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Don't Let Yourself Get Stuck in the Middle of Two Friends' Fight

Ask Papabear - Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 11:54
Dear Papa Bear,

I admit, I'm not used to admitting I need help with problems, but this one is really cutting me down.... Yo because I'm really nice and caring, or try to be, and I'm a good roleplayer.. The problem is with two of my furry family members: my dad, Macintosh, and my adoptive son, Jay. (I changed their names a bit. Poorly, but I did.)  My son knew my dad before he met me, and they did something horrible to each other. My son is willing to forgive my dad for the argument he started over a misconception. But Mac is very mad at him, and he gave me an ultimatum: Choose between my son or my furry dad and brothers. This is a tough decision for me. Really tough. I need some help. Please tell me what you think....


* * *

Hi, Kyoto,

First off, it is extremely unfair for Mac to put you in this position. He’s doing so to gain you as an ally and “win” his fight against Jay. For a “dad” he is acting very immaturely. Secondly, according to your letter, this shouldn’t even be a real issue between Mac and Jay because it is all based upon a “misconception,” not an actual wrong done by one to the other.

If Mac doesn’t already comprehend this, you should explain to him that he is angry about nothing and should calm down. If he refuses, then the wise thing to say is something along these lines: “You know I love and care about you both, Mac, but don’t put this on me. I refuse to take sides and validate your anger. If you hate Jay and then hate me for not hating Jay, then YOU are making that choice, not me. I refuse to be sucked into your misguided attempt at emotional extortion. I hope you will change your mind.”

Make this about Mac’s decision. It is not your decision.



Commish from Vallhund :3

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 06:56
Categories: News

Episode 82 – Designing a Fursona - What's your fursona? If you've been in the fandom for a while you could probably list off most every detail of the character you designed.

WagzTail - Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 06:00

What’s your fursona? If you’ve been in the fandom for a while you could probably list off most every detail of the character you designed. But what if you’re new and don’t have a fursona to represent yourself? Do you even need one? Where do you start? Those questions (and some more!) get answered in this episode.

After you’re done listening, why not tell us what your fursona’s history is in the comment field down below, we love hearing from you!

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 82
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Direlda, Levi, Spenser, Wolfin
Editor: Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 26:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to miriam wickett, used with permission. Episode 82 – Designing a Fursona - What's your fursona? If you've been in the fandom for a while you could probably list off most every detail of the character you designed.
Categories: Podcasts

Help me with a small survey, and get a chance at some free art! :D

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 03:30

Hey everyone! I'm a fulltime freelance artist who wants to streamline some of my business practices, and I need your help! I made a survey to get some general feedback from the community; it's only 8 questions long and should take 5 minutes max, and if you fill it out and enter your e-mail address you'll get a chance at some free art! :D

There are no requirements what-so-ever! Besides existing, that is. I'm asking about your GENERAL commission experience with any artist you've ever worked with, and even if you've never commissioned anyone you can still fill out the form with what you'd expect you'd do in those particular situations. It's also completely anonymous! So there really is no reason not to fill it out. :)

Survey here:

And, of course, here is my FA so you can see if free art from me is something you're interested in:

At the end of the month I'm going to pick someone via random number generator and they will get a free artistic freedom commission, no strings attached. :) (Well, besides filling out the form that is.) XD Please feel free to tell your friends! All of this will go to helping me become a better artist for all of you, and I even plan on sharing the results of the multiple choice sections so that everyone can benefit. :)

Thank you guys, and good luck! Let me know if you have any questions or if I can improve the survey in any way. :)

submitted by Wooperlooper
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Categories: News

How can I make a good fursona?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 02:45

I have wanted to make one for quite some time now. The thing is I can't quite decide which animal to choose. I want to make one that really symbolizes me but I just can't decide. Could I get some help?

submitted by uzzeee
[link] [16 comments]
Categories: News

What the?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 01:36
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 223 – Followup Friday

Furry News Network - Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:37
Author: E-Mail Hidden This week on Knotcast, Fuzz, Savrin, and Shiva follow up on emails from last week. We get some basketball education, roll a d20 for trap crafting, and theres a heated discussion about communication between partners! Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great deal! Episode 223 – Followup Friday (AAC; [...] KnotCast: Episode 223 – Followup Friday
Categories: News

Friend needs more love for his art.

