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Didn't know Ke$ha was a furry...

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Jan 2013 - 02:18
Categories: News

cute pup, by Ka

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Jan 2013 - 01:03
Categories: News

Gaming Furever Redesigned

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 21:30
Categories: News

Best Love Book Coupon Ever

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 20:32
Categories: News

Furry Is Climbing into a Hole of Depression

Ask Papabear - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 19:33
Hey Papa Bear, I’m writing to you again since it’s been awhile since I asked for advice... [Papabear notes: please see his previous letter].

So I took your advice and told my mate. It didn't go over very well. He flipped out because apparently his last boyfriend was a furry and he screwed him over emotionally. I tried to explain that I’m not his ex, but he wouldn't hear any of it. He stormed out of the room and I haven't seen or heard from him again. That was five months ago. Soon after my parents relationship got worse due to my drunkard father. I don't even consider him my father at all, so I’m just going to call him john (not his real name) from now on. So john went off the deep end with his alcoholism and started being extremely emotionally and verbally abusive to the rest of my family, while becoming physically abusive to me. It got bad enough that my mom told him that if he didn't get help that she was going to divorce him, so he agreed to do so. He then chose some incredibly expensive mental institution out of state and insisted that he go there. So to do that we had to sell our house and move in with our grandparents. Luckily I get to live in the house by myself till the house sells, but I’ll get back to that. So anyways, we spend $50,000 sending him there and he then promptly gets kicked out for breaking the rules. Now were in debt and have to sell the house to pay it off. Luckily for me I’ve moved out like I said before. After the house sells, I have a room waiting for me at a friend’s house that I get really cheap rent on. But now I don’t know what to do. I feel so trapped, I wasn’t ready to move out on my own, but I knew that if I spent one more day around john I was going to do something drastic. And on top of that, I think I’m becoming depressed. I don’t talk to my friends anymore, and I don’t feel a desire to anymore. All I do is sleep, eat, work, pay bills, play video games, repeat. And now my mom’s all telling me "son, I worry for you, you can tell me anything. You know that right?" and it makes me want to come out to her so badly but I know she's just referring to my funked out state. My friends are all getting offended cuz' I don’t return their calls, and I just don’t care anymore. And Papa Bear, that scares me. I used to be known for my loving kindness and my loyalty to my friends, but now I just don’t care anymore, and I can’t seem to make myself care. Recently though I've met a local AB/DL Furry that has been talking to me. I hope that finally meeting my first AB/DL Furry in person can draw me out of this funk. If not, I don't know what else to do. 

Please help me out here Papa Bear, I don't know who else to talk to. :(

Kale Snowtale

* * *

Hi, Kale,

Papabear is saddened that your boyfriend took the news of your being a furry so badly. However, now you know that you could not be yourself around him, and if you can’t be 100% who you are around the one you love, then you need to find another mate. It is a hard lesson to learn. I have told my mate many things about myself that I have been unable to tell others, including my mother and my former spouse. It is that I am able to do this that I know he is the one for me and has repeatedly told me that he would never leave me no matter what. I believe him. I hope you find someone like that in your life.

Okay, deep breath. As for your father being, well, unstable, there is not much you can do about that. My question about the mental hospital incident would be this: he obviously didn’t spend much time there, so can’t you get some of that $50,000 back? Doesn’t seem right that they should keep all the money. Obviously it’s too late now, but the papers you signed when admitting him should have been looked at very carefully. Well, you can still look them over now, actually, and see what it says about a possibility for any refunds.  Be that as it may, you are not legally responsible for all that money, but your parents are.

So, that drama forced you out on your own before you were ready for it; sorry to hear that. And I can certainly understand why that would make you depressed. One of the things depressed people often do is shut out their friends and family. Now that you are on your own, you shouldn’t have to fear as much coming out to your mother since she can’t kick you out of the house. Of course, you want to maintain a happy relationship with your mother. She might actually surprise you by accepting you as you are and genuinely wanting to help. However, since that didn’t go at all well with your boyfriend, I can see why you would want to be cautious about that. Perhaps, for now, it is better not to tell her. You can certainly talk to her about the stress your father has caused both of you, however, and try to support each other with that crisis.

Now is not the time to shut down from your friends. It is very easy to fall into that hole and not crawl out of it, and it is a dangerous hole. You need to start interacting with people again. Think of it kind of like exercise. When you haven’t been exercising in a long time, it is really hard to start jogging or biking or lifting weights again. But if you begin a little at a time, you can start getting in the habit of exercise. Same with your friends. You don’t have to jump immediately back into the friendly socialite you once were, but try this: beginning now, try making just one phone call to a friend, even for a couple minutes. Do that once a day. Then, try and go do something with one or more friends this weekend, even if you don’t think you want to. Go to a movie or just grab some cheese fries with them. Something small. I think that, once you make yourself interact with them again, you will find you still like it. Also, of course, this AB/DL friend of yours could be a key to getting you out of your funk. It is always easier to be sociable with people who share your interests and beliefs. I hope that goes well.

I think, actually, you have found the solution yourself with this AB/DL fellow. I would pursue that, if I were you, and hope it goes well.



What are some of your favorite recent (within 5 years) furry/anthropomorphic/werewolf movies and TV shows?

