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Animal Crossing Style: Gothel

Furry Reddit - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 19:50
Categories: News

My Animals

Furry Reddit - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 19:19
Categories: News

All the Mightiest Pets

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 18:57

After a successful run of the DC Super Pets comic book series, now DC comics bring us the DC Super Pets Character Encyclopedia, coming later this month as a full-color trade paperback.  This is from the pre-order page at Amazon: “Every super hero needs a Super-Pet! This illustrated encyclopedia features in-depth profiles, stats, and history about the DC Super-Pets and their owners. From Superman’s loyal dog, Krypto, to Batman’s heroic hound, Ace the Bat-Dog, this guide to the Worlds Greatest Pets has more than 200 DC characters, including many never-before-seen pets, all illustrated in Art Baltazar’s Eisner Award-winning style! With an introduction by legendary creator Geoff Johns, the DC Super-Pets Character Encyclopedia is sure to please comic book lovers young and old.” Not to forget, the text is written by Steve Korte. Take a closer look at the cover and you get an idea just how many animal characters are included here! [And with that, we'll see you all after San Diego Comic Con!]

image c. 2013 DC Comics

Categories: News

Any scans of old furry zines around?

Furry Reddit - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 18:34

I've wanted to see what furry fandom culture was like in the pre internet days, back before the pornification of the fandom. Are there any scans of these?

I'm sure old school fans will know what I'm talking about - they were called "funny animals" or "anthropomorphics", I think.

submitted by t_j_k
[link] [26 comments]
Categories: News

LondonFurs: The Fursuit of Happiness - TimeOut London Article

Furries In The Media - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 17:41
Published today in TimeOut London is an article on the LondonFurs by the aptly named Alix Fox. Apparently the original article was more balanced in terms of explaining not all furs fursuit but seems the published edit focused on the fursuiting side.

MikePaws scanned an uploaded a copy of the article to read which I've re-uploaded here. And there's some more photos on the TimeOut London website.
Categories: News

Episode 225 - The Runback

Southpaws - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 13:42
This week on Knotcast, Fuzz and Savrin are back in action after an unexpectedly long hiatus. Fuzz having been at Anthrocon and Savrin having been through quite the medical ordeal in the process of having weight loss surgery. Fair warning, we do discuss Savrin’s surgery for a good while, so if medical stuff squicks you might want to scroll ahead some. We also answer emails about long distance relationships, being ‘damaged goods’, and actually get a couple emails about fandom music. This weeks song is “Train Suplex” from the album “Final Fantasy 6: Balance And Ruin” by Danny Baranowsky. Check it out and get a free download at Use our coupon code “knot” at for a great deal! Episode 225 - The Runback
Categories: Podcasts

Kandi's power is lightning

Furry Reddit - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 11:54
Categories: News

The only shampoo a furry needs

Furry Reddit - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 11:51
Categories: News

Yarn tail question.

Furry Reddit - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 06:00

Sorry if this is the wrong place for posting but here in a couple of days i'll be buying yarn for a yarn tail. I just don't know how much yarn i should buy? but i do know the size i want them which is about 2 to 2 & 1/2 feet long.

Thanks in advanced!

submitted by russkiepon3
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 52 – The New 52 - G'day, you lovely listeners! Time to put your headphones up, up and on your face as we take another go at talking about Superheroes. No arguments about who is better this time! It's just us 3 geeks rambling about the heroes and v

Furballd - Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 05:36

SuperheroesG’day, you lovely listeners! Time to put your headphones up, up and on your face as we take another go at talking about Superheroes. No arguments about who is better this time! It’s just us 3 geeks rambling about the heroes and villains we know and love from comics, movies and telly!

In the news this week: A jailed LOL player has finally been released. Don Mattrick moves from Microsoft to being CEO of Zynga. And the Xbox One may be doing a full 360 on its DRM policies.We also mention mention the non-Zynga employee who was “fixing” some customer complaints.

Next episode, the crew will be talking about Nintendo. Not just the games, but also the people, controversies and their approach to gaming.

Want to join in on the conversation? Well just send your e-mails to! We look forward to hearing from you guys!

Bye for now, but not forever!

This week’s song is “Endless Mine Zone” by Tundra Fox.  You can find the song on SoFurry here.


