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Should He Quit Smoking? ... duh....

Ask Papabear - Tue 23 Oct 2012 - 09:36
Hello agiain Papabear

I'm back again with another issue. I am a smoker. My mate is not. It is hard for him to understand my decision because we both have lost people near and dear to us to lung cancer. I know that the old "it relieves my stress" thing is a cop out, but it does so for me. I have also quit before and I know I can do it again. Should he respect my decision, or should I quit? I know he is only looking out for me, but this is my choice.

Thanks Again,
aka Blaze

* * *

Dear Blaze,

It is, indeed, your choice to smoke, and it is not illegal to smoke. You don’t provide any reasons why you smoke, other than it relieves stress.  There are many ways you can relieve stress other than smoking: exercise, meditation, a vacation/break from the routine, soothing music, certain herbal remedies, trying to change the situation that is causing you stress, and so on.

All of these things are not only not dangerous, but are actually good for you. Yet, you have chosen a way to relieve stress that is a health risk to the point of being lethal, as you well know. Furthermore, allowing yourself to continue to smoke just makes you a tool—a tool of the cigarette industry that unnecessarily puts nicotine into cigarettes in order to get you hooked on something that is bad for you. Also, because of additional taxes placed on cigarettes in order to discourage smoking, you are paying a premium on every pack (the average is $5.50 in the U.S., or $55.00 a carton, and in New York you pay about $12 a pack or $120 a carton; if you are smoking 2 packs a day, that’s costing you about $4,000 a year or more), which makes you even more of a tool. Oh, and let’s not forget something else that’s important: you’re exposing your mate to cigarette smoke, thus endangering his health, too, against his will.

Do you really enjoy being the tool of a murderous corporate scam? Do you enjoy making yourself and your mate sick? Especially when there are alternatives to smoking to reduce your stress?

Yes, you have free will to smoke or not to smoke. It really depends on how much of a derp you are.

Am I being harsh? In this case, you bet. I’m being as rude to you now as you are being to the mate you supposedly love.

Think about it. Then quit.


Anyone else love this comic?

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Oct 2012 - 09:17
Categories: News

So my wife decided to do a social experiment last April Fools...

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Oct 2012 - 07:23

So my wife decided to do something fun last April Fools and we came up with an interesting social experiment. She made a jorunal entry on DeviantArt and Furaffinity, saying she had an art block and was giving out free art requests. A day and many many comments later, here's what she found out about a lot of people...

submitted by ThePiachu
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

S2 Special 1 – FWIW Live! at Anime Banzai - Roo and Tugs took a trip up to the local anime convention, Anime Banzai, and brought the show along for the ride. They had a blast as the audience asked questions, texted in, and created general chaos as the aud

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 23:38
Roo and Tugs took a trip up to the local anime convention, Anime Banzai, and brought the show along for the ride. They had a blast as the audience asked questions, texted in, and created general chaos as the audience learned more about the Furry Fandom. And a special live show-only game with real prizes was played. If you missed the show, this is your chance to join in and have fun with everyone!


Show Notes

Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Halloween Promo: Michael Jackson – Thriller. Westlake Studios, Los Angeles, CA, USA: Epic, 1984. Licensed by ASCAP.
Alarm song: Marius Constant - The Twilight Zone Theme. CBS Studios, Hollywood, CA, USA: CBS Music, 1960. Licensed by ASCAP.
Game Music (The Match Game): Sheila Cole – Match Game (and associated cues). USA: Label Unknown, 1973. Licensed by ASCAP.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Special Thanks

Thank YOU to everyone who came to the show, those who helped us set up in a rush, and those who helped us break down after the show. You helped make our show a success!

