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Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Oct 2012 - 11:11

friday my bf and i went to a bar and encountered a guy named "fox" who wore a knuckles shirt, joked to his friend "imma fox!" and ended up singing Bloodhound Gang at karaoke. a little detective work later, i found he was a fur and my suspicions were right (to my bfs chagrin)

so....what behaviors tip you off when people let their guard down?

submitted by FedoraFacedShitBeard
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Categories: News

A rare finnish beerfennec :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Oct 2012 - 10:33
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Chibi love commision

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Oct 2012 - 08:16
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Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Oct 2012 - 04:36
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Big Cat

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Oct 2012 - 02:41
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city Bunny girl

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Oct 2012 - 02:25
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Furry TF2 Models?

Furry Reddit - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 23:49

I have a bear heavy skin and a fox scout, but I was wandering if there were more. Thanks for the help!

submitted by XCDAllenX
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Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 195 – Fuzz Returns

Furry News Network - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 22:31
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on Knotcast, Savrin, Fuzz, and Shiva are all back together for a 3 week catchup with Fuzz back from his adventures. We discuss that, get a music submission from a fan, questions about coming out, and loads more. Music is But Then I Fell In Love by Look Left Use [...] KnotCast: Episode 195 – Fuzz Returns
Categories: News

going to miss summer

Furry Reddit - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 21:48
Categories: News

Episode 195 - Fuzz Returns

Southpaws - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 20:54
This week on Knotcast, Savrin, Fuzz, and Shiva are all back together for a 3 week catchup with Fuzz back from his adventures. We discuss that, get a music submission from a fan, questions about coming out, and loads more. Music is- But Then I Fell In Love by Look Left Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 195 - Fuzz Returns
Categories: Podcasts

Hey there, r/Furry!

Furry Reddit - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 19:01

Hmm...where to start. How about, "it's a confusing situation"?

Let's go. Ok, so, a few years ago, I stumbled upon furry art. And I liked it, I think it's adorable and cute and can, at times, be sexy. While I, myself, don't personally want to dress in a fursuit, I have fantasized about having a tail or paws, and think cat ears are adorable. (I think the only reason I haven't acted on these wants is that they probably wouldn't fit my body type :/)

And I have stooped into the...darker areas, doing cyber stuff...that being said, I couldn't ever pick one species to conform to who I was. (Is that normal, by the way?)

Sorry for this wall. Uhmm...Guess I just want some conversation! I guess I've stuck myself with the name Areto ("Air-ay-toe", in my head anyway).

Edit: Sorry, Guess I should say more about me. For you! Ok. I'm 18, and I'm a guy, and I'm gay. I'm around 6 feet tall, and can't draw for crap. Uhm...what else. v-v Sorry my brain isn't working. I like to cook, and read, and write sometimes. I'm in college, majoring in Biology. Uhmm... OH! And I live in North Carolina. Alright? Cool. And I play video games. Xbox, and KotOR on my PC. And runescape.

submitted by Areto
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Categories: News

Is the producer of Beauty and the Beast afraid of furry fandom?

Furry Reddit - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 13:58

Just finished watching the pilot.... This? This is a "beast"? I guy who hulks out a bit and goes berserk when he's angry? So disappointed.

(What can I say... GRRM's Vincent was my first furry crush.)

submitted by Bunny-chan
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Categories: News

Any Chicago area furs going to MFF?

Furry Reddit - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 12:31

Midwest fur fest is just next month! Nov 16-18, and i think I'm gonna go for a day maybe two. I went two years ago and didn't have that much fun. I don't know anyone! You guys want to have a little Reddit meetup there? Ill post more info about whatever if this gets any attention! (or if anyone wants to talk or play a game of tf2 or dota2 pm me?)

submitted by fuszybear
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Categories: News


DailyFurBlog - Sat 13 Oct 2012 - 10:33

Frisky (MC_Frisky on FA) put up a great post for his “Dos” and “Don’ts” for his 7 year furry anniversary. I had to to post this here because this stuff is true to my belief too. Check it out (you’ll need to hit the “read more” button to see):


1. Try to get involved in your local furry community and be social: This one is probably the most important one, I mean its obvious that you’re going to want to make friends as soon as possible but I know local furry communities aren’t available to everyone. But when that day comes when you actually find someone close enough to you to hang out with, try not to be so shy. Must of the time they’ll probably be as shy as you are so its best to just relax and let the words flow.
2. Be Creative: Creative ideas are what fuel the fandom pretty much so feel free to contribute in any way shape or form, whether it be art, poetry, music, videos, fursuiting, event hosting etc. If you have a handful of characters, make sure to develop them and not leave them hanging. Let your imagination run free.
3. Stay away from drama at all costs: I apply this to my life all the time, that’s why I’m stress free. Unless people are bringing it directly to your doorstep or you got a friend caught in it and you feel the need to step in and help, stay away from the drama.
4. Be cautious of who you get close to: Now once you have your friends or even a potential love interest or two, its best to really get to know them first before you decided to dish out your trust because its possible to be super close to someone one day and then next thing you know, you don’t hear from them ever again. It happens, so just be wise about who you get attached to.
5. Try new things and be open-minded: Some people come in the fandom feeling reserved and used to a certain way of doing things but why not shake things up a bit by trying something different. It could be trying a new activity, going to a con or trying a new food or just something in general that’ll make you want to step out of your comfort zone briefly. New experiences are what keep life interesting, at least to me anyway.
6. Keep in touch with the gang: If you’re lucky than over time you’ll be forming some deep friendships that have potential to last a lifetime but what’s important in preserving them is staying connected. Some of my closest friends live far away but when we get back together it feels like no time has past, that’s really special.
7. Expand your horizons: The fandom is an awesome place to be that doesn’t mean you have to limit your life to it. There are people out there who only do things that are exclusively furry related and that’s just silly. It’s a hobby that can be pretty much applied anywhere and if it cant, that shouldn’t discourage you from trying something completely different. Go on, the fandom will be here when you get back.


1. Don’t take anything online too seriously: Anyone can sweet talk their way out of a paper bag online, real life is a different story. I guarantee you’ll save yourself a lot of heart ache if you think twice about if what these people are telling you is sincere or not. Their word might mean something now but in a short time it could mean absolutely nothing, just be cautious. This includes role play as well, no matter what you see written down does not mean that there’s genuine feeling behind it.
2. Don’t do a long distance relationship (At least til you meet them): I’m not knocking long distance relationships at all, I’m just suggesting to meet up first then see what happens.
3. Don’t blow all your money on commissions and cons: Seriously take priority in what you spend your money on, if you got overdue bills then it may not be best to buy that fursuit just yet.
4. Don’t get a fursuit for the wrong reasons: Speaking of which, if you’re buying one just to look cool, to fit in, or cause all your friends have one, then those are bad reasons. You should want to perform, be creative, or at least have a blast bringing your character to life.
5. Don’t be the one to test out if your friend is bi or not: It’ll lead to many complications
6. Don’t hold yourself back from doing what you want: Don’t let uncertainty bring you down, if there’s something you want to do then you do it, don’t let others discourage you either. It could range from talking to someone you admire or doing an act for the masquerade, you only live once right.
7. Don’t stay stuck on the internet: For real guys, its ok to live the laptops at home once in a while

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