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Furry Is Being Taunted

Ask Papabear - Mon 29 Oct 2012 - 08:49

I know that I've been a furry for a long time, and when I draw furry art people always call me "gay" or "pervert," and they make fun of the fur fandom a lot as well.

How do I deal with this?

Any help you can give will be helpful.


* * *

Hi, Buster,

It hurts when others make fun of us and what we do. We are programmed to want to seek the approval of others, to belong in a social group with others, and to be liked and loved. When this is combined with the fact that there are those who delight in being cruel and deprecating to others because it makes them feel better about themselves, you have a nasty combination that is perfect for making one feel like a total outcast.

These people calling you “gay” and “pervert,” I’m guessing they are neither furries nor gay. The first thing you do, then, is be around your own kind as much as possible. One reason I moved to Palm Springs is because the majority of the men here are gay and older. I am no longer a minority and people don’t shout “fag!” on the street because I’m walking with my boyfriend. Same goes with being at furcons. People don’t laugh at you because everyone there is a furry, too.

Of course, you can’t live your life at a furcon (sad to say), but you can as much as possible hang out at furmeets in your area. Now, I don’t know if you are gay or if people just call you that, but if you are, you should also try and hang out with people who are more like you and more understanding and sympathetic.

Even if you do all this, though, you can’t avoid running into non-furries (mundanes) and straight people. They are kinda everywhere LOL. The best way to confront people like that is head on. If you are gay, say, “Yes, I’m gay, you’re point being what?” The reason they taunt you is to hurt you; if they see you cannot be hurt by their juvenile behavior, they will slink away like the lowly vermin they are.

If you’re not gay, just tell them to fuck off because you’re late for your date with your girlfriend. As for being a “pervert,” you don’t say what type of art you’re drawing, but if it’s just G furry art, you can say, “Show me one thing that is perverted about what I’m drawing? It’s no more perverted than a Warner Brothers cartoon with Bugs Bunny not wearing clothes. Lots of people who draw animals make good money, becoming animators and cartoonists. At least I have a skill and I’m proud of my abilities.” This works the same as confronting the gay taunts. Bullies only do this because they want to see your reaction. When they find their strategy ineffective, they will quickly become bored and move on. If you draw R and X stuff, well, you probably shouldn’t be drawing that where anyone can see it, anyway. I’m guessing that’s not the case, though, and you’re drawing just regular furry characters.

You aren’t doing anything wrong by being furry and drawing furries. Time to get your Grrr on and be unashamed of who you are, which is a person who is much better than the petty, hateful bullies who are trying to get a reaction out of you because their own lives are pathetic and spiteful.

Big Bear Hugs of Love,


Rare picture of Rain and her servants.

Furry Reddit - Mon 29 Oct 2012 - 01:13
Categories: News

Don't eat it!

Furry Reddit - Mon 29 Oct 2012 - 01:12
Categories: News

Fluffy ear startup Emoki faces stiff competition

Furry News Network - Mon 29 Oct 2012 - 00:24
Author: GreenReaper Emoki hopes to make a splash with custom ears for the Necomimi EKG-triggered headsets first sold this May. The startup’s new foam ear fittings come in bear, fox and rabbit forms, while the faux-fur sleeves come in a variety of colours – including a limited-edition “pika” variety for those willing to throw in [...]
Categories: News

Does anybody know of any comics similar to this one?

Furry Reddit - Mon 29 Oct 2012 - 00:24

Does anybody know of any comics similar to this one?

submitted by americanoob
[link] [1 comment]
Categories: News

Review: ‘The Ursa Major Awards Anthology’, edited by Fred Patten (by dronon)

Furry News Network - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 22:24
Author: dronon The Ursa Major Awards have been running since 2001, and one of the more difficult categories to vote in has been “Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction”, due to the works being scattered across various fanzines, magazines, con books and web pages. So I’m very glad that Fred Patten has edited together The Ursa Major [...]
Categories: News

Furry News Vignettes - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 21:45
A few bits and pieces from around the web, posted as I find them.

If you're into rap videos with fursuits in them, look here:


Apparently we've gotten noticed... Greywolf help us...

