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Question about tails
I recently bought a raccoon tail to wear, and I absolutely love wearing it (and I was initially very against the idea of getting one, but for ~$10 I couldn't resist, so no, it's not real fur. I remain against the use of real fur.).
My problem is: The way it attaches to my pants is absolutely horrible (it hangs down too low and tends to fall off). The way it attaches is like a strip of fabric and velcro - really, really bad velcro. Granted, it's not that great of a quality of a tail (I think I payed $10 for it - and the materials are kind of cheap). I plan on investing in a better quality tail in the future, but for the time being, what's a good way to attach it so I don't have to worry about it falling off and getting lost?
submitted by Kirsan_Raccoony[link] [6 comments]
Fursuit Maker Needs Encouragement
I am a fursuit maker, and a lot of people pick on me because my suits are not "professional." They call my suits all sorts of names and make fun of them. I try my best, though, and my friends say I am getting better. But it is to the point where I feel like quitting because the bad stuff hurts a lot. What do I do?
* * *
Hi, Silver,
Have you ever heard of the 10,000 hour rule? Papabear isn’t sure who said it first, but the idea is that to become outstanding at something that takes skill, such as playing the piano or painting, can be done by almost anyone if they show true dedication to getting better at it. 10,000 hours would be about 20 hours a week of practice for 10 years. A corollary to this rule is the 1,000 hour rule, which says you can get quite good at something by doing it for about 2 hours a week for a decade, or, if you want to step it up, about 9-10 hours a week for two years.
Not knowing how long you have been making fursuits, I can’t guess how far along you might be on either plan. But your friends have told you that you are improving, and if you continue to do so, eventually you will get to that “professional” quality other people are insisting you reach.
The question becomes, though, whom are you trying to please? Yourself or your critics? If you make fursuits because you enjoy it, then who cares what other people think? If you are doing it because you want to sell them for money, then listen to what they are saying about your fursuits and say, “I welcome constructive criticism and thanks for your input. I’m working really hard to improve my craft and I know I’m getting better at it.”
If, on the other paw, people are just being critical to be mean and hurtful, you can always ask to see the fursuits they made and... oh? They don’t make fursuits? They have no skills in making fursuits? Then maybe they should try making one themselves and see how difficult it is before criticizing someone.
Don’t be defensive of your work; instead, be assertive: “Each fursuit I make is better than the last, and even my worst fursuit is better than what you’ve done, which is nothing.”
Criticism can hurt, I know. As a writer, I have been criticized a lot. I have over 90 rejection letters from publishers and agents from my first book. It’s painful. But consider the source. Many critics don’t know what they are talking about, and through history many have been proven wrong, for example:
- “[He is] unfit for a career in law or politics” –Winston Churchill’s father about his son, the future Prime Minister of England
- She is “not pretty enough to be an actress and can’t sing that well.” –Barbara Streisand’s mother.
- Leonard Bernstein’s father wanted his son to give up music and do something worthwhile.
- A director said of Fred Astaire, “Can’t act, can dance a little.”
- J.K. Rowling got more than 36 rejection letters for her Harry Potter books; and Stephen King spent years trying to break into the novel biz before publishing his first success, Carrie.
People who criticize others usually do so because they themselves are sad and pathetic, and saying mean things about someone else makes them feel that they are superior somehow. This, of course, is sick and twisted behavior. Furries who are not derps will see that you are trying to contribute something to the furry world, that you are getting better at it, and that you should be encouraged.
Keep Up the Good Fight!!!!
I just had to draw the Rocketeer as a G-shep
Furry rookies?
Hey guys! I sincerely apologize if this is not the appropriate place to post something like this, but several days ago I publicly came out, quit both my jobs, and hopped a train and ended up at a friend's place in Mississippi; reality hasn't quite set in yet, but it's the first time I've felt truly content with myself in...forever? I dunno. My decision was so abrupt, but I knew I couldn't continue living the lie I was leading.
