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Artist Wants to Increase Interest in His Work

Ask Papabear - Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 12:12

I’ve been in the fandom for a few years now, and now I seem to be running into a bit of a problem.

I’ve been drawing on and off for a few years, used to get a few comments, but now it has really dropped off to 0 - 2 comments per submission even though I am giving it my all. Even with photos I am posting as well comments have dropped off with well nearly everything I posted or wrote in a journal.

It also seems that way at AC since I do fursuit and not many photos, or anything, I am unsure if people are avoiding me or what. But I guess I need some sort of advice.


* * *

Hi, Hypr,

Well, I looked on your FA page, and it lacks commission information, so adding that could be helpful to you. There are ways, too, to be proactive about getting the interest up on your art. You can:

1) Create Facebook and Twitter pages and post whenever you have a new artwork available.

2) If you do work for sale, occasionally, offer a free furry badge commission to “the first caller,” so to speak. Or run a “sale” on your work.

3) Join artist discussion groups on Facebook or furry sites like SoFurry, Furry4Life, Furtopia, FurAffinity, FurNation, Yiffstar, etc.

4) Finally, remember that the furry artist talent out there is getting better and better every year. The more I watch artists online and find new artists, the more I have been impressed with their skills. You are in a very competitive world now, and you need to practice your art as much as possible, improving every day.

Some people make the mistake that all they have to do is post their art and people will find them and comment. You really need to be more aggressive than that.  Make your name a real presence in the furry fandom by actively discussing your work and the work of others, and you will find people clicking through to your FA page to find out what your work is like.

Hope this helps! Good luck!


It Lives! (tail project update)

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 11:53
Categories: News

Accepting My Fursona

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 11:11

Hello :3 It's my first post here and I've had an interesting experience with discovering my furry and I was curious of any of you have gone through this.

Starting in middle school everyone began comparing me to a rabbit. I rebelled against it and for years tried to fight it. A few years ago I joined the furry community and began testing out fursonas. Cats, wolves, dogs, etc. None of them felt right. I ended up losing interest in my "furryness".

Recently I've begun to embrace it again. Once again, I ignored the comparisons. Then, I began to connect to actual rabbits. It began with rescuing and helping a nest of baby rabbits. My boyfriend and I made sure the rabbits were actually in distress and found that someone (we saw footprints and we are pretty sure that some local kids were doing this) was repeatedly uncovering their nest. Nearly each day we simply put the fur and grass back over the nest. We got to know them, always being careful to have as little interaction with them as possible.

They grew up and we were lucky enough to see them leave the nest. I truly believe it was this experience that made me feel connected to rabbits. For the first time ever, I felt connected to rabbits and began to draw my fursona (I'm still working on it and maybe one day I will feel brave enough to share it.).

This fursona feels right. It's been a strange journey, but I'm happy that I've come to this conclusion.

submitted by tentabuldgetherapist
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Categories: News

Looking for some obscure furry related movies.

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 09:15

What might i not have heard about? Is Wolf Children fan subbed yet? I run a movie night every Monday and would like to show something we haven't already seen a hundred times.

submitted by HappyWulf
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Categories: News

Piggyback by Klippy

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Jul 2013 - 01:33
Categories: News

Needed more anthro seahorses!

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 23:22
Categories: News

S3 Episode 4 – The Unwritten Rules of the Fandom - Roo and Tugs make it back to the studio to record this deluxe length episode where we explore the unwritten rules of the fandom. What are they? Things we all should know but somehow don't. Things like bat

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 22:49
Roo and Tugs make it back to the studio to record this deluxe length episode where we explore the unwritten rules of the fandom. What are they? Things we all should know but somehow don't. Things like bathing often, not taking pictures in the fursuit lounge, wearing matching shoes and socks, grooming in the morning at work,  talking on the phone in the wrong place, and a lot more.  We introduce a new segment - How Google Transcribed It. Before we go, we open the stuffed listener mailbag and answer all your questions. Does the episode still sound boring? Trust us, it definitely isn't.


Special Thanks

Gypsy Jack
Lumio Draco

Music & Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Musical Break: Dex Dubious - Bubbles in the Wine. USA: Vanguard Records, 2004. Used with permission.
Listener mail segment: Eskadet – Back To Kyoto ;  from the album “Solitudes” (Lemongrassmusic, 2010) - - Used under license.
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Next episode: Transformation – sometimes known as shapeshifting or polymorphing. Transformation has long been a part of the furry fandom and society in general. For some it’s a turn-on. For others it’s a fantastic myth. Do you like the idea of the sexy Mystique from X-Men? Do you want it forced on you? How would you feel if you woke up completely as your character? Send us your questions and thoughts about transformation and shapeshifting as we explore this facet of the furry fandom. S3 Episode 4 – The Unwritten Rules of the Fandom - Roo and Tugs make it back to the studio to record this deluxe length episode where we explore the unwritten rules of the fandom. What are they? Things we all should know but somehow don't. Things like bat
Categories: Podcasts

DailyFurBlog closes after two year run

Furry News Network - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 20:38
Author: GreenReaper Editor Syler Husky has closed DailyFurBlog, which he used to highlight furry news and trivia. The site had been hosted on since April 2011, with 218 posts since July 2011. In his concluding post, Sy said he was refocussing on his YouTube channel, Furry VideoShowdown, after DFB failed to gain traction. We covered [...]
Categories: News

Starting My Anthromorph/Human/Mythical Writing Experiement, Looking For Characters

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 19:56

Alright, so long story short: I am doing a writing experiment based on a world I have built over the past 10-12 years. Currently, I am working on the earlier years (The gods creating the world, etc) and having art done for characters that eventually appear.

