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a message to the gamers.

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 21:26

so me being a pc gamer i wanted to know if there was anyone other furries out there that would be interested in playing some games with me! as well as create some more furry friends considering i dont have much. i mainly play league of legends at the moment but i also have games like left 4 dead 2, terraria, minecraft and others as well so pm me if you want my skype to play!

submitted by kennyspace2
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Categories: News

Just finished this new yarn tail :D

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 18:10
Categories: News

Help get the word out? Helping a friend-fur get on his feet.

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 16:56

Hello everyone! I figured an updated post was due from my previous post:

My friend Alex, who lives in Pennsylvania, is getting kicked out of his house on the June 24th. He doesn't have a place to live afterwards, and his family doesn't have room for him to stay with them. He's looked at his options and we were at a loss of what to do. His ID has expired, he doesn't drive, and no longer has his job. Hearing this I offered my home to him. Its the least I could do for everything he has helped me with in the past.

I told him I had looked around town and found an affordable place to stay. I had talked to the landlord and she said she would try to work something out for him and us as well. Shes offering us a townhouse for very reasonable rent! $380 per. On top of that a few of my friends in town have manager positions and said they would get him a job. Things are starting to fall in place it looks like, its just getting him and his things to my house for the first month.

So we're needing money if anyone is able to be so generous, to help cover the cost of getting Alex to my house. It would help cover the next month to help pay for his food, cost of getting his things down here and the deposit on the townhouse. He will be living with me until he gets a job in town and gets the lease signed.

Anyone willing to help I would be forever grateful and would be more then happy to pay it forward to another soul in need once we both get on our feet again. I can't offer too much in return but I am offering custom pieces of artwork for people who donate to our cause.

Please help spread the word if you can! Thank you

submitted by toxicxrequiem
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Categories: News

What's the best was to go about selling a tail?

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 15:37

I have a sewtail I made a while back that is pretty long and black and blue striped with one elastic belt strap... what would be the best way to go about selling it, because I don't use it?

submitted by HarmonyHeartstrings
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Categories: News

Curious about furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 14:52

Hey there.

First off. I'm not even sure I'm posting this in the right subreddit. The thing is, my wife and I have been playing around with the thought of animal costumes. We both find them incredibly sexy and are trying to find sites that are on this topic. However, we can't seem to find a name for this fetish, but figured - which our limited knowledge on the subject - that it might be a sub-fetish to furry. I'm sorry if we've offended anyone with this however.

None of us is into full body costumes, but a mixture of animal costumes and human traits like the pictures I've posted in the gallery below. Does anyone have a clue and can point us in the right direction to what this niche may be called?

Costumes (NSFW)

submitted by INTRUD3R_4L3RT
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Categories: News

An Argument for Non-Conformity

[adjective][species] - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 13:00

Okay, so the title is a bit grandiose.

I want to address some of the ideas that JM’s previous article brought up for me. It’s a magnificent read about the ways in which the mainstream can benefit those who participate, touching on privilege, presentation, and what we do in private. JM and I seem to come to a firm agreement that his articles are the more immediately applicable, whereas I’m busy navel-gazing; furry does not occur in a vacuum, though, so perhaps I ought to talk some more about the wider social implications of furry.

As with anything that can be simply negated by adding ‘non-’ or ‘ab-’ (you know, like Abby-Normal), there are two sides to the coin, and more often than not, the interaction between the two is hardly a simple binary, often involving friction, and sometimes quite a lot at that.

As many readers can attest, there has been a wave of “be yourself” propaganda pushed on children and young adults in America over the last thirty or so years, appeals to the sense of non-conformity that each of us carries within us to some extent. Much of this, of course, was awful, saccharine filler that served no purpose other than to make someone money, and blanket non-conformity is hardly something I’d advise someone to undertake. However, just as in the rest of the world, furry has something to benefit from careful application of non-conformity.

Non-conformity and subculture have mixed for a long, long time. Anyone who has been part of the goth scene, or the punk scene before it, or the rock scene before that, or the jazz scene before that, knows this. These are, of course, examples that take the idea of non-conformity and spread it throughout the very interest that brings them together, turning it into something of a fandom itself. Even beyond the idea of fandom, though, non-conformity and its close cousin, transgression (an act that goes beyond generally accepted boundaries), have served groups within society as long as there has been society; one need only look to the history of early Christianity to see that. Non-conformity and transgression are hardly artifacts of modern western society.

