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RainFurrest 2012 who is this?!

DailyFurBlog - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 14:09

Here’s a nice little YouTube footage I found from Rainfurrest 2012. The dancer wiggling his fur on stage to some banjo folk music is wonderful, but look behind him. You’ll notice the main guy of this video is the one dressed in the brown pajama thingy at the start of the video. He does a little butt hanging followed with some head punches. I like him more at about 1:30sec. in he gets some others to dance with him as well. What ever he was having I want some of it too. I mean not to take away from the guys creditable dancing, I wish I saw him up on stage doing JUST what he is doing here.

Categories: News

I am a furry, and I hate other furries.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 14:05


So I count myself as a casual furry. I've been so since the late 90s. I like the artwork, costuming, hell even the porn to an extent! I’ve been to conventions, meets, and have a number of furry friends in real life. I consider myself a pretty straight edge guy, I don’t dress strangely or go around wearing ears or tail in public. That stuff stays in Cons, festivals, etc. Not meeting up at Denny’s for a movie. I don’t openly advertise my interest in it, but I don’t particularly hide it either. Frankly, I like being perceived as a boring normal dude by most people. I have a decent career in a professional field. I am aware of expected social norms and don’t believe the world should accommodate my peculiar interest. This is what brings me into conflict with nearly every furry I come into contact with.

They all seem to have a twisted “special snowflake” syndrome. They all think the world should have to put up with their stupid fake fluffy personalities, strange appearance, and have no respect for what is expected of a normal human being in a social situation. I can’t stand going to meets of any kind anymore as inevitably there will be some jackass who shows up dressed like they just robbed a Hot Topic and wearing animal parts, while making stupid animal noises throughout the night. And everyone lets it go. I try to be pleasant and a nice guy, but god forbid If I say something;I’m the asshole and should be shunned while others coddle the fool. I can’t stand the constant emphasis on a false sense of “brotherhood”, not to mention furry ‘status’.

“Oh, I am friends with [artist name], isn’t that so cool!? I bet I could get him/her to do …BLAH BLAH BLAH”

As if this is supposed to elevate you in my eyes? You are simply using supposed ‘friends’ for your own personal gain and satisfaction. You are still a basement dwelling neckbeard, with no job, a useless degree field if one at all, and have no ambition in real life. This is the second big thing I hate about most furries I meet. They have no direction in real life. Half of them are content to sit at home and live vicariously on the internet, and the rest seem happy to waste their time at school with no solid idea of what they should be doing, pursuing useless degrees then sitting around working at fast food with a 4 year degree. To be clear, I’m not hating on people aren’t college educated, hell, I am not myself! I just went back to college after years in the workforce. It’s just so few and far between are the ones who have actual jobs and a real living. I’m not mad if you don’t have a job or money, that’s fine…but atleast be TRYING TO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE. This may be exacerbated by the town in which I live in now, a college town, dominated by a huge art college.

Also, is a little personal hygiene that fucking hard to ask for? If I can still smell your gross ass after get out my car, then we have an issue. Oh, and stop communicating via text/messaging like your cat walked across the keyboard, it’s not fucking cute. Stop with the stupid emotes and kitty faces after I’ve asked you to for the millionth time.

But after all of this bitching, I still like the community as a whole. I still like cons, and enjoy the weird furry times had at them, and with friends. I still want to participate and hang out with people to talk about the latest works, or act stupid in costumes. But I also want some goddamn friends who know when shit is appropriate, and when it isn’t. Some friends that I can talk to about dog-headed people humping, but be comfortable having a beer with at the local bar and grill.

TL;DR: Getting tired of dealing with social awkward penguins and foul bachelor frogs. Want some goddamn normal people to hang out with, that are also furry.

submitted by trashacct1441
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Categories: News

Well today was an interesting day

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 13:48

Well this is a small rant about what happened to me today.

So I was in Biology with some friends, and I'm not sure how the topic ended up to be like this but I said "On the internet I'm a fox and my friend next to me asked if I was a furry so I said I was, and then he proceeded to talk about how fucked up we were, so when he asked me if I liked yiff I had to lie and say "no" and the lucky bugger got paid £10 to watch some! My friend next to me asked me about it, so I said I was one, and he said "you should just kill yourself" I then Pokerfaced 'cause I didn't know if he was joking or not. I was upset on the inside about a school that accepts me for being bi, but disapprove of me being a furry. It was really just upsetting

submitted by alex_sher101
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Categories: News

Silverwing on Netflix

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 13:25

Thought some of you may be interested.

It's kind of Watership Down with bats. Not quite so dark, but plenty of adult themes like war, racism, cults, cannibalism, and plenty of off-screen death.

submitted by ChatGarou
[link] [15 comments]
Categories: News

Otter hugs at Rainfurrest 2012!

