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Finding Your Own Spiritual Belief

Ask Papabear - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 10:48
I've really got nowhere else to turn with this! I'm a very confused person in many ways. Gender, sexuality, etc., etc. But what confuses me the most is my spirituality and religion.

I was raised in a semi-spiritual home. My mother was always burning sage and driving out bad spirits, and we prayed sometimes. But the problem is that she left me to choose what to call myself!

I feel very, very connected to the Nahua people, and ancient Mexicans in general, despite not being related to them at all (although my mate is from Mexico). I feel a deep burning desire to worship their deities and to live with them in my heart. When I find something to believe, it is my life... until something persuades me otherwise!

So what's the problem here, really? Well the issue is that I'm not an Amerindian. To me it's just taboo to go about a religion or way of life that isn't your own. If I were to be an Aztec worshiper, I'd still live my American life, but I'd just be into their spirituality. Despite these thoughts, there are still a lot of conflicts about it. I mean there are Caucasian Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and even Shintoists and they're generally accepted by everyone. It's just that something seems wrong with what I want to do.

Please help me, Papa Bear. I look up to you as a person who wishes to be tolerant and helpful, and I am really anxious to see what you have to say (as long as it's not, "Do what you want."!)

Happy Yerfday as well!


* * *

Dear Xochimazatl,

Awesome name, by the way. Thank you for an important question! You are correct that most people in life stick with the religion of their culture and with how they were raised, if they stick with religion at all when they are older. Many Americans, of course, become rather secular and don’t go to church much as adults, except on holidays. Those Americans who do usually stick with the church of their parents: Baptists children become Baptists adults, Mormons become Mormons, Jews grow up Jewish, etc. etc.

In Papabear’s opinion, believing in something because you have been indoctrinated to believe in it since you were a toddler is to just do as you are told. A far stronger faith comes when one travels to it on his or her own accord. This can be, for example, a Christian who converts to Judaism or Islam or shamanism or Wicca, or Jainism, or anything other than his or her original faith. It could also involve dropping out of one’s original faith but then returning to it later after concluding that it is right for you.

Now you may have read before that Papabear isn’t big on organized religion, though I do respect those who follow their faith in all sincerity. Many faiths use scare tactics to keep members, such as “you’re going to Hell unless you believe in Jesus yadda yadda.” Always nice to be threatened, isn’t it? What a loving church that is. My mother lost her final scrap of faith in Christianity when the minister of our church (Southern Baptist) proclaimed, “Jesus wants us to have a new red rug for our church!” Really? Frankly, I don’t think Jesus gives a fat rat’s ass whether your rug is new or worn out.

After observing Christianity as a child and youth, I went on a long journey myself, learning about Far Eastern philosophy and religion from Buddhism to Zoroastrianism. Later, I started to learn about “pagan” beliefs such as Wicca and shamanism, and currently I am learning some Native traditions from a personal teacher. Now, I have absolutely no Native American blood in me. I’m English/German/Russian. Does that mean I can’t study about things like the Medicine Wheel? Absolutely not!

You make it sound like a problem, but your mother has actually done you a huge favor in letting you explore your own spirituality and making your own choice. Sure, that’s a lot harder than just being told what to do, but in the end you will find it much more rewarding.

Spiritual belief is the most personal journey anyone can take. You must find the truths about those things that lie beyond the material world that make the most sense to you and which draw your heart into them. For you, Xochimazatl, that journey has led you to the Nahua people and their beliefs, which make sense to you.

That nagging in the back of your mind that says there is something wrong with this is your cultural upbringing. All around you, you hear people saying you should be a Christian in this country, especially if you are white and watch much television, and you feel guilty and even ashamed to pull away from that tradition. But I say to you right now that your desire to find a belief system that is true for you no matter what is a beautiful and extraordinary thing, and Papabear encourages you to pursue it 100% and without regrets.

May Grandfather Bear watch over you. I wish you love and happiness.


