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Furry Art in Depth

[adjective][species] - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 13:00

When a non-fur asks for an example of what the “furry fandom” is, you show them convention websites or furry social sites. When a non-fur asks what a furry is, you show them a picture of an anthropomorphic animal. The most integral and fundamental part of the fandom is its artwork. Furry artwork serves many purposes within the fandom, and for every purpose there are artists focused on that form of design. Convention posters, story illustrations, popular media, and personal art, both custom and non-custom, are just some of the uses for which “furry” artwork is created.

Within the realm of personal anthropomorphic pics, there are plenty of ways to acquire your own artwork.  All you have to do is consider what sort of art you’re interested in, where it will be shown, and a budget. Most furries nosing around the art-o-sphere are searching for custom commissions. They can start by considering whether they’re looking for traditional or digital art. Traditional art is created with physical media like colored pencils, watercolors, and even oil paint. Digital art is created using any number of the digital art suites available on the Internet.

There’s a separation between two different kinds of artistic production: functional and aesthetic. The distinction is more important than the fandom might consider. In order to explore this idea, let me give a quick run-down on the history of creative art during arguably the most important artistic era of all time: the Renaissance.

In pre-Renaissance Italy “artists” as we know of it were virtually unheard of. The creators of “art” were artisans, members of a low social class. Artisans were purely craftsmen. They were highly skilled and experienced in their work, which was either functional or decorative: furniture, jewelry, tools, and the like. As a sort of retaliation from the stagnation during the dark ages, painters and sculptors began gaining social status as the general populace finally gained the ability to fund art for their own use. A scientific examination of artistic creation flourished during this time, as optics, geometry, and anatomy were all explored, and “art” finally became an intellectual, theoretical practice.

As a result of the new-found esteem of art for art’s sake, the upper class of Renaissance Italy began funding portraits as a show of their wealth and nobility. The Catholic Church was also a heavy patron of art in this era, notably the work of Michelangelo. Finally, artists and artisans were a separate group. Those who were skilled in smaller, functional work were a different social class than those who were creating aesthetic pieces for a higher nobility.

Ginevra de' Benci“Ginevra de’ Benci” by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1474.15 x 15 inches, oil on panel. Ginevra was an intelligent aristocrat born in Florence in 1458.

Why the historical ramble? The results of the artist/artisan divide echoes in the furry fandom. Consider what function furry artwork fulfills. Badges seem to be the best example of functional artwork. Every badge is a new work, in its own right, but they’re generally smaller and less intricate than what one would consider an art piece. They’re also geared towards utility: they’re something you use to identify yourself in a crowd.

Conventions prominently feature work commissioned from individuals for promotion. Posters, convention book covers, fliers, even custom name tags have been created for conventions as both decoration and to serve a purpose. Some conventions even have mascots which are drawn by new artists each year. Custom t-shirt designs are created for many larger cons. Reference sheets are also significantly functional. While they commonly express a good artistic pose and view or two of a single character, they are above all designed to give viewers a better idea of the character.

As a contrast, consider personal artistic commissions. While badges are usually from $5-$30, digital commissions can go upwards of $100. In addition, physical sketches and original works can cost up to hundreds of dollars. Custom commissions of physical media have run just as high. “Furry” has also branched out into the world of actual crafts. A quick lap around the furry marketplace will yield tons of creative craftwork: tails, ears, hats and accessories, embroidery, plushies, even custom pottery. Many furries are finding innovative ways to use different crafts to express animal anthropomorphism.

Eyes of the Night“Eyes of the Night” by GoldenWolfen. 22 x 40 inches, acrylic on illustration board. Sold at auction at Further Confusion in 2004 for $10,000. Said to be the highest selling furry media in the fandom to date.

As an artist, you have to consider the same question writers consider: Who is my audience? Or, better yet, a more philosophical: “Why am I creating this?” The furry consumer, so to speak, will often settle into a creative need on their own. A badge to use at conventions? A reference sheet to use in roleplay? A tasteful piece to hang in your living room? A motif you want to see your character interacting with? The consumer comes up with an idea. This translates to a need, and the artist has to consider what sort of consumer need they’ll be working towards.

