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Hey Silvermuzzles! (50+) The Furry Survey 2012 needs you! - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 07:45
The current tally for 2012 says there are only 36 people in furry fandom
who are over 50 years of age. You and I know that's bunk! So here's a
heads-up to the elder furs out there - get yourselves counted!


The results as of now show that the plurality of furries are in the HIGH

Categories: News

Adorable art being sold for cheap!

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 05:03

An artist I watch on DeviantArt, iSinMuffin, is auctioning a full month's worth of commisions for cheap. Her style generally includes clean lines and toony style anthros and ferals, and she is offering pixel icons as well, both animated and static. Winning the auction will mean she will make you as much art as you would like for thirty days.

Here is the auction.

Examples of her work:

one two three four

DeviantArt account:

She doesn't have many active watchers so she's having trouble finding interest, so I thought I'd show you guys.

submitted by nuttychooky
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Categories: News

Question about buying a fursuit?

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 02:48

Ok so I commissioned a partial from someone on DA, and it's pretty good for my first fursuit, but I want to get one that looks more like how I intended it to be. I was thinking I'd use this mask to practice my suiting technique until I get my new better quality one. I don't have a ton of money, so do any of you guys know where I can commission a good fursuit maker who isn't too expensive?

submitted by silverfennec
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Categories: News

Furry Skyping, Keeping a Year Old Tradition Alive

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 02:25

Hey guys, its me again, after maybe 5 months since my last call out. were looking for more furs to join out wonderful group in out 2 chats, the general SFW chat, for the people who just wat to have a normal conversation, or talk about the latest games. and the Yiff chat, for furs 16+ ONLY no exceptions, but is for people looking to RP, show off their porn or anything!

thank you to those few people who have stuck it out for the year it has been active (you know who you are!) and would be more than willing to have a few more join our text and sometimes call chat sessions!

to join, just send zackcordray (pic of a fox) on skype a request, i will gladly add you to meet interesting firs, you might even meet your future mate here... like i have! So come on down and join us =^=

submitted by ZeldaMania1221
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Categories: News

Looking for an artist to commission!

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 01:45

Hey r/furry, a good friend and I want to commission a piece (possibly adult) of our characters. We have delved into the depths of FurAffinity just to find a lot of great artists who have sadly closed commissions. We have eighty dollars to spend and we would like a detailed picture with a background. If you guys could refer us to artists who work with this price range and are open for commissions, that would be great! Thanks, r/furry! :)

submitted by whiskeyp
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Categories: News

Gordon Was Different…

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 01:42

Gordon the Giraffe is a new full-color trade paperback from Arcana Entertainment, written by Bruce Brown and illustrated A. Shelton. It tells the story of Gordon, a young giraffe who discovers that he’s different from other giraffe kids… and how the other kids learn to accept that. Here’s the description from Word of the Nerd: “In the jungle where Gordon lives, there is a special game that the giraffe children play with each other (much like 1-on-1 volleyball, but with bananas). Gordon’s issue is that, instead of playing banana volleyball with a girl giraffe, he finds it much more fun to play the game with Gary. So the other boys decide to play a trick on Gordon. When that trick backfires, it is up to Gordon to rescue the other boy giraffes.”  This new storybook comes out in early July.

image c. 2012 Arcana Entertainment

Categories: News

furry talk on omegle

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Jul 2012 - 01:01
Categories: News

FC-90 How Do I Furry - How does one... furry? Oh, like that? Oh- oh my god. MY GOD. That's just, wow, I mean, wow that.... that feels really GOOD. Uhm, I really like this! YEAH. THIS IS WHAT FURRY IS. WOO.

FurCast - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 22:59

How does one… furry? Oh, like that? Oh- oh my god. MY GOD. That’s just, wow, I mean, wow that…. that feels really GOOD. Uhm, I really like this! YEAH. THIS IS WHAT FURRY IS. WOO.

Download MP3


News: Emails:
  • Kuro – “Longtastic email from a lurking wolf”
  • Restorf – “Chihuahua Man”
  • Marcus – “Religion, beliefs, and changes.”
  • Anonymous – “Email Question Thing Majig”
  • Fenris Bloodclaw – “Therian shifting help”
  • M&M Fox – “Follow up question.”
  • lwr – “My first / weird FCN experience…..”
  • Dommer – “School = durp?”
WTF Article of the Week: FC-90 How Do I Furry - How does one... furry? Oh, like that? Oh- oh my god. MY GOD. That's just, wow, I mean, wow that.... that feels really GOOD. Uhm, I really like this! YEAH. THIS IS WHAT FURRY IS. WOO.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-90 How Do I Furry - How does one... furry? Oh, like that? Oh- oh my god. MY GOD. That's just, wow, I mean, wow that.... that feels really GOOD. Uhm, I really like this! YEAH. THIS IS WHAT FURRY IS. WOO.

FurCast - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 22:59

How does one… furry? Oh, like that? Oh- oh my god. MY GOD. That’s just, wow, I mean, wow that…. that feels really GOOD. Uhm, I really like this! YEAH. THIS IS WHAT FURRY IS. WOO.