Next Episode: Next episode is the Fur What It's Worth Halloween Special! Send in your original stories, weirdest candy ever, candies, or anything to do with this spooktacular holiday! Check the contact page for details (don't forget to use the arrows!) S2 Special 1 – FWIW Live! at Anime Banzai - Roo and Tugs took a trip up to the local anime convention, Anime Banzai, and brought the show along for the ride. They had a blast as the audience asked questions, texted in, and created general chaos as the aud
Categories: Podcasts

Review: ‘The Original Mr. Ed’, by Walter Brooks

Furry News Network - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 22:24
Author: Fred Walter R. Brooks (1886-1958) is remembered today as the author of the Freddy the Pig children’s books. But from 1915 through the late 1940s, he was also a prolific writer of almost 200 adult short stories for popular magazines like The Saturday Evening Post, Colliers, and Esquire. Among those short stories were the [...]
Categories: News

Grubbs Grizzly founds ‘educational resource and think tank’

Furry News Network - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 18:25
Author: GreenReaper Furry advice columnist Grubbs Grizzly has incorporated the American Furry Association, which he hopes will become a leading non-profit in support of the furry community. According to Grubbs, the organization’s mission is: […] to serve as an educational resource and think tank for the furry community, with the goal of promoting furry arts [...]
Categories: News

Cowabunga Turtle Dudes in Their Very Own Van

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 18:23

The first time our buddies the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came to animation was in their first TV series, created in 1987 by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson. More comedic in tone than many Turtle variations, this version ran for no less than 10 seasons on TV, intersecting with several of the movie adaptations. Now Lionsgate will soon release all 10 seasons in a 23-disc DVD box set — contained in a bright and shiny turtle-van! “From their origins on the comic book page to the depths of Dimension X and beyond, the pizza-loving, shell-busting Leonardo™, Donatello™, Raphael™ and Michelangelo™, with the guidance of their Sensei, have been delighting fans for decades with their turtle power. Whether it’s facing fierce enemies Krang™, Shredder™ and Lord Dregg™, saving humanity from near extinction, or battling against life-altering mutations, the half-shell heroes are always ready for heart-stopping, time-bending, straight outta the sewer action!” Look for it in November, or order it from Amazon today.

image c. 2012 Lionsgate

Categories: News

OMG Fursuiter vid of the 90's!! LOVE IT!

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 18:01
Categories: News

Art Post: Redacteur’s Happy Wolves

[adjective][species] - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 13:00

Homo homini lupus: man is as wolf to man.

This latin proverb on human nature is neatly inverted by Redacteur’s happy wolves, who treat one other with great humanity.

Redacteur was kind enough to take the time for a quick chat about his art, and share a few of his pieces here on [adjective][species].

Reacteur draws with a minimalist style that captures the essence of life’s happy moments. His wolves – and other creatures – live in an escapist, joyful universe.

He has a graphic design background, where he picked up his geek’s eye for fonts and typography. Less sophisticated is his uninhibited use of lame visual jokes. I asked him to defend himself but he was unapologetic: “I love puns“.

I’d like to say that I find Redacteur’s puns to be flaccid and cheap, but I actually find them delightful. They complement his cheery art, and fit in perfectly with a furry world that freely and unironically uses portmanteaux like ‘fursona’.

His minimalist, non-technical style is not to be confused with naivety, although it’s probably safe to say that he wouldn’t have met the bygone Yerf quality standards. Redacteur’s style is most obviously comparable to the likes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Regular Show, but it also reminds me of Henri Rousseau’s paintings, most famously Tiger in Tropical Storm. Like Rousseau, Redacteur uses a deliberately childish style, allowing him to imbue clear emotions in the face of his characters.

You can find Redacteur on his Furaffinity ( and Tumblr (

He is also featured in the excellent furry comic compilation RRUFFURR ( along with a few other furry artists working in a similarly positive, intelligent, and introspective vein.

How to Be a Good Bear in a Selfish World

Ask Papabear - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 12:21
Dear Papa Bear,

I have a question on how to achieve success in the world today. I've been trying to succeed for years with typical "bear morals," you know, honesty, love, compassion, credit to others' work and not steal it, etc. But I've began to lose hope in that code of standards. I'm a bear in spirit and fursona/human wise but... I notice how dishonest hearts always win. Today being honest and doing the right thing, is total BS nowadays. It's like hunter VS. prey, kill or be killed. I read about artists in the music world, how they sometimes steal music from other artists that were SUPPOSED to have the song as their own produced by a selected producer(s) but another artist takes it and claim it as theirs before the original artist release it or finish recording the project. THOSE music artists become successful far more than the original artist by stealing their work or if the producer decides another singer deserves it more than the original. For example, Rihanna's "We Found Love" was originally meant for a lesser known artist. Though she didn't steal it but the producer/Electronic-Dance DJ, Calvin Harris, felt Rihanna would be a better candidate. Which he was right unfortunately for the original singer. I know it's dishonest and not right to achieve my goals in life in this way, but when evil looks so good... it's very tempting... an evil desire or temptation to strife for the blood of who ever in the same situation as you but only cause them to fail to improve your success to climb to the top. Things got worst for me, all the "love" I gave and attempt to success in the "good" way, I felt was a total waste of time and instead I should've cheated my way through everything... even use a few people to my advantage... I don't know what to do, maybe you know?

