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I’m getting, Card
Wanna play a game? Now you can be a TRUE furry card game champion with the Nordguard card game coming this summer. So it turns out that Nordguard’s “Across Thin Ice” and chromamancer paintings are making it to a cool little card game that will be on sale for $12 (standard) and $25 (collectors ed.) . Personally I adore playing card games with nude anthro charries, but makes it hard to play in public (even NYC) so this will be a right fit for anyone. Check back here as always for more updates on this.
First post- Furs in Higher Education
Hi everyone, I am a Fur who is studying for a masters degree in Higher Education (in particular student Affairs). I was wondering if anyone is currently working in this field and if they had any advice for a fur getting into this field. While I know that the field and the fandom may not have a large connection, I am hoping to work at a college that is more fur-friendly or has an active community (charity work, cons, ect). I ask this because the fandom is very important to my life (even though I have not had much of a chance to be active where i live) and I hope to educate students in higher education and create an environment that promotes harmony and growth to all students. Thank you for taking your time to read this and if you don't work in higher education I would love to hear any stories or advice you could give that relates to the college environment (or how you would like to be treated by others). Also I apologize for any and all grammatical errors.
submitted by Girugiru[link] [5 comments]
Furry Meetup in Las Vegas?
My girlfriend moved to Las Vegas last year, but never had the opportunity to meet anyone. I live in four hours away in California, so I wanted to see if anyone was in the LV area that had something in common with her (and me) would meet up and hang out for a day.
(Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, or if these posts aren't allowed)
submitted by Ladysharpclaw[link] [comment]
Red Lantern – The Backgrounds
Over on Alector’s page is looks like we go our self a SALE …yeehawww… So head on over HERE and get 15% off pre-orders for the Red Lantern – The Backgrounds, 45 pages of visual stunning drawings depicted from ” Red Lantern – The Crimson Divine” book.
VIDEO: Furnando’s
On a serious note: As if you haven’t already here in previous posts Fernando’s Cafe in Pittsburgh, PA across the street from AC was going under. With the help of many furries world wide we made history and presented a large donation in the sum of $21,000. It shows a big mark in our fandom that furries aren’t just a bunch of sex freaks. Check out the video and see how the presentation went on April 21st. This was one of many videos, but I find this covers the most.
Who here has a FurAffinity?
I was curious if anyone here had one. If so, who would like to watch me/get a watch from me?
submitted by Chioro[link] [140 comments]
Episode 173 - Detroit Beerfest
The final sketch of my 2 dolalr sketch run, I really like it and I'm happy I can end well on it
Furballd Episode 2: Jiggly Bits In The Fridge.
Liberty Meadows: The Sunday Strips
It’s time for the world — or at least Furry Fandom — to re-discover the works of Frank Cho. Or at very least his seminal work in comics, Liberty Meadows. This well-known comic strip started life as an outgrowth of University Squared, a comic strip that Frank worked on during his college days. Liberty Meadows tells the story of a terribly beautiful human named Brandy, who works as a psychiatrist at the Liberty Meadows animal sanctuary. But it also tells the story of Brandy’s decidedly anthropomorphic animal friends: Like Ralph the miniature bear; Dean the lecherous pig; Leslie the hypochondriac frog; and Truman the very, very nice duck. The strip was syndicated for newspapers from 1997 to 2001, when constant censorship by his editors convinced Mr. Cho to switch to a comic book format — which was self-published at first, then later came out of Image Comics. During that time as a newspaper strip however, Liberty Meadows produced several full-color Sunday strips. And now those strips have finally been collected in the Liberty Meadows Sunday Collection, coming this June in hardcover from, yes, Image. You can find out more about Liberty Meadows — and read the current, un-censored strip — at Frank Cho’s official web site.
FC-81 Tainted Dick Lust - SEIZE HIM! TO THE S&M DUNGEON!
News: Fayroe’s Stories:- King Goose
- Fabulously Straight
- Upsetting Kage
- Bisclavret – “Not blending in well”
- EvilLugiaXD – “Friends Issues *please read*”
- Wizerd – “(no subject)”
- M&M – “Lonely New Fur”
- Anonymous – “hi!!”
- Shadow Slade – “Age Differences”
- Mangetsu – “update”
- Bloodclaw – “Need your advice”