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Of Monsters and Men-Dirty Paws

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Feb 2012 - 21:23
Categories: News

I colored my Simba drawing! :D

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Feb 2012 - 20:11
Categories: News

Episode 10 – Open Field - This episode Roo & Elias bring on guests Midnight and Mystic to answer a wide variety of questions such as stereotypes and dealing with negative responses to furry.  This episode's musical breaks are by Truxton,

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 26 Feb 2012 - 07:30
This episode Roo & Elias bring on guests Midnight and Mystic to answer a wide variety of questions such as stereotypes and dealing with negative responses to furry.  This episode's musical breaks are by Truxton, Years of Aural Research have Provided this Data and by Renard, SINISTERRRRRR. LINKS OF THE SHOW:  Mystical Creations: Furries in the Media: Buddy: Foxes, Know Your Limits: Now Listen: Episode 10 – Open Field - This episode Roo & Elias bring on guests Midnight and Mystic to answer a wide variety of questions such as stereotypes and dealing with negative responses to furry.  This episode's musical breaks are by Truxton,
Categories: Podcasts

Well, no link, but good story

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Feb 2012 - 06:18

Check it out; My gf was all like "I'm not a furry!" and I'm all like "shut up bithc!" so she got a tail and furry leggings and ears n shit. I'm the best ever. And im drunk. Besides that last sentance im syntaxically correct.

submitted by Arcynotharc
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Categories: News

Grunge Husky

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Feb 2012 - 04:52
Categories: News

/r/furry panel at Furry Fiesta

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Feb 2012 - 00:39
Categories: News

FC-75 Phantom Shit - A phantom shit is when someone experiences phantom excretes when at a previous time they did not feel them. For a therian this is often from their digestivetype, however phantom shitting can occur for other animals as well,

FurCast - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 23:59

A phantom shit is when someone experiences phantom excretes when at a previous time they did not feel them. For a therian this is often from their digestivetype, however phantom shitting can occur for other animals as well, and like other shits can be invoked by Shamans and other practitioners of shapeshitting.

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Real Mail : DreamKeepers Comic Shipped to the Show
  • Fishmeistercod – “Dear FurCast… An inquiry!”
  • GuardianFox – “Family Furry Issues”
  • Dox – “Phantom parts, Explosive diarrhea, and a “Oh Shit” moment”
  • Komodo Dragon – “Fursona Originality”
  • Lutra Ruddertail – “A long-time podcast listener, first-time live feed listener in need of some unbiased advice”
  • Alan – “FAYROE RULES and question”
  • Raxtus Ivory Pain – “Poser fur, Baby fur, demon that wants my body”
  • Xavfox – “A clarity e-mail- Xavfox”
  • Lonely Wolf – “Failing life ???? please help”
  • Kit Barlow – “Something of interest ???? (to be read by Fayroe, please)”
Show Notes: FC-75 Phantom Shit - A phantom shit is when someone experiences phantom excretes when at a previous time they did not feel them. For a therian this is often from their digestivetype, however phantom shitting can occur for other animals as well,
Categories: Podcasts

FC-75 Phantom Shit - A phantom shit is when someone experiences phantom excretes when at a previous time they did not feel them. For a therian this is often from their digestivetype, however phantom shitting can occur for other animals as well,

FurCast - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 23:59

A phantom shit is when someone experiences phantom excretes when at a previous time they did not feel them. For a therian this is often from their digestivetype, however phantom shitting can occur for other animals as well, and like other shits can be invoked by Shamans and other practitioners of shapeshitting.

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Real Mail : DreamKeepers Comic Shipped to the Show
  • Fishmeistercod – “Dear FurCast… An inquiry!”
  • GuardianFox – “Family Furry Issues”
  • Dox – “Phantom parts, Explosive diarrhea, and a “Oh Shit” moment”
  • Komodo Dragon – “Fursona Originality”
  • Lutra Ruddertail – “A long-time podcast listener, first-time live feed listener in need of some unbiased advice”
  • Alan – “FAYROE RULES and question”
  • Raxtus Ivory Pain – “Poser fur, Baby fur, demon that wants my body”
  • Xavfox – “A clarity e-mail- Xavfox”
  • Lonely Wolf – “Failing life :( please help”
  • Kit Barlow – “Something of interest :D (to be read by Fayroe, please)”
Show Notes: FC-75 Phantom Shit - A phantom shit is when someone experiences phantom excretes when at a previous time they did not feel them. For a therian this is often from their digestivetype, however phantom shitting can occur for other animals as well,
Categories: Podcasts

Cheap Furry Commissions! [hirurux]

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 23:38
Categories: News

Cats and Dinosaurs

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 22:58

Okay, so you’ve got a pet dinosaur. Raising one from an egg can be a real pain, er, adventure! Not the very least for your other household pets! That’s the idea behind Kitty & Dino, a new children’s hardcover book written and illustrated by Sara Richard. From the publisher’s press release on Amazon: “When a little boy brings home a dinosaur egg, the cat of the house isn’t too keen on the tiny creature that pops out. But after a few weeks of showing the new baby the ropes, a bond forms between kitty and dino that transcends species.” It’s available for order now, and coming from Yen Press in April.

image c. 2012 Sara Richard

Categories: News

No, don't come in Mom! NSFW

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 17:49
Categories: News

Am I a furry lifestyler?

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 14:59

Let me start from the beginning. I have had a major passion/obsession for foxes for about 5-6 years. Don't get me wrong, it isn't related to sex or anything. It just, I feel great passion for making foxes a part of my life somehow. For example, I like to draw.. ..nothing but foxes. My background is a picture of a fox. My Firefox's "persona" is pictures from Disney's Robin Hood and The Fox and the Hound. I have tried to find and read every fox-related manga in the internet, looked for games with playable fox characters. Also planning to get a fox tattoo (I have been wanting one for 4 to 5 years...).

I discovered this furry fandom about a week ago. Before that I thought I was somehow mentally screwed up :O But instead, there are other people who are into anthropomorphic animals (I'm more oriented to anthropomorphic foxes rather than normal ones).

The thing is, would the majority of furries consider me as lifestyler? The more I read about furry, the more it seemed that furry is "just" a hobby for most people. People are into furry because they like anthro art or because it's a way to socialize with other people. Or they like porn. But for me it's more than art or socializing. Quoting : The broadest, simplest and shortest definition of this word was put forth by Renard Foxx and states simply that "A lifestyler is any person for whom furry extends beyond a simple interest and affects their daily life." As I described above, I believe my passion or obsession affects my daily life.

As for other aspects of furry fandom, I find fursuits pretty cool and might consider getting one in future. I'm a student atm so money is little tight. I don't think I'm partly animal althought I find this interesting. Being an extreme thing to do it's not on the top of my to-do list.

So, would you consider me as a furry lifestyler (or furry at all)?

EDIT: Thanks for the responses. Like many suggested, a lifestyler's definition varies. I suppose I form my own opinion as I get to know more about the fandom. :)

submitted by kettu
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Categories: News

Someone has a hate crush on me.

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 09:27

So, I woke up this morning, figuring it would be a typical day, but today I had an invite to a group, a group called "NO FUCKING FURRIES."

My first thought was, "Ha, alrighty then," but then I decided to check it out furthur.

Looks like they made the group for me and intended on me to join it.

I feel like I've accomplished something by pissing off haters so much that they made an anti-furry group completely dedicated to me.

submitted by wolfxero
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Categories: News

O You, Possum

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Feb 2012 - 02:00
Categories: News