Furry Reddit - Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 17:37
Categories: News

Do you guys/gals like the pornography?

Furry Reddit - Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 17:34

So, there obviously is an elephant in this room.

Opinions, ideas, work you made yourself for science ?

Also, this is a throwaway. Nobody can know I'm a furry, at least not where I live right now. (too weird for the neighbors, I suppose)

On the subject of porn, do any of you connoisseurs have any idea where I can find a certain work?

Please dont judge me I deserve this.

Also, je suis un chien.

submitted by Help_Me_Find_Porn
[link] [23 comments]
Categories: News

I'm a raccoon

Furry Reddit - Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 15:20
Categories: News

An inquiry about roleplay...

Furry Reddit - Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 13:57

I've been a part of the fandom for a number of years now, but in all my time I honestly cannot say I do not understand the attraction of roleplay. Text-based roleplay to be more precise. Whether casual, sexual, 'story driven', or otherwise, I just don't get it. What is so amazingly tantalizing about it that nearly every fur does it? I understand that the fandom sometimes works as an outlet for a lot more childish behavior (as well as sexual fantasies), but aside from babyfurs and the sort, I've always seen roleplay as one of the most juvenile parts of the fandom. Not only that, but it seems to also be one of the biggest ways for a lot of furries to get their rocks off. So what is it that I'm missing?

submitted by PeppermintButthole
[link] [16 comments]
Categories: News

Adding Structure to Life

[adjective][species] - Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 13:00

Every now and then, it’s important to take a step back and gain a little bit of perspective. It sounds cliché, of course, and there are a lot of people in my life I can imagine scoffing at the type of post I’m about to write, if not that very phrase itself. In fact, there are plenty of other posts that I have in the docket, but they can wait for another time, and I hope you’ll begrudge me a fluff post while I gain my perspective.  Also, a trigger warning for some brief but frank discussion of suicide, and excessively sentimental foxes.

There’s a lot that can be said about emotion. Hell, there’s a lot that has been said about emotion; so much so that there is only the most minuscule of portions that bear repeating. If there is one thing worth noting, though, it’s the intensely dire sensation each of our own emotions carry to us. They press against us and burden us with incredible weight, and even though there’s a lot of really flowery prose one could write about just how much our emotions impress on us, it really just boils down to the fact that an entire portion of our brain is focused on feeling things at all times, almost without rest. This dire aspect makes it quite difficult to accept commiseration, to comprehend that many of us try to understand those around us be way of relating their experiences to our own. To hear someone say that “what you’re feeling is just like when I felt something exactly like it!” Or “that’s something that everyone goes through.” To hear that this burden isn’t yours and is hardly unique is not a comfortable thing to hear, no matter how true.

I go through bouts of depression about once every six or seven months that last for about a month. I freely admit that this is hardly uncommon. Freely because I’m actually feeling really good right now, and have been for a bit. I can remember the urgency and importance of the way I felt, even when it’s not something that’s pressing on me right now, as it was then. This difference is sometimes a vague feeling: like, “yeah, feeling good is different than feeling bad”. Sometimes it’s a very concrete sensation, such as now being able to tolerate heights as something that’s merely scary, and not “oh God am I going to jump!?”.

Being able to take a step back, no matter the cliché, is the sort of helpful thing that lets me see and understand what exactly is going on, and, understanding, helps provide me with a path forward. Not a solution, of course, just a path. I don’t do meds; I have a deep-seated paranoia of that attempt at a solution despite seeing them work wonders for someone very close to me. Their reason for taking them is very situational by their own admission: given a very nearly unsolvable problem and no time to work on it, one takes what space one can in order to move forward.

That’s what the step back grants me. Even though the source of my own overwhelming emotions is something decidedly innate, something more biological, the space gives me the room to take that into account. If, for example, I give myself the room to understand that those feelings of hopelessness and dread that seem to be stemming from work are more just the handicapped sense of self involved in depression, then I can more easily make the choices I need to stay healthy.