Anonymous Bear

* * *

Dear A. Bear,

An interesting dilemma that has potential answers from a narrow to a broad perspective. Let’s start from the narrow and work our way up a bit. That is, the idea about songs being taken from one artist and recorded by another who then makes a success of it. This is not a new practice in recent times by any means. In fact, many remakes of songs have been more successful than the originals. The Beatles even called Elton John’s remake of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” a more successful rendition than their own. Here are some others:

  • Big Mama Thornton was the first to record “Hound Dog” but Elvis Presley was the one to make it a hit with his rendition.
  • Eric Clapton found success with “I Shot the Sheriff,” “stealing” it from Bob Marley (I actually like Marley’s version better, but I just love him more than Clapton)
  • Whitney Houston stole the show with Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You” when she performed it on that horrible movie “The Bodyguard.” (again, I love Dolly’s better—she made me cry, whereas Whitney, may she rest in peace, poor thing, just made me wanna grab my earplugs because she could sure belt that one out).
  • Otis Redding was the writer of “Respect,” but who can remember that when Aretha Franklin blew us out of the water with her version?

In short, this sort of thing happens all the time in the music biz. Producers don’t care who first wrote or performed the song; they are looking for the person who can give them the best version, sing it the best, and make the most money on it. Did they “steal” it? Depends on what the contract says. If you have a case where someone stole your copywritten song, take them to court. Copyright infringement cases are also a mainstay of the music industry (I always think of George Harrison being sued for “My Sweet Lord”). If someone took one of your songs and recorded it, making money off of it, then they need to pay you royalties.

The case you cite about Rihanna is a case in point of the above. You even admit that nothing was stolen; the producer simply decided that Rihanna would perform the song better and handed it off to her. You even admit that the decision was the right one to make. So, the person originally promised the song didn’t get a “fair shot,” but maybe they wouldn’t have done as good a job and didn’t deserve it.

Bear, you need to remember that music is not burned onto CDs and downloaded onto iPods for the sake of beauty and love and kindness in the world. It is done to make money. You yourself, I suspect, are in it for the money, or you wouldn’t be upset by this. If you were writing and performing music simply for the love of music, you wouldn’t care who made money off of it because it would be your gift to the world. I doubt that is how you feel; you are seeking an income. We all need money. I do this website for free because I care about furries and wouldn’t dream of charging them for my advice, but I do have “Ask Papabear” items for sale on the site, too, because I need money (btw, who wouldn’t want a handsome Papabear mug or T-shirt? Hint, hint! ;-) )

I’m reminded here of a story my mate often tells me about the news industry. He used to give seminars to journalist students, asking them, “Why do stations like Fox News and CNN exist?” He would get answers like, “They are trying to report the truth to Americans,” or even “CNN/Fox have political agendas and are trying to give us their left/right wing slant on the news.” WRONG! After a dramatic pause, he tells them, “They are broadcasting the news for one reason only: to make money.”

Once we wash away any notions from our naive, idealistic minds that this world operates on the basis of kindness and brotherhood and realize that, like the lion eating a gazelle on the Serengeti plains, we have to do ugly things to survive, we have gone a long way toward being unsurprised by what humans do.

Is there a lot of backstabbing and unscrupulous behavior in the business world? You bet. Is that a pleasant thing? Of course not. Do we have to succumb to this behavior and emulate it ourselves? That depends on what you want in life. For instance, to become president of the United States, you have to do a lot of favors to pay back the favors of people who helped put you in office; you have to compromise your values with Congress in order to get things done. Some people can live with that; I cannot, which is why you won’t see me running for president, let alone any other office.

