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Anyone have any good furry models for TF2?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 16:49

I have the scout fox model here and the heavy bear model here, but I was wandering if anyone had some for sniper or medic. Thanks!

And if any of you are 3D modelers, I would be happy to comission something from you, but I have no cash. I could pay you in TF2 items/keys. Thanks again!

submitted by XCDAllenX
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Categories: News

S2 Episode 22 – Na Zibwen Ya (The Lion King) - The Lion King was released in 1995 and spawned a fan community all its own. Nearly 20 years later this small, but persistent group has remained an endearing set of friends, some of who have crossed this parti

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 16:42
The Lion King was released in 1995 and spawned a fan community all its own. Nearly 20 years later this small, but persistent group has remained an endearing set of friends, some of who have crossed this particular bridge into the furry community. Simba, a local fur, joins Roo and Tugs to explore the passion of the TLK community, how some come to the furry fandom through the film, and how he made the same journey. We also read your mail about your own movie connections to the furry fandom, play THE GAME, and go through our mailbag. Oh, and we laugh....just a lot.


Show Notes

Special Thanks

Retro, for the art
Marcus Noble
The Rainbow Roo
Felix Gray

Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Listener mail segment: Eskadet – Back To Kyoto ;  from the album “Solitudes” (Lemongrassmusic, 2010) - - Used under license.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Creative Commons Attributions

News Theme 1 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
News Theme 3 by Ithaca Audio Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Next episode: Furry: Lifestyle or Hobby? What do you do and why? Send us letters, emails, and voicemails! We want to know what you define as a lifestyler and if you are one or not. Do you call your hands "paws"? Does your work know you're a furry? We will explore this and more! S2 Episode 22 – Na Zibwen Ya (The Lion King) - The Lion King was released in 1995 and spawned a fan community all its own. Nearly 20 years later this small, but persistent group has remained an endearing set of friends, some of who have crossed this parti
Categories: Podcasts

Ears are tasty! - by 9aia

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 14:56
Categories: News

Saying "Yes" Can Cause More Problems than Saying "No"

Ask Papabear - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 14:54
Um, hello, Papabear... 

If it's no trouble, I need your advice. To preface my question, I have a girlfriend in real life and have a very hard time saying "no" to others. Now on to my purpose for writing, I was asked to be the mate of a friend online and I said... Yes! He seems like a very kind and loving person, but it was so sudden... Honestly, I am not sure what to do here. I fear that this new relationship is only a result of puppy love, as I have truly only met this guy recently through an art stream that he runs. Now, sorry for rambling, onto the real question. What do I do here? I mean, what if it IS puppy love, and what of my girlfriend? How can I deal with this with the least hurt feelings from either party? Honestly, all I care about is keeping the others involved from being hurt... I suppose I just need help figuring this out, and if you can help, some advice.

Thank you for your time and consideration, please help me if you can... 


* * *

Dear Lethe,

So you have a hard time saying “No.” Also, in your online form, you say you are 15 years old. The combination of the two leads me to suspect you said “Yes” to this proposal was a combination of youthful impulsiveness and your desire to please others. You really didn’t think it through, did you? I mean, did you stop and say, “Wait a minute, I already have a girlfriend” before you said yes?

I think you need to pause, take a deep breath, and think this through. Do you love your girlfriend? If so, why would you dump her for someone you just met and know very little about? On the other paw, if you don’t love your girlfriend (i.e., perhaps there is a subconscious reason why you leapt at the offer from this other person) then there is the option of dumping her and pursuing this puppy love and seeing if it develops into something special.

Either way, since I’m guessing you’re not looking for a ménage à trois, you’re going to have to let one or the other go. This will be a lesson for you to think before you act in the future because now you are going to have to hurt someone’s feelings, no matter what you do. And learn to say “No.” That is an important lesson in life that can save you and others a lot of grief; and keep in mind it is okay to say it.

Good luck,


Harlem Shake (Furry Edition)

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 13:38
Categories: News

First night together(by Pumzie)

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 11:07
Categories: News

Anybody else here really like paw hands?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 09:40
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 07:16
Categories: News

Episode 53 - What is wrong with copyright laws? Lots. We recognize the importance of copyright, and the benefit it holds for the creator and their family, but sometimes countries go too far with it, and it can take decades for a work to enter the public d

WagzTail - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 06:00

What is wrong with copyright laws? Lots. We recognize the importance of copyright, and the benefit it holds for the creator and their family, but sometimes countries go too far with it, and it can take decades for a work to enter the public domain. How many works have been lost because the copyright holder effectively killed distribution of the work? Today we talk about how the current system is broken, and how it can be fixed.