Well, I need some more ancillary characters for this world, characters that I know exist but haven't figured out what they are, or their names. If you would like to have your Fursona in this experiment, please give me the following information:

Species Name General characteristics, personality, all that fun stuff.

I am making no money on this project, so I cannot offer you money for using it, but if you give me a really, really good character, I can offer you a month of gold for being awesome. Also, if your character becomes central character, a few pieces of art will be done for them, and I will give you a copy of all that art (And include you in credits if you desire).


Okay, someone brought up some valid questions, and said I should include some more information, and as such I will.

Utlimately, my goal is to build a living, breathing world. Not by writing a bunch of 500 page books, but rather by building it almost blog like in a way. There will be larger articles that go into an event, shorter articles on different characters within the world, a bit on their history and their role within the world, and then shorter articles yet as newspapers that will come out once a month, and will get into events in, as of now, 6 plot lines running in tandem. Eventually those shorter articles will become longer and longer thus the sort of living world idea.

This will be run as a website, which will be free to read through. I plan to make no money on this, unless someone really wants to throw a donation or two at me. All the artwork that will be available will be paid for by myself (I have an artist who has done work for Marvel and a number of other comic book companies who will be doing the artwork). All the bandwidth, the hosting, the design, everything will be paid for by me.

Now, as for a bit of backstory: I am going to give you the Reader's Digest version of the beginnings of the world:

Two gods were created with the soul purpose of creating a new world. They were given the ability to visit any world in existence, and continue to have that ability despite being living beings in the world (No sky fairy here, as r/atheism might say). They travelled to hundreds of worlds, some developing, some developed, and found a deep fascination with humans, despite the fact that at the time we were crawling out of caves and just figuring out that if you stick a sharp rock on a stick you could kill something quicker with it. They saw great promise in humans, but they saw a fault: The animals around us had more strength in some ways than humans had. Thus, they combined the two, the abilities of humans with the strength of animals and the first paws walked upon the land.

The gods continued to monitor humans checking on their progress for thousands upon thousands of years. They watched the myths form, they watched the human's gods come and go. One set of myths most intrigued these two gods, and that was those of dragons, gryphons, the great beasts. Now, at this time, there was no way for long distance travel on the Crystal Islands, nor was there a great need for it as at the time the land was small and the residents were not a huge number so as to not over-burden the land. The gods brought dragons into existence, though on a smaller scale then the myths talked about, and with that gave more land to the residents, and the residents began to spread apart.

The gods then, as they began to expand the world, began to look over the Earth's many varied regions, from the deserts, to the great jungles, and began to replicate some of those as they expanded. They avoided the extremes as they did not feel it fair to have their creations end up in the frigid cold of Antarctica, nor the extreme heat of the great deserts. Thus, the population grew, and set up homes in many regions.

The gods also, around this time, decided to give magic to their people. Not what Pagans practice, but magic as it was in the tales. One child was born with innate magical ability, and grew with an innate ability to teach that ability, and thus the first of the two schools was created: The massive magic school which sits upon it's very own island and takes up 30-40 acres of land.

And there I end this tale. I have given enough backstory to explain a bit about the world, yet I leave out the juicy events that occur between these events, and after these events. I have what would be the equivalent of 4 500 page novels worth of stories for this world, and the process of taking them from the notebooks, and bringing them digital is a slow one, slowed down by having to work as well. It is also a great feeling to bring them to a form that can be saved away safely. The process of building the backend to support such an idea is also a slow one, but it too is making process.

TLDR: Read it.

submitted by brianbommarito
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Categories: News

Storms Over Open Fields now available on Kindle.

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 18:28

Like it says, the sequel to Light on Shattered Water is now available in Amazon's Kindle store. For those not familiar with that, it's the story of a human catapulted into a parallel world inhabited by sentient felines and all the goings-on and shenanigans that entails. If that sounds interesting, you might want to take a look. Storms Over Open Fields is the second book in the series, now with new cover and maps - Storms Over Open Fields

The first book is available here, Light on Shattered Water

If you want to try before you buy, the older versions are still floating around on the net. Just let the Googles do their thing.

submitted by SchroedingersBox
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Categories: News

"What's In Front of Me" [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 18:16
Categories: News

Upcoming furry comics for August 2013 (Previews and Marvel Previews)

Furry News Network - Sun 14 Jul 2013 - 14:38
Author: crossaffliction During April, furry comics that took spots in the Previews best-sellers list include: Adventure Time #15 at 97 My Little Pony: Micro-Series #3: Rarity at 91 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #6 at 65 Guardians of the Galaxy #2 at 10 read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food [...]
Categories: News