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Professor Torrin by Shibara

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 21:37
Categories: News

Looking for an artist.

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 17:41

I'm looking for the artist of the musician LapFox. He is amazing at making music and has extremely good art covers. Here is a link to his music:

submitted by DJ_Soarin_BRONY
[link] [1 comment]
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Review: ‘Sale Bête’, by Maïa Mazaurette and Jean-Paul Krassinsky

Furry News Network - Wed 15 May 2013 - 17:38
Author: Fred I thank Lex Nakashima again for ordering these books from and loaning them to me. Hmmm. Well, you certainly gain a vocabulary of current French slang from reading this series. Ordi = PC. Les etrons = turds. La clope = cigarette. L’enfoire = bastard. Catin = whore. Lolcat = Sorry; that one’s [...]
Categories: News

Showing off your ‘fursona’ on campus

Furries In The Media - Wed 15 May 2013 - 10:20

Here is an article from May 14, in the online version of the Coast Report, the student newspaper of Orange Coast College in Orange County, California.

The article describes the Orange Coast College Furry Club, with a brief description of the fandom by campus furry Alex "Ace" Nobles.

Maybe you’ve seen them in the cafeteria.

Maybe you’ve wondered a bit about the furry tail.

Maybe you’ve even been just a little curious about what that silver fox tail actually means.

Well, here’s the answer.

The students with tails attached are part of the Orange Coast College Furry Club and with about a dozen club members, the club’s main focus is about honoring anthropomorphic animals with human features.

“Each person chooses their own species, expressing their own character called a fursona, which is the presentation of oneself or the qualities admired in other artists,” club member Alex Nobles, 19, a music major said.

People are furries in different ways — some see it simply as art while others walk around in fur suits. Or, some wear a tail while others just participate in club meetings, Nobles said.

It started with a guy sitting in a booth and has grown to an actual club.

Nobles’ persona is Ace because he wears an ace of hearts in his hat as a good luck charm that he carries with him, he said. He wears a silver fox tail representing his fursona.

The Furry Club meets from 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. on Mondays in Social Science room 104 and members said they talk about news, anything interesting, any new characters in movies and upcoming conventions.

The club is a self-supporting and most members are males.

Nobles said most of the time he doesn’t get negative feedback for being a furry and for the most part people are just curious about why he wears it.

“As long as you are not obnoxious and weird, people don’t seem to mind,” Nobles said.
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Moon Moon: The Game

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 09:47
Categories: News

Artist Ruaidri drawing over 100 faces

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 06:37
Categories: News

I want you

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 03:30
Categories: News

This Is What We've Built

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 00:49
Categories: News

This is a blend of thoughts but oh what the hell. Somethin funny i thought up

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 May 2013 - 00:38

Next time someone asks you why you are wearing a fursuit simply say "No one cared who i was until i put on the suit" [6]

submitted by Greynois
[link] [5 comments]
Categories: News

SWTOR Update Adds Feline Cathar as Playable Race

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 14 May 2013 - 23:45

swkotor cathar

Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 2.1 released today, featuring updates to the customization options in the game. Of these options, one is of very special interest to us furry gamers. The Cathar, the cat-like race from the planet of the same name, are now selectable as a race option from the Cartel Market.

Here's a little background on the highly-respected Cathar, from Wookieepedia:

"The Cathar were a species of feline, bipedal humanoids native to Cathar, a planet of savannas and rough uplands. They were known for their loyalty, passion, and temper. Quick and powerful, they were considered great warriors and dedicated, efficient predators. Cathar had high moral values, learned from both family and society. Their females were prized as slaves, whereas the males were generally regarded as too uncontrollable for slavery."

Go check out all of the other details about the update here.

Thanks to Jinxorskii for the tip!

Categories: News

Kumori Returns with another Dream Related to His First Dream

Ask Papabear - Tue 14 May 2013 - 23:43

I asked you once before about a dream I had and you gave some interesting responses. I had another dream recently and I want to see what you think

I wasn't in my body in the dream, and I could see myself and my dad. For some strange reason we saw a robbery happening; my dad borrowed a gun from someone who said it was a fake. and he shot the robber. A cop nearby said he was under arrest for using the gun, and my dad said, "It's a fake, look." He aimed it at my head and shot me, 4 times, and after he was arrested, he wasn't even upset that he had killed me.

That is the dream, does it mean anything? And if it helps at all, my dad and I have never gotten along well.


* * *

Hello, again, Kumori,

Yes, that last bit of information is rather key, indeed.  Clearly, your father shooting you several times and not regretting it is illustrative of what you think he feels about you. Now, you’ll recall as well that your last dream that you shared ( also involved someone being shot. That time, it was another furry and not you. Also, in that dream, the key numbers were 1, 2, 3, and 5. Notice which one is missing: 4, which is the number of gunshots in this latest dream.

In your first dream, the gunshot was a call to action, to do something for furries, in this case. In this dream, you are a victim, BUT, interestingly, you are observing yourself from outside the scene, and while you are being harmed by your father, it is happening at a distance and you are not, in fact, ACTUALLY being harmed. Now, while the fact that you see yourself being shot reveals a sense of vulnerability, the second fact that you are watching your father’s actions against you and you are not being harmed represents a position of strength. In other words, your father may try to harm you but he can’t actually hurt you, because, get this, his actions are fake to you, like the gun.

The number 4 is a number of strength, and also indicative that you are “looking from outside the box” (four sides), which parallels the fact that you are observing actions from the outside in your dream.

The number 4 is completing your sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 that was begun in the earlier dream. The dreams are indicating your emergence from a violent, unpleasant situation by becoming goal oriented and emerging victorious over a situation in which your father can no longer harm you (and the fact that he kills the robber shows that he IS a threat, but you can overcome this real threat—the robber’s death analogous to the furry’s death in the first dream, too).

So, although this dream at first seems disturbing and violent, it is actually a positive, life affirming dream for you in the end.

Hope that helps,


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Furry Reddit - Tue 14 May 2013 - 22:20
Categories: News