Are all furry artists created equal? Not necessarily. Some will create valuable and intricate artwork that takes dozens of hours and some will create simple doodles. All is labeled “art”, and all creators are labeled “artists”. However, for the sake of our own insight, consideration of the “artisan” might still be relevant. It adds to our understanding of the furry art dynamic. The end result of the Renaissance art movement is a great model for how furries create arts and crafts today.

Any furs from...... USE THE FURFINDER!

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 12:46

If you are looking for furs near you use the furfinder or pounced or something but not constantly posting "Any furs in Naples Idaho?" Thank you.

submitted by evilsibe
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Categories: News

Do you go for unique when creating a fursona, or just something you identify with? And general fursona creation help!

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 11:11

I got back from What the Fur? up in Montreal (best con I've ever been to, hands down) and I'm definitely sure that the furry fandom is something I want to get into. I am aiming to get a fursuit, but the first step is to create a character.

I identify with Alaskan Malamutes and huskies, but unfortunately so does about 50% of the fandom it seems. They're everywhere. I've also been told that German Shepherds and Dobermans are very common, though I haven't seen any suits of them yet.

After choosing a species and a name, how do you guys go about creating the visual aspects of the character? I can't draw at all and getting commissions can be expensive. Would a badge be good enough reference art for a fursuit maker, or will they need multiple pictures from different angles?

submitted by jktstance
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Categories: News

FA relaxes some TOS

DailyFurBlog - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 09:15

Furaffinity has relaxed 2 of its TOS rules and hopefully will now help with those who post photography. One rule changed is the use of icons and what account creations, the other rule is the use of clothing in certain conditions. So, if you have been removed from FA for such instances, swing over to the Forum site and get in contact. Check out the original post here.

Categories: News

OMG all the cats!!!

DailyFurBlog - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 08:12

While the world term use of furry and “furry” seems to still be misunderstood by many on the internet, this video is still funny. Look at all those cats, so many are herpn’ and derpn’ at the beach side streets of  Tel-Aviv, Israel. I think they have a larger issue of stray cats like NYC does of rats in the subway. At least cats are cutter than rats and the video is well done with a special song for the video. Sorry for the word slammn’ of fandom cats, but you know I’m a husky and just doing my job *bark*.

Categories: News

Should He Confess His Love before His Friend Joins the Military?

Ask Papabear - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 02:42
Dear Papa Bear,

Over the last couple of weeks I have been coming out of the closet about my sexuality. This however is not my dilemma. Everything has been going smoothly with my transition to an openly gay person. My real problem is why I am coming out of the closet. I met someone in college that I have become good friends with, but I like him more than a friend. Unfortunately he claims to be strait but I sense that he might be gay. I want to tell him how I feel about him but unfortunately I only have Sunday the 10th to do so because he is being sent off to basic training for the fall semester. Things get worse because I plan on transferring to a new college that is one state away. I feel as if I don’t tell him now I might never get the opportunity to do so ever. He means so much to me and I don’t want to lose him. I do not know what to do. So many bad things could happen like he could never talk to me again because he may find being around me awkward because he knows I like him and if I don’t tell him he might just fade out of my life all together. I really need some help on this and I done know where to turn. 