P.S. Thanks for the Yerfday wishes!

And off we go into time and space! :3

Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 10:44
Categories: News

Episode 57 – School’s In

Furry News Network - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 10:32
Author: admin Sorry for the delay on the episode, folks! Last week, Halfwit was sick and Kyo was at MFM, and two people just aren’t enough for something like this! Kyo shares his story of TornadoCon, Smokey tells us all about the danger of fructose, Halfwit finally gets her hands on a smartphone, Kyo gets [...] Episode 57 – School’s In
Categories: News

Furry fans costumes enchant Magdeburg.

Furries In The Media - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 04:34

MAGDEBURG / DPA.  Over 1000 fans of the furry fantasy world enchant Magdeburg.When it comes Eurofurence in workshops, lectures and numerous shows all around the world of the furry fans. The word comes from English and means "pretty" or "with fur" clothed. The event was organized for the third time in Magdeburg by numerous volunteers. Artists and fans from 34 countries reported in itself.

The meeting, which will run until Sunday will be this year under the theme "Animalia Romana" - and to the conference hotel transformed into a ancient Roman arena. The interest was huge, it was said by the organizers on Saturday. Many participants in the Convention Eurofurence strolling and strutting in fanciful costumes and by the city of Magdeburg.

Whether sculptor, painter or artist - he just needs to be "furry". Several participants offer their works at auction. Who wants to offer can have as many credit cards as he wants - "he must pay cash", say the organizers.

Categories: News

Episode 57 – School’s In - Sorry for the delay on the episode, folks! Last week, Halfwit was sick and Kyo was at MFM, and two people just aren’t enough for something like this! Kyo shares his story of TornadoCon, Smokey tells us all about the dan[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 02:15

Sorry for the delay on the episode, folks! Last week, Halfwit was sick and Kyo was at MFM, and two people just aren’t enough for something like this! Kyo shares his story of TornadoCon, Smokey tells us all about the danger of fructose, Halfwit finally gets her hands on a smartphone, Kyo gets hit by a rubber band twice (and only once by someone else), and Istanbul mentions the loss of the Armstrongs and one S’A'Alis.

Once we get started on e-mails, we talk about the Anternet (not a typo), discussions of academics and how to handle them occur, we counsel one listener on how to deal with his emotional problems – apparently before we even say a word! – and seeking help, we discuss the pursuing of an online relationship or lack thereof and enter into one of the most complicated romantic situations ever and discuss who’s to blame, and we go into one person’s private hell that was their high school experience!

Next week’s episode is all about furry spirituality. What are your views on spirituality? Are you having problems expressing them? Are other people having problems with you expressing them? Are you finding certain elements of the fandom less-than-receptive to your beliefs? Write in and let us know!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast

Episode 57 – School’s In
File modified September 10, 2012 – 75.7 MB – downloaded 575 times so far

Episode 57 – School’s In - Sorry for the delay on the episode, folks! Last week, Halfwit was sick and Kyo was at MFM, and two people just aren’t enough for something like this! Kyo shares his story of TornadoCon, Smokey tells us all about the dan[...]
Categories: Podcasts


Furry Reddit - Mon 10 Sep 2012 - 00:45
Categories: News

This subreddit needs some love.

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 20:48
Categories: News

Wallstreet roadkill

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 19:55
Categories: News

Advice for a new fur around here?

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 19:15

Alright, So, I've always been a long time furry (ever since I was a child, always kind of based on the various media I seemed to pay attention to, games, movies, things of the like), but I never actually realized that I was a furry until recently, I found out what exactly the "furry fandom" is. I haven't really browsed around for art, but I know that FurAffinity is apparently a good place for art (haven't been there yet, it's down right now). I've admitted to becoming a furry to my friends, they didn't seem to take it that hard, we all have a good laugh over it. But, I was wondering, What advice would you share with someone who is new to browsing around the fandom?

submitted by NightWolf105
[link] [25 comments]
Categories: News

Straight Furries win it!

