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Review: ‘Stick and Bones’, by Phil Geusz

Furry News Network - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 20:24
Author: Fred There are many stories in which bioengineered animal-people, bred to be a subservient labor class, turn out to be not so subservient and revolt for their freedom. What next? A lot, in Stick and Bones by Phil Geusz. Geusz has written numerous stories in which “genengineered” rabbit-people, bred to be timorous and docile, [...]
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Drawing up some traditional Badges today, would anyone like one?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 19:22

I'm taking 3 for 15$ each.

Or if you have other art in mind let me know:

submitted by FortBriggs
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Categories: News

High School Survival help?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 18:45

Tomorrow is my first day in my new high school, and, coming from a mostly Anti-Fur school, I'm quite scared. I already know enough to keep the collar and tail at home the first few days, to test the waters, but does anyone have any help, or any explanations of our fandom that don't take 5 hours to explain, or link to any yiff sites? Also, how can I spot out closeted furries easier? Please reply soon, I can't live long without my collar and tail ;_;

submitted by SkylarrWolf
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Categories: News

Relationship Help?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 17:53

I'm sure many, many of you are in long-distance relationships, or were in one, and had issues with it. I'm in the same boat right now, and it's taking a bit of a toll on my emotions.

One of the issues is that she doesn't let anyone in to help her when she's upset. I'm sort of that way, but she sort of shuts everyone out when she gets upset. She's been in a few poor, abusive relationships before, so it's sort of like dealing with a shelter animal, for a lack of a better analogy. The only issue is, I don't know how to deal with it. I offer her my ear, my shoulder, and any advice I can provide, but she never accepts any of it. I know I have to let her come out of her shell by herself, but is there anyway I can help with it?

Extending from that, I have a hard time controlling my emotions. I particularly get upset at video games, to the point where I'm positively fuming and I would have no issue throwing a child-like tantrum (screaming and stomping). From that comes depression at the poorness of my behavior, which leads to other depressing thoughts (Everything I've done wrong, everyone I've hurt, those who have hurt me, et cetera.) This anger is usually compounded by boredom or loneliness. I don't want to go to a psychologist or a counselor, because I've tried that twice now (once for depression and once for anger) and neither times have they helped. I also don't want to go onto medication because I've had friends who started medication like that and they weren't the same anymore. Can anyone suggest personal improvement books or techniques?

Another issue is one about myself. I'm an extremely pessimistic person, and how I go through the day without worrying myself into a corner is beyond me. She has an inconsistent sleeping schedule; she goes to bed and gets up at seemingly random intervals. She also isn't online all the time, so this leads to sometimes long periods of time where I can't talk to her. This drives my pessimism insane, especially with all of these drunk driving incidents and such. She also has a few seemingly minor medical conditions, but the keyword here is seemingly. Can anyone give me advice to take a step back and take a deep breath to try to beat pessimism?

I know there's a lot of stuff there, so I don't blame anyone for not reading all of it, or if they can't help.

TL;DR - If you didn't read it, just general long distance relationship advice will be nice.

submitted by evolon
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Categories: News

My little flame thrower

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 13:36
Categories: News

Oh, you know, something Bad-dragon

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 13:17
Categories: News

Why Language is Important

[adjective][species] - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 13:00

In a recent article, I talked about the importance of language in self-criticism. If you are trying to lose weight, it’s useful to use relative terms (I’m getting thinner) and counter-productive to use absolute terms (I’m fat).

It’s helpful to use language that suggests self-improvement, compared to the language of self-hatred. Even though both phrases (I’m getting thinner / I’m fat) describe the same thought, they imply different things: language affects perspective.

Writing here on [adjective][species], I do my best to use specific and neutral language. But it’s difficult, especially when writing about sensitive topics such as sexuality, or fluffy concepts such as “furry”.

An example of a sensitive topic: I used the term “paedophile” in my article on cub porn. I suggested that a subset of those furries attracted to cub porn are sexually attracted to children. I called them paedophiles.

It’s a strong term. It is regularly used to refer to child molesters, however I meant it to cover anyone with an innate sexual attraction to children. I went on to use the term “gold-star paedophile”, which is someone with such an attraction and the good sense not to act on it.

I used these terms because they are used by the psychologists I cited my article. However I knew that free usage of “paedophile” would colour my post, making it difficult to read and potentially enraging. Ideally, there would have been a term with the same definition, without the implied negative connotation, and less cumbersome than “someone who is innately sexually attracted to children”.

An example of a fluffy concept: gender and sexual identity. A full 25% of furries consider themselves to be neither completely male nor female (link), while less than 50% of furries identify as homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual (link).

This makes data analysis difficult. Here at [a][s], we tend to lump groups into large categories, so that someone identifying as “mostly homosexual” is considered “homosexual”. This is a potentially offensive simplification, but it’s the best we can do.

In the ultra-PC world of sexual politics, the cover-all term LGBT isn’t always considered inclusive enough. This has led to propagation of ludicrous terms like LGBTQIA. While more specific, such terms are not useful: mainstream usage of LGBT includes all people with an unusual gender or sexual identity.