From, Siby

* * *

Dear Siby,

Since your deadline is near, your letter went to the top of the pile. Here are Papabear's thoughts:

When Papabear finds himself in a morass of uncertainty, he draws from his teutonic blood and makes an orderly list to better figure out his choices. Let’s try that here with the possibile scenarios that might occur:

  1. You tell him you are gay and have feelings for him, but he tells you he is not gay and just wants to be friends, then goes off to do his service.
  2. You don’t tell him you’re gay, he goes off to the military, you go off to college, and eventually your lives take different paths.
  3. You tell him you’re gay, he confesses he is, too, but he doesn’t return your feelings of love and just wants to be friends.
  4. You tell him you’re gay, he says he is too AND he loves you, but he still has to go into the service. Once he does so, chances are you will see him only very infrequently, especially since you’re going to college in another state and he could be transferred anywhere in the world. Because of this, you would likely be quite sad during your long periods of separation, as would he.
All four of these options are not very appealing, I admit. Papabear, frankly, does not believe that this last-minute confession before your dear friend goes off to Basic is a good idea. The timing is not at all right.  Indeed, if your talk goes badly, it could upset your friend so much that it could distract him from the important work he has ahead of him.  If it goes well, you will just be extremely frustrated as you are both forced into a long-distance relationship.

Papabear is not telling you what to do, of course, but the time for such intense confessions of love and desire should be made when both parties are in a situation when they can act upon the results, not when they are about to be separated for a long period of time. That is just asking for a lot of emotional pain.

Keep in touch as much as you can with him (hopefully avoiding scenario 2) until the time comes when you can be together should it work out well.

Good Luck,


Any furs from Seattle, WA?

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 01:38

I am just learning about being a furry! Wouldnt mind meeting up and getting to learn more about the furry nature of life. :D Anyone up for that?

submitted by iconiy
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Categories: News

New to reddit, but been into the fandom for a little more than 2 years now.

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 01:17

So I've been lurking on reddit for the past few months and decided to give the site a try and created an account. Though I've been a furry for almost 5 years now and have been a part of FA for a little more than 2 years. Dunno what else to say, but I'm just glad to say hi to all the other redditfurs and I hope to have a good one with all of ya.

EDIT: If you guys want to see my page go here...

Also, I thought I might just add that for proof anyhow.

submitted by Keflingmaster
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Categories: News

Banshee woos Apollo

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Jun 2012 - 00:23
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 179 – The Ideal Podcast

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week we talk podcasts, answer some questions, and are really silly. We recorded tired this week. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ for a great deal at Furry Fiesta 2013 reg is now open! AIDS Lifecycle Silly redneck fits the stereotype. Episode 179 – The Ideal Podcast (AAC; 23.7 MB)Episode 179 [...] KnotCast: Episode 179 – The Ideal Podcast
Categories: News

Bear Cavalry strikes again!

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 22:24
Author: RingtailedFox It seems California’s flag is appropriate, as this story echoes one we brought to you a few weeks ago. The Bear Cavalry has struck again, this time at a middle school graduation ceremony! Apparently one young teenage black bear wanted an education so badly that he decided to enter Ramon Garza Elementary School [...]
Categories: News

Need a look for my fursona, PLEASE HELP!

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 22:00

My fursona is a fox named La Volpe. I have been trying to draw my fursona for a while now but with no luck. I'm no Leonardo Da Vinci, but I don't think I'm that bad at drawing so I was wondering if any of you guys had any ideas on how I could make La Volpe different than all the other anthro foxes out there.

submitted by HeartlessAtAFuneral
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Categories: News

Relationship advice

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 20:46

I'm a male and just recently found a male mate. I want to become more intamit but don't know how please help

submitted by cobracol
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Categories: News

Episode 179 - The Ideal Podcast

Southpaws - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 19:53
This week we talk podcasts, answer some questions, and are really silly. We recorded tired this week. Use our coupon code 'knot' for a great deal at Furry Fiesta 2013 reg is now open! AIDS Lifecycle Silly redneck fits the stereotype. Episode 179 - The Ideal Podcast
Categories: Podcasts

‘Cerebus: High Society’ to go digital after Kickstarter success

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Jun 2012 - 16:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon Cerebus: High Society, part of Canadian comic-book artist Dave Sim‘s epic comic series Cerebus, is set to be released in an e-book format. Cerebus ran over December 1977–March 2004. In its 6,000 pages, the series chronicled the adventures of an anthropomorphic aardvark. Initially a parody of sword and sorcery comics, the series [...]
Categories: News