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My OC Mika. Christmas picture.

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 20:12
Categories: News

Long strand (Pony) yarn tails

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 19:17

I've been researching yarn tails and found this . It looks like long strands at first, but when you knot and brush yarn bits you can usually only get it about six inches or so because the yarn is made from short fibers twisted together. My only idea is that she made multiple bits of the same color and tied them in a vertical row. Or is there some other secret to this?

The general technique is pretty well known here, but the artist of this piece isn't giving up any secrets it seems.

submitted by AvidLebon
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

A Furry little Christmas

DailyFurBlog - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 18:55
She is a great singer and heard in the recent YouTube video I bring you “Dreamsong”. She has an amazing voice and did this little number for all you furries. Check it out and watch her on FA!








Categories: News

Review: ‘The Lengths’, by Howard Hardiman

Furry News Network - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 12:27
Author: Huskyteer Eddie, a twenty-something struggling into adulthood as best he can, should be happy that he’s got together with Dan, an old friend from art school; but there’s a problem. Eddie is also Ford, an escort who has sex with strangers for money. To complicate matters further, he has a hopeless crush on his [...]
Categories: News

Should He Tell Boyfriend He Is a Therian?

Ask Papabear - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 12:26
Reader, first time asker here.

A bit about me: I am 20, and I have been a furry for about 5-6 years now and although I have never been to a con (Yet) or owned a fursuit, I have always felt a deep connection to the fandom. As well I have always felt therian (Since I was a kid I always felt a deep connection to the natural and spiritual worlds) and thus the connection is also spiritual. 

I am dealing with potential homelessness, and seeing as my mother essentially hates me since she found out I was a furry (Right after that CSI episode, not my smartest move...) my life has been "unhappy" for a long while. The rest of my family doesn't know, but I was still abused and neglected during my childhood.

As well I was raped in the past, and have dealt with depression since I was 14, and have always felt distant to people.

I am still uncomfortable when in close proximity of anyone, even my family.

In the last week I met this really wonderful man, and although he is older (14 year gap) and very interested in quick sex (which I am afraid to try as my only experience was “bad”), he is giving our relationship a try and we have a lot in common (both fun and in bed).

But as far as I know he isn't a furry, and I am afraid if I tell him, he will leave (or worse) just stay long enough to have sex and then leave me.

We don't know each other super well, but since I met him my life has felt much better, and when we got comfortable (mostly me getting comfortable) we could barely stop talking and texting one another.

He still doesn't know about my family troubles, me being a therian, or my past with abuse (sexual or otherwise), and I am afraid if I tell him, he will want to leave. But I know I have to tell him, but the big questions are:

  • How? And over how long? Is it too soon?
  • Should I wait a few dates, or should I just send him a long text/email?
  • Do I know him well enough?

The Biggest though is: How best do I tell him I am a therian, Let alone that I am a furry, without him thinking I am a freak or him taking it as a joke or something to be cured?

I hope this wasn't too hard to read.

And thanks in advance Papabear.

--BlueEye Fox

* * *

Hi, Fox,

There’s a lot going on in this letter that is too much to deal with in one response: abuse, rape, poverty, homelessness, etc. That is enough to write several letters (you may look at some past letters on these subjects on my site for more input), so Papabear will just deal with the one question that is currently on your mind: opening up to your new boyfriend (and I won’t even go into the possible issues of the age difference here—that, too, is for another letter).

Papabear understands your reticence, given your mother’s reaction (and I agree, your timing on that was unfortunate). But your boyfriend is not your mother, so his reaction will likely be quite different. So, how do you approach him with the idea that you are a therian and a furry etc.? My advice is that you approach it from neutral ground. The way you do that is you find an excuse to talk about therians or furries. You might, for example, show him a website or two and say something like, “I found this interesting website. What do you think of it?” and get an initial reaction. His reaction can be negative (e.g., “What a bunch of freaks and furverts.”), it can be neutral (*shrugs* “whatever, I don’t care”), or it can be positive (“Whoa! Cool! That’s amazing!”). Depending on what reaction you get, that is how you proceed.

