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Furry Movie Award Watch: October 2012
Review: ‘Opal Wine’, by Alan Loewen
How to draw furry?
Does anybody know a easy way to draw furry characters, like a tutorial? i am "ok" at drawing but not the best and i want to become better. please point me int he right direction or submit your own tutorial.
submitted by americanoob[link] [11 comments]
I found some stuff I drew back in 2002~2006. Haven't drawn since. Some are traces to practice shadowing or drawing clothing.
Any suggestions for anthro/furry themed movies or tv shows I could watch?
Nothing Disney related please. I'm a really big fan of Disney things already like Robin Hood, Jungle Book, and Lion King.
But, anything else I would be interested in watching.
submitted by Nya18[link] [15 comments]
Review: ‘Roar Vol. 4? part 8
New to /r/furry, Here's some of my art
The 2012 Pokémon theatrical movie is on the Cartoon Network on December 8
Home from FurFright
Had a great time this year and had lots of fun raising money for charity and collecting toys for a local children's hospital. That being said I was stuck in the dealers room for 42 hours since Thursday....man it's good to be out from behind that cash register =P
Any good moments I missed? If anyone has any nice stories or good pictures that I could check out....that would be awesome! Thank you to everyone who came out and had a good time and help the charities.
Ps:hope everyone made it home safe, stupid hurricane....
submitted by Slidewolf[link] [3 comments]
Only a few more signatures needed! Change.org - Belic Bear and FurFright, Inc.: Discontinue the use of Dorsai Irregulars as a security force at FurFright
Ursula Vernon wins Hugo Award for Digger!
Furry Is Being Taunted
I know that I've been a furry for a long time, and when I draw furry art people always call me "gay" or "pervert," and they make fun of the fur fandom a lot as well.
How do I deal with this?
Any help you can give will be helpful.
* * *
Hi, Buster,
It hurts when others make fun of us and what we do. We are programmed to want to seek the approval of others, to belong in a social group with others, and to be liked and loved. When this is combined with the fact that there are those who delight in being cruel and deprecating to others because it makes them feel better about themselves, you have a nasty combination that is perfect for making one feel like a total outcast.
These people calling you “gay” and “pervert,” I’m guessing they are neither furries nor gay. The first thing you do, then, is be around your own kind as much as possible. One reason I moved to Palm Springs is because the majority of the men here are gay and older. I am no longer a minority and people don’t shout “fag!” on the street because I’m walking with my boyfriend. Same goes with being at furcons. People don’t laugh at you because everyone there is a furry, too.
Of course, you can’t live your life at a furcon (sad to say), but you can as much as possible hang out at furmeets in your area. Now, I don’t know if you are gay or if people just call you that, but if you are, you should also try and hang out with people who are more like you and more understanding and sympathetic.
Even if you do all this, though, you can’t avoid running into non-furries (mundanes) and straight people. They are kinda everywhere LOL. The best way to confront people like that is head on. If you are gay, say, “Yes, I’m gay, you’re point being what?” The reason they taunt you is to hurt you; if they see you cannot be hurt by their juvenile behavior, they will slink away like the lowly vermin they are.
If you’re not gay, just tell them to fuck off because you’re late for your date with your girlfriend. As for being a “pervert,” you don’t say what type of art you’re drawing, but if it’s just G furry art, you can say, “Show me one thing that is perverted about what I’m drawing? It’s no more perverted than a Warner Brothers cartoon with Bugs Bunny not wearing clothes. Lots of people who draw animals make good money, becoming animators and cartoonists. At least I have a skill and I’m proud of my abilities.” This works the same as confronting the gay taunts. Bullies only do this because they want to see your reaction. When they find their strategy ineffective, they will quickly become bored and move on. If you draw R and X stuff, well, you probably shouldn’t be drawing that where anyone can see it, anyway. I’m guessing that’s not the case, though, and you’re drawing just regular furry characters.
You aren’t doing anything wrong by being furry and drawing furries. Time to get your Grrr on and be unashamed of who you are, which is a person who is much better than the petty, hateful bullies who are trying to get a reaction out of you because their own lives are pathetic and spiteful.
Big Bear Hugs of Love,
Daily Show: October 29, 2012 - It's Monday, and following our tradition, we're talking about food. So much food that we can't just give you one type that sums up this episode. It's a huge variety, and you don't want to miss it. - Hosts: Levi, Spenser, Tik
It’s Monday, and following our tradition, we’re talking about food. So much food that we can’t just give you one type that sums up this episode. It’s a huge variety, and you don’t want to miss it.
Hosts: Levi, Spenser, Tikaani, Wolfin
Delicious looking picture by a no longer hungry: Silent Paw