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Martial Artist Needs New Way to Practice His Art

Ask Papabear - Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 15:44
Dear Papa Bear,

I am (was) a Martial Artist that quit the last Dojang (to clear any confusion, that's Korean for Training Hall like Dojo is in Japanese) because the instructor wanted some of THE most ridiculius things from me. He wanted me to Fast and Shave my head for HIS belt test (I wasn't even testing). When I was to test I would be expected to do even crazier-sounding things that most of everybody I talked to (one of those people being an instructor from a different school) said were absolutely ridiculous.

This was just under three years ago. I'm not going back there anytime soon.

The thing is, however, that I miss the Martial Arts training I was getting. I miss the various drills that I would do. I miss being covered head to toe in sweat (I have replaced that to a point with weight lifting as a nearby fitness center). I miss the learning and the discipline. I miss the sparring and the board breaking.

I want to get back in, but money and time (or lack there of) now seem to make it an impossibility. Part of me wonders if maybe I should just practice what I know solo in the back parking lots of my townhouse. I was a black belt in a different school before I went to the place with the crazy requirements. I'm left wondering what is best for me at this moment.

What do you think, Papa Bear?

Big Leo

* * *
Dear Big Leo,

If you have time to practice in the parking lot or weight train in a gym, then you likely have time to get formal training, it seems to me. I find it hard to believe that the Dojang you went to is the only one available. Surely there must be other places where you can formally train? Find one and go there instead.

If there is not one that suits you, then could you perhaps try another discipline in the martial arts? Perhaps you can try a Japanese or Chinese form such as Kung Fu? I always thought Jeet Kune Do was cool. Always loved what Bruce Lee taught: the style of no style. Be flexible in philosophy as well as body. Perhaps trying various forms of martial arts will make you a more well-rounded practitioner of the art of self-defense?

You can also look for other people who enjoy martial arts and form your own group with people of different abilities, making sure to find some who are better than you so you can learn from them.

Good luck!


Any furies in the North Augusta, South Carolina area?

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 14:10

I actually live in Edgefield which is about 25 miles north of North Augusta.

submitted by SeriousCylinder
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Categories: News

So wrong, yet so funny...

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 09:03
Categories: News

Reddit should make the mascot icon furry

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 08:39

The mascot icon that appears to the left of the link for questions, unavailable thumbnails, and NSFW links should be made furry, like the mascot in the subreddit header.

submitted by Dragoon6400
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Categories: News

Let's have another 3DS friend code swap!

Furry Reddit - Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 02:38

Everyone I added from the previous thread has stopped coming online! So, do any of you want to play 3DS games with eachother and/or exchange swapnotes? Here's my code:


submitted by culmor30
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Categories: News

Young One PREVIEW. A story that I asked about earlier

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 22:37

Hey guys! I was talking about this story earlier and a lot of people seemed interested, so here's the link! Only a preview for now because the first chapter is much longer, but I'm getting sleepy.

submitted by leadmuffin
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 27 - Christian fellowship -- what does it mean, and what about fellowship outside the four walls of a traditional, brick-and-mortar church? Join us this week as we discuss how we follow the command to fellowship with other believers,

WagzTail - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 21:16

Christian fellowship — what does it mean, and what about fellowship outside the four walls of a traditional, brick-and-mortar church? Join us this week as we discuss how we follow the command to fellowship with other believers, and look at the different ways Christians can fellowship with one another.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 27
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Levi, Spenser, Wolfin
Editor: Silent
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2012 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Special thanks to Eric Chan for the podcast thumbnail for this episode, used by permission. Episode 27 - Christian fellowship -- what does it mean, and what about fellowship outside the four walls of a traditional, brick-and-mortar church? Join us this week as we discuss how we follow the command to fellowship with other believers,
Categories: Podcasts

Steampunk cat. [xposted]

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 19:38
Categories: News

Video: German fursuiter proves sky no limit in tandem dive

Furry News Network - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 18:24
Author: GreenReaper German fursuiter Keenora, clearly not satisfied with bungee jumping, has participated in a tandem skydive in full suit, with video coverage produced by BigBlueFox. [Skippyfox] Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

Furry Underwear?

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 18:09

Hi, well my boyfriend is a furry, I am not but I am 100% completely accepting of his furriness. He and I have been recently talking about purchasing a pair of underwear covered in faux fur. We have looked quite extensively online to try and find a pair but we could not. I was wondering if any of you have found a site to buy such kinds of undergarments? We would highly appreciate it!

submitted by 21Anonymous
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Categories: News

Furs at school :3

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 13:10

Today when I was walking through the hall at school there were a ton of people wearing tails and ears! At first I thought it might have been a special event, but in fact It was just some of my furry peers! It reminded me of you guys :3

submitted by Bennythebull9
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Categories: News

A Poly-amorous Circle Too Tangled to Untie

Ask Papabear - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 12:43
So I'm in a poly-amorous relationship, I love both my mates very much but there's a bit of a complication. In the time my first mate and I had to move back to our respective "home" states we had talked less and less. While we were apart we both 'found' a replacement of sorts. I was talking to a fur in PA rather frequently through text and online. We developed an emotional bond and a mutual attraction for one another. The fur I know in PA also has a mate, which is where things get complicated.