Me, I took a more lay-the-cards-on-the-table approach. One night in bed I just told Yogi that I was a furry. We talked about what furry is and he was fine with it and even thought it was a lot of fun. Since then, we have been to several furcons together and he’s had a lot of fun, even though he’s not a furry. In your case, however, since you are still getting to know him, a more cautious approach as outlined above could help.

Coming out as a therian to your mate may open the door to other conversations as well, such as your troubled past. If you want more than just a sexual relationship and a few fun times with your boyfriend, you are going to have to open up to him and share your personal feelings and experiences; with luck, he will do the same with you and you will learn things about him.  

As for timing: there is no time like the present. If you are serious about him, you might as well address this issue now.

Wearing your heart on your sleeve like this, so to speak, will build a stronger, more loving, and trusting relationship between the two of you and is really a must for any chance of an enduring couplehood.

Good luck, Fox!


NYC in Fur Glory

DailyFurBlog - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 12:17
If you live in the NYC area I post this for you all. I will not be here if I could I would because, it seems like lots of fun! Mc_Frisky is holding his “Frisky Christmas Special” party which will begin at 2pm (This Sat. 22nd) @ Melody Lanes in Brooklyn. Yes it’s in Brooklyn don’t make sad faces. The party will move to White Castle, then over to Frisky’s house. I’m sure there will be booze and pics taken which makes it so much better. The above video is apparently there to show you how much fun they are all together. Enjoy!




Post expires at 12:17pm on Sunday December 23rd, 2012

Categories: News

Furry Movie Award Watch: November 2012

Furry News Network - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 10:24
Author: crossaffliction You know how you don’t judge a book by its cover? Well, in the same vein, you don’t judge a movie by its trailer. So, anyway, Rise of the Guardians went from winner to not even showing up on my Oscar guess list, while Wreck-it-Ralph pulled the opposite trick. On one hand, this [...]
Categories: News

Artist depicts 126 ACME Corp. products on giant poster

Furry News Network - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 08:24
Author: Fred Wired reports that Chicago artist Rob Lokotka has created an advertising poster for fictional ACME Corp. that shows 126 of its products that Wile E. Coyote has ordered in his attempts to catch the Road Runner, including the jet-propelled tennis shoes, rocket-powered pogo stick, and tornado seeds. The giant poster (24” x 36”, [...]
Categories: News

My friend just made her first yarn tail!

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 07:13
Categories: News

Old furry cigarette ad

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 04:38
Categories: News

Rise Against - Savior

Furries In The Media - Thu 20 Dec 2012 - 03:41
I was usual furry Video search on YouTube when a came across this video. The music is not my cup of tea. most costumes were the store bought variety but I think I seen one or two actual fursuits.
Categories: News

1:47 MFF2012

DailyFurBlog - Wed 19 Dec 2012 - 23:05
So I always wanted to see a con video in 1:47 on YouTube. Here it is and it’s like WOW all over, but gets the point across.
Categories: News

Best webcomics and communities?

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Dec 2012 - 22:59

Long story short, I left the fandom for a while because it really wasn't interesting me anymore. Now, it interests me again. No clue why, but it's been bothering me for a while so I'm looking to become part of the community once again.

So, what are the webcomics y'all would suggeest? I really like slice-of-life sorta stuff. Not big on ones that center around war and such

What are the current notable/growing communities and forums? Used to be a part of several, but I'm done with FurAffinity so I'm looking elsewhere.

Thanks, and sorry for being so blunt about the topic. I had searched to no avail and figured just asking would probably work.

submitted by Skunkers
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

FC-105 Dark Wolf Rainbow

Furry News Network - Wed 19 Dec 2012 - 22:32
Author: E-Mail Hidden (..::XANA::.. Creations) …she helped me become… who I am. I always knew that I was a – something else – and Linda made it real. Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) Watch Video   News: Animation: ‘Pups of Liberty’ by Fred Necomimi creator seeks funding for wearable waggy tail by Huskyteer Kickstarter Furries [...] FC-105 Dark Wolf Rainbow
Categories: News

Livestreaming 6 $ flat commissions

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Dec 2012 - 21:26
Categories: News