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 19:18

This is meant to be as wide-encompassing as possible. Anything from the last 5 years goes! Whether its anthropomorphic (even Avatar counts), werewolf/transformation related, or even remotely furry-ish.

I'm looking for ideas of movies and TV shows to watch, but I'm also curious to just see what modern furry/transformation-ish movies and shows everyone enjoys. Even if its not one of your favorites, just throw it out there! The more the better.

submitted by falafelwolf
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Categories: News

Oh Tom... (x-post from r/funny)

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 18:36
Categories: News

Upcoming furry comics for March 2013 (Previews and Marvel Previews)

Furry News Network - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 16:24
Author: crossaffliction Previews runs a top 100 best selling monthly comics list; they’re obviously a bit behind, as this issue contains November’s. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #1 was ranked at 15, making it the most bought book not from DC or Marvel. So, way to go bronies! read more Find the full article [...]
Categories: News

Looking for opinions/Input.

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 16:00

Hello r/Furry. I had recently come up with an idea that I, and a few others had thought was interesting, and that is commission based websites. I thought this may be a good idea since I'm not great at drawing, but good at web design.

However I'm not sure how stable this would be as I feel it's usefulness is somewhat limited. So far I can only think of one or two useful applications: Displaying art, and Forums/Socializing. So, do you guys think that Furry based commisionable websites could work? Any opinions, or input would be nice. :3

submitted by MetalDragon6666
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Categories: News

Raffle for a free custom charm!

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 15:38
Categories: News

So I have a little bit of freedom in my art course now and I need help...

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 15:26

I wont type the whole assignment, but here is a brief gist of the project.

For the second drawing project, I would like you to take on the role of another person or character. Essentially, you will need to execute another self-portrait, but this one will be much different. This is an opportunity to represent yourself as someone entirely different from your everyday self. Some issues worth considering are -Time Period -Gender -Fantasy -Hollywood/Cinema -Celebrity -References to Art -Projected Self

Sooooo the way I see it I can draw my fursonna/oc for academic credit, he kept emphasizing that he wanted it to be shocking. I don't think he knows what hes getting in for, but either way I need some "realistic" furries, which seems to be kinda a rarity amongst the general collection of furry art (this isn't a criticism I prefer semi-realism myself, but this class is more focused on observational drawing). What I really need is some artists who are "realists" and some references of drawing realistic furries. I think Blotch/Black Teagan both fit the bill, but I need a little more than just their galleries.

TL;DR I need realistic furry art references and I don't know if you had any favorites you wanted to share!

submitted by malamute29
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Categories: News

The Dinosaurs Want Their Say!

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 14:42

Taking a break from matter of Further Confusion for something a bit more unique: A new entry in the slowly-growing pantheon of anthropomorphic live theater. Triassic Parq recently won the Best Musical Award at the Fringe NYC theater festival. Written and directed by Marshall Pailet (with help from Bryce Norbitz and Stephen Wargo), it’s described like this: “… a hilariously inventive and decidedly adult take on the Spielberg blockbuster — as told from the point-of-view of the captive dinosaurs. With plenty of goats around to eat, this tribe of non-breeders is pretty satisfied with life. But when a T. rex suddenly sprouts the male sex organ and falls in love, the dinos’ entire belief system comes into question, evolving into a battle between the Velociraptors of Faith and Science. Narrated by none other than Morgan Freeman (played by Camryn Zelinger), Triassic Parq is a true thrill ride 200 million years in the making, filled with singing, dancing and a wide variety of reptilian hook-ups.” You heard it here. Keep an eye out for a traveling company performing Triassic Parq near  you. If you’re currently near Southern California, Chance Theater in Anaheim Hills is performing the play from now until late February. Check out their web site .

image c. 2013 Chance Theater

Categories: News

Season 7 Episode 10 Podcast Uploaded

TigerTails Radio - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 12:53

Note to self - Websites don't update themselves...  Sorry for the delay, I might have forgotten to do the update.

It's a normal show for once, which only over runs a little - 16 minutes is a little, right?  No guests in the studio this week so the world is put to rights with the main cast.  Starring TK in the booth, and Xavier and Felis on the camera for the TubeCast.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK talks about Prisioner Cell Block H
Xavier reviews KoA: Reckoning
Felis continues his superhero trend with Arrow 

For Television Talk:
There was no Television Talk this week, as there's nothing on. 

Question of the Week:
Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? 


Download the Podcast - Watch the TubeCast

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Season 7 Episode 10 Podcast Uploaded
Categories: Podcasts

Looking for a good domestic feline reference sheet commission, any suggestions?

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 12:16

When I searched for links, most were over 7 months old, so I thought I would pose this question fresh! Would appreciate any suggestions from other furs who have had reference sheets done.

Bonus points if you know they are currently accepting reference sheet commissions or are about to open them! :)

submitted by Jaycatt
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

*clap, clap* for makn’ me cry

DailyFurBlog - Thu 24 Jan 2013 - 11:32
Most times I post things from Foxamoore I post about just the music. Well, in my adventures to find more furry videos on YouTube I found this which was posted 1 week ago. This actually made my tear up, the music and story are amazing. Animation was done by a talented fur ” Tirrel ” . See the video above or click the link below to comment and subscribe !!




Categories: News