My 1st mate who was in his home state found someone in real life as well, but their relationship wasn't online. It was face to face and often in the same space. The guy my mate met after much discussion became my second mate after a lot of deliberation and talking to one another on FB and through text and on the phone and such. I love the boy as much as I love my first mate, they would both pull the moon from the sky for me if I asked them too. 

But I'm really torn, I love the guy in PA... He's done so much for me and I would probably be homeless at this moment if it weren't for all the help he'd given me in the form of cash assistance and the emotional support that he had created for me and I for him....

But now my mates both talk to me on a nearly daily basis and we were 'open' to a point, but recent events led me to closing the relationship... I don't want to exclude the guy from PA, we had talked about hooking up someday in the future... I don't want to close the relationship and then say "Oh sorry I love you but all those plans you have are going up in smoke." Because I know that's how it'll go down and how bad it will hurt him...

Do you think that you can come up with advice that would keep my relationship with my mates and the guy in PA intact? I'd like to not burn any bridges or take sides in all of this I really just want to find a happy medium in all of this. 

Lelouch Utsukukitsu Valentyne

* * *

Hi, Lelouch,

Okay, lemme see if Papabear has this straight. You fell in love with a guy who then moved out of state and got his own mate. Meanwhile, you also fell in love with someone else and this other guy is in Pennsylvania and also has a mate. While you were getting close to the PA guy, he sent you money so you wouldn’t be homeless and gave you other emotional support. In addition, you have fallen in love with your first mate’s mate, which means you now love three people—I guess everyone except the PA person’s mate? Of all these people, too, the only one you have met IRL is the first mate.

Papabear’s first instinct is to say you might be tossing around the word “love” a little too freely. Furthermore, as I’ve said before, a virtual relationship is not the same as one in which you know the person in real space and time. None of these people live near you, and you don’t mention that you have any intention of moving yourself to be closer to any of them. If you don’t plan on being in the same state with any of these people, then any notion of having a real loving relationship with them is a fallacy.

Here’s what you do. 1) Pay back the guy in Pennsylvania what you owe him, making sure to thank him profusely for his kindness. 2) Downgrade all three relationships to friendships, explaining that you care for them but that circumstances prevent you from having a committed relationship. 3) Start looking for that someone special in your life who can easily be in the same room with you.

Papabear is not against polyamorous relationships per se. Sometimes they can work if all parties are in agreement as to the terms and conditions and are within at least easy driving distance. But having three lovers split between two states and one in a relationship with a person you are not interested in is, well, a complete mess. And “not taking sides” is not an option. You are heavily involved in this and you can’t just be neutral.

It’s time, Lelouch, to get your love life in order and to be a little more realistic as to what is possible and what is not feasible. Simplify things and you will be much happier.

Good luck,


* * *

I failed to mention this but my first mate, who lives with the 2nd mate plans to move in with me come early winter. The both of them plan on it.  

Lelouch Utsukukitsu Valentyne 

* * * 

[Note to readers: here's a great example of why it is important to include all relevant information in your letters; different information engenders different replies.]


Okay, well, that is very important! So, the three of you, then, are all okay with being mates? And then the only issue being your guy in PA? I would say, then, you need to have a heart-to-heat with the PA mate. Tell him directly what is going on with your life and that you care about him and want to know how he stands on your relationship given the fact that you have these two mates? It sounds like he might be open to polyamory, too, given that he has become close to you while also having a mate. Does that sound right? Oh! And, if you haven't already, make sure you tell your other two mates about the PA guy. As long as everyone is informed about what is going on and is agreeable to it, you don't have a problem. BUT! if the PA furry has a problem with your relationship with the other two, you are going to have to end that relationship in terms of being amorous (shouldn't be difficult, as you have not had sex) and, if possible, be friends. You should also do the honorable thing and try and pay him back the money he gave you.

Make sense?


AC for the future and beyond!

DailyFurBlog - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 12:43

Quick NEWS:  So AnthroCon looks like they have the dates and theme set for the next four years they are:


July 4th to 7th, 2013 Theme: “The Fast And The Furrious”

July 3rd to 6th, 2014 Theme: “Secret Societies”

July 9-12, 2015 Theme: “Viking Invasion!”

June 30-July 3, 2016 Theme: “TBA”

Categories: News

I got a question for you all.

Furry Reddit - Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 10:26

I'm a writer, because I can't draw or paint with pencils and brushes, I do it with words, but my question is, would any furry out there really care about a non yiff filled story? Actually care about a real story line with plot and stuff? Because from what I've seen on FA, only the writers who solely upload short yiff stories are the only ones with any fandom. So, mind telling me? And yes, I know this should probably in /r/Furry_Wordsmith, but that subreddit is kind of dead.

Edit1: Thanks to all of you, I'll get working on my new story right away!

submitted by leadmuffin
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Categories: News