Such limitations of language are one of the biggest challenges of writing for [adjective][species]. There have been very few attempts to discuss the furry community intelligently, which means that there is limited language to draw upon.

A lot of furry analysis occurs in crowd-sourced, informal media such as forums or Twitter, or published in a news-byte format by the likes of Flayrah. This is all great stuff, but it doesn’t generate discussion of sufficient depth to create a new lexicon, a foundation on which we can grow complex ideas.

There is little detailed furry analysis. Journalists barely scratch the surface, and the only scientific study (Gerbasi et al) proposed a “species identity disorder”, interesting but not really relevant to the furry experience.

Here on [a][s], and in other long-form pieces (such as the occasional LJ article or Flayrah editorial), it’s easy to get smothered by linguistic quicksand. Our occasional awkward phrases (like “all people with an unusual gender or sexual identity”) and painfully self-referential articles (like, uh, this one) are partly a product of our limited furry lexicon.

This is all, of course, Makyo territory. He has written around the topic of language on several occasions, notably Doxa (exploring the ideas that make up our community) and On Words (discussing the varied interpretations of “furry”). If you’ve read this far, then I’d recommend a read (or re-read) of both those articles.

I hope that [adjective][species] will help the introduction of new ideas and terms. Language does change within growing communities, notably the appropriation of the word “gay” to provide a non-perjorative alternative to the likes of “queer” or “fruit” or “faggot”.

Many of the articles at [a][s] are merely intended to provide disinterested perspective on difficult topics. As we continue – with our growing army of readers and contributors – we can build on those foundations, grow our understanding of furry, and learn more about our community.

Practicing reference sheets

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 09:38

If anyone needs one post whatever you have of your character and give usable descriptions/ references.

Only planning to do 1 or 2, maybe more if I have the time.

Be descriptive, if I need to ask you for more information i'm not going to.

submitted by Kari_Fenrir
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Categories: News

What's your favourite thing about the furry community?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 08:35

I've always been interested in dragons from a young age, pretty much as soon as I encountered dragons in fairy tales, King Arthur and such- I was fascinated. Once I was able to use the internet I would search for pictures of dragons and that eventually led me to discover my first furry artist, Sidian via this website, and I discovered what furries were. That was in about 2005 and I didn't ever pay much close attention to furries apart from when I encountered furry-related art, but I didn't really go looking for furry stuff in favour of dragon stuff. Near the end of 2010 I created a lurker account on FurAffinity so I could look at the images that were otherwise hidden on that site and about a year later I created my main FA account, by the same name as this reddit account. I'd been roleplaying with friends as my Istaria (an old MMO game where you can play as a dragon) character Ashalon, so it was pretty easy to continue that persona to represent me on FA. In the few months I've grown to use FA more frequently, now every day and I'm finding it's a real blast. Recently I just got a ref sheet for my character and I've discovered just how fun it is to commission artwork! It's incredibly fun to see what other people do with their characters and interact with people who like to share their art and art they've commissioned. Also I've discovered some cool music and stories there too, and I'm having a great time.

I know there's other furry websites out there but I get the impression FA is the main one and I feel pretty used to it now. Although I enjoy pretty much everything on FA, I'd have to say my favourite thing about the community is the artwork because it's such a treasure trove of interesting, fun and exciting stuff. What's your favourite thing about the furry community?

submitted by Ashtalon
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Categories: News

test - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 07:45
Categories: News

Fakhreldine Restaurant Café - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 07:45
Fakhreldine Restaurant opened with a vision of creating Lebanese
finest dining experience. The Chef infuses every dish he creates with
his extensive knowledge, creativity and passion for perfection.

Fakhreldine Restaurant is committed to serving only the finest foods,
made with the freshest ingredients. Our inviting decor and

Categories: News

Beauty And The Beast Redux - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 07:45
Reboot of the classic series, coming to the CW:


The Saprophyte

Categories: News

Shhh it’s a Colson

DailyFurBlog - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 06:52

So yes I am back and alive. My first post is of course the talented Colson, bringing sexy back and all. This little tune was going to get trashed but he decided to put it up alone. Now, to my ears I thought the beat and mixing was great however, some of the words blended together which is just a one off. Otherwise this song actually might be near of his best, so take a listen.

Categories: News

Affordable Icon Commissions!

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 06:43
Categories: News

San Francisco rapper MC Crumbsnatcher’s furry music video

Furry News Network - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 04:25
Author: Patch Packrat As a club-goer most likely to get down to goth/industrial/EBM, I’m not qualified to say much about hip hop/rap. However, I know that MC Crumbsnatcher is a secret goth too, and that’s my fursuited ass he’s humping at 4:00 in the video, so let’s do this. The San Francisco Bay area hosts [...]
Categories: News

How do I break this to my wife?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Sep 2012 - 03:54

So I've always been interested in the furry fandom since a young age. It wasn't until the past year or so I've been doing more then just "watching from the sidelines". Most of my friends, whom I've known since childhood, hate furries. I've made a few fursuits, which I've played them off as halloween costumes, and im getting better with my artwork. My wife thinks they're just silly comics, but she's noticing a repeating pattern of animals over anything else. I want to break it to her, but im just not sure how. ( also new to reddit :] )

submitted by Dodgerwolf
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