Anyway, I'm wondering if any furs are in need of a roommate literally anywhere in the U.S. I'm 22 and have been active in the fandom for over ten years now, so I'd love to meet new, like-minded people. Please, please, please PM me and I can give you additional detiails about myself. :) I won't ham this post up, but to make it somewhat legitimate and applicable to other people on here - do YOU have a house full of furs? If so, how do you like it? It's always been a dream of mine.
Anyway, I love you all and thank you for taking the time to read my post.
submitted by ambientlogic[link] [12 comments]
FC-98 Elegant Bats
Episode 194 - For Real This Time
"In the caverns". a recent art trade i did.
Furry artist Mitch Beiro arrested for child sex abuse images
Synthestesia: Episode 1 – Roland’s Mouth
AnthroStream 10.7.2012 - Sonic the Hedgehog Movie, Felidae, and more!
Today's schedule:
The Pink Panther
Kaiketsu Zorori
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Swat Kats
Damekko Doubutsu
Road Rovers
Sherlock Hound
Nyan Koi!
Tentative to change on the whims of whoever wants to watch stuff maybe :O
Full list of current options: http://pastebin.com/ge86YvBn
submitted by goa5000[link] [comment]
Fursona ask-tumblrs?
What does the fandom think of them? I've seen very few, but some of them are really cute.Does anyone have one/know of any others that exist?
I've been thinking about doing one with my fursona/characters, but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested. It wouldn't be anything super serious, just something silly and cute to pass the time and help me improve my art skills.
EDIT: here! http://askfuse.tumblr.com/
submitted by theblueroanfilly[link] [9 comments]
Episode 61 – Zen and the Art of Furry
Discussion: Did ‘The Last Unicorn’ change our views on single-horned horses?
My first commisioned art of my fursona, done by the amazing Pahri on Deviantart (link in comments)
Looking for a Borderlands 2 party! (PC)
Any class is good. If you have a higher level class (like 26 or so) we can finish the campaign together. I want a full-furry campaign as well, so send me a message! My steam username is XCDAllenX :D
submitted by XCDAllenX[link] [8 comments]
Episode 61 – Zen and the Art of Furry - This week’s podcast is super-sized, clocking in at over an hour and a half, but it’s because we’ve got so much to talk about! Paula Dean and her tendency to ride everything, inter-car conversations between v[...]

This week’s podcast is super-sized, clocking in at over an hour and a half, but it’s because we’ve got so much to talk about! Paula Dean and her tendency to ride everything, inter-car conversations between vehicles in motion, and words that sound dirty but aren’t. Romney’s apparent crusade against PBS, a rant about how the people in power want you to be dumb and lazy, and Kyo’s convention report…and that’s just a small sampling! We even discuss the recent earthquake in the D/FW metroplex! (What, you hadn’t heard of that? Don’t feel bad, neither had we.)
Of course, after that it’s time to hit the e-mails, and we’ve got another full set of eight this week! We discuss our growing proximity to successful nuclear fusion, Halfwit’s fursona (fursonas?), the petting of zoo animals, and Animals Talking In All Caps…and that’s before our music break! Once we get back, there’s discussion of why you should write in to the show, mention of a successful way to lose weight, a Sclariqrevk e-mail and the new accent in which it’s read (barely comprehensible, like the mail itself!), the need to be in a relationship, a story of how to fall too deeply into furry, and we end with a rage-inducing e-mail so rife with entitlement that Istanbul literally can’t finish reading it. PROTIP: When writing in to a podcast run entirely by people who work in customer service, trashing people who work in customer service won’t win you any friends!
Next week’s topic is all about perseverance. How to hang in there when the going gets rough, what keeps you on your feet and moving, and the ability to stick to a task until it’s done. What propels you through your life? What motivates you to slog on when others would falter? Write in, we’re eager to hear from you!
SPECIAL NOTE: Next week, we’ll be posting the mass-podcast that Kyo did while at Rainfurrest. There won’t be a recording of Fuzzy Logic that week, but we still want you to write in; we’ll be taking your e-mails with us to our live show at Oklacon, so keep those words coming!
Rise Against – Help Is On The Way
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Episode 61 – Zen and the Art of Furry
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