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First fursona, and my first furry drawing.

Furry Reddit - Wed 31 Jul 2013 - 01:20
Categories: News

KnotCast: Episode 227 – Anonymous AMA

Furry News Network - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 23:37
Author: This week on Knotcast we took anonymous questions off our Tumblr, silliness ensued. Use our coupon code ‘knot’ at for a great deal~ Episode 227 – Anonymous AMA (AAC; 31.7 MB)Episode 227 – Anonymous AMA (MP3; 58 MB) Find the full article here: KnotCast News The contents of this Podcast may [...] KnotCast: Episode 227 – Anonymous AMA
Categories: News

Episode 53 – Nintendo Talk and OH GOD WE’RE ON STAGE THIS WEEKEND - Waaah Hooooo! It'sah new Furballd episode! After a perilous journey sneaking into his art den, the Furballd crew has managed to lead the super awesome Drakon to the studio with the promis

Furballd - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 22:03

Nintendo TrekWaaah Hooooo! It’sah new Furballd episode! After a perilous journey sneaking into his art den, the Furballd crew has managed to lead the super awesome Drakon to the studio with the promise of Connect 4 and Smarties. Their ramble-adventure this week; Nintendo! Not just the games, but how the company has approached the gaming market and how it’s stayed the top dog of gaming innovation.

In the news this week: The new Smash Bros. drops cut-scenes for story mode. Nintendo stocks reach the highest ever in two years. A lousy WiiU Eshop promotion. And a Frankenstein movie that stars various sexy actors.

Remember! August 3rd is our live recording at Rivfur 2013! Come check us out! We’re giving away free stuffs and funny! If you have any e-mails you want to send us, just shoot them along to! We always love hearing from you guys!

Bye for now, but not forever!

This week’s song is “She Has Angry Pixels” by Benjamin Briggs, from the “NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming” album on OCRemix.

We Also Mentioned:

Rivfur 2013

Drakon’s Fur Affinity and Facebook page

Super Princess Peach  - The Vibe Scepter (Skip to 6:30 for hilarity)

“Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America” by Jeff Ryan


Episode 53 – Nintendo Talk and OH GOD WE’RE ON STAGE THIS WEEKEND - Waaah Hooooo! It'sah new Furballd episode! After a perilous journey sneaking into his art den, the Furballd crew has managed to lead the super awesome Drakon to the studio with the promise of Connect 4 and Smarties.
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 227 - Anonymous AMA

Southpaws - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 15:57
This week on Knotcast we took anonymous questions off our Tumblr, silliness ensued. Use our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal~ Episode 227 - Anonymous AMA
Categories: Podcasts

My first fusuit design

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 15:03
Categories: News

A little confused, looking for advice! (possibly NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 14:35

Hello there lovely people!

Using a throwaway... out of shyness, for the moment.

So, I am pretty new to discovering the furry fandom, I've known of its existence, but never really delved into it with any depth until recently. The whole reason I became curious is because of fantasies that I have that miiight be related to furry fandom... so here goes. I find it to be a huge turn on to fantasize about either myself or a partner, usually both, as larger than human (anywhere from 8 feet tall to godzilla sized) beastie/anthro/monster people- always very strong or powerful looking, sometimes with special abilities like electricity or psychic energies, etc. It ranges anywhere from pretty typical, like a werewolf or lion-anthro, to really out there alien looking... which is difficult to describe.

Anyways, to get to the point, I am currently trying to figure out if this is just power fantasy to the extreme or if the non-human aspect is of particular importance, which I have a sneaking suspicion that it is.

So! In an effort to get a better idea of myself/expand my knowledge of the fandom, I am wondering if anyone else has heard of/had similar fantasies and how that may or may not tie into their furry fandom, what it means to you. etc.

submitted by throwawaycause1
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Categories: News

How the hell were "species stereotypes" decided in this fandom, and why the fuck do we need them in the first place?

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 12:13

I'm serious here, not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but really, why do these idiotic "species stereotypes" exist and how did the fandom decide that:

a) All Foxes are sluts

b) Wolves are strong, dominant characters

c) Dragons are special snowflakes and spiritualists

First off, how in the hell does choosing a fox = being a slut? Where did these stereotypes come from, why, how?

I'm legitimatley baffled by this entire concept, how do these things translate. Is it because of all the porn? Is it because of the animals themselves and how they're presented in pop culture, or is it some arbitrary bullshit made up by the fandom?

Hell, i've seen someone claim how he's inclined to believe that all foxes in the fandom are sluts because the sluts he met were foxes. How stupid is this bullshit? Honestly.

Seriously, it's idiotic.

Sorry, i just needed to vent, because this is some seriously stupid shit right here.

submitted by Enleat
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Categories: News

AutoModerator now flairing posts on r/furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 10:41

I've been working on setting up AutoModerator. I've got it flairing posts for fursuiting, art, and videos, and second life content. I'm open to suggestions on what flair you'd like to see and what conditions might trigger it.

I'm also working on some auto responses for common posts such as looking for other furs or "new to furry" or "new to r/furry" to provide FAQ types of info.

If you see anything going haywire with it, let the moderators know. There's a link to message us in the side bar.

submitted by mckatze
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Review: ‘Turbo’ goes nowhere, fast

Furry News Network - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 05:38
Author: crossaffliction Turbo is a movie about a snail who dreams of racing in the Indianapolis 500, and that totally works out for him. Technically, there is not any rule that says a snail cannot race in the Indianapolis 500, just like there are, technically, no rules saying that a dog can’t play basketball, or [...]
Categories: News

Questions for Russian furry fans about anti-gay oppression

Furry News Network - Tue 30 Jul 2013 - 02:39
Author: Patch Packrat Sometimes resented, but real, there is overlap of different groups that some might call a “furry/gay axis”. It brings theories, stereotypes, appreciation and much discussion. Does it happen in Russia too? Do some Russian furry fans wear rainbows as often as some in North America? Do they fear Russia’s anti-gay oppression in [...]
Categories: News

Things I learned from FurAffinity NSFW

Furry Reddit - Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 23:11
Categories: News

New to /r/furry

Furry Reddit - Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 22:52

Hello everyone, I have been into furry stuff for a couple years now, and I have been scared to share it with other people, until I found this subreddit. I am new here and I am still in the process of drawing my fursona, I'm thinking a wolf, but I suck at drawing :(. Anyways, I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.

submitted by Pyrosian
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Categories: News

Hello there! I'm new to the furry world and just wanted to say hi!!

Furry Reddit - Mon 29 Jul 2013 - 22:25

Hello! I came across this subreddit through the random button awhile back. I'm male, since I was a kid, I loved the animals in games like sly cooper. I'm not sure about my fersona yet, I think I have similar characteristics either to a fox or a border collie.I just wanted to say hello.

submitted by Ello2011
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Categories: News