This is really new to me, honestly, and thus my fascination. I started to understand it last year in October and November when I was going though a similar period, but it occurred alongside a work trip to Copenhagen that left me no room for myself. Heathrow’s terminal 5, with it’s glass-walled balconies and walkways, and the hotel’s looming 15 degree tilt made me frankly fear for my life. The previous March saw an attempt at suicide, and the very limited amount of space I (figuratively) had to step back into was hardly enough in November for me to work with this problem constructively, and it took getting kicked back by the motor tic in my neck coming back after an absence halfway through the trip and forcing me to slow down to understand just what this space meant to me.

April and May were much different. Things started to go pear shaped in mid-April, and, though the tic had once again left, I knew right away what I had to do. I slowed my velocity at work (with my boss’s blessing), held off on writing any articles, and took the space I needed to stay healthy. There was another work trip on the middle of this, but it was out in California, where, even though I was still working my tail off during the day, I had more of a support network than Copenhagen had to offer outside of work hours. While things got their worst after that trip, I still had my space, and so everything was different. The aching pressure in my chest was far less than before, along with the sense of dread and suicidal ideation. Things were off, but as long as I could take that step back, they hovered a notch or two above ‘bad’.

That’s a lot of words, and not one of them was ‘furry’, ‘subculture’, or ‘fox-person’. For those of you still reading, I appreciate your tenacity, because honestly, it’s this furry subculture, this ability to be a fox-person among friends that provides the framework I need to remain grounded while taking these countless steps back, lest I just withdraw completely into myself.

Toward the end of the summer of last year, it was JM who IMed me to ask how I was doing. My emotions were coming through in my articles, he said: I was on point when I was happy and maudlin when I wasn’t (I know this is basically the most maudlin thing I’ve ever written, but stick with me here). I took time off then to gain some space and work on improving things, but having this framework kept me from zooming off to far into the distance. Most poignantly, it was the death of my friend, Margaras, that helped prove the worth of maintaining the ties I had with those in my social circle, furries all.

The fandom as a subculture plays a very unique role in or lives, I’ve noticed, in that it provides a sort of skeleton that we can use to help give our lives their structure. I found myself discussing this with two LDS (that is, Mormon) missionaries who stopped by the other day, when I asked them how their faith fit into their lives in terms of identity; I was raised by two staunch atheists, I didn’t experience religion as a community until a brief stint attending a Unitarian Universalist church in my early twenties. Their conversation lead to the topic of chosen family, that closest of social circles. They said that their growth out into the world had structure, pacing, and direction that they felt would have been missing without the framework of their church.

I said at the time that I agreed with them: having that missing from my life led to the described lack of direction in my own growth.  My time in the dorms was a stark example of that. However, in light of these last two months, and all that I’ve learned over the last year and a half, I’m not sure that I had told the truth. Furry is lacking a lot of things that make a church, and so yes, my growth within the fandom was hardly predictable; no mission for me. But that said, it was still just that: growth within the fandom. I have this framework in my life to add meaning and direction. That’s what kept me and so many others going after Margaras’ death, what got me through last march and the end of the year, even what helped me during this last sprint. I still had structure, even if I didn’t feel well. Something to hold me up and keep me from deflating completely.

A few weeks ago, I tried to explain some of these thoughts in the form of a small experiential game, a little bit of interaction intended to convey a point, called A Full Life. In it, your goal is to make the fullest life you can, even when there are things standing in your way preventing you from feeling fulfilled, your sense of ‘full’ handicapped. I think that these frameworks – the church for those missionaries I’d talked to, furry for me, and countless others – help us out. They don’t necessarily solve problems (and may often cause them), but they help keep that handicapped sense of self from constricting too small and squeezing out everything that’s good in life.

So. Apologies for the wash of an article, and thank you if you’ve made it this far, but do me a real big favor: sometimes, when you’ve got a bit of time, think about the ways this fandom is meaningful to you. Think about the ways you must be meaningful to those around you. Maybe take a moment to talk about it with someone, or if not, at least just appreciate it. I know I do.