Metadata and Credits

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 53
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Direlda, Kail, Levi, Wolfin
Editor:  Wolfin
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Miranda Ward, CC BY 2.0, used with permission.

Episode 53 - What is wrong with copyright laws? Lots. We recognize the importance of copyright, and the benefit it holds for the creator and their family, but sometimes countries go too far with it, and it can take decades for a work to enter the public domain.
Categories: Podcasts

Cats with Swords

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 03:59

Sofawolf Press have announced that Caterwall, a new full-color young adult graphic novel by Spain Fischer, will be arriving this summer. Originally announced last spring, this sword & sorcery tale follows the adventures of Pax, a feline would-be adventurer. Pax is “ the orphaned son of the kingdom of Katia’s greatest knights. His family name and reputation has been tarnished, however, and Pax is to blame. When the young cat intercepts troubling news from the neighboring kingdom of the dogs, Dewshire, his warnings fall on deaf ears. Banished from Caterwall after insulting the Dewshire diplomat, Pax must decide if he will try to stop the dangerous tide approaching Caterwal l– or turn his back on the home which cast him out.” The story will be told in a series of three 100-page graphic novels. We’ll admit to some confusion regarding the web site for this project. Some promotional posters released at Further Confusion and elsewhere give the web site as, which leads you to a “Coming Soon” page with an illustration. More actual information, however, can be found at, which includes artwork and background write-ups.

image c. 2012 by Spain Fischer

Categories: News

Cheap pixel art of your fursona!

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 03:13
Categories: News

Awesome commission by KaiFennec! <3

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 02:14
Categories: News

Young dumb me got a real fur tail; what do I do with it now?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 01:37

Everyone does dumb things when they're young. We're warned about drugs and alcohol, but there's a lot of things that are pure evil that no one warns you about. I have friends that are into renaissance things, so fur and such were just normal. I'd just started getting into the furry fandom and I saw people wearing tails around. I saw a booth at a Renaissance Faire where they were selling them, and my friends said "If you want one, get one". It sure beat the feather boa I'd been using, and would be great for my neke jin cosplay and matched the tail for my furry character. I didn't really think about where it came from. I just thought, hunter/trapper, natural thing. It's like being a meat eater, you know that burger was alive once, but you don't think about it, otherwise you wouldn't be able to eat it.

So recently I just watched this video. It is NSFW NSFL and one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen, it's not like a scary movie where you can tell yourself it's all fake, it's a live animal that really suffered needlessly, still alive and looking around terrified after it's fur has been hacked off. It's something that happens every DAY. Some of them have collars. Some of them are people's PETS that are being mutilated. And I feel kind of sick now. NSFW NSFL

A lot of furries are really pro animal and vegetarian. It's kind of a contrast to other people who go to places like Furfest not in furry suits but instead fur pelts. I'm even more confused about this divide now. If we like animals, why do we do this to them? Predator and prey is one thing but... pets? You don't predator family :(

So now I have this tail in my room. It's a severed limb from some poor creature who was probably tortured the same way as the one in this video. And I feel horrible, it's my fault that something went through such horrors. If I didn't buy it, and other people didn't buy these things, these animals wouldn't be tortured. But I contributed to the pain machine. "I didn't know" doesn't un-do the torture, "sorry" doesn't give the animal it's life back. I never bought fur before or after this, you can be sure I won't ever do it again.

But the issue still remains, I have a tail in my room, an embodyment of what was done. And I don't know what I should DO with it. Giving it to someone who would enjoy it seems wrong because it's something bad that shouldn't be enjoyed. Throwing it away seems wrong too. Maybe bury it and have a little funeral? Maybe that's just weird. But maybe it's what I should do.

I'm kind of an emotional mess right now.

Edit: Yes it's a PETA video. No I'm not a PETA sponsor or anything like that, I saw the Pen and Teller Bullshit episode that reveals that they do evil too. If you haven't seen it you can easily Google it, it's a good watch. The skinning/abuse video was just a catalyst for my feelings right now, I don't really want to look for other skinning or animal abuse videos, we all know they're out there.

submitted by CalAmore
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Categories: News

Need help finding a show

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 01:11

I'm trying to find an old '03 show called "Gary the Rat" (starring Kelsey Grammer). I know it's on Amazon Prime, but I don't want to spend $25 on it. Any links/Ideas?

submitted by Corom
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Feb 2013 - 00:13
Categories: News

Double Dog Dare You

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Feb 2013 - 23:38
Categories: News