DailyFurBlog - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 18:00

The Anthropomorphic Research Project published its results from AnthroCon 2012 survey they had us take (volunteering) . Seems like a lot of furries are once again all straight, so WOW for not telling the truth or WOW most furries like the pussy/penis of opposite sex, who knew?! Take a look at the link above of other results and you’ll be amazed. Look at the Brony questions which will amaze you as well.

Categories: News

S2 Episode 12 – Furries and Video Games 1 - On a whim, we took the show on the road to Las Vegas, gaming capital of the world, to chat with Foxlord about his take on Video Games and the Furry Fandom. We explore popular characters, if and why these influen

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 17:08
On a whim, we took the show on the road to Las Vegas, gaming capital of the world, to chat with Foxlord about his take on Video Games and the Furry Fandom. We explore popular characters, if and why these influences exist, TWO Top 10 lists, and more. We also have our very first hatemail segment! Toward the end, Tugs completely loses himself in laughter, Foxlord is cracking jokes, and Roo shares a story about his gender confusion in Las Vegas.


Bonus download 1: Roo shares one of the worst things that could happen to you. Mold in your head.

Bonus download 2: Roo and Tugs at the Pinball Hall of Fame.

Special Thanks (in no particular order):

Foxlord, our guest.
Buck, provider of music for our musical break.
Fredrik Miller, provider of our theme music.
Our emailers and commenters: Damine Silverpaw,  Denzu Itaru, Aryhith Era Snowpaw, Aaron Crandall, Katherine Towe, Logan Sikes, Tichondrius, Lt. S’rranna, Zebuscus, Soutthpaw, Kadj, Tatsu.
Our new announcer voice: Firebreath, the golden puppy!

Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Main Segment Introduction: The Bedfellows - Two Friends Playing Frenzy (Extract). USA: YouTube/FurAffinity, USA. Used with permission. (Watch the whole series for free on YouTube! It’s just AWESOME!)
Break 2 Music: Buck - Zombie78 -(threed)-. USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy of Buck’s newest album here! Support a fellow fur!)
Hate Mail Theme: Sam Marullo - Care Bears Theme. USA: Unknown, 1983. Licensed by ASCAP.
Fan Mail: Incubus – Aqueous Transmission. Malibu, CA: EMI April Music Inc, 2001. Licensed by ASCAP.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.



Open Topic! Roo, Tugs, Koru, and a Mystery Guest will be talking about the topics of the day, and answering your emails. Send to Do eet! S2 Episode 12 – Furries and Video Games 1 - On a whim, we took the show on the road to Las Vegas, gaming capital of the world, to chat with Foxlord about his take on Video Games and the Furry Fandom. We explore popular characters, if and why these influen
Categories: Podcasts

Back to School Bootcamp!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 16:05
Categories: News

Episode 26 - What sports would furries play? Would some of the sports we know and love survive untouched, or would they require some serious modification to account for claws, teeth, tails, and all the rest that would be normal to a furry?

WagzTail - Sun 9 Sep 2012 - 13:58

What sports would furries play? Would some of the sports we know and love survive untouched, or would they require some serious modification to account for claws, teeth, tails, and all the rest that would be normal to a furry? Imagine how many soccer balls they might go through in a single game… We also spend a little bit of time on tattoos, makeup, and things of that nature.

Join us for the final (for now) part of our In a Furry World series. Next week we change focus to a topic important to Christians: fellowship inside and outside the walls of a church. See you then!

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 26
Runtime: 30m
Cast: JWingy, Mac, Levi, Wolfin
Editor: Silent
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2012 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Special thanks to Christopher Bruno for the podcast thumbnail for this episode, used by permission. Episode 26 - What sports would furries play? Would some of the sports we know and love survive untouched, or would they require some serious modification to account for claws, teeth, tails, and all the rest that would be normal to a furry?
Categories: Podcasts