There are, in fact, a lot of things about furry that can be seen as transgressive, both within and outside of the fandom. Some minor transgressions, acts that take place outside accepted boundaries, are seen as core ore close to our subculture in many instances: street-fursuiting, a propensity for collecting stuffed animals, or even hanging tasteful furry art in the home or office (these two pieces grace our walls right in the entryway, along with a ton of pictures of our dogs) are just a few ways in which we can step into furry space in a non-furry context, even if only a little bit. Minor transgressions, to be sure, but it’s easy to see the roots of transgressive behavior within our fandom. What could be more non-conforming than not conforming to the generally accepted species, after all?

This is, I believe, part of the reason for the relatively accepting nature of furry as well. A group which is, in a way, transgressive at its core is often a safe space for those with a stake in otherwise transgressive behavior. This is more than just “falling in with a bad crowd” – after all, we’re not that bad, are we? Rather, this goes along with the idea of finding a safe space for oneself. A safe space is, in some ways, a space in which one can engage in either transgressive behavior or discuss, think about, or otherwise wax metatextual without fear or repercussion, or at least in the hopes that that’s the case. This is the purpose of the safe-space signs in schools, which serve this purpose in a subtler way, after all: in a place where acknowledging LGBT issues positively might be seen as a transgression, or at least a form of non-conformity, these signs show that the educator is attempting to create a place free of that association.

When it comes down to it, the ideas of non-conformity and transgression serve an important role to minority identities. As this article bluntly puts it:

Queerness is not just about whom or how you fuck. It is also about not being part of that mainstream culture, about being decidedly against that mainstream culture. It is about disruption. It is about putting things at risk.

Of course, both that quote and my own words are incautious: minority identity, and in this example, queerness, are generalizations used to described trends in identity shared within a social group. I know there are several individuals who would disagree. I have my own hesitancy, here. There is an uncomfortable stage for some in the reclamation of a word where it still carries some of its old connotation before the new one has gained general acceptance. “Queer” is in that space for me, because it still has its connotation of “weirdness”, it still denotes transgression. I’ll hasten to add, though, that this is an ongoing process, within myself even as it is within society at large. The word “straight”, after all, has been largely accepted to simply imply heterosexuality, despite its prior connotations of “going straight”, where homosexuality was seen as crooked or deviant (which has been notably lamp-shaded by the movie Bent).

However, I think that the word “queer”, and others like it, are important in the sense that this sort of non-conformity is vital to identity. When it comes to arguing identity (that is, discussing the point with the goal of changing minds, not necessarily having shouting arguments – though sometimes that too), it is advantageous for the argument to be cast in one’s own terms. When the argument from a minority is cast in the terms of the majority, the minority often only receives relatively small concessions, rather than recognition. Transgressive language and non-conformity help to recast the argument so that there is a greater likelihood of one’s point being made forcefully.*

While conformity is generally the province of the majority, non-conformity is hardly detrimental to it. The culture of the majority is a static behemoth, whose only purpose is to remain precisely where it is, as it is. This is all well and good for those within the culture who benefit from that stasis, but this isn’t the case for everyone, and often isn’t even the case for the actual by-the-numbers majority of individuals wrapped up in society. Minority culture and identity, subversive and transgressive, have the job of pushing the majority culture forward in such a way as to improve life for more and more of those in society, attempting to break that stasis to benefit those involved with their culture and identity. A lot of social progress that humanity can claim comes from this tension and friction; the majority promises safety, the minority promises progress. Both have a purpose.

So, let’s tie this back to furry and the idea of conformity.

When it comes to JM’s article, I really must stress that I whole-heartedly agree with it. There is a lot to be gained in terms of safety by conforming to the majority. One furthers one’s standing within that culture by not, say, wearing a collar to one’s interview. This helps in terms of personal progress: a better job, perhaps a greater amount of respect from those around you, and yes, even the possibility of using that progress towards one’s goals within the fandom (EF2015 sounds like a good idea – JD’s been talking about it for a while now).

