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A question about RP's

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 23:43

So, first off, I'm not new to the whole RP deal. I simply want to know if it's normal to reject a scene that's in your "Favorites List" because it's too common? I've run into this problem more and more with the furries of F-List.

submitted by Mr_Lego
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Categories: News

Furcast 131 ArfCast

Furry News Network - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 23:38
Author: (..::XANA::.. Creations) We totally didn’t mess up the intro this time. Anyway, this week we discu— HOLY CRAP ANTHROCON IS IN THREE DAYS. Download MP3 (Right-click, Save) News: Thoughts on measuring the “furry economy” by Patch Packrat First look: Furry play ‘Fursona Non Grata’ is the real deal by GreenReaper Duck gets [...] Furcast 131 ArfCast
Categories: News

Using Art as a Wallpaper?

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 22:42

Hello Reddit, I've seen a lot of great art on FA that would make for a great wallpaper! I'd like to set some art an artist did for themself as a wallpaper for my new phone, but I'd feel guilty doing it. I want to be respectful to the artist and their work. Is it wrong to use someone else's artwork as a wallpaper?

submitted by wolfenfluff
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Categories: News

Animal Crossing 3DS codes : Come share!

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 22:19

I realize this maybe should have been posted in r/3DS but I don't know how many of you are over there so I decided... yah anyway. ;) My family 3DS friend code is 1633-5597-7362. Yes, we share a 3DS. Let's be Animal Crossing friends!

submitted by Fauxbidden
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Categories: News

My sona Cal :D

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 22:12
Categories: News

Thank you r/Furry!!!!

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 21:12
Categories: News

All Your Favorite Fables

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 19:53

One of those “not exactly furry, but boy does it have a lotta furries in it” kind of things: Bill Willingham’s award-winning comic book series Fables. Now publisher Vertigo have announced the Fables Encyclopedia: Deluxe Edition, coming in hardcover this October. Here’s their press release: “From Aladdin to Zephyr, The Fables Encyclopedia is a must-have reference guide to the hidden history of every Fables character from Bill Willingham’s multiple award-winning series. Written by noted academic scholar Jess Nevins (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Companion) with artwork by Fables luminaries including cover artists James Jean, Joao Ruas and series regulars Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha, the Fables Encyclopedia provides rich historical information about each character as well as his/her first appearances and respective role within creator/writer Bill Willingham’s imaginative Fables mythos. Willingham and series artist Mark Buckingham provide fun facts and anecdotes along the way. Featuring an exquisite wraparound cover by noted Fairest cover artist Adam Hughes, the Fables Encyclopedia is a deluxe hardcover that’s essential for every Fables reader, old and new.” Vertigo has more are their web site.

image c. 2013 Vertigo

Categories: News

Frustrated Furry Tired of Hearing Family Argue

Ask Papabear - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 19:26
Hello Papa!

I’ve written you before with advice in regards to my mate and I appreciate the advice you gave! (Also me and my mate are doing great!)

The reason why I’m writing is because I’m dealing with some family issues that are going on and its driving me nuts! My mom was adopted and we found her biological family like 17 years ago and we're connecting with them fairly well; the issue that's at hand is that my mom's adopted older sister married my dad's older brother (very confusing I know). I don't want to be racist. My aunt is of partial-native decent but has for years had this heir [sic] about her that she's better than us. She was also adopted and only searched for her biological parents so she could claim Mestis status with the government while my mom was searching to figure out who her family is and why she was given up. 

At first it was easy to ignore because I was too young to know what was going on. but now that I’m older and my mom is telling me and my older bro and sister-in-law everything that my dad and her have to deal with; it's getting frustrating. I know there's a lot of issues that went on during my mom's growing up but why does it have to have an effect on me? It's like I’m being punished just because of who my mom is. 

I want to say something but I can't and I’ve sat by for the past 10 or so years and had to be a door mat and just put up with it. It's to the point I want someone to make a stupid comment at a family gathering just so I can ream out everyone about what's going on to get all the toxic emotions out of me. The thing is I used to feel bad about it but now I want it to happen all the more. No one wants to listen to me about trying to move on and working out the situation. Feels like my choices are either move away from my family or ream them out.

What's a fat Labrador Retriever to do? Am I allowed to blow up at a family gathering to get my feelings out or am I waaay out in left field on this one?

Fat Puppy Owen (sorry about the baseball metaphor)

* * *

Dear Fat Puppy,

Thank you, and glad you and your mate are doing fabulously :-3

You don’t make clear what the family argument is about between your mother and your aunt, but I will guess it has something to do with their thoughts about your aunt being of Mestis heritage but your mother is not? And somehow your aunt thinks she is better than your side of the family because of this, even though her main goal in claiming her heritage was monetary, if I have this right.

This reminds me of a situation between my grandfather (my mom’s dad) and his brother. Though this isn’t an adoption story or a heritage story, it is a sibling rivalry one. There was a bitter rivalry between the two of them. Both were musicians—my grandpa a pianist and my great uncle a violinist—and played for the MGM orchestra during the Depression. My great uncle was the older brother; he was, I will admit, much more handsome, congenial, and, I hear (because I was never able to meet the man due to my grandfather’s jealousy), a lot of fun to be around. But he also had that same air of superiority and always made my grandfather feel like he was the second fiddle, so to speak. It rather left the two sides of the family a bit broken; they would argue about stupidest things like who had the bigger television set. My mother (an only child) got to hear a lot of the crap. Such rivalries can really destroy a family, and because of it my grandfather hardly spoke to his own brother for many years and I never got to know my own great uncle.

