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San Francisco's Pride Weekend Tribute to Furries
Recently joined SecondLife, here's some pics of my adventures the past month! (I'm the red-head tiger)
For all the furs that play Warframe
I have a clan going that is furry friendly if you're interested in joining. Just drop your in game name here or via PM if you prefer.
We're almost done with our energy lab and are ready to get things going. A generally helpful group that is open internationally and intending to stay on the smaller side.
Also, general Warframe discussion thread? Furry Warframe art/ideas? :P
submitted by AtticusVulpes[link] [2 comments]
Pay-what-you-want Fursona Art
My DevArt Like every other starving artist out there, I'm hoping to trade my lame artistic talents for a little mula. However, I really don't know what would be a fair price, or if a price is even necessary. Instead of putting a set amount, I'd rather the customer decide what is fair.
I'm not well known among the furry community despite lurking for around 12 years, but I'm quite familiar with the art style. I'm most comfortable however with beasts/creatures like dragons and wolves. I have plenty of examples so you all know what's up.
Color is NOT easy for me. I'm bad. :c
Ex. 1 A mage.
Ex. 2 A wolf.
Ex. 3 A bunch of sketches.
Ex. 4 A dwagon.
Ex. 5 My old 'fursona'. (this is an old pic)
Ex. 6 A dragon lady.
Ex. 7 A draenei.
Ex. 8 A horse.
Ex. 9 An elf and a dragon.
Ex. 10 A summoner.
Your pic will most likely look like one of these. I think they all look the same, so I don't want anyone to be confused about what they'd be getting. I usually draw on a paint-chat website, so if you want to come watch me draw, whether you've commissioned me or not, just ask and I'll let you know what site and who I am on it. :3
submitted by tongue_kiss[link] [5 comments]
I need some practice with Digital Art. And you all know what that means.
Toss me something to sketch out on SAI! I dug up my old Graphics Tablet, but after years of not using it and just using pencils, I have no idea what I'm doing. I need some practice, bad.
Here's what I'll be doing: I'll be opening up a big, big canvas, then I'll start sketching whatever you folks want me to. I'll put your Reddit username beside whatever you wanted drawn, or if you prefer, your DA/FA Username. I'll then post the results up here via imgur.
Sound good? Here's one I made earlier.
Update 1: Alright, filled my first canvas. Here's Canvas 1! Hopefully everyone's happy with my work so far!
Update 2: And I've finished the second one. Here it is. I'm going to hit the hay now, so I likely wont be doing any more. But still, it was a delight drawing for you all!
submitted by Siegt_Richter[link] [51 comments]
Doing free sketches for practice :D
Im not a great artist but I need some practice drawing. Im doing free drawings of faces in pencil and maybe colour. Reference sheets are appreciated but I'll do a sketch without them. I'll try to get them all done :).
submitted by uzzeee[link] [36 comments]
FurHouse Chat Channel looking for new friends and lovers! (18+ only please)
Hi there :D
We have a small community chatroom used for roleplaying (both sexual and nonsexual) and are looking for new members! Our room can be found here!
We are hoping to find members who want to make friends and have fun without starting drama. Our female population could definitely use a boost, as could our scaley and sergal roster. The fandom being what it is, we have many gamers in our ranks. We also have a few musicians and writers as well as graphic artists.
Our population is, as yet, fairly small. We consist of 25-30 regular visitors however our visiting hours are staggered so that there's generally only a small handful of people online at the same time during "off peak" hours. We have members across the US, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Australia.
Our room is available to all users, although with the content being sexual in nature we request that only users ages 18 and over join up. We have a small team of moderators who enforce our sparing list of rules.
These rules are:
1) Please be respectful of your fellow housemates.
2) Occasionally the moderators will host in-room events. You may not "god mod" these events.
3) If you are being obnoxious, rude, disrepsectful, causing unnecessary drama or anything of this type you might be warned either in public or by PM by a moderator. If your offenses were enough to merit one, a ban will be issued. All kicks/silences/bans are subject to review, of course.
4) You may only have one character in this chat at a time.
As an aside- If you are engaging in yiff that is somewhat offcolor or disruptive to the group as a whole you may be asked to enter a seperate room. As with any sexual setting there are always acts or fetishes that are "looked down" upon but our team of moderators is intent on keeping a fair and level playing ground for all members. Asking you to move to another room is not meant as a sign of disrespect or personal issue, just a measure to keep the room as a fun place for everyone. Likewise, if you are in an argument with someone a moderator may silence both "guilty" parties and request you to join a separate room to hash out the details of your argument alone.
So please stop by and give us a visit sometime! Thanks for reading - Soledad
submitted by _soledad_[link] [5 comments]
Saving up for my fursuit
I have been looking into buying a fursuit for a long time and I was wondering what the average cost was. I'm looking to get a squirrel suit commissioned but I haven't ever really seen one. Any suggestions on fursuit makers?
submitted by TheRedSquirrel[link] [2 comments]
Fuzzy Eat 'N Greet - Saint Louis, Missouri - Friends, Furries, Fursuits, Games, Etc!
Question about furcons and anonymity
I have been toying with the idea of attending Further Confusion next January. However, I would like to attend semi-anonymously for a number of reasons, the main one being that having a reputation as a furry is not a good one to be stuck with. I have a few questions:
Does anyone know of any consequences related to attending a con?
Is it really obvious that you attended a con, like is there a huge list of names that is kept/published somewhere?
At the con, I know people can be touchy with photos, does that mean there are other people thinking like me there?
How are cons if you don't know any furs? Is it easy to meet good people?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by throwawayfurry111[link] [26 comments]
Working on drawing my fursona. It's still a WIP but, I'm hoping for some constructive critisism. I still have to finish the lining, color, shade, and then I'm done (I think). Anyway let me know what you think! :)
Are Artists Beware considered personal attacks? If not then this might save some furs some money and grief.
Art comparison from a month ago and today! Details in comments; commentary and critique very welcome. (Crosspost from r/furryartschool)
After a few years of dipping my toes into the pool, I have finally come out as a furry. I told my sister and brother, who both supported me, and my mother who didn't. Oh well.
Are there any good resources to exploring this lifestyle? I found wikifur but it seems a bit overwhelming.
submitted by gushobbleton[link] [7 comments]
Product quantities for Anthrocon. Can anyone help?
I hope I'm able to get some insight on this in time, as it's getting down to the wire and I have to get my prints sent out tomorrow morning.
I have an artist's table at Anthrocon this weekend, and along with doing on-the-spot commissions, I also wanted to take a small amount of prints, bookmarks and pin-ups to sell. I wasn't expecting to take a lot, as that's not really what the Alley is for. But after talking to a friend, I'm starting to think that my estimates for what I'll need are too low (for example, I was planning to bring maybe 20 of each pin-up, but he's telling me he would recommend something like 100). For the pin-ups, quantities wouldn't be a huge problem, as I'm doing them through self-serve retail printing, so if I run out I can always find a nearby Walmart or something and print out more, even though I'd rather have everything I need already. But the large prints I'm having professionally done and can only get so much in time.
I've never been to AC before (though I know attendance this year is looking around 6,000), so I don't really have any idea of what to expect in terms of sales for prints. I have no clue how many of each I should bring. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing and could offer some help or advice? I'd really appreciate it! =)
[EDIT] To break it down, I have 10 5x7 pin-ups (I know I'll need the most of those because stuff like that tends to sell big), 2 bookmarks, 2 4x4 mini-prints and 2 small posters.
submitted by jackiebird[link] [8 comments]