Non-conformity is nothing to feel bad about, however. Neither is conformity! Both have their purpose in our lives, and every single one of us expresses both in some way or another at different times and in different aspects of our social interaction for our own reasons. Even furry. Transgressive acts such as street-fursuiting, publicly visible gatherings such as conventions, and even talking about furry from a critical theory standpoint on a publicly visible website have helped to legitimize furry as an identity, a membership, a subculture. Conformity, on the other hand, helps many the individual members of furry to keep things moving forward by benefiting from what the majority has to offer to those who go along with it.

* Note that this is a very reductive view on critical- and queer-theory, topics very much worthy of their own post(s). I have to get to the point somehow, though! If this sort of thing is interesting to you, I highly suggest prowling around more: there’s a ton out there.

Ep. 72 - Animal Crossing & Ghost Holes - Great ep! Xander tries to explain Animal Crossing to Alkali, Xander tries to do a proper segway, ...

The Dragget Show - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 11:16
Great ep! Xander tries to explain Animal Crossing to Alkali, Xander tries to do a proper segway, listener questions are answered, and Alkali describes his disturbing plans for his tattoos. BTW, don't forget you can preregister for our con, F Squared! If you do so, we greatly appreciate it! Also, Xander threw up the trailer made for the con on YouTube, as well as a summary of the Microsoft Press Conference at E3. Be sure to check them out! Ep. 72 - Animal Crossing & Ghost Holes - Great ep! Xander tries to explain Animal Crossing to Alkali, Xander tries to do a proper segway, ...
Categories: Podcasts

Ep. 72 - Animal Crossing & Ghost Holes - Great ep! Xander tries to explain Animal Crossing to Alkali, Xander tries to do a proper segway, ...

The Dragget Show - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 11:16
Great ep! Xander tries to explain Animal Crossing to Alkali, Xander tries to do a proper segway, listener questions are answered, and Alkali describes his disturbing plans for his tattoos. BTW, don't forget you can preregister for our con, F Squared! If you do so, we greatly appreciate it! Also, Xander threw up the trailer made for the con on YouTube, as well as a summary of the Microsoft Press Conference at E3. Be sure to check them out! Ep. 72 - Animal Crossing & Ghost Holes - Great ep! Xander tries to explain Animal Crossing to Alkali, Xander tries to do a proper segway, ...
Categories: Podcasts

Not sure if this is where to go...

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 09:17

...but can you guys help?

My boyfriend is big on furry porn. He's got ~400 MB of pictures saved on his hd.

Contrarywise, I find furry porn to be... well, not something I'd go out of my way to look for. There's a certain spot in which it becomes borderline disgusting to me, but anything before that spot is fine.

Here's some examples of what I can and can't do. Taken from his folders at random places.

Cute sfw

Cute sfw

Tolerable nsfw

Not Cute semi-nsfw

Too Much nsfw

Cute nsfw

I want to be able to, if not roleplay this, at least understand why he finds this attractive and hopefully become closer to him. Any chance you fellas can help me out?

submitted by Dead_NOTsleeping
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Categories: News

Want to design a fursona, but I have no idea where to start.

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 08:38

I have been trying to design a Fursona for a while now, but I really dont know what I want my Fursona to look like.

All I have is 3 things.

  • Name: Winter (Insert some second name here, that I cant think of)

  • Species: Cat (Housecat probably)

  • Colour: Light Grey. Maybe some bits of pale blue and green.

Thats all I have really. Is that enough? (Also, I dont even know what Winter would look like.)

submitted by Winter_S
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Categories: News

Do want. (Shameless nab from /r/WTF)

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 04:42
Categories: News

Geekidog! by Lexipup

Furry Reddit - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 04:16
Categories: News

Episode 86 – Jobs! - Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds! Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Wed 19 Jun 2013 - 01:27

Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds!

Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that’s quite alright! We do not mind in the slightest! We are here to help! We had to record this one a day early due to a scheduling conflict that popped up near the last minute. Our next show should be back on track.