You, dear puppy, are involved in the dispute because you are part of the family. No fault of your own, but family members always inherit the family crap, whether or not they wish to. It sounds to me as if you do not wish to take sides and just want to be left out of the entire thing, which is certainly your right, but it shouldn’t have to mean that you have to move away just to avoid the endless invective.

As you state in the form you filled out, you are 23, which is more than old enough to have a right to have a say in the matter. Your opinion should count, most certainly, and you should be able to express it. However, there is no need to “ream them out.” If you shout and scream you are just falling into their little dark hole of nastiness, and you don’t want to do that.

What you do is don’t play by their rules: Should anyone ask your opinion on the matter, you answer them with your true opinion in a firm and clear voice, without the use of qualifiers such as “perhaps,” “maybe,” or even “I believe.” Those all hedge the argument and make you sound weak and uncertain, like a sick lamb waiting for the wolves to pounce. So, just as an example, if your aunt says something like (and, again, I have NO idea what the argument is really about), “I think your mother is part of the European race that destroyed my Mestis ancestors’ lives,” and you feel that is unfair, reply, “My mother had nothing to do with what happened to the native people of this country, and you should judge her on what she has done with her own life. I support you in being proud about your background, but I don’t agree with how you tear other people down just because of their heritage any more than you would want to be torn down for yours.” No ifs, ands, or buts. If family members continue to try and press you, reply, “I have stated my opinion and I have no need to repeat myself, unless you didn’t hear me.”

Don’t go into the whole, “You guys are acting like children!” argument, even if it is true, because you won’t get anywhere with it. All that will happen is that your aunt or your mother or both or other family members will be offended, get defensive, and make your life more miserable.

Friedrich Nietsche said in his Also Sprach Zarathustra, “But like infection is the petty thought: it creeps and hides, and wants to be nowhere—until the whole body is decayed and withered by the petty infection.” Don’t let yourself be caught up in the pettiness of others. You have seen first hand what it does to them. Be your own man.



HTTPS-Everywhere Ruleset for FurAffinity.

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 18:58


This is a ruleset file for the E.F.F. HTTPS-Everywhere browser plugin. If you use F.A., it'll help protect you from eavesdropping and guard your login session cookie (preventing someone from temporarily hijacking your account). More info about HTTPS-Everywhere.


Download the ruleset and save it as FurAffinity.xml:

Place it in your rulesets folder:

In your Firefox profile folder there should be a folder named "HTTPSEverywhereUserRules". Put the FurAffinity.xml ruleset file in there and restart your browser.

Let me know if any improvements could be made to this post or the ruleset file, I will attempt to post updates accordingly. <3

submitted by aetherBunny
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Categories: News

Dust: An Elysian Tail -- Currently on Sale on Steam for $7.49!

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 16:20

Here's the link!

This is a great game from an indie developer; lots of positive feedback, good reviews, and loads of fuzzies with excellent voice actors.

Half off, too! Not too shabby. :)

submitted by ovinmong
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Categories: News

Furries got mentioned in Dilbert

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 15:36
Categories: News

For all the furs that play Warframe

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 12:38

I have a clan going that is furry friendly if you're interested in joining. Just drop your in game name here or via PM if you prefer.

We're almost done with our energy lab and are ready to get things going. A generally helpful group that is open internationally and intending to stay on the smaller side.

Also, general Warframe discussion thread? Furry Warframe art/ideas? :P

submitted by AtticusVulpes
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Categories: News

Pay-what-you-want Fursona Art

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 12:14

My DevArt Like every other starving artist out there, I'm hoping to trade my lame artistic talents for a little mula. However, I really don't know what would be a fair price, or if a price is even necessary. Instead of putting a set amount, I'd rather the customer decide what is fair.

I'm not well known among the furry community despite lurking for around 12 years, but I'm quite familiar with the art style. I'm most comfortable however with beasts/creatures like dragons and wolves. I have plenty of examples so you all know what's up.

Color is NOT easy for me. I'm bad. :c


Ex. 1 A mage.

Ex. 2 A wolf.

Ex. 3 A bunch of sketches.

Ex. 4 A dwagon.

Ex. 5 My old 'fursona'. (this is an old pic)

Ex. 6 A dragon lady.

Ex. 7 A draenei.

Ex. 8 A horse.

Ex. 9 An elf and a dragon.

Ex. 10 A summoner.

Your pic will most likely look like one of these. I think they all look the same, so I don't want anyone to be confused about what they'd be getting. I usually draw on a paint-chat website, so if you want to come watch me draw, whether you've commissioned me or not, just ask and I'll let you know what site and who I am on it. :3

submitted by tongue_kiss
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Categories: News

I need some practice with Digital Art. And you all know what that means.

Furry Reddit - Tue 2 Jul 2013 - 11:44

Toss me something to sketch out on SAI! I dug up my old Graphics Tablet, but after years of not using it and just using pencils, I have no idea what I'm doing. I need some practice, bad.

Here's what I'll be doing: I'll be opening up a big, big canvas, then I'll start sketching whatever you folks want me to. I'll put your Reddit username beside whatever you wanted drawn, or if you prefer, your DA/FA Username. I'll then post the results up here via imgur.

Sound good? Here's one I made earlier.

Update 1: Alright, filled my first canvas. Here's Canvas 1! Hopefully everyone's happy with my work so far!

Update 2: And I've finished the second one. Here it is. I'm going to hit the hay now, so I likely wont be doing any more. But still, it was a delight drawing for you all!

submitted by Siegt_Richter
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Categories: News