I have seen nasty, horrible people get high-paying jobs they don’t deserve, and, yes, it makes one bitter. But these people climb their way to the top over the bodies of other people and, when they stand at the pinnacle, they find themselves without a soul and without real friends.

There are, though, cases in which people are so incredibly bright and talented that they can rise above the crowd and not compromise their integrity. Those people are few and far between in the business world. Then there are those who do not give a rat’s ass about having a prestigious job and being driven around in a limousine—people, like Papabear, who are more than happy to have enough food and shelter to get by and, more importantly, have real friends and family members who love them. One doesn’t need to compromise in any fashion in order to achieve those goals, my dear brother bear.

Papabear’s advice to you is this: don’t worry about those backstabbing, double-crossing bastards who make lots of money at the expense of others. These are the people who, like Bernie Madoff, eventually end up having to stare at empty walls, their lives imploding all around them. And, if they don’t end up in prison like Madoff, they might as well be in one because their lives will be very empty indeed.

Live and let live, which is a very bear attitude. Pursue what you love in life, hug your friends, love your lovers, and you will find happiness.



A (highly probably) plan for the near future.

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 12:08

Hello there Reddit furs. Just running an idea I've had for a while, which I've been slowly preparing to make a possibility, with you all. A while back, I asked a group of friends "Is it just me, or is anyone else here interested in the psychology behind furrys?" The answer to my question was a resounding "Yes!" From that day on, an idea was implanted in my head, one that grew slowly over time. That idea was that I wanted to study the psychology behind furrys and the fandom as a whole. Every experience I have just opens up more and more questions, and it'll drive me mad if I don't try answering them. So here I am, taking the first steps towards giving it a shot. I already have started typing up an extensive report, mainly just asking questions and figuring out what I'm going to try to "solve" and how. This whole plan is still in its very early stages, and I'm not really promising anything, but I've always been keenly interested in internet psychology and furrys, so I'm sure that I'll at least give it a good run. As for my credibility, I don't have that much honestly. I've read various psychological reports and books, a few which bordered on sociology. I've read one book specifically pertaining to Internet Psycholgy, and I'm currently reading another, which will be followed by Oxford's comprehensive guide to Internet Psychology (after which I will most likely start this officially). I am in my second year of psychology, and will probably take social psychology in the coming two years. And of course, I have a hunger to learn and answer all these questions that not only I have, but other people as well (from what I've heard). So tell me, what do you think?

submitted by Shookso
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Categories: News

For all the dirty foxes out there

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 11:30
Categories: News

Dragon Style??

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 08:21
Categories: News

New to the community! Now I have no idea what to do.

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 08:14

Hey everyone. I recently just got introduced to the community by my best friend. I am a writer, so the main appeal to me was the new style of writing I could try out. I had a discussion with said best friend and realized that I am a scaley. I have always had a fascination with dragons and would often spend time thinking about how it would be to be a dragon. It has been a bit of an obsession of mine for years!

So I know this. Now what? What do you all recommend I should do as getting a fursona created? What are the best communities? Anything specific about the community that I should know? Give me your best r/furry! :)

submitted by DemonZypher
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News

Strange faceswap

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 06:25
Categories: News

Daily Show: October 22, 2012 - What's a crunchy, tasty, and totally unhealthy snack food? Potato chips. What's your favorite? What's this All Seasoned type? Maybe you're just hungry and want an idea to, wait, that doesn't work. Do you want to get hungry?

WagzTail - Mon 22 Oct 2012 - 05:00

What’s a crunchy, tasty, and totally unhealthy snack food? Potato chips. What’s your favorite? What’s this All Seasoned type? Maybe you’re just hungry and want an idea to, wait, that doesn’t work. Do you want to get hungry? Listening here will do that.

Hosts: Levi, Tikaani, Syruss, Wolfin
Picture By: Gesine Kuhlmann


Daily Show: October 22, 2012 - What's a crunchy, tasty, and totally unhealthy snack food? Potato chips. What's your favorite? What's this All Seasoned type? Maybe you're just hungry and want an idea to, wait, that doesn't work. Do you want to get hungry? Listening here will do that.
Categories: Podcasts