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Ep. 65 - FCN Preview - We preview FCN, what we'll be doing there, what to expect from the panels, and more! Sorry, we w...

The Dragget Show - Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 20:54
We preview FCN, what we'll be doing there, what to expect from the panels, and more! Sorry, we weren't able to get to listener questions, but join us at our live recording at FCN! we have a message board/forum! ---> Leave us an iTunes review! Check out the highlights! - Leave us feedback or a question for the next show! Ep. 65 - FCN Preview - We preview FCN, what we'll be doing there, what to expect from the panels, and more! Sorry, we w...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 65 - FCN Preview - We preview FCN, what we'll be doing there, what to expect from the panels, and more! Sorry, we w...

The Dragget Show - Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 20:54
We preview FCN, what we'll be doing there, what to expect from the panels, and more! Sorry, we weren't able to get to listener questions, but join us at our live recording at FCN! we have a message board/forum! ---> Leave us an iTunes review! Check out the highlights! - Leave us feedback or a question for the next show! Ep. 65 - FCN Preview - We preview FCN, what we'll be doing there, what to expect from the panels, and more! Sorry, we w...
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 214 - Emailaganza

Southpaws - Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 18:57
This week, Savrin, Shiva, and Fuzz are back in action with a load of emails! Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 214 - Emailaganza
Categories: Podcasts

Transgender Furry Wonders If He Should Go through Surgery

Ask Papabear - Tue 9 Apr 2013 - 10:41
Dear Papabear,

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I recently came upon your column and find what you do here to be fascinating and of great aid to people like myself. That is why I would like your opinion about something important to me.

I am a closet MtF Trangender. I've confided this fact only to only those I really trust. I've been struggling with self identity as a result of this. I've known as I truly a woman since I was about 9 years old. Once, during my teen years, I made the mistake of confiding that information to a psychologist, which unfortunately resulted in my parents learning about it. It did not go over well.

I find it difficult to find balance in my life, knowing that I am essentially forced to live what feels like a stranger's life because I cannot live my own. I know that I have a need that is going unfulfilled and it is the direct result of my gender identity. It is painful to know people only see me as a man when I wish they would see beneath the skin to the woman underneath.

For me, undergoing gender reassignment wouldn't be enough. In some cases, it would be worse. The general public doesn't think fondly of transgendered folks such as myself and the furry fandom isn't that far dissimilar. I long to someday be a true woman, but it leaves me at a major impasse emotionally.

How do I cope with this?

Thank you for all you do, Papabear.


* * *

Hi, Starlight,

That’s a lovely name. Although it's upsetting that the psychologist told your parents, I would seriously be surprised if they didn’t know or at least suspect their son was having gender identity issues. Most children don’t think their parents know, but I’d bet $100 that at least your mother knew, if not both parents.

Papabear understands the transgender issue, and I hope my readers do, too. This is a very real condition in which a person feels that his or her physical body does not match up with how he or she feels on the inside. In a way, I think a number of furries feel like they are animal spirits trapped in human form. I feel like this often. Unfortunately for me, I cannot get a humanectomy followed by an ursine transplant. Fortunately for you, Starlight, you can do something about it if you want to.

I understand, too, your reticence to get surgery or hormone therapy, even though it has improved tremendously over the years and has become remarkably effective. You are worried about rejection by society and your family. That is a real possibility. The alternative, though, is to remain painfully unhappy and disoriented in a body that doesn’t match who you are.

This bear is unqualified to help you through that process, so I would like too recommend a website to you that offers resources that could help: PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)  at helps not only homosexuals but also transgender people ( and offers resources that can help. There are chapters around the country and, hopefully, one near you.

Sometimes it takes courage to find happiness, and the path ahead of you will take courage, indeed, to walk upon. The way you cope with it is by finding people who understand and support you and can be there for you when you need them—and, when you are strong enough, you will be able to return the favor.

Gather that support group around you and even if you stumble down the road you will be able to navigate it to your destiny.

I wish you luck,


What not to do at furry conventions.

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 23:25
Categories: News

We've been expecting you...

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 23:01
Categories: News

One Very Thin Rabbit

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 22:47

Flat Bonnie is called that because she’s, well, flat. And a bunny. She’s the lead character of a line of hand-made plushie animals, put together by a group of humans with a very specific agenda: Bringing attention to the number of real-live rabbits living in animal shelters and looking to be adopted by loving families. Flat Bonnie and Friends introduced several new designs at WonderCon this year, and you can see them (and more) at their web site, Through the month of April, 10% of all sales will be donated to the Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation.

image c. 2013 Flat Bonnie & Friends

Categories: News

A Couple of Canines

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 22:00
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FurAffinity Leaks

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 21:00
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Look at dis! Just started :3

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 20:33
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The Captain Bonk Doodle in Paint

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 18:37
Categories: News

My sex life just got WAY better...

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 17:19
Categories: News

Double Dragon Dating Danger?

Ask Papabear - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 16:58
Hello Papa,

I am just getting into the furry community (like SoFurry) and I met a Dragon. I like him and it seems that he likes me too. But before that I met another Dragon. And I don't know if he still likes me.

What should I do?

Thanks in advice,


* * *

Dear Dean,

Thanks for your letter. Well, you don't tell me much about either dragon, so I'm just winging it here. First of all, at your age (18), it is okay to date more than one person as long as you aren't telling any of them that you are being exclusive. So, if you like, date both of them. After you get to know them better, you'll gradually figure out which one is the better choice for you ... or it could even be that neither one is and you find someone else entirely. 

It is extremely rare for someone to fall in love with a "soul mate" as a teenager, finding exactly the right person, and spending the rest of their days together until they die. That's what happens in a Disney movie, not real life (in general, there are extremely rare occasions where it can happen, so no letters about that, please, thanks).

Even if you do fall in love and the other person falls in love with you and you go all the way to the Chapel of Love, chances are 50% or better you will eventually separate and find someone else.

So don't stress about it. This is a time in your life when you are getting to know love and relationships. During this time, you probably will find love, lose love, and find it again. Always treat the other person with respect and kindness, and see where it goes. Part of the adventure is not knowing. Relax and enjoy the ride. 


How to dance to dubstep (fixed)

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 16:50
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 21

TigerTails Radio - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 16:35
TigerTails Radio Season 7 Episode 21
Ever had one of those days where nothing works, no matter how hard you try to fix things? That's what was going on in the moments before the show went to air this week. The problems started with Felis forgetting his microphone and ending up on Xavier's normal mic, before going downhill from there. The end result was Xavier being in control of the jingles and sound effects after some very quick rewiring from TK to get things sorted. Once we'd got to air, the rest of the show went reasonably well. Xavier talked about his illness due to food poisoning during the week, which lead to some TMI moments, and TK offering some useful advice to all those who may suffer from gut problems in the future. The start of the Gaming News was also hijacked by some real world news, as the cast talked about the passing of former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7. From: TigerTails Radio Views: 0 3 ratings Time: 02:14:30 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

Your Favourite Furry Musicians!

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Apr 2013 - 16:09

Hey all! I've been doing a podcast about the music made by furs since November (19th episode coming this Friday) and have featured over 30 furry musicians so far, but I'd love to hear recommendations for great unknowns or under appreciated artists! Link me your faves.

Note: I've been pointed to the big names - Foxamoore, Renard, Colson etc. - so the more obscure the better!

submitted by Roogoyle
[link] [25 comments]
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