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 13:09
Categories: News

He Likes Her, but She's Driving Him Crazy

Ask Papabear - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 12:42
Dear Papabear,

I'm coming to you not only as a fellow furry, but as a man who doesn't really know how to handle my emotions. You see, my girlfriend and I have been together for about 3 months, and I really like her, but I just don't see it going anywhere, and it sometimes seems like she doesn't really want to talk to me, though after discussing it with her, I attribute that to low self-esteem. As you can guess, this is causing me very much stress and depression. It's taking a toll on my college work and sleep habits, and it's lead to unhealthy thoughts (not actions, just thoughts). Is there any advice you can give me that you think could help? She doesn't even know what a furry is, by the way, and I know how it's often misunderstood and considered taboo, so I have yet to tell her.


* * *

Hi, Butch,

Could you clarify some things for me, please? 1) who is having the low self-esteem? you or your girlfriend? 2) why don't you see it going anywhere? and why doesn't she seem willing to talk to you? If she's not talking to you, that is not much of a relationship.

Let's figure out the relationship first before worrying about telling her you're a furry.

Hope to hear from you soon.


* * *

Dear Papabear,

First, thank you for taking the time to reply to my message. I'm sorry for not being very clear. I have the low self-esteem, and it causes me to worry about absolutely everything. I don't think the relationship will go anywhere because when we talk, there isn't all that much to talk about. I'll try to make conversation, but she won't say much. I mean, don't get me wrong, when we talk I have fun and I love it, but the problem is getting her to talk. We started out talking all the time when we first met, and about a month later we became a couple.

I hope this helps you understand things better.



* * *


So.... the problem being you have run out of things to talk about? Then let me ask you this: what do each of you do in your daily lives? What is an average day like for you and your mate? Do you spend lots of time together or do you mostly do things apart and then get together when you can?

Sometimes letters require a bit of dialog. Hope you don't mind.


* * *

I don't mind at all. The way I'm seeing things is that she isn't interested in my life the way I am in hers, and she won't open up to me. Something had her angry earlier, but when I asked what was wrong she wouldn't tell me, so I didn't push the subject. We don't get to see each other often. she's still in school and I just started college. We both are under conditions that make us have to keep it a secret from our parents, so that adds more stress. We talk mainly through text. During calls, she doesn't talk much anymore. She had surgery a few weeks back, so I've been attributing her change in behavior to that and pain meds and such, but I just feel like it's more than that.


* * *

Hi, Butch,

Okay, thanks for your patience and for the information. Papabear has enough to go on now. There are a couple problems here: 1) your girlfriend won’t talk to you; and 2) what is going on with your relationship is aversely affecting your health and mental state. Also, you have to keep this relationship secret for some reason and you don’t seem open to talking to her about being furry. Furthermore, she seems more involved in her own problems than yours.

This is not a healthy relationship by any stretch of the mind. You may have had a bit of fun at the beginning, but that doesn’t mean it is going to continue to work. If she won’t open up to you and vice versa, then this relationship is heading for a dead end.

Continuing as you are is going to make you ill or worse. You cannot continue this way, which you recognize since you wrote to Papabear.

Time to be frank with her. Tell her that you can tell something is troubling her and you want to talk to her about it. Ask her if there is something you are doing that makes her not open up to you, and, if so, you will try to correct it; if it’s not you, then ask her again what is going on in her life.

To be blunt, Butch, you have only been with this girl for three months and, although you may like her, Papabear would not recommend her as girlfriend material. Be friends with her, sure, be supportive and be a pal, but you will only regret trying to be more than that to her unless she changes radically.


RainFurrest pics or didn’t happen!

DailyFurBlog - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 12:09

Okay well I’m not familiar with the name “MageLight” who is a furry who took THESE PHOTOS from RainFurrest this past weekend. Overall the pics are just amazing! The hotel room was decked out like a photo studio with mid-evil looking shelves and a shield to boot. Looks like lots got themselves into the photos there, so take a look and see those sexy furs show off their stuff.

Categories: News

This bee came before mine x3

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 04:07
Categories: News

Inaugural Fangcon coming to Nashville Oct. 26

Furry News Network - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 02:38
  One of the newest furry conventions, Fangcon, will soon be opening its doors Oct. 26th to its awaiting audience. This con is located in Nashville, Tenn. with its theme: Musicals: Opening Night! That will really come out when Rhubarb the Bear performs as he is the Musical Guest of Honor for the con. This [...]
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Rainfurrest Fursuit Parade in 3D.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 01:27
Categories: News

Rainfurrest 2012 Furry Parade

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Oct 2012 - 23:32
Categories: News

Monkeys… in… Space!

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 2 Oct 2012 - 19:09

And speaking of animal “companions”, try this far-out adventure for size: “From the outer reaches of space, the Space Hustlers kidnap, blow-up, extort, or just give well-deserved noogies to those who stand in their way! Joined by a Confucius alien kung-fu monkey and a semi-conscious robot, street knowledge clashes with ancient philosophy as the Space Hustlers accomplish any mision, just so long as they don’t kill each other first!” Steve Owen, writer and illustrator, presents the Space Hustlers graphic novel in trade paperback. It’s coming this November in black & white from Hey Drude Productions. Check it out at Westfield Comics too.

image c. 2012 Hey Drude

Categories: News

I just got a new icon

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Oct 2012 - 16:29
Categories: News