air since I’m still only on episode 13 and therefore way out of the loop”
  • Aleksander, the Cougar – “Incapable of hate and so such”
  • Nanashi – “Warning: Wall of Text & Questions Incoming”
  • Viktor – “Fursona question”
  • Pulse – “Clothing – not a big deal!”
  • Mandy Fox – “Fursona Problems”
  • Shashe – “Creating Furmeets”
  • Anonymous – “Question and a game! Ready?”
  • Pulse – “Life is a gay wolf”
  • Arleon – “I love you guys”
  • Dommer – “YAY WEEK!”
  • Zephyr – “Response to having my email read”
  • Sashe – “I used your stuff hope thats ok”
Special Thanks:
  • We would love to put out a special thanks to *asapfgd* who donated greatly to the show, which in turn benefits all of our listeners. We thank you, and to all of our listeners thank him in the chat as well.
  • Also special thanks to *Zumoro* for the donation and request.
    • “Paradox, please howl during the show. It better be good; use audio effects if you need to. Toodle-oo, go with god, and don’t take any wooden nickels.”
  • Speical thanks to our mid-live and end-live show donation from *Flame Soulis*
    • “First time actually watching/listening, and rather happy. Now I can resume my work at Kinzart with ease.”
FC-74 Liquid Gender - A gay straight guy who's a transsexual lesbian. What?
Categories: Podcasts

FC-74 Liquid Gender - A gay straight guy who's a transsexual lesbian. What?

FurCast - Sat 18 Feb 2012 - 23:59

A gay straight guy who’s a transsexual lesbian. What?

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Lumi Kuma – “Collar or no collar? that is the question”
  • Aeowyn – “Don’t have to read this on air since I’m still only on episode 13 and therefore way out of the loop”
  • Aleksander, the Cougar – “Incapable of hate and so such”
  • Nanashi – “Warning: Wall of Text & Questions Incoming”
  • Viktor – “Fursona question”
  • Pulse – “Clothing – not a big deal!”
  • Mandy Fox – “Fursona Problems”
  • Shashe – “Creating Furmeets”
  • Anonymous – “Question and a game! Ready?”
  • Pulse – “Life is a gay wolf”
  • Arleon – “I love you guys”
  • Dommer – “YAY WEEK!”
  • Zephyr – “Response to having my email read”
  • Sashe – “I used your stuff hope thats ok”
Special Thanks:
  • We would love to put out a special thanks to *asapfgd* who donated greatly to the show, which in turn benefits all of our listeners. We thank you, and to all of our listeners thank him in the chat as well.
  • Also special thanks to *Zumoro* for the donation and request.
    • “Paradox, please howl during the show. It better be good; use audio effects if you need to. Toodle-oo, go with god, and don’t take any wooden nickels.”
  • Speical thanks to our mid-live and end-live show donation from *Flame Soulis*
    • “First time actually watching/listening, and rather happy. Now I can resume my work at Kinzart with ease.”
FC-74 Liquid Gender - A gay straight guy who's a transsexual lesbian. What?
Categories: Podcasts

It’s A Racing Snail!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 18 Feb 2012 - 02:53

No, it’s not another addition to the Neverending Story series… it’s Dreamworks Animation’s newest project, Turbo. The folks over at Cartoon Brew gave us a preview of the sneak-peak poster and some background on the story. [Though the write-up quotes 2012, it's actually due in 2013 -- ye ed-otter.] “Set for release in summer 2012, DreamWorks Animation’s Turbo is described as ‘a garden snail with dreams of becoming the fast snail in the world experiences a freak accident that might just allow him to realize his goal.’ Three actors have been attached to do voices: Ryan Reynolds, Marvin Duerkholz and Lil’ Mizerkk.” Dreamworks has also released higher-res versions of the main posters for the films Rise of the Guardians (coming this November) and The Croods (the new project from director Chris Sanders).

image c. 2012 Dreamworks Animation

Categories: News

008 - Oscarcast! - This week, Xander, Alkali, and Draggor discuss everything Oscars! We go over the best picture no...

The Dragget Show - Sat 18 Feb 2012 - 00:30
This week, Xander, Alkali, and Draggor discuss everything Oscars! We go over the best picture nominees, Alkali guesses the plots to the movies, Alkali explains his artsy porn movie, and much more madness. Even if you're not a movie person, this is one of our best ones and we think it's quite hilarious. 008 - Oscarcast! - This week, Xander, Alkali, and Draggor discuss everything Oscars! We go over the best picture no...
Categories: Podcasts

For a friend

Furry Reddit - Sat 18 Feb 2012 - 00:10
Categories: News

r/furry panel at Furry Fiesta!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Feb 2012 - 20:27
Categories: News