Discussion today starts with Kyo getting a partial fursuit made, specifically the head! Can’t wait to see the finished product! Next we move on to Isty and his tales of automobile air conditioning repair, as well as E3, and some frustration at work due to having to put up with his own noob! Next, Smokey talks about a book he’s geeking out over, “Ready Player One”. It’s the sort of thing us furries would really love! Go give it a read! Halfwit then takes us into the labyrinthine mire that is the federal government by discussing “Prism” and just what it is. You may not like what you hear! Tell your congressman or state representative what you think! But make sure you read up on it and have a properly developed opinion first!

When we get on to emails, we have quite a few!

First up is Legionbunny discussing coming out to someone he grew up in foster care with, someone who he considers a brother. He writes in again later offering another little detail on that, as well as asking if he’s letting his self-esteem issues prevent him from listening to and trusting his friends when they compliment him.

Tigbun talks about possibly moving down to Austin (depending on a few circumstances). We wish him and his wife the best of luck! Keep us updated!

Stratosfear Tully provides some MARVELOUS tips on how to advance a job towards being a career! Fantastic advice from a long-time listener!

Koakai tells us of how he dealt with a job he was rather unhappy with, how a life-changing event in his family gave him new perspective. The entire cast believes it was a healthy reaction and we wish him and his family only the best during this trying time.

Next comes a followup email to one we had read on a previous show. Dente discusses his job situation and requests help in what his course of action should be. We offer what advice we can with what limited information we are provided with, but would welcome more details!

Lone Tiggs provides an account of how he was burned by a good friend, possibly not at all intentionally. He wished for advice on how to approach this and we did our best to help him out. Further assistance can be provided, just reach out and talk to us buddy, even if its on an individual basis between shows.

Ryo reveals details about a job he once had, the horrors such conditions (or at least the commute alone) turned out to be. He also goes a little brony all over us but Kyo refrained from murdering anyone.

Finally, Tygepc provides us with news regarding a growing trend: certain cities have begun banning tipping wait staff in favor of the restaurant owners paying them full wages. Do you think this is a good idea? Write in and tell us why or why not!

Next show will be about money! So you’ve earned some, what now? Do you need help managing it? Do you have advice for those who are having trouble or just starting out? While we’re not professional financial advisers, we can at least give you a few simple tips, get you pointed in the right direction. Write in!

As mentioned above, our next show should be back to our normal recording schedule. And as always, if you have questions or stories to share that aren’t on topic, don’t hesitate to send them in! We love hearing from you!

Missing Oklahoma furry, Darraby
Missing after dropping someone off at the airport, his car was found in Oregon. If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities. Details within link. Redistribute where you can, please.

How to Deal With the Media
Our experienced media guru, Isty, lays out a few details when dealing with the media, or perhaps how to not have to deal with the media depending on your approach. Take it to heart, it could come in handy one day.

To This Day – By Shane Koyczan
Shane performing at the TED Talks
This is a POWERFUL spoken word poem about being bullied and dealing with childhood trauma. If ever you were the subject of ridicule at an early age, or maybe you still are, this animation, or live performance if you watch the extended anecdote, will empower you to find something greater to strive for, to push away and ignore the hate and harm spouted by those who wished it upon you. Remember, there is always hope, you are not alone, and there are people who understand.

Operating Room of the Future
For those dealing with a serious illness or know someone who is, this provides hope. A new breakthrough in medical technology, not quite yet ready for commercial distribution, but appears to be fairly far along. It promises to revolutionize how we fight cancer, tumors, neurological illnesses, and other maladies. It isn’t perfected yet, but it does provide hope. And hope is a powerful thing.

BBC News Magazine: Tipping Being Banned
This is the article that Tygepc wrote in about. He was kind enough to provide a link and we are now passing it on to you. Read it, do a little research, find out how you feel about it, and let us know!

Music Break: Werqin’ Girl (Professional) – By Shangela

Episode Summary Music: Crash Test Dummy Man: Mega Man 2 – OC Remix

Episode 86 – Jobs! - Greetings and welcome, o listeners of the fuzzy variety… or scaled, or feathered, or what have you! We accept all kinds! Today’s episode is all about jobs, and we had several emails! Some were off topic, but that[...]
Categories: Podcasts