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Kitchener, Ontario November animation festival includes two anthropomorphic features

Furry News Network - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 22:24
Author: Fred This year’s 12th Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema, on November 15–18, 2012 at The Crysalids Theatre, 137 Ontario Street North, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, will include Mamoru Hosoda’s The Wolf Children, along with more than eleven other animated features unreleased in North America. The list includes the 2012 Danish Marco Macaco (trailer) by director [...]
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Transgendered Furry Worries about Telling Parents

Ask Papabear - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 21:58
Dear Papa Bear,

I am a 19 year old transgender, going from male to female. For as long as I can remember I have never thought of myself as a boy only a girl (to the point when I would play pretend I would always be the girl) and I know the operation would make me happy, but I have met great hostility from my friends about it, and I want to tell my parents but fear the same reaction. I don’t know what to do cause I know they will need to know one day but I don’t want to lose them or be treated by them like some of my friends have.


* * *

Dear Bastet,

As my regular readers know by now, Papabear has written several replies to furries and gay people about coming out to parents and family (you can read  my responses by clicking here: While being transgendered is a different issue, the principle remains the same: whether you are thinking of getting an operation to change your sex, discovering you are gay, coming out furry, deciding you wish to practice a different religion, or whatever it might be—it is all about the fear of being oneself when doing so means going against what you have been taught is “correct” or “right” or “moral” or “what the family does.”

Whether or not one should be open about who you are depends on your assessment of your own family—whether they are open-minded and kind, or close-minded, ignorant, dominating, and cruel. Only you can make that initial assessment, and, afterwards, make the logical decision, which is not being open if you feel the backlash is going to cause you harm, and going ahead and being open if you have loving, caring parents and family who you know will love you no matter what.

The important thing to remember here, Bastet, is to avoid the pitfall of basing your own self-worth on external opinions. In other words, in your case, don’t decide not to go forward with the operation because someone else tells you it is wrong for some reason. You have said that you know it will make you happy, and so Papabear encourages you to go forward with your plans if that is possible for you to do. It might hurt you that your “friends” oppose it, and even wound you emotionally if your parents do, too, but the alternative is for you to be unhappy in your own skin for the rest of your life. 

If I were you, that last choice would make me even more miserable. I can say that out of my own experience. While I’m not getting a sex change operation, figuring out that I was gay at the age of 40 was emotionally painful for me. It turned my world completely upside down. I had to end my marriage to someone I loved because of that, and it broke my heart, but I would have been even more miserable if I had spent the rest of my life pretending I was something I was not.

Life can be a difficult road, no doubt about it. But the only way our lives can count for something is if we live them as we truly are. Otherwise, the entire journey is a lie and has no point.

I cannot make the ultimate choice for you, Bastet, but I hope my words offer a little insight.



Usagi Yojumbo blah-blah japanese stuff

DailyFurBlog - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 21:09

According to an article posted to flayrah we’re looking at our first full-fledged corporate furry game release for iOS. This cool little Samaria rabbit comes from a comic book Usagi Yojimbo. I’m sure it’ll be action packed, now only if they could you know …. make it a little … you know …. less clothes maybe? …. you know.  Ahhhh ok well which ever the case, look for it on your iphone thing-a-ma-bobbers soon!

Categories: News

looking for stories

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 20:57

A long time ago, I remember reading some stories from a incedible furry author on FA. He seemed to do mostly erotic gay stuff, but what I liked was that (at least for the stories I read) there were a lot of character development and drama. One of the stories I read was concerning a young sex-worker trying to cope with his struggles while trying to win over the heart of an older cop, and another detailed two old school friends who, while taking a late-night swim, discover they both had feelings for eachother. Does anybody know who wrote these/where they went?

submitted by MiniMink
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Brotherly Love

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 20:35
Categories: News

‘Heat 9? interview: contributors Kandrel and Scappo

Furry News Network - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 20:25
Author: Isiah Jacobs Isiah had the chance to interview most of the contributors to the annual adult anthology, Heat 9, published by Sofawolf; some could not be reached for interview. Isiah Jacobs: Good evening, Kandrel, Scappo. Thank you both so much for coming on to the show. I really appreciate this! Kandrel, I understand you [...]
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Tail Tattoo

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 18:42
Categories: News

Review: ‘Bound to Play’, by James Robert Jordan

Furry News Network - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 18:24
Author: Fred Bound to Play is set in Bernard Doove’s Chakat Universe. It features those hermaphroditic centauroid felines, along with their national game of Chakker. Chakker is explained in Doove’s “The Great Game of Chakker”, in his Tales from the Chakat Universe or on his website. Chakats Grill and Midsun are cubhood friends living in [...]
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FurFright 2012!!! (children's charity)

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 18:22

Hey everyone, so FurFright is right around the corner and everybody on staff is really excited to make this the best con we can for you. We are always proud to raise money for our charity (The WarDogs) but this year we are also doing a toy drive for kids in a local hospital.

Info can be found here

New, unwrapped toys can be brought to the cashier at the dealers room (where I and the awesome people I work with will be all con) and we will be giving some kind of gift for the donation and also doing something similar to like the jimmy fund kinda thing you see at grocery stores and gas stations, where you make a donation and you get like a paper shoe or something (in this case it might be a paw print) where you can write your name or a short message and we are going to post them all up on the wall at the con so everyone can see...

I hope everyone can support this and if you can't donate, spread the word, there is still time before the con just let others know that we want to do this and help out some good kids.

The fandom has been the most generous people I have ever known in my life and even a little of that support would make this go a long way.

Thanks everyone, if you have any questions or anything let me know here or on FA.

Hope to see you all at FurFright this year. =3

submitted by Slidewolf
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Categories: News

‘Usagi Yojimbo’ to get iOS game release

Furry News Network - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 16:24
Author: Higgs Raccoon Usagi Yojimbo, the comic-book series about a samurai rabbit, is to get an iOS game adaptation. Created by six-time Ursa Major Award winner Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo is set during Japan’s Edo period, and tells the story of ronin Miyamoto Usagi. The game adaptation, a classic-style beat-em-up side-scroller, is being created by [...]
Categories: News

what turned you into a furry?

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 15:08

Well the title says it all what turned you into a furry. For me it would be all the cartoons and games i grew up with. They included lots of anthromorphic characters. Some examples are sonic, yoshi, D.K, Bowser, and sonic.

Note I'm 11 people, deal with it *EDIT:* dammit comma why couldn't you add yourself

submitted by DSTakumiDerp
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Categories: News

japanese cat girl

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 11:59
Categories: News

It really exists!

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 07:07

this sub reddit exists!!? i didn't know i'm only 11 but i'm a furry and i just wanted to find some new artists any suggestions?

submitted by DSTakumiDerp
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News