Taylor Swift has fursuits in a recent video:

Categories: News

Review: ‘Archival: Most Secret’, by Rob S. Rice

Furry News Network - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 20:24
Author: Fred
Categories: News

‘Heat 9? interview: Tempe O’kun

Furry News Network - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 18:24
Author: Isiah Jacobs Isiah had the chance to interview most of the contributors to annual adult anthology Heat 9, published by Sofawolf; some could not be reached. Related interviews: Whyte Yote & Alastair Wildfire – Camron & Vantid – Alopex – Huskyteer – Kandrel & Scappo – Kyell Gold & Nimrais Isiah Jacobs: Hello again, [...]
Categories: News

Hey r/furry! Do you play on XBL?

Furry Reddit - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 18:10

I am severely lacking in friends on my Xbox account and I was wondering if anyone like to be friends!

My username is Chachoregard!

(It's really odd, though. I have more Steam friends than Xbox friends. o_o)

submitted by Chachoregard
[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News

A Couple of Real Turkeys

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 17:22

They put it best, so we’re lifting this directly from Cartoon Brew: “Relativity Media and Reel FX have announced that they will jointly produce and finance the upcoming animated feature Turkeys. The film is being directed by Jimmy Hayward (Horton Hears A Who!) and stars the voice talent of Owen Wilson (Cars) and Woody Harrelson (A Scanner Darkly). Relativity usually releases their films through a major U.S. distributor like Universal or Warner Bros. Expect one of them to pick it up.” What’s it about?  This is from the Relativity Media press release: “Turkeys is an irreverent, hilarious, adventurous buddy comedy where two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks must put aside their differences and team up to travel back in time to change the course of history – and get turkey off the menu for good.” Hmmm, is it at all significant that both of the lead actors are vegetarians in real life? Watch for this in 2014.

image c. 2012 Relativity Media

Categories: News

Animals escape zoos, migrate to Missouri this December!

Furry News Network - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 16:25
Author: F3con This release was provided by F3con staff, and has not been independently confirmed. There was a jailbreak of epic proportions at zoos worldwide last week. According to sources across the globe, numerous animals discovered a way out, and wasted no time making their escapes. “I was in the office keeping an eye on [...]
Categories: News

Animated film: The troll is not a dog ["The Snow Queen"]

Furry News Network - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 14:24
Author: Fred The Snow Queen, written in 1845 by Hans Christian Andersen, did not have any anthropomorphic characters in it. Hollywood; excuse me, Moscow; has corrected this omission. Not in the 1957 Soyuzmultfilm feature, which was a faithful enough adaptation of Andersen’s tale but with a talking raven, but in the new Wizart Animation 80-minute [...]
Categories: News

Furry's Aunt Is Mourning Two Deaths

Ask Papabear - Sun 28 Oct 2012 - 13:48
Dear Papabear,

I need some advice on helping a family member who lost 2 loved ones recently—well the family member is my aunt. She just lost her aunt & uncle 1 week apart from each other & she seems really up set & depressed. I want to help her, but I don’t know how I can help her. 

Thank You,

Specs Wolf

* * *

Dear Specs,

Papabear extends his sympathies to you and your family on your recent loss. It is never easy when a family member or other loved one passes. The older we get, the more losses we experience, too, and often the loss of someone one generation ahead of us, or the same generation, makes us weep not only for the person who has died but also for what feels like the loss of our past, the loss of a little bit of ourselves. This reminds us that we are growing older, which can be depressing.

One of Papabear’s beliefs is that the difference between being old and being young isn’t a matter of years, but rather, it is the difference between looking ahead and looking back. When we are young, we look forward to the future because so much of it lies ahead of us; when we get older and have many years of memories behind us, we get in the habit of looking behind more and more. The secret to staying young and optimistic, then, is to train our visions toward what is ahead of us and, too, what is with us right now in the present.

Specs, Papabear is very touched by your concern for your aunt. The best thing you can do for her right now is show her that, although she has lost two people dear to her, she has a lot to be happy about right now. She has you! And, I’m sure, other family and friends who care about her. Make sure that she is surrounded as much as possible by loving friends and family.

This doesn’t mean that she should forget her aunt and uncle. Another thing you can do is to help her celebrate their lives. You might be familiar with the tradition of the Irish wake, which is just so wonderful to this bear’s mind. What they do, instead of moaning and moping about, is celebrate the life of the dear departed with food, drink, song, and dance. You can, in any way you feel is suitable, help your aunt celebrate the lives of the ones she loved. Perhaps she can donate to a charity in the name of one of those who has passed, or plant a tree in loving memory to each and look forward to watching that tree grow and prosper. Whatever it is, just being with her and showing you care will be a great help.

Thank you for caring,