Episode 52 – The New 52 - G'day, you lovely listeners! Time to put your headphones up, up and on your face as we take another go at talking about Superheroes. No arguments about who is better this time! It's just us 3 geeks rambling about the heroes and villains we know and lov...
Categories: Podcasts

FC-132 Radioactive Bodily Fluids

Furry News Network - Tue 16 Jul 2013 - 23:38
Author: (..::XANA::.. Creations) Which bodily fluids is a choice I leave to you! A crazy noisy post-anthrocon episode filled to the brim both in studio guests and in news content. This packed rocky starting but still quite decent episode is a great return back to the studio from the awesome time with all [...] FC-132 Radioactive Bodily Fluids
Categories: News

He's Having a Hard Time Keeping Friends

Ask Papabear - Tue 16 Jul 2013 - 23:31
Dear Papa Bear,

Hello again. So my question this time is how do you make friends and then meaningful, lasting friendships?

I ask because I typically seem incapable of getting close enough to people to go from an acquaintance to a friend and never seem to become close friends with said friends. That covers the meaningful part, as for the lasting part. I rarely have lasting friends because either we drift apart and lose contact or I unintentionally hurt them and wind up being hated by them.

And I know the standard way is to simply talk to people and get to know them, but I'm a terrible conversationalist and any talks seem to be superficial if they don't just die outright. And I understand the concept of practicing to get better, but I've been trying for years to no avail in that regard.


* * *

Hi, again, Thief,

Have you read Dale Carnegie's famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People?


* * *

No I have not, but if I go by the reviews it seems to be less about making friends and more about just getting people to like you to succeed career-wise. I'm more than capable of getting people to like me, at least it's easier in person as opposed to online, but I just can't connect with them to form friendships. Or am I wrong about my assumption of the book?


* * *


Well, the book is mostly about getting along with people, not being nervous meeting them, how to get them to like you and so forth. Most of it is common sense. Papabear used to be very shy, too, and here is what I learned about getting to know people and make friends:

  1. Ask lots of questions of the other person and get to know him or her. Be interested in their life, care about what they say because the things they talk about are very important to them and if they see you feel their lives are important, too, they will quickly come to like you.
  2. Talk less, listen more.
  3. Be a friend, which means helping the other person if they need some help. Being there for them. But be careful: this should work both ways in a true friendship, otherwise it becomes a user/used relationship.

That's pretty much it. If you do those three things, you will make friends.


* * *

This is good, sound advice. Thank you. However, unfortunately that is what I do. But I don't seem to connect enough with others to transition from acquaintance to friend.


* * *

Hi, Thief,

Forgive me if I asked you this already in one of your other letters, but do you suffer from Aspergers or any other social anxiety disorder?


* * * 

Dear Papa Bear,

You have not asked me that. Though, I have never been diagnosed with any social anxiety disorder, Asperger's or Autism, etc. Granted just because I have not been diagnosed with it does not mean I don't have one I suppose.


* * *

Well, it might be worth looking into. It could just be, too, that you are meeting the wrong people in the wrong place. A quality friendship starts with two quality people. Even if you do all the right things, if you're meeting people who aren't good friend material, you're going to strike out.

But one way that two people can become close friends is to go through some kind of trial together in which they have to combine forces to overcome an obstacle. This is rather a cliche, actually, that you often see in hokey movies, but it can be true in real life. Not suggestion you create an artificial crisis and drag someone into it to make them your friend, but that is one way it happens.

Mostly, though, you need to find people with whom you have something (or things) in common. Not just a hobby, but something really important or bonding, like a similar experience in life or a passion for a cause or a skill. 

And that's about all the advice I have on that topic. Being nice to other people has always worked for me.

Good luck!

Rabbit Valley reveals new digital items, Dragon’s Hoard titles

Furry News Network - Tue 16 Jul 2013 - 20:38
Author: mailboxbooks Rabbit Valley Comics has expanded its digital product offering to include short stories by Graveyard Greg, digital versions of 2 The Ranting Gryphon’s stand up comedy videos, as well as audio collections by JackRabbit and 2. Rabbit Valley launched the digital items store this February, with novels by Alflor Aalto and Wolf and a host of [...]
Categories: News