Download MP3


News: Emails:
  • Kuro – “Longtastic email from a lurking wolf”
  • Restorf – “Chihuahua Man”
  • Marcus – “Religion, beliefs, and changes.”
  • Anonymous – “Email Question Thing Majig”
  • Fenris Bloodclaw – “Therian shifting help”
  • M&M Fox – “Follow up question.”
  • lwr – “My first / weird FCN experience…..”
  • Dommer – “School = durp?”
WTF Article of the Week: FC-90 How Do I Furry - How does one... furry? Oh, like that? Oh- oh my god. MY GOD. That's just, wow, I mean, wow that.... that feels really GOOD. Uhm, I really like this! YEAH. THIS IS WHAT FURRY IS. WOO.
Categories: Podcasts

[Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 409

Furry News Network - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 22:39
Author: Harvi We’re rebooting the podcast! Now you can take part in the Hop Inn from the beginning! When we catch up to the current episode we’ll update our iTunes Feed to point over here instead of the old, soon to be gone, site. We’ll be adding more information and links as this site progresses [...] [Series Reboot]Live From the Hop Inn Episode 409
Categories: News

Who Picks These Furries?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 22:30
Categories: News

Trailer: ‘invade ALL OF THE humans!!!’

Furry News Network - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 20:25
Author: Fred Are self-aware robots anthropomorphic? Never mind; this two-minute invade ALL OF THE humans!!! starring Calculord 3 and Px Micron, two small robot toys (they run on AA batteries) who plan to take over the world, is very funny. Move over, Brain; you have competition! By London filmmakers Tom and Mark Perrett as a [...]
Categories: News

So, r/furry, what's your fetish?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 17:22

A lot of furries I know have specific fetishes within the fandom itself. I myself and into Pony, furry, maternity (pregnancy), and oviposition, or in short: Pofumatovi.

submitted by Pofumatovi
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Categories: News

First pass at a Husky/Bernese hybrid, to be made into a fursuit. Suggestions?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 17:20

These two pieces were done by LokiLover, who I believe is also on furrit, but I forgot his account name. I'm not looking for a critique of his technical skill (unless he wants some feedback), but rather some ideas or criticism on the design as a whole.

Shaded -

Flat colors -

The ultimate goal is to make this info a fursuit. I a huge fan of huskies, but they're so common so I thought about doing a Bernese Mountain Dog. I decided to do a hybrid, making a husky body with BMD coloring. There are a few things I might change, such as making the tail droop more (more like BMD tail than a husky tail) and also maybe changing the ears to be floppy, but perked a bit, like on this head. I would also like to see some more brown on the torso.

But as a starting point, I think it's pretty good. There are a few BMD fursuits around, but not as many as there should be, considering how awesome of a breed they are. As for the husky aspects, well, I just really like pointy ears and fluffy tails :)

Oh, my fursuit will probably not be feral or realistic, if that makes a difference.

submitted by jktstance
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Categories: News

Just introducing myself and thanking you all!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 15:49

Hi, I'm Michael, 19 springs young, self identified canid-wolf. I'm 6"1, and have red hair. I'm making this post to thank you all, and to explain it I'll tell you my story.

My story begins with a young me finding his inner self and his sexual views in a hard world.

I've grown up seeing m/f interaction as being normal, and finding out that mm/ff is mostly frowned upon. So it's confusing to notice that your body doesn’t always thinks the same. Eventually you'll start wondering where you stand in the straight/gay spectrum. It's even harder when you have a pretty solid idea where you stand and realize that as good as nobody around you would accept it.

I found out when I was around 13 that I felt different, not sexualy, but in who I was. I'd identify myself as being a wolf in a past life, and that it's personality rubbed off on me. (I was a bright boy who had finished the school library because he was bored (diagnosed ADD/ADHD/Aspie), so I had a wide knowledge of many things, including several religious teachings, atheist though.). Now this was something most people wouldn't take serious, that it's a fase.

Discovering the furry fandom at 14 was a highlight for me, I wasn't the only one. I began realizing that I'd actually also took a liking to mm, and general "yiffy". But I also knew nobody would accept me, being openly bi-furry. It's not a happy thought. It's a saddening thought how strict the world is. Now 19, I've fully accepted whom I am, and how I feel, but unable to fully be myself irl. My younger brother found out, but he's cool with it, having his own quirks and likings. Other than that I know nobody who'd accept me as is.

But here, here I can be me, you'll accept me for who I am, and for that I'm thankful. For making me feel welcome. Thanks, you guys and gals are awesome!

PS, sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors, being Dutch I speak English as my second language, and as such I don't master it to the fullest.

submitted by NoctisIgnem
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Categories: News

Furrymate success?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Jun 2012 - 12:23

if there is already a post then please point it out.

But the question I bring to you is that does anyone know of any success stories from

I have a page there but might as well not have it there

submitted by kailin_fox_85
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Categories: News