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Episode 53 – General I. Zation - It’s time for the stereotype episode! Due to the lack of Kyo in this week’s podcast, we lead off with NPRcast, discuss the concept of multiple and no Kyos in next week’s episode, and realize that Smokey is a[...]
It’s time for the stereotype episode! Due to the lack of Kyo in this week’s podcast, we lead off with NPRcast, discuss the concept of multiple and no Kyos in next week’s episode, and realize that Smokey is a pussy troll! Other things come up as well, among them the ghey panix law in Australia, the danger Canada quietly poses to the world, Smokey’s guide on how you should already be driving, the Aurora shooting and how NOT to use it to push your own personal agenda, and Istanbul’s Word That Sounds Dirty But Isn’t! Also, it turns out Smokey is made of cookies. Om nom nom!
Once we get into the e-mails, it’s a whole new ballgame. Istanbul comes up with horrible prank ideas, and it comes up that fox tears make great lube. (Those aren’t e-mails, it was just worth saying.) We discuss the appearance of furry video game characters and toony vs. anthro, dealing with management bias, getting ‘fixed up’ with someone and where to go on a first date, how to control your spending, and other more serious topics: Prozac and how it works is discussed, along with not hurting yourself physically or verbally. The concept of white guilt is debunked, physical fitness comes up in the form of exercise…and then we’re back to furrier climes, with stereotypes about furry fans, otters, and the formation thereof.
Next week’s topic is all about the RAGEFAEC. What sets you off? What really grinds your gears, to steal a phrase from a fat man? We want to know what puts the FFFFFFUUUUU in your fun, and see if we can help you deal with these problems before you go nuclear on some (potentially deserving) subject. Hit us up for advice, that’s why we’re here!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: fuzzy.logic.podcast@gmail.com
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 53 – General I Zation
File modified July 29, 2012 – 79.4 MB – downloaded 567 times so far
Review: ‘Manifest Destiny’, by Phil Geusz
Update in the case of Beastcub's sister and her boyfriend.
You may remember that approximately two weeks ago beastcub's sister, Wolfgem and Wolfgem's boyfriend, Hari/Elden along with their 4 dogs were hit by a hit and run driver.
Hari/Elden has passed away after nearly a two week battle with his injuries.
Beastcub's Page
Wolfgem, Beastcub's sister's page
Hari, Wolfgem's boyfriend's page
A reminder that donations should be checks made out to Harison Long-Randall/Gemily West Fund, and mail them to Pam Dinsmore, community affairs director, The Sacramento Bee, 2100 Q St., Sacramento, Ca 95816.
Additionally, a paypal account specifically for donations has been set up: longrandallwestfund@gmail.com
submitted by TehGrav[link] [7 comments]
'Pride the Lion' Team GB Olympic Mascot -by zen
S2 Episode 9 – Divinity, Ears, and Tails: Being a Furry in a Heavily Religious Culture - Religion and the Fandom. This single sentence draws out emotion like few other things do. Quynn joins Roo and Tugs to explore how one fur with religious beliefs hand
Guest Information:
Quinn's FA page: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/delcambo/
Special Thanks & Show Bonus!
Laphin Hyena provided the voices heard in the "Church of St. Mattress Ad". Check his FA for more awesome voiceovers!
You can download the St. Mattress Ad right here. We are licensing this work to others under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. (You can use this in any non-commercial work, provided you give credit to Fur What It's Worth.)
News Links
Megaplex - Megaplexcon.org
Rob Paulsen Live - http://robpaulsenlive.com/category/podcasts/
Fredrik Miller - Space Travel (New Album) (Support a fellow furry!)
Rocky Mountain Fur Con - RockyMountainFurCon.org
Camp Feral - CampFeral.org
Opening: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Musical break: Nick Gill - How It Feels. Franklin, TN: Nickgillmusic, LLC, 2012. Used with permission. (You can buy a copy here, and check out his new album "Waves are Only Water".)
Name that Fictional Religion: Matthew Strachan (Original Artist) - Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (Club Remix). United Kingdom: Universal/Polygram International, 1998. Licensed by ASCAP.
Interview opening bumper 2: Utada Hikaru - Sanctuary. Unknown: EMI Music/Walt Disney Music Company, 2005. Licensed by ASCAP.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Creative Commons Attributions
News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Next episode:
Our next episode: Furry Q&A - A non-fur asks questions about the fandom. Ask your friends who aren't in the fandom what they want to know and have them send it to us! cast@furwhatitsworth.com
S2 Episode 9 – Divinity, Ears, and Tails: Being a Furry in a Heavily Religious Culture - Religion and the Fandom. This single sentence draws out emotion like few other things do. Quynn joins Roo and Tugs to explore how one fur with religious beliefs hand
Any insight on icons?
Any insight on were or who would be willing to do a free request for an icon of a character. I know some people do free commissions and give aways from time to time and was just curious if anyone knew of someone doing such a thing?
submitted by toxicxrequiem[link] [12 comments]
Re: Another spank for Seamus <was Re: awils3848x9@gmail.com = Derbyshite sock? <was faux nomination (was Re: Nomination: Irkin Invader Zim)>>
On 7/23/2012 12:36 AM, This account has been banned because it violated
Animation: ‘Olympic Vermin’ spoofs torchbearing ceremony
This advert always makes me think of furries. :)
Why do posts on this subreddit with a score over 99 have the last digit of their score cut off?
Foreign Furry Fandoms: Brazil
The fifth largest country in the world in both size and population takes up nearly half of South America’s land mass. Possibly most notable to foreigners for Carnival (“Carnaval” in Portuguese), encapsulating 60% of the most biodiverse forest in the world, football (“soccer” here in America), and a 130-foot tall statue of Jesus Christ iconic of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil is a richly cultured country, so of course it’s bound to have a fascinating furry population.
It’s kind of an iconic statue.
The fuzzballs I talked to were very receptive and really enjoyed talking about the furry atmosphere that thrives where they live. One of the respondents, Koush, mentioned that much of the “furry” population of Brazil is focused in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Curitiba, which are Brazil’s first, second, sixth, and eighth largest cities, respectively.
I talked to three furs who all gave input on the nation’s furries: Nisharu Etzel, Koush, and Tanuki Gokuhi. As per the format, their responses are summarized below.
“Furmeets”, small gatherings of 10-40 or 50 furries, usually at a furry’s house, are popular in America. Do those exist in Brazil, and if so, are they prevalent?
These are often held at public places; malls, zoos, cafes, restaurants, and parks were all cited. Koush mentions that many furries are young enough to still live with their parents. This isn’t uncommon. Survey data posted from the Anthropomorphic Research Project suggests that 70% or so of furries are under 25 years old. Where I live, meets are held exclusively at an older couple’s home. Public Brazilian furry events can have up to 20-30 participants, while smaller gatherings at homes are usually just close friends and go up to maybe 8-10.
How important is sexuality to Brazilian furries?
I have to admit, this one always makes me laugh. It’s such a divisive topic and everyone always has something different to say and people always have some fun insight into the subject. It’s mentioned that there’s plenty of sex appeal in the art and the RP activities. Koush did mention that there’s a strong tendency towards homosexuality within furries in Brazil, that since a lot of furries are young that they’re still closeted about their sexuality, and that furry is a sort of hand-holding support for them to be more open about bi- or homosexuality. This phenomenon is discussed in depth here on adjective|species by JM here. In short, “furry” can act as a sort of gateway sexuality, allowing for people to accept homosexuality in a more comfortable and low-stress environment, and this leads to more people sort of realigning their sexuality as they progress in life. It happens in Brazil just as it happens everywhere else.
Is there a skew towards gay/bisexuals in the fandom like there is in the American fandom?
I have a feeling this is going to continue being answered in the previous question. Tanuki suggests around 2/3 Brazilian furries are gay or bisexual, a rough equivalent to the degree of homosexuality elsewhere. The agreement was strong on this one.
How do Brazilian furries see the American furries? What do they think of us?
I really liked the responses to this. Nisharu and Tanuki mention that there’s some sort of admiration. It’s easy to argue that America is the most furry-active part of the world, and that lends to the idea that there’s somewhat of a privilege here. Conventions and meets are common, and the “furry” population here is huge. As Koush adds, there’s also another dynamic at work. Since Brazil’s furry fandom is still a new concept, they can see some of the territory we tread and adjust accordingly. America’s furry activity is laced with sex scandal, and Koush mentions that there’s an aura of precaution: “let’s grow like them, but avoiding those points”. America sort of pioneers the idea of “furry”, and other budding furry populations get the opportunity to learn from our mistakes.
We’re sort of like a rowdy older sibling; the younger sibling gets to watch us make all the life mistakes so that he doesn’t end up repeating them.
Do furries in Brazil have a strong internet presence? How important is social networking over the internet?
The furry population of Brazil, according to Koush, probably doesn’t exceed a thousand. This is in the fifth largest country in the world. Furries are very scattered. Social networking over the internet is very important. The national language is Portuguese, so there’s a significant language barrier with Americans over the internet as well. It’s why many Brazilian furs aren’t as active on FurAffinity. However, there are plenty of Brazil-specific furry websites. Tanuki says the biggest is Fauna Urbana, a news and social site. Brazil also has its own e-commerce site that resells for SofaWolf, RabbitValley, and FurPlanet at www.furries.com.br. There are also some prolific Brazilian artists such as Nexus, Ursofofinho, and FurryBob.
What differences do you think there are in the artistic styles of Brazilian and American furries?
Nothing special here. Brazilian artists dabble in all mediums and styles. Tanuki does mention that the art seems more “warm” like the people of the country.
I couldn’t find a particularly Brazilian motif or style, so here’s a picture by Carykaiba, a Brazilian artist, of her fursona looking rather like “PaRappa the Rapper” – awesome.
What does the fandom mean to you?
Plenty of pretty common themes here. The creation of a second identity to use to interact with people. An escape from the real world into something more imaginative. Tanuki compared it to a massive multiplayer “real life”. Koush, an admin on both Fauna Urbana and Abando, Brazil’s big furry gathering, naturally has plenty vested into “furry”. Lots of ways to be involved.
I lied! I totally do have culturally-influenced art to post! This is some old promo art for Abando I found back when I wrote that article about international furry conventions. Charming, isn’t it?
What does the fandom mean to those in your region/locally?
Basically between a simple “It’s a thing to do for fun”, to breaking it down into categories: art, sex, escape, religion, socializing. Everyone dabbles in something or other.
How is furry seen as by non-furries in Brazil?
Just like anywhere in the world, not many non-furries know about furries. Public opinion is difficult to gauge, but these articles are about subjective impressions, not hard statistics. One felt like opinion might be better than it is in America, simply thinking they’re “weird people in animal suits” since the stigma American furries have largely doesn’t exist in Brazil. Or, maybe the opposite of that. My favorite response, from Tanuki, suggests that those who aren’t furries but know about furries think they’re “freaks/zoophiles/pedophiles/nuts and have a severe mental problem and should be fixed by applying severe and experimental treatments as seen on Fringe.” Admittedly, I chuckled when I read that. It’s a great way of wording it, for sure.
How are fursuits different in Brazil from America?
This was the most interesting set of responses. Faux fur, it turns out, is very low quality in Brazil. It’s also extraordinarily expensive to import. Tanuki mentions that a few fuzzies are great at making fursuits, but the lack of good materials is still a handicap. Koush mentions seeing good faux fur only once, only in black, only in one style, for $80/m2. Taxes also end up increasing the price. It’s an interesting problem I would have never suspected of a large country like Brazil.
Worth its weight in gold in Brazil.
What do people do in fursuit in Brazil? Community activities? Furmeet activities? Just private/conventions?
Just about the same as meets. Some people fursuit at Abando. Some fursuit at meets. However, the main fursuiting activity seems to be just hanging around in public at malls, parks, and the like, just to show off and interact. Nothing to do with any sort of “community” like the zoo volunteering I’ve heard of. Seems like a simpler “Let’s hang out and wander around!” idea. Which, to be sure, is awesome.
And that’s that. As always, it was a pleasure to get an insight into a new exotic area and to learn not only more about other furries but ultimately more about our own. I’d like to continue this as a recurring sort of series. Stay tuned and shoot me any ideas you’d like to see next time!
References:- Wikipedia: Brazil
- Wikipedia: List of countries and outlying territories by total area
- Wikipedia: Demographics of Brazil
- Wikipedia: List of countries by population
- CIA Fact Book: Brazil
- Brazilian americans by Alphine W. Jefferson
- Anthropomorphic Research Project International Furry Survey: Summer 2011
- Adjective Species: Re-evaluating Your Sexual Preference
- Fauna Urbana
- Loja dos Furries
Episode 187 - Chatcast
A Confursation #1: Kyoujin - DON'T PANIC! This is just a little something for you between episodes! Xander has a conversatio...
A Confursation #1: Kyoujin - DON'T PANIC! This is just a little something for you between episodes! Xander has a conversatio...
The Cat is a Lizard
Jason Brubaker works by day as a visual design artist at Dreamworks Animation, and by night as a self-published comic book creator. His story reMIND… well, here, we better let him describe it: “Sonja, the lighthouse keeper at a seaside oil drilling town, loses her cat, Victuals. Everyone blames the Lizard Man, the local boogeyman, which Sonja knows is a myth created by her late father to generate interest in the town. But when Victuals unexpectedly returns and has the brain of a strange intelligent creature; it seems someone is doing experimental transplants. With the brain of a lizard and the body of a cat, Victuals must now fight to recover his original lizard body and confront what he thought was the all-powerful god.” So, you got that? Good. reMIND has been collected into one hardcover graphic novel previously, and Volume 2 has just been released. And of course, you can visit the reMIND web site to keep up with the latest adventures.
FC-93 Samurai Folding Chair - Christened only by the purest of pain and portable convenience.
Christened only by the purest of pain and portable convenience.
News:- Furry Movie Award Watch: July by crossaffliction
- ‘Ame and Yuki, the Wolf Children’ opens in Japan as the #2 grosser by Fred
- Hello Kitty demonic toilet paper by Fred
- ‘The Jungle Gang’ out in English by Fred
- feral – “Wearing tail to school”
- Alan Rat – “3 questions ( color coded)”
- Free – “Small suggestion / Idea”
- Sparkle Griffon – “Question of morality? (please keep anonymous)”
- Jak – “Geographical paedophilia”
- Shaco – “Furcast Question from Shaco The Hyena. Personal/Psych problem =^,…,^=”
- Hazel – “Please read,urgent help with parents and etc”
- New Art site Weasyl, Donations ending July 31st
- A very Special Shout out to Jassi on FA:
- She took the time an effort to create a blue tail for me made completely out of yarn. It was an amazing gift to recieve even though I offered to pay for the materials because I hate getting something for nothing. So thank you so much, I love